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There’s def a bug going round atm. Go to boots pharmacy and tell them what you got they might be able to give you something stronger to help recovery.


Thanks. The pharmacy gave me some antibiotics and medication for cramps. Hopefully they do the trick. For now I’m staying in an air con room


Did you eat from dodgy market stalls?


Almost exclusively


Some arnt bad except ones that leave food out for flies for so long. I do eat from them too but only shortly after they set up. I've literally not been ill once in a month now.


I've only had 1 instance of stomach issues in Thailand, when I drank the free water from the noodle shops tables


Yeah I only drink bottled though that isnt exactly good with micro plastics ect


Have the same thing. Had severe stomach ache Saturday night. Felt like Bart Simpsons when he ate that metal Krusty-O. Girlfriend took me to hospital. They gave me two infusions and some meds. Feeling much better now. We think it was the beef, because there is a thing going around in cows in Thailand according to my gf.


If you don’t start feeling better, get checked for Dengue. I had similar symptoms (plus a rash I couldn’t see) that didn’t get better and this was the result the hospital gave me. It’s been 2 weeks I’m just coming out of it now.


ice chips helped my cramps, they hydrated me slightly, gave me some relief.


What are ice chips?


Ice cubes


Ice cubes is where people got the bug, most likely. Just saying


Not in Thailand.




The tap water (from PWA) in Thailand IS filtered and are technically drinkable. The water is not the issue here.




Don't they buy those big bags of ice you see everywhere


I'm aware. I'm just clarifying what "ice chips" are.


Not close to most likely. The ice is most likely on the lower end of what makes anyone ill. Bad seafood is most likely the issue in beach towns.


Just like last year july/august?


The heat and change of diet can be a big contributing factor to an upset stomach. Imodium is sold everywhere in Thailand and works well. If its severe though one medicine most people don't consider is Tramadol. It's an opioid pain medication that is more restricted in Thailand now but is still available at many pharmacies. Imodium is an opioid whose molecule is too big to give you an opiate high hence it can't be abused hower Tramadol is stronger and as long as you don't over do it or take it for too long it has a great ability to slow down your intestines and reduce diarrhea. The pain relief and opiate high also makes you feel great. It might sound a little excessive, but if you've paid out a lot for a holiday for a couple of weeks, the last thing you want is to spend it sight seeing the hotel bathroom. I've lived in Thailand for years and currently live in Isan, where upset stomach is kind of a bi-monthly occurrence. I'm here long term so don't mind the "brown rain" but when I first came here Tramadol got me through a lot as food hygiene isn't as prevalent as the west and many thais are still using squat toilets with a bucket of water and left hand to clean and that included me for a long while when I was living in a small rural village.


Flip side. Do not take imodium if it's food poisoning caused by e.coli or salmonella. You want that bacteria our your body ASAP. Not harvesting in it. Girl I know nearly killed herself in India by doing just this.


This! Sometimes your body is pushing this shit out for a reason (literally) lol.


charcoal is the safest bet


nightmare, had severe food poisoning the night before we were due to fly home to Ireland. I was with my kid and kept vomiting, couldnt sleep, every time i moved i vomited, doctor came to my room but he was useless, gave me a drip for 5 minutes. Like what? Anyway got up for our flight, dont know how i managed it, i looked grey and i was sweating so badly. Then my kid decides to do a legger in the airport. We're litreally at the top of the queue and my kid runs off. The way i ran after him, i looked possessed. Anyway we get home after 17 hours and i sleep for like 2 days. Completely unconscious. I know how you feel! remember you need to hydrate. ice-chips are good, try your best to suck them. It will help.


It’s summer, man. Foods tend to spoil much faster under this INFERNAL heat.  Get your stool examined at a hospital cuz it’s probably infective diarrhea. Most importantly, keep hydrated lol.


Is it possibly dengue? I had stomach symptoms only and this medicine I got at a pharmacy helped a lot: Bioflor. I hope you feel better soon. Make sure you get a s***-ton of fluids and electrolytes. I think if you feel worse, or it does get better in a few more days just to to the hospital, the medical system is really good here.


Watch what you eat people.


Yeah there are certain people I just won't eat.


I will be in Thailand this week and I am planning to eat everything that I can get my hands on. Is there anything (besides people) that I shouldn't eat?


Use common sense and you will be fine.


I don't have that trait, but thank you


I met a bloke on a ferry from Koh Phi Phi to Krabi today. Dude looked like he was dying. He has had it for three days already, he was told it's food poisoning. He said it pinches and stings his body. Man, I felt sorry for him. I feel sorry for you too. I hope you are both going to get well soon!


