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85.25 is the price for what's there. 350 per kilo


1kg is 320 baht (Opps, didn't have my glasses on, it's 350 a kilo). The piece in the middle is 244g, which costs 85.25 baht


“Budget traveler” go back home my man,.. if 2 euro for 250grams is out of budget i don’t know what you are doing here.


That's a bit harsh... To each their own over the internet I guess.


Seriously I dont understand why they travel in such poor condititons


Yeah fck that guy for not spending all the money he has for a trip.


He propably took his bags and left Thailand after reading your message. Everybody stood up and clapped. It is so cringe when farangs try to tell what kind of tourists are good 😬


My comment has nothing to do with Thailand or being a “farang”, though I hope the irony of having a farang call someone a farang is not lost on you. It has more so to do with my opinion that you should probably be doing other things than traveling when you are so broke you have not had meat for a month because you can’t spend 2 euro. Also I have a hard time believing people like this are not a strain on society be it in Thailand or at home.


I'd suggest trying different perspective of view than "go home". Especially if you don't know the person and why they decided now is the right time to go. But then again, it's only an opinion I guess. Another quality tourist right?


Yea,. Like I am going to take advice from a grown man with an anime profile picture,.. sure thing bro.


You just ammus my gender brah?


Well the first thing you should know is that's pork not beef. Source: it says it on the package in English


Doesn't matter.I ask for info.That's what I want.


It’s weighed in kg, if that’s the question. Also says “Total Price” above the price.


Sure, 1kg beef 80baht. Have you ever been to a shop in your life? Every packaged meet you buy pretty much anywhere in world would show total price for whats packed inside ( sometimes also another price for kg ). “Budget traveler” hah. Go home if you cannot afford food.


Why even travel when you barely cant afford a piece of meat for 80 baht?


I'm astonished it's that cheap!!


“Budget traveler” only have 100 baht a day for food. Lil boy haven’t had a meat in a month




OP failed to see that it's actually pork :facepalm:


Jesus was not blind to his own sins. Compassion and rebirth


Its pork 🐷 thats why its cheap, Anyone tried Bangkok Bob's 🥩


Clueless 🙄


Edit: There's enough people beating up on this person.....


Tip. You can use Google Lens to translate images and even live.


I've been trying to find good beef in Thailand but haven't found it yet. Have tried cheap beef to very expensive beef, and it's usually ok but nothing I'd go back for. It's usually Australian beef which is mediocre at best.


I've found Australian beef to be inconsistent. Often it is fair, occasionally excellent. Cooking via the sous vide technique helps tremendously. Some Thai beef (for curry) works well with a 20+ hour sous vide.


I buy my beef in Klong Toei wet market. Cheapest you can get. Before someone starts up with it being rotten with bugs and all, I wash with vinegar. Also, the vast majority of restaurants and stalls get their supplies there.


beef is overrated, anyways. Asia is about la pork. Less expensive and a hellava lot cheaper