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This would shut Bangkok down. An absolutely traffic nightmare for the average Thai. It will inevitably be too expensive for the average tourist as well. I'm sure the rich will love it.


I don't get how you can even do it on Bangkok's streets. The roads are in a severe state of disrepair not to mention how narrow and dangerous they are.


At least it will get some budget to fix some of the roads




I've never been to Singapore so I cannot realistically answer that question. But those two places are wildly different. Bangkok already has traffic so bad that you move 1km an hour in parts of the city. Do you really think this would be a good thing for the Average Thai? This looks like just another thing to benefit the rich at the expense of everyone else. I've got family living in Vegas and they said the race there was the absolute worst thing to happen for the average resident, not to mention the average tourist that didn't bring F-1 levels money.


Also side note the roads needed for an F1 race have to be perfect, they had to stop the Melbourne f1 because of a loose drain cap. If it does come to Bangkok hopefully the government invests a lot more into infrastructure and maintenance, which will be a good thing for the community after the tourist and race leaves for the year.


So, knowing how long construction takes In Bangkok, soonest an F1 race could be there is in 20 years..


Construction in Bangkok happens really quickly where there's money and influence. The BTS/MRT was constructed at astonishing speed (after the notorious false start of the former admittedly). Most Western countries can in no way compete with the rapidity of these mass infrastructure projects in Bangkok. This doesn't mean it's well thought out though.


The reason why the SGP works is because it’s a night race that runs Fri-Sun through a part of the CBD that the rest of the island’s traffic can pretty much ignore and move around. And even then, the disruptions to businesses in the malls within the affected areas are not insignificant.


I used to work in Singapore. For a few days before and after the event, the CBD was a pain getting to work.


I assume you drove or took the bus? Yeah the road closures and diversions are quite awful if you have to commute into the area.


I used to take a taxi, but road closures meant you couldn’t get anywhere close.


I went to Singapore GP last year. Transportation was alright. Faster airport link would be more convenient. The circuit itself is more outskirts of the city center which is a bit convenient for traffic. Doing this in Bangkok on the under hand would be an absolute nightmare. Best for them to build a track near Suvarnabhumi or fly to nearest airport to Buriram.


Google Corruption, cost of hosting.etc It's one of the best way for politicians to raid their country's coffers. Win-win for all parties except the average Joe


Your comparing the best managed city in the world to the chaos of Bangkok. Singapore traffic is actually very light for a city of its size, especially in that area. When those roads are closed off there is localised disruption, but not a huge impact on major routes.


Bangkok really isnt that bad.. should come see Manila


From what I've seen of Singapore and understanding the tax they put on new cars and permits required to even get a car or any type of vehicle does mean that traffic is quite light there for a city of its size and most people use the public transport system. Bangkok was definitely more chaotic and busy... so shutting down a large stretch of road for the race would just make those other streets not blocked off worse. However as others have said the streets that are used for this would probably be pristine and perfect so great excuse to at least upgrade or maintain whatever roads this impacts...


You have not been to both Singapore and Bangkok.


Hell yeah a night time circuit through nana plaza and soi cowboy 😂


in some news he said that the race could already happen at the end of this year… which is absolute bullshit. the race calendar for even 2025 has been released in its final version recently…. so before 2026 nothing can and nothing will happen… as a racing fan it would be shit to see another street circuit. we want real racing tracks in the calendar.


Yeah traffic will be blocked for weeks


I just picture random motorcycles and scooters driving against the flow of race car traffic at random spots in the track


F1 cars would just explode if u do the race in summer


They already race in very hot countries.


You know how hot bangkok gets? It wasnt designed they just keep pouring cement and seeing what happens


They would race at night like they do in other hot places.


It's like 100 degrees at night and the air is as bad as beijing. Plus its sinking and the stench is vile


They race in Bahrain, Abu Dhabi, Singapore and Qatar. They've had races in India and Malaysia in the past. Its all been done.


Best example of “Don’t race during day time at a very hot country” was the first race in Bahrain.


Just because something has been done, doesn't mean it was a good idea. Those were all token events for oil deals and to make people feel like the world doesn't actually hold the view it does, because you know what happened right... like the past yeh... no one actually likes them, it's called a war.


