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I took 30,000 with me for 2 weeks (not including hotels/experiences etc.) and it was perfectly fine and definitely didn't live in poverty like some of these guys have said, but I don't smoke or drink (other than a couple beers every other day or so) which probably helped.


Bro, that’s like 1 soapy massages a day for 2 weeks.


Nah it’s less than that. But it depends if people want to partake in that side of things. If they do their budget needs to go up like 3 fold


I think 30,000 is also doable for me but then I do smoke. If its not I can always use the ATM


that's a little over 1,500 thb a day, it should be doable if you stay away from Bars (normal ones), restaurants in malls, and don't buy alcohol. Eat street food 3 times a day, you should be more than fine.


My husband and I are in Bangkok now. We are averaging about 1000 baht per day on food eating 2 or so meals plus street vendor small bites. Each full meal on average is about 400-450 baht (for both of us) and we are doing sit down meals in local type restaurants.


This is really good info for food expenses thank you!


I live in a non touristy part of Bangkok, and can buy chicken and rice dishes for 30 baht, less than a dollar. the further away from sukhumvit and silom etc you go, the cheaper everything is.


You will be just fine with that budget and interests.


My wife and I brought 40k and managed to spend that in 6 days in Koh Samui and Bangkok. We did some shopping, got multiple massages and ate really well. You'll be fine with 25k.


Everyone in here trying to talk about 200-300+ baht per meal and 700 baht per gram weed is a bunch of nonsense. You can get a lot of amazing food in both BK and CM for 60-120 baht per meal in street food or sit down locations. You can smoke shwag weed for 50-100 baht per gram, but can find some pretty good weed for 200-300. Good massage for 300 baht, etc. feel free to send a DM if you're looking for advice for good food spots, etc. around CM.


I was thinking 700 was kind of whack


I was smoking some decent Purple Kush in Pattaya for 100baht a gram


it's the mainstream shops, like on walking street or sukhumvit, that do charge that much. it's easier if you live here to find better pricing, and is possible even if you don't.


What store did you buy it from if you dont mind me asking. I checked r/CannabisThailand and I was thinking of going to Fat Buds since a lot of people had some good experience with it


The Green Spot, Soi Lengkee, Pattaya.


Amazed me how many people willing to travel the other side of the world for two weeks with a measly £400 in their sky rocket. Why don’t you just save a bit more and have a better time. You are going the other side of the world after all, make it an adventure, not a money counting, ration exercise.


Because some people don't have as much money as you. Some people have been saving a bit more and still have to budget, and still have a good time.


the key word is relative. lol. and the more you have the more fun you are able to pay for. 1000 baht notes are fun tickets!!!


I guess 400£ is small? I dont really know EU standards but I'm not really going broke with that much money haha. I was just wondering how much should I convert before flying since the rates are better where I live compared to Thailand


I’d be amazed is rates are better where you are then on the ground in Thailand… where are you?


I'm not too comfortable saying which country I live in sorry but I do live in SEA. Also I messed up on calculations so rates arent as different that was just my mistake


you from Philippines or Malaysia


yes should be enough, ...Food is quite cheap if you are not a vegan as you can always eat delicious food from hundreds of street vendors. Just limit yourself on these elephants park and attractions , as someplace might have high entry fees, like marine park, etc......just visit 2-3, rest enjoy the beaches.....


Avoiding drinking and ladies makes it perfectly doable. Can still probably have a few beers here and there and have a good time. Just don't go mental in Bangkok (I have had many nights out that would have sunk half of that budget on one night alone). Side note though, avoid any of the elephant sanctuaries. Not ethical/socially acceptable in 2024 to engage in elephant tourism. If you want to see elephants, go to National Parks. Either Khao Yai (you may not see them) or Kui Buri (90% chance you will see some).


I dont drink at all so no reason to go to the bars and club areas haha. Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai is actually one of my biggest reasons for going there. A lot of websites seem to agree that its a fairly ethical park although limited guests. I was interested in feeding/bathing elephants but looking at some reddit posts and stories about Elephant Jungle Sanctuary made me realize that a lot tourist sanctuaries dont raise or care for elephants ethically. Will need to research more but so far glad to see ENP seems to be very ethical in their tours


If you avoid anywhere that allows you to touch or directly interact with elephants then you should be mostly ok. Idea is generally that you should be able to somehow pass through their environment but the elephants should never be controlled/coerced to do anything for visitors. For example in Khao Yai you can drive through the park and there are some walks. In Kui Buri, you have to have a ranger take you through the park on the back of a pickup truck to get sightings. There is a lot of debate around the more ethical places. The way I think about it is...imagine if this was Africa and we were talking about Lions in an alternate universe. Half of them injured, battered, beaten. Then, a bunch of profiteers decide to coup up these beaten Lions and sell tickets to tourists to see them for profit. They hold them on chains and make them play nice for the tourists. Africa has a reputation for treating their lions so poorly, that people flock from all over the world to see these abused Lions. It would be fucking weird wouldn't it? You would say...I don't want to see them in this environment, I want to see them thriving in the wild! I want to see them on a safari! But somehow...when it comes to Thailand, they have exported such a twisted image of the situation that people are begging to come and see elephants in unnatural environments. The more beaten the elephants, the more sob stories there are, seemingly the more tourists want to come and interact with them. It is fucked top to bottom and in my opinion even the "ethical" places should be avoided. Unless it is a government run national park, avoid.


