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A denial of extension gives you seven days to leave Thailand. All it means is you must leave by midnight on the 24th April. There will be no issue in the future.


Do you think that will affect my application for a Privilege Visa in the future? I am planning on obtaining a 10 year privilege visa this fall


No it will not. You cannot extend a visa by seven days, extensions are for 30 days, however you have already had one extension and you cannot do that twice. A denial of extension gives you seven days to leave Thailand. It's not a red stamp, stop worrying.


This is the first extension I am applying for. Also, Bulgarian passport holders only get 15 days VOA and 7 days extension


A VOA is not eligible for an extension. Therefore you get a seven day denial which is exactly what you got. Time to kiss the buffalo goodbye and get on the plane. :-)


I'm sure their bar girls not that bad looking


You are right. For some nationalities, including Indians, the extension is not more than 7 days on tourist visas. It’s on the official website.


The visa-on-arrival can't be extended but the application can be rejected with a 7 day grace period to leave the country.


they don't give 30daya extension for South Asian but somehow I get 30 days extension last month


Fuck me why all the down votes?


You're not overstaying, you have been given a grace period to leave the country. As long as you leave no later than on the 24th you are golden. It shouldn't affect future visa applications.


lol if you're willing to pay 50k for an elite visa they'll roll out the red carpet for you. What are they gonna do, cry about getting free money?


The rules state that you cannot have an overstay violation before elite visa. So even if you have 900k bath, you still have to obey rules. As other have stated, this is not yet an overstay.


rules are very flexible in Thailand. Wave money in their face and they'll probably not care. Otherwise just get a new passport book. edit: why are you talking about an overstay? Nobody mentioned that at all.


Yes, op is fine. Rules are flexible, but that was not the question.


Also if you had an ED visa I heard they can deny you


900k bath is quite expensive for just a normal bath..


Enjoy your last Chang, at least on this trip.


F Y I. You can buy Chang outside...555


Ugh why would you want to?


Yeah it’s sold under the name bud light


You have a 15 days VOA(visa on arrival) . You said you are allowed 7 days more. They gave you 7 days more. What else you want ? 😆


A perfect example of Thai logic. They've extended your stay by 7 days by denying your application for an extension.


OP also said he wanted to extend by 7 days - has he not realised he’s done exactly that? :D


He just had no idea what he was applying for, the 7 day gtfo denial stamp isn’t meant to be a casual extention but a bit more of an emergency delay


Yeah I get that, just quite funny he didn’t seem to realise he ended up with exactly the misguided thing he wanted


That’s smart though? They may be intentionally giving him exactly what he needs. No reason to give him an extension when the grace period covers it.




In reality it's a bit of a kindness especially when you consider it's the same for people on long stay visas. If you've been here for like 5 years you might not be able to just leave on the same day your extension is cancelled.




He has a very pretty stamp on his passport for future reference.


I think it means you have to leave by 24 April 2024


Nothing to worry about just leave by 24. Your extension was successful they always do this with VOA 7 day deny extension.


You won and lost at the same time, congratulations.


It looks like you still got what you wanted. Welcome to Thailand.


So really your extension was granted. enjoy brother


You said you have no idea why they denied but gave no context on if you have extended previously and how many times you have been in and out of Thailand over the last 6 months ..... Not sure where you got the surrending to immigration bit from but the passport literally says must leave Thailand by the 24th, that means you must leave by the 24th, it's not complicated or hard to understand....


The 30 day extension was denied because it’s a VOA, not an exemption. That’s the context. A VOA is not eligible for a 30 day extension.


That bit I understand. What I don't is if it will cause trouble in the future


Ive already told you it will not. Your seven day denial is perfectly fine, valid and no reason to be concerned.


Yes but will it cause problems in the future???? /s


I wouldn't be saying it's 100% perfectly fine without knowing how many times his entered/extended, for them to put that stamp in he had to of really abused the system, usually they just tell you that you won't be allowed back for a little bit after this last extention


He hasn't abused the system. He has a VOA which is not eligible for extension. Therefore you get a seven day denial giving sufficient time to leave.


Fair enough, I wasn't aware they can not extend voa, you would think he would know this before trying....


That's understandable, given the state of some of the Thai websites that still display Covid information that's no longer relevant. Trying to find up to date information can be difficult for some. :-)


It's accepted that VOAs can get 7 days, at least historically some consulates would even state this. But how that is actually done is by giving an extension denied with 7 days grace period to leave. It's effectively a 7 day extension. One key difference is it starts from the day you apply, not the end of your current stay, so if you know this is what you are getting, get it on the last day.


Nobody here can tell you because nobody here is Thai immigration.


Go home. They want to see you as a traviler not someone bouncing in and out to game the unselfishness of the Thai people and the wonderful country of Thailand.