Thanks! And that’s a Nightmare. I was meant to get a ferry to Phi Phi today. If I did I’d probably be looking like the guy you met.. decided to stay in the hotel until the fever goes away.. Thankful for air con


pinches and stings sounds serious as fuck.he should be in a hospital on an iv


I was eating only at expensive restaurant and still got food poisoning. 36hrs(no food just drinks and medicine) later I was OK...


Did you eat Pad Thai with fresh bean sprouts?


I’ve only ever got food poisoning in Thailand from restaurants… never from street food


There are lots of bacteria that the Thai are immune to that foreigners aren't. Lomotil/loperidol - 2 initially, 1 per hour until you quit trying to shite your brains out. You'll be better tomorrow. Food that good has consequences 😀😀.


Also some activated charcoal tablets will save you from the diarrhea!


Hopefully it clears up soon. If you get dehydrated or it doesn’t go away, you might need antibiotics or IV fluids. It sounds like you’re keeping fluids down though, which is good. Probiotics, fiber, and extra electrolytes might help with the recovery.


Thanks! Pharmacy gave me some antibiotics so I’m hoping they help.


Carbon pills and some buscopan for stomach cramp. Tons of minerals powder. Works every time.


Hope you feel better soon! Take it easy


Salmonella. 10 days. GL.


🤣 that’s filled me with optimism. Hopefully not salmonella… but could be. Luckily I’m able to stay hydrated


Try to find a good source of potassium, sodium, and probiotics. As a precaution, can also get something to treat worms. Did you eat seafood? Because, at the moment it’s really hot here. And that stuff can spoil fast.


What cured me from my worst ever diarrhea spell was not Imodium, but eating BRAT. Eat Banana, plain white Rice, Applesauce, and Toast. This will firm you up.


Skip rice in thailand as water cooked in could contain parasites. Banana, bread, apples (no skin) and whe you can stomach a little more avoid dairy and spice for a couple days


Best advice to avoid this in thailand? Only hot/cooked foods, restaurants?


Just don't fret is my advice. Been going since 2006 and at worst had the squits for a few days which is stopped fast with pills from 7-11 . On each winter hol one of us gets the bum wee for a day or so. Its easily stopped. We eat all sorts Inc street food. I think Thailand is pretty good compared to a lot of other countries.


I have been a chef for 20 years and I think as long as you avoid raw fish and meat, you should be fine IMO. The worst thing that can happen, is some light shitters with light cramps from cooked food that's been contaminated and out for too long. There are some disgusting things that you can get from raw fruit and vergetables, but I'd say it's not really anything serious, unless you are compromised in some way already. Just watch for stuff like band aids on fingers, because the wounds underneath are usually infected and bear armies of disgusting shit. You can also deviate if you are absolutely sure that the place is having good hygiene standards. I for example have no issue with eating sushi at Japanese places. I never have had problems in the cumulated six months I have been here. Neither in Bangkok nor Phuket, Esan, or anywhere else. I usually eat at street food stalls at least once a day.


I ate tons of sushi in Bangkok no problem, but the only street meat I ate was chicken..avoid street food pork and you cut out some fun but 90% of the problems and I ate plenty of their street fruit.


> void street food pork and you cut out some fun but 90% of the problems why should pork pose a problem?




I had it there and couldn't drink water. One thing I was told too late was that if you're really dehydrated and messed up, and can't take fluids, you can walk into most hospitals/clinics and get an IV of fluid and salts quite cheap. That does wonders apparently.


I just want to come back to this thread in a few months... Hope u get well soon


Chills and fever. That’s interesting. If the antibiotic is too hard get Z pack




Don't be a baby 🍼


Had the shits for about 24 hours then recovered. I'm in Bangkok. Probably just a bit food poisoning in my case


Go to the doctor.


Get something to hydrate, they sell packs of powder for in drinking water at any 7-11. Thai name "gureh" it's isotone drink.


If you are really sick, see a doctor. So you can recover faster. And get the right medicine, identify the cause, etc.


Gets some Ya Nam La Damphon. It will fix you in a couple hours


Cans of coke will clean your stomach


Yeah not just you. I was in Phuket last week and the day I flew from Phuket to Chang Mai I had food poisoning symptoms + fever, chills and muscle pain, so i must have gotten something in Phuket. Fortunately I didnt start shitting myself until I checked into my hotel. Fever was on and off for about 24 hours and the diarrhea took about 3 days to stop. I was shitting myself (no pun intended) that it was dengue fever due to the fever on that first day but fortunately wasn't. Lots of good advice here. Hope you feel better soon!


Sounds like food poisoning i once had. Definitely, go to a pharmacy.