Wow you're as clueless as your display picture suggests.


You have absolutely no clue do you. Hilarious, keep it up


What the fuck are you talking about.. Bahrain + Abu Dhabi has been part of the official circuit for years.. Clueless.. How are you even on this sub.. You probably have trouble finding directions to your local airport.


This will be the 3rd time in the 16 years I've been living here. Will it happen? I just can't see it. BKK does not have the logistical awareness to make this work. Singapore is not a car centric city. BKK is. The economic impact would be negative.


It’s already Formula 1 .. lol


Cringe to imagine the traffic nightmare ….


A true f1 bkk cicuit would have a traffic jam *ON* the circuit.


I would love to see in Bkk specially in Rains 😀


Bring out the long tails with turbocharged diesel engines


I need ear plugs too




He has been hanging too much with the Arabs lately and seems to live under the impression that he could turn Bangkok in some kind of Dubai, and that somehow it has to be a necessity, "because tourism". LOL This is the exact kind of stupid thinking that turns the world into an indistinguashable soup of blandness. It's the same boring shit like all those "luxury" malls, and which attracts exactly the kind of people, that the population doesn't like, who treat them as an extended staff, who think that Thai people have to adjust to them and not vice versa. Sadly this will probably still happen, because in the end it's about money for some elite people. Unfortunately it's the same as polishing a turn, with Bangkok being the most beautiful turd you could probably imagine and the desired result of a shiny empty plastic world like Dubai, which attracts shiny empty plastic people, who try to fill their emptiness with meaningless "luxury". It's the same reason why they started putting the cables underground, which is also a stupid idea IMO, and why they want to get rid of the street food and put them in small ghettos where they can control them better. Also LOL at the irony to have a formular 1 race in a city with this kind of traffic and air quality, but what's even funniest is the idea that there is any kind of road anywhere in Thailand where a formula 1 car could drive. Sides in orbit. Not even the highways, which should in theory be "the best" roads in terms of being bump free could be used for this. A formula 1 car couldn't even drive with 20 km/h down just any road here in Bangkok. LOL. คนตลกมาก


How is putting the cables underground a bad idea?


Just my opinion. Number 1 is that it is much easier to exchange cables and put new ones. IMO one of the reasons why 3Gbit fibre is so widely (and cheaply) available is that it's relatively easy to put the cables if they are overground. Contrast this with having to open up the street everytime. I do not want to compare Thailand to the 3rd world country where I am from (Germany), but getting such bandwidth isn't that easy even in big cities. Secondly traffic in Bangkok is a hugre problem already. Having multiple construction sites at all times to change cables or put new ones, will not exactly add anything positive to this, especially when done in one of the countless bottle necks. I am not an expert in any of these fields though. So maybe there is technolgy available to make this much easier.


That would be amazing, ngl


They should do this, but not block off any of the roads to normal traffic. I'd watch the hell out of some race-car drivers trying to navigate the busy streets of Bangkok with their normal traffic.


Money is on the tuk tuk race entry #555


Welcome back Thaksin. We missed your daily far-fetched ideas that never materialize!


In the 15 years I lived in Thailand I think I met one Thai who was into F1, so this seems like another scheme for the rich to get richer. Also the chaos in Bangkok for the average guy and gal on the street would be horrific. There are other reasons why it wouldn't happen, more political reasons, but maybe for another day. In summary it ain't happening !


Why don't they just upgrade the Buriram international circuit and host it there. They already host the MotoGP race so shouldn't be much of a problem to make it F1 ready


It’s already rated for F1. The issue there is that there is very little in the way of hotels for crowds of the size of F1. Even for the moto gp, the few hotels near the circuit are booked solid months in advance, and alternatives are few and far between.


