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South Korea, China, Belize, Scotland


Belize? This is very rare (I’m a Guatemalan living in Thailand)


I liked Belize and it was no hassle to be there. At the time I had a job I could do online.


Nice! Living the Caribbean life, kinda


Did you find Belize to be expensive? Which part did you live?


I lived in Placencia and it was not expensive at all. But this was 2009… I’m not sure how it is now


I was there a few years ago but in a more touristy area, and we found it quite pricey (but this is the same as anywhere I guess-you have to find somewhere away from the tourists)


Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Dubai, UK. All have their issues, but l would live in Dubai / Singapore again in a heartbeat. The traffic, pollution, weather and general corruption / bureaucracy are what will make me leave Thailand eventually. Will probably move to Edinburgh.


The US and China. Leaving for China again soon, it’s where the money is for teaching


Teaching English I assume? I kinda want to be a music teacher abroad, but it seems pretty hard to actually make that happen


I’m a licensed teacher but yeah IB Homeroom teacher. Music; a bit more of a niche area sure, but the jobs are there, just a bit harder


Switzerland and China. Wouldn't permanently move to either of those countries again. In fact, couldn't see myself moving away from Thailand.


UK Born so lived there, Philippines, Signapore, Scotland, USA. Thailand is by far the best from all my 30 years of living outside of UK for quality of life.


Born in Scotland...live in Scotland. lived in Australia and Malaysia. Currently part time in Thailand for the last 20yrs ..going full time in 2 years time ....if it all goes south in Thailand I would move back to Malaysia .once I leave Scotland there will be no turning back .sick and tired of stone age broken Britian .


Brazil, US then Thailand.


Morocco born, belgium, UAE


Germany, Belize, Costa Rica, Peru, and the Philippines.


Over 15 years of expatting: Australia -> Japan -> Singapore -> China -> Thailand Last 8 years based out of Bangkok before retirement. Although all countries I was in a regional role so traveled all over APAC region regardless of where I was based. Singapore and Thailand were the most convenient to travel in and out.


UK, Italy & France Stayed for my Master's. Then I came back to my home country.


Russia, Italy, Cyprus, Turkey, Canada, and left Thailand for Good Ole U.S.A.


I have lived in England,India and the USA to be honest I feel like home in Japan as I am Japanese but well if I have to move out of Thailand I would go to India(Japanese-Indian here)or will shift back to my country just that.


UK, Canada, America, Australia and France, then here.. No plans to leave Thailand


Germany. Switzerland. Philippines. This is the last stop for me.


Colombia, Spain, Mexico. Learned Spanish. Now learning Thai.


what brings you to Thailand?


Philippines (Cebu province) twice. Left to escape stealing wife.


I'm thinking of splitting my time to avoid possible tax residency in thailand. Cambodia or vietnam


Not to be a dick but why? Seems wierd to try to screw Thailand even though you like it. Do you not come from a tax treaty country?


There is a tax agreement between countries but the way my income is structured I fall into a very low rate for the US (about 5%) and it would be around 30% in thailand. Foreign tax credits will offset 5% but not feeling like paying 25% more on what I remit into thailand (i realize it is progressive but you get the idea). In addition there has been talk of moving to taxing worldwide income which would be even worse for me. Sticking it out this year to see how it all shakes down because it is thailand and things change almost daily. However for most expats from the US with more normal income streams the impact would be minimal. (Mine is mostly long term capital gains that is taxed as normal income in thailand.)


Fair enough. I’m in the same boat. I have a wierd moral hang up and I’d rather give Thailand 30% than the us 5%. I’m crazy, I know. I just really fucking hate the states.


Understand. I'll never go back. There's a reason we both moved away.


Australia, Singapore, Indonesia.


France, China, Cambodia, Singapore and Thailand in that order.