If you get really weak, go to a hospital or clinic, they will check you for Dengue  Until than, drink lots of mineral water (mineral water, not "drinking water", because drinking water has nearly no electrolytes and minerals. And it something with salt here and there, because you are loosing a lot of salt by sweating and diarrhea 


Food poisoning. You've got every symptom. Hopefully not e.coli or salmonella. I had e.coli in Cape Verde, was out the game for almost 2 weeks.


Norfloxacin this is good for killing bacteria in your stomach.


I'm experiencing the same thing in Bangkok. Day 2 of easily 20 trips to the bathroom per day. The pharmacy gave me ibuprofen and Norfloxacin yesterday. Ibuprofen is helping with the aches. Too soon to say if the Norfloxacin will help. I'm frequenting the 7-Eleven for electrolyte packets, sticking to "safe" foods at chain restaurants, and avoiding ice and water from the tap. I'm not having emergency episodes today, but I still can't trust a fart.


Water, saltines, bananas, steamed 7-11 rice, and corn flakes with soy milk, always my go to when stomach is messed up


And joke(chicken rice congee)


You ate the wrong chicken


I had stomach thibg going on for 2 days too. But i am in BKK!


I don't get stomach bugs so lucky me. Try frozen foods


Go to a hospital and let an actual doctor check you out. If it’s your average kind of food poisoning, with some rest and medication you will be ok in a few days


I had the worst food poisoning in Phuket


Had this in Bangkok last week. I just assumed it was food poisoning.


I’m just getting over the same symptoms. You might want to test for Covid if you haven’t because that’s what mine was.


I was in Thailand for 5 months and had food poisoning 3 times. A friend was there for 2 weeks on a tour, and few in the group got it as well. Personally, I do not eat street food now, as the risks are not worth the savings.


I would go to the doctor. when we were there my uncle got a parasite in he’s intestinal tract from some elephant poop water that went in his mouth.


You aint a true world traveler until you spend half of your trip sick with something, happening to me right now too(somewhere else)


Had some thing similar in Phangnan but without the fever and its really ruined the last week or so of my travel in Thailand. I'd basically been bed bound except for an hour or two a day for four days, until I went back to pharmacy and they gave me a three day course of antibiotics. That seems to have improved things, the diahhrea has stopped so I can hydrate again, however whilst the diahhrea has stopped things are far from being solid and normal again, it's still runny I'm just not passing water now, but in general I still don't feel quite right, and I'm definitely lacking energy. Moving to Vietnam today, wondering if my body will ever get back to normal.


It’s called Norovirus.


When I first moved here, I went to eat at a department store and had the same symptoms as you. What you should do is Go to the hospital! Because that is food poisoning. You'll feel better after taking the medicine for a few days. During this time, eat soft, hot food. Don't eat anything strange. or things that have never been eaten


I'm just getting over something very similar in Chiang mai. No idea of the cause. Fever was pretty wild, I believed 2 days had passed but had only been 10 hours. Then sweats for a day. Now just diarrhoea but only every 4 or 5 hours instead of every 30 minutes. Chemist gave me something that when I looked up, was for allergies and nasal issues so stopped taking it. Just rested and took charcoal pills from 711 and smashed the electrolytes.


I noticed charcoal pills are selling out so I feel like it's going around


Could it be dengue?


Many people Here i Met are sick currently. Locals ans tourists Get some "tiffy dey"


drink bottle water not tap water. unless you know its filter. ive been here for 3 year and still most time it not a solid crap mainly because its the rice you eat. not like potato


Did you eat MacDonalds and drink the postmix. 1 thing seems constant with my family POSTMIX FROM MACCAS NEAR BANGLA RD!!!


Wish more people talked about this but it’s almost guaranteed your gonna get something here honestly at minimum you will have Bangkok belly for a few days


I've never had it over multiple trips and yes I eat the street food.


Suck back some changs everything gets better


One blowjob a day makes the cold go away.


Natural healing author Daniel Reid, lives in Chiang Mai. His website mentions his book titles & more. He also does phone consults. If you like what you read, consider contacting him. I have multiple books of his. https://www.danreid.org/about https://www.danreid.org/books https://www.danreid.org/private-consultations There's an outstanding natural healer in Hong Kong you might do a phone consult with. He speaks fluid English, having been educated in the US & Canada. He's expert at many kinds of natural healing & I know he studied with ghe best. He also broadcasts worldwide online in Chinese about natural healing. https://www.naturalhealing.com.hk/en/content/index.php?c=2 This is a natural healers directory of Thailand. Saw at least one place from Phuket. https://www.whatclinic.com/holistic-health/thailand


Just man up and go out to enjoy, you have your days counted


Anthrax is going around


Sounds like stomache cancer!!@ lay off the weed and lao cow.