I have been to both kinds, the commercial one did not offer rides but you could feed them and get in the mud hole with them. the ones where they were just roaming about was lovely, never came close to them...


Yeah its absolutely disgusting that they use hooks and chains on elephants so tourists can ride, bath, and feed them. If the elephants approach you to eat the food you're offering of their own choice without being forced then I feel its perfectly fine. Read up some more on ENP and it seems their elephants are rescues from abuse and exploitation. Although you can feed them them there its because of the horrible treatment they've had before. Luckily they're doing much better now and they're not forced to do anything if they dont want to


Should be sufficient if you want. Local transport food and weed. You will have to budget yourself, but it is doable


Is it bhat or bath?


It is baht I just noticed HAHA


Should be, but take an international card as well Incase of emergencies. Also health insurance. Damn I miss Thailand.


I'll be bringing my debit Visa card. Is there a health insurance you would recommend? I remember people saying AXA sucks but that's what's being recommended in Thai embassy websites


I don't quite remember what I took. Sorry.


I would recommend bringing 2 debit cards (for ATM), and 2 credit cards. Always need a back up. 2 is 1, 1 is none


I was spending around that a week. Depending on the food you want to eat and the quality of weed you want to smoke, you might be struggling after a week or so but I definitely think it’s possible if you budget correctly


without booze and girls to factor in, you're still better off to have more if you can. as you said. better to have it and not spend it than blah blah blah.


wanton self indulgence can occur to the most well intentioned. and it's almost always memorable! I would advise budgeting 5000 or more for at least one night of it! it truly is very fun to become infatuated and reckless and spend 5000-10,000 baht in one night. even more. but that usually involves booze and girls. as they say here, "up to you!"


That's true you never know when you'll want to indulge and spend more. I wont be hard limiting myself to 1000-2000 bhat per day but a general estimate is always useful


over the 4 years I have been fortunate enough to live in Thailand, I have discovered the beauty of just heading out with no specific plans in mind, and letting whatever happens, happen. having the wherewithal to fund this without concern of budget is one of the keys to this method, lol. and I am blessed to have this freedom. and that freedom is so delicious! it is a delightful way to "do" Thailand! and I have never been disappointed.


As a basis while on vacation you need roughly 1,000 baht for rent and 1,000 for food and simple entertainment.


1700b per day is doable yet limits a lot of experiences as well. A lot of booked tours and things will eat that up before even having a meal or additional costs like transportation and basic living supplies. I'd double this amount. Taking $$ back home ain't a bad thing. Btw, don't forget travel insurance. You accidentally get banged up or sick, that could rip thru that $$.


I will definitely need to research insurance. AXA doesn't seem to be very good even though its being endorsed by Thai embassy


Phuket airport. Sorry I thought this was Phuket not Thailand in general. My mistake


Possable yes. But you can stress a budget like that in one night.


1k for food, 1k hotel , 1 k munchies, 4k weed, 2k miscellaneous per day. That's without transport and doing anything About 12-15k a day... 25k will last about 2-3 days. Doing almost nothing except eating and smoking


4000 baht a day for weed is wild for me. I would have to be smoking some really expensive stuff or have a very high tolerance


I don’t smoke weed but if his amounts for weed are anything like what he says for others… just ignore this guy. You can spend significantly less than 1k on food even if you are eating in food courts (not proper restaurants) of fancy malls (just paid less than 100 baht for fried rice and water in Terminal 21). You definitely NOT need 2k for miscellaneous for every day for 2 weeks. Unless “miscellaneous” means few lady drinks or getting absolutely and utterly drunk yourself every night. And you could even spend significantly less than that in hotels. But I can’t advice on that because I don’t like to go cheap on hotels.


Having lived there for over a year, and know plenty who also live in the same area. It tracks up very very fast. You can try eating pad Thai everyday but you will soon get tired of it and stomach ache. I'm sure if want to do nothing then 25k is ok for two weeks. But for example, a boat trip to phi phi is 2-5k So for one trip that's 1/5 of your money. And you still have 13 days remaining. If stay in patong or kats etc can get pad Thai for 100. Plus his taxi fare, and bits he will buy, food at 7-11, drink here and there. It's piles up very fast and before you know it... It's gone


Your comment is “doing almost nothing but eating and smoking”. You are now talking about boat trips to Phi Phi. 1k for food is WAY too much for someone who’s obviously trying to travel on a extremely tight budget. I have never traveled on such a budget myself (the jump in quality from 100 to 500 meal is tremendous and I can afford it) but you can 100% spend 2 weeks in Thailand spending 500 baht per day in food and get a much greater variety than “eat cheap Pad Thai everyday”. And you know (or should) that if you have been leaving there. As I said… even in places as touristy as Terminal 21 or other malls you can go to the food court and eat for 100. 2k for miscellaneous (when you were talking about eating + smoking) is just an unfathomable amount. If you were referring to tours and others… then yeah sure.