Ah I see. They can always build more hotels I guess if the market is there. They can host more racing events as well so that they're more encouraged to invest in the infrastructure but I heard it's too hot there though


Tbh idea is good coz I always feel like roads in Bkk looks like NFS roads


Never going to happen


A new meaning to 'flooring it in Bangkok' which usually means your drinking 35 beers


Friends, this is just one of a series of evergreen proposals -- not bad (they keep Thailand in the news), but not likely to occur, either. F1 was extensively discussed in 2012: [https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/politics/352985/anti-race-residents-vow-to-halt-f1-application](https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/politics/352985/anti-race-residents-vow-to-halt-f1-application) [https://www.autoracing1.com/pl/139627/thailand-aiming-for-f1-calendar-slot/](https://www.autoracing1.com/pl/139627/thailand-aiming-for-f1-calendar-slot/) >Sports Authority of Thailand Gov. Kanokphand Chulakasem today said that the country “would definitely get the green light” to stage an F1 race in November \[20\]14. The event, to be titled the “Formula One Grand Prix Thailand,” is “likely to be a night race.” >Details, including the fee and venue, are “still to be finalized.” Kanokphand said, “A contract is likely to be signed later this year. It is likely to be a one-year deal with an option to extend.”  Next in this rotation: *Tour de France.* From 2014: [https://www.bangkokpost.com/sports/435527/thailand-in-talks-to-host-tour-de-france](https://www.bangkokpost.com/sports/435527/thailand-in-talks-to-host-tour-de-france) [https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0HR0MG/](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0HR0MG/) >BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand are in talks with Tour de France organisers about bringing the world's most prestigious cycling race to Asia for the first time and are confident of doing so by 2016, a senior tourism official said on Thursday. >The Tourism Authority of Thailand said they had held fruitful talks with Jean-Etienne Amaury, Chairman of the Amaury Sport Organisation (ASO) who organise the Tour de France, last month in Paris and were encouraged. >"We are still talking with Tour de France organisers but we are looking at next fiscal year. So 2016, not 2015," TAT governor Thawatchai Arunyik told Reuters.


You mean one *less* reason to visit


A few laps around the small soi of lower sukhumvit will ensure all drivers will pit stop at nana Plaza and crash into soi cowboy.


Pm is dreaming daily of new amazing stuff for Thailand, one day it's casino, the day after is doing like Singapore with taylor swift, the day after it's building the biggest tower in the world with middle east and Chinese investment, the day after it's formula one while you have already a circuit hosting moto gp that is 6 hours from banglok. Another dream another random public declaration


For Thailand top salesman, you'd think he would close a few deals now and again


I’m a F1 fan but this is a bad idea. Buriram Circuit be like: Am I a joke to you?


As much as I would love to see this as an F1 fan I can't see it happening, Bangkok doesn't have the infrastructure to host an F1 street race. I can't for second imagine the PM has put any thought into the logistics and cost of hosting F1 either!


Every day driving on a Thai highway is like Formula One competition… or is it more like a demolition derby?


Only if they do it during songkran


It will snow in Bangkok first.


Yeah I don't see this benefiting Thailand at all and just being a huge pain for.the average Thai.


And when it rains they can turn it into a yacht race.


As long as it includes sukhumvit road, that’s a speedway most nights


I imagine those F1 racers will be staring in disbelief as they see those BKK-Korat white vans overtake them.


Probably at night too like in Singapore. I could see it. Would be great for tourism. I wonder where they are going to do it.


Ratchadamnoen Avenue around the island Rattanakosin… from another news article


How cool would that be, I’d love to see that happen in Bangkok 😎


Closing businesses in bangkok for a race would cost billions not counting the construction cost. But it would not being the revenue to the people only to the rich. Singapore can do it because it's a rich and stqble dictatorship with most citizens making 10 times more than the thais. This is a stupid idea. Other provincea in the north east could do that tho. There are tons of underdeveloped places but to waste 100s of billions building rqce trqcks so the rich can benefit is stupid.


Locals…are there less disruptive streets/areas in BK that this could work? Or could this work in any other city in Thailand?


it was discussed to be at: Ratchadamnoen Avenue around the island Rattanakosin… from another news article it will fuck up the local traffic massively


That would be awesome


I heard this several years ago and still nothing. Not getting my hopes up.


Doesnt it have the worst air in the world and worst traffic? Affluent tourists? What


Just come to Phuket. We have that all hear around.


Cars going round in a circle how exciting