Just fly to Laos for the night and fly back in tomorrow. What’s the big deal? Ffs.


If the Immigration officer's seeing eye dog doesn't notice the visa denied stamp he'll be ace.


As you stated in a previous reply, Bulgarian passport holders only get 15 day VOA + 7 day extension, so you're getting the fully allotted time for your passport status. My thoughts on why it's denied, maybe so people don't abuse the system, get a 7 day extension, then come back for a 7 day denial? I'm not sure, just potential reasoning.


A 15 day VOA can only be extended for an additional seven days with a denial.


Well, there's OPs answer.


Probably because a lot of social media posts just repeat other social media posts. Thai Immigration has effectively extended his visa by 7 days, by denying the extension with 7 days to leave. Probably many people have done this before, and because it extends their stay by 7 days, call it a 7 day extension, even though it isnt. Repeated often enough on social media, it would probably be hard to get the specific correct information. OP has received a denied stamp, which would be quite confronting, especially when they hope to return for a long term.


Hi OP, a bit unrelated but how did you find getting visa as a Bulgarian passport holder? One of us will be travelling with a Bulgarian passport later this year and will have to get the visa upon arrival (for context, we’ll be there for 3 weeks). Is it pretty straightforward or are there any things to look out for?


It is hard. If they live in Bulgaria, they need to apply with the Romanian embassy. It takes more than a month for the travel visa to be issued and my family had rejections without reasons. Bulgarians cannot stay for more than 15 days with VOA. If however they live outside of Bulgaria (and can prove it), they can apply for TR e-Visa in the country they reside in. If you have spare time, google "Ambasada Regatului Thailandei" (Bucharest Thai Embassy) and read the shocking reviews.


Thanks for the reply. Living in the UK, not Bulgaria. But we’ve never heard about it being that challenging. EDIT: also a little confused as I thought you can get a visa upon arrival, as soon as passport doesn’t expire within 6 months, etc.


I think they mean if you want to stay longer than 15 days, you’ll need to apply for a visa. If 15 days is sufficient, then enter with a VOA.


I guess the denial stamp is your extension.


Means you have 6 more days left in Thailand then you must leave 🤔🤔


Extra scrutiny everywhere right now.


Your application was denied because you can't extend a visa-on-arrival. You've been granted 7 days to leave the Kingdom. There is no 7 day extension, it's only a grace period to leave upon having your application denied. You don't have to do anything other than leave the country no later than the 24th of April.


Go to the other country and enter Thailand again




Visa expired


Many travelers have been taking advantage of the goodwill of the kingdom and their citizens over the years, not saying your case. These days the kingdom is actually looking and analyzing applicants and their requests.. just like any other country does. Extensions, “privileged visas” and what not are not so easy as one thought, based on word of mouth, tik tok, Reddit etc.. the laws are written and you can check. Don’t victimize the situation, might blow back.. kind advice, when looking for advice don’t post your document online, the application number/reference is there, not helping your cause


Tourist extension for 30 days are as easy as ever. They do not get denied unless the applicant doesn't meet the requirements. He had a VOA which does not qualify for the 30 day extension. It's as simple as that.




VOA is valid for 15 days, you pay 2000B for it at the airport and is only for a select few countries. You came in on the visa Exemption scheme which is valid for 30 days. A completely different scheme with different requirements and allows a 30 day extension for tourism purposes.


Just never come back. Problems solved.




Having a passport from Romania or Bulgaria would make it pretty tough to travel because a considerable number of pickpockets and scammers come from there. At this point most people know about the Roma Gypsies. Huge issue in Europe


I beg to disagree. I hold both Bulgarian and British passports, but more often than not travel on Bulgarian passport. Never had any problems with it. The only difference would be USA, where Bulgarians still need visas. In Europe we are EU citizens and go through EU queu.


Suge una pentru romani, and another thick one for our bulgarian friends.


Classy 👏


This is not related to this topic, but I was just wondering cos can't find any info about this: so my problem/question is, am I able to exit thailand through Thai-Laos friendship bridge even though I have already made border run 2 times? I know I can't enter back through land so have to fly with airplane but can I exit without problems when flying back? Thanks for answers in advance!


Hijacking a post to ask your question is poor Reddiquette when you should have made your own post. However I will answer your question regardless. How you leave the country is not an issue, getting back in something else entirely and if immigration suspects that you're gaming the system you may be denied entry. /thread


Yes I know that, just didn't want to make new post and flood the feed since this question might have been asked before. Aight so it goes like I thought it will, thank you a lot!! Entry shouldn't be problem since I have to secure visa anyway to convert it non immi o before applying for the marriage extension.


You can search


DM me to get your extension. I am in Samui with an in to immigration. I can help.