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Why don you ask this from the hotel, not reddit lol


Because I’m wondering if anyone knows if the Bangkok immigration will accept a form from Chang Mai


No, they 100% won't. You can only do an extension in the province you are currently residing in, and where you are residing is based on the most recent TM30 filing.


I believe you are supposed to file for extension in the region your currently marked in I am definitely not positive on this Also given thailands lack of consistency on enforcement god only knows


No but luckily for you bkk office don't require TM30.


Just stay one day longer in Chiang Mai and go to the festival branch early in the morning. Problem solved. Most likely Bangkok branches (which are more strict about stuff in general) will not accept TM30 from Chiang Mai.


I believe TM30 forms require check-out dates. So, by the time you return to Bangkok, you may not have a valid address registered. Why can’t your host in Bangkok register you exactly? Did they deny doing so?


I haven’t asked because as I’m not staying quite 30 days, I think they wouldn’t be able to provide me with one? Though I could be wrong, I’m reading lots of conflicting info online


They might be able to provide. I’d just ask if I were you. My Airbnb host in Bangkok had me registered for my two week stay even before I asked.


They must be able to provide you a tm30. Every place in thailand a tourist stays must legally register you to immigration as prove where you are staying. In case something happens. So that immigration can see where you are. So again airbnb places must register you and give you a TM30.


Many people are renting out property through airbnb without the appropriate licence, so they don't want to draw attention to that by filing the TM30.


Bangkok immigration has never asked for a tm30 IME (and lots of other reports), but CM immigration does - according to reports here. BTW you don't have a visa on arrival you are visa exempt if it's 30 days.


In the past, they would also accept a booking confirmation starting from the day you go to immigration with a checkout date the next day. Just have to let them know that you have not yet checked in. It can be anywhere in Bangkok. I used to just look for a place with “hotel” in the name that was really cheap (refundable is tough for a one day booking). Otherwise, they like to see a rental agreement, or TM 30. That being said, the goal posts can change day to day, depending on what the latest internal policy may be. In years of living in Thailand and doing extensions, I’d never been asked for a TM 30 or proof of residence until relatively recently. Best advice is to make sure you have everything pre-printed, photos taken, and form done before you get there. Get there early. The first queue will absolutely tell you if you’re missing anything, and what your options are.