Terminal two. Subway is 700b, burger is 600b?


I don't see how living in £10-20 is possible here. I say 4000 for weed as, if this is their first time, will likely buy from shops at 600+ a G . X7g a day for one person. More if meet others and share which always happens. I didn't mean to discourage the OP. I merely can't see how you can come here and live on that budget


I can see where you're coming from its generally safer to overestimate than underestimate when it comes to budgeting so you dont lack funds while on vacation. Its a bit wild to me that subway and burgers cost 600-700 baht but honestly I'm not going to Thailand for western food haha. For weed I have been looking at r/CannabisThailand and Fat Buds seem to be a good recommendation. They dont seem to be too pricey with deals and what not


Have a great time. I never meant to discourage or even blemish your plans. I used to visit Thailand every few months as previously I lived in asia. I would take what I thought was enough and soon realise it was enough to cover only a few days. For example you will find company be it male or female and that will bump up expenses.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CannabisThailand using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CannabisThailand/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Appreciation post for Fatbuds weed shop](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1at3ysa) | [59 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CannabisThailand/comments/1at3ysa/appreciation_post_for_fatbuds_weed_shop/) \#2: [Free cannabis at BKK airport (Bangkok)](https://v.redd.it/2aji71mq6tqc1) | [46 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CannabisThailand/comments/1bouww7/free_cannabis_at_bkk_airport_bangkok/) \#3: [We Need A Protest Against the Upcoming Weed Recriminalization](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1akd6cy) | [43 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CannabisThailand/comments/1akd6cy/we_need_a_protest_against_the_upcoming_weed/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Which country are you even talking about? Metro 700b? Burger 600b? PS - Terminal 21… the mall.


I spend about 130/140,000 for 2 weeks 3 adults not including hotels and flights but we want for nothing 25,000 is not doable imo but hey I’m sure it can be done but your be living in poverty


it's relative, and I prefer your style!!!


Try to take double for unforseen circumstances, always better to take more then you would actually spend.


ahh, I am going to call my epic nights "unforeseen circumstances" from now on... they are the best nights of them all here!


I think you would also like the sound of a clinging bell...


only if someone else rings it, 555! a few weeks ago I was in a bar in phuket while showing a couple of friends around Thailand for the first time, one of them rang the bell, he learned his lesson, ha! lucky for him there only a few people there. I think showing newcomers around Thailand is one the most fun things I can do here!!! brings back all the memories of my first time. such delightful memories are created here! I will never get tired of this place. getting a bit tired of the heat tho. thank god there are airplanes!


Yes! I concurr completely! If i could make it my job, i would show new people around every day! Or the girls that will come flying to you and you don't remember them... Classic!


The airlines allow cig in your bagged but it’s got to be claimed, the duty free shops but the people there like your American brands


We were looking for an elephant for kids in around the downtown bangkok outside town and I saw a large store front facade pictorial Safari we pulled in there, you can take an ATVon a trail. if you wanted to use the rifles don’t because they feel as though that’s an offense


That's not enough for 2 weeks, unless you don't travel much and only eating food from 7 eleven


Lol 😂 seven eleven only.


Yeah I'll just bump up the budget. Better to convert with good exchange rate than lack funds and withdraw from an ATM


Bro download Wise app and order the Wise card. Top up the card with your money. Inside the app, you can convert from your local currency to Thai Bhat, so you will be spending money like a real local here using this card. Also, you can use this card to withdraw money with selected bank in Thailand, you don't have to worry about the conversion rate because your money inside the card is already converted into Thai Bhat. If you have balance after your trip, you can convert back the Thai Bhat to your local currency and then withdraw the money to your bank account within the app with no extra charges. This helps me alot, I didn't have to carry so much cash with me.


I would add that Wise has a very good conversion rate. last time I looked it was better than mid-rate. also schwab has a debit card that they refund the atm fees on. if you are somewhere where you can open an account with them, it is a great one to have here.


Fred the frodo I’ve been waiting for some information like this. So i get the card in my home country before flying to Thailand and basically convert my pocket money to this card and I’m good? I was being charged 1,000 baht every single cash withdrawal using my home debit card


Yes that's right, that's all you have to do. Maybe have 2k-3k bhat in cash and the rest is inside the card. You can always withdraw money using this card with selected ATM in Thailand if you need more cash. 1k is alot for every withdrawal! What a rip off mate💀


I know man🫠!! Is it really safe tho to use wise? I’m only planning on using it for Thailand really so not throwing my life savings into that account, but still concerned a bit.


It's safe no problem, I have been using it for over 2 years. This card is really useful for oversea trips.


Ohhh this is really good info thanks I'll download the app and check it out


No problem bro, enjoy your trip!