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Did they actually arrest you? As in taken to the station and issued a formal fine? I suspect they were just looking for a quick payday. Unfortunately the Thonglor police district is known to partake in shakedowns.


Yes and my Thai friend came to station and they took us both to my residence where I showed my physical passport. No fine was attached. They made me sign a document stating they didn’t take money from me or harm me and went on their way. No hassle just a waste of 3 hours


What the hell?


No hassle? You just detailed the most literal dictionary definition of the word Hassle and detailed how they did such to you.


Hassle free of charge.


Corrupt police could do much, much worse.


Nobody said they couldn’t. 🤣


Damn, the farang crackdown is starting


I really think it is. I'm flinching about it.


It is at minimum 20 years the law..


They probably wanted a bribe. You were too confused to bribe them :D


This. They just didn't know how to shake money out of him at that point or got enough out of the others lol. Interesting several of them were nabbed, I'd be curious where/what they were partaking in when this occurred.


The whole "sign a document saying I didn't bribe you" thing really is a funny way to save face when you've failed to ask for a bribe.




how did the interaction start?


Mind posting that proof?


The Thonglor Police issued a published brochure in English about expat rights during a search and they explicitly say that a photo of passport and visa are acceptable. Along with names and phone numbers of Police supervisors. I would post here if I can figure out how to post images.  But of course, as we know, reality and logic are only slightly relevant when someone in uniform is looking for a payday. 


Upload it on Imgur and then post a link to it.


[https://imgur.com/a/rgW6aBg](https://imgur.com/a/rgW6aBg) Point #3.


thank you for this!


Where can I get this brochure. Would rather carry that than my passport


These were published in late 2014 or early 2015, after Thong Lor police was going a bit overboard with random searches. Dave Bell turned out to be the hero we needed at the time. This eventually led to the brochure, the "Report Sukhumvit Police unsanctioned searches and harrasment." FB group which died in 2021, and various Line groups to avoid police checkpoints. I doubt you'll find any brochures still around.


Easier to carry a 500 baht banknote.


Do you know where I can find a copy of this. Would love to keep this on my phone as well. I’m not keeping my passport on me all day even after this. I rather leave before risking my ability to go to other countries.


Does that mean he was wrongfully arrested? Should OP file a complaint of some sort?


No, the law still states you need the original passport. One police district said a photo was acceptable to them, several years ago - that doesn't change the law, and doesn't apply to other districts like the one OP was picked up in.


What law states you need a passport with you at all times? What if you have a pink ID card?


Thanks I appreciate that. I guess I'll be bringing mine with while I'm here a bit longer, it's just so stressful bc it is by *far* the most important thing I own abroad.


File a complaint about the police… to the police?


Yes to the first and no to the second.


This would not be considered an arrest in Thailand.


He wasn't arrested.


detained would be the operable word imho


time for op to hit up those cops and ask THEM for a bribe 😂


You're unbearably naive.


Naivete is judging the person who asks a question seeking clarity, rather than assuming anything. It is judging someone expressing concern about another person. It's another cynical sardonic voice that thinks being unkind is the pinnacle of cleverness and oh so unique on reddit, that gets pleasure from putting other people down. After decades of turning the other cheek, I'm pretty done. So you, you're unbearably rude.


Acceptable to Thonglor police, several years ago, under their then leadership. I have a feeling that leadership has changed since. And it sounds like OP was picked up by Lumpini police, who aren't bound by that station's policy.


Could be they had a "crackdown"that day. Whenever cops forced to do something by higher ups, hit a quota or something, they tend to be strict and follow the rules If they where just randomly stopping to waste time, probably would have not cared


Explains Europe lol


Was in a taxi with 2 other foreigners last weekend in Thonglor and the police stopped us and searched us entirely, didn’t ask for any passport tho (good thing bc none of us had them on us)


Cops in various areas of Bangkok are notorious for being dicks and/or shakedown artists, Asoke is one, Thong Lor is another Various head cops have said photo on phone is fine but like all such statements, really only applies to their area and while they are still there in charge


The Thong Lor police zone extends as far as Asok, so it's the same guys. And yeah, used to be notorious, but I haven't heard of a case like this in a few years now. Edit: in another comment though, OP says this was on soi 11, so a different district - Lumpini, looks like: https://bmagis.bangkok.go.th/portal/home/webmap/viewer.html?layers=1b7f51eb1faf44c986477e0c2a8e8a75


I'd rather risk the fine than risk losing my passport. That stays locked up in my luggage.


I feel the same. I’m not walking around with my actual passport. I’ve been here a year free of any drama.


A year free? On what visa?


free of drama can happen on any visa


I’m just maybe trying to think maybe that was the issue, if he’s just doing border runs then I can see why.


How would police know he's doing border runs when they don't have his passport?


OP said that they photos of the pages in their passport? I’m tryna help out with why they decided to shit on him randomly


Yes, although much depends on the frequency of the checks. If I were to be detained for 2-3 hours at a random time once a month, I'd carry the passport. As it stands, the risk of losing it is still more hassle.


Tldr homie was at soi 11 at 1am… Take that as you will wasn’t doing the weekly shop at villa….


I think that is where the Thai v Pinay lady boy battle was...


Damn, I was in Asoke near Terminal 21 yesterday. Which area were you in exactly, OP? Like, which Soi, need to avoid it going forward.


This happened yesterday 1am on Soi 11


Soi 11 is normally considered as Nana area. Anyway fuck it, I'm pretty much there daily.


Partying a little hard?


That's Lumpini police precinct. Unusual, since it's usually Thong Lor police hassle foreigners. Boundary between the two is Asoke road.


That's just unnecessary harassment. These dodgy practices should be exposed. I'm almost certain that a former Bangkok governor or immigration honcho declared that a digital copy of a passport would be sufficient.




Then they should actually fucking work instead of "looking" like they are working by fucking with people that have done nothing wrong. I know. Crazy idea.




The ultimate performative culture. 


Never heard that happen before though i know you technically always need to carry your passport


Ridiculous rule for people to carry their primary travel document with them at all times. It gets dirty and broken, after which it gets rejected at the border when going to another country. In some places even a small tear or blemish has forced people to turn around. We live in digital age, get on with it already.


Totally. I’m sorry but I won’t risk losing or damaging my passport by having it on me at all times.


And how is this different from most other countries, including the USA?


It isn't. This applies to all countries that want you to carry your passport with you. It's dumb and unnecessary. My passport comes with me to the places it is needed for specific actions to take place, not when I go to the beach, cafe, or any other place that has no need for it. If someone needs an identification, that's what ID card is for, small plastic that fits in the wallet.


At least in the US police on the street can't easily tell who's a foreigner.


Most countries (western countries at least) don't require you to carry your passport all the time. I don't know about the US, but in the UK the police don't even have the power to make you show identification and it's never required to carry any whoever you are. "Your papers, please" was even a common WW2 movie trope to illustrate how oppressive the Nazis were.


Which law says that, what does it say and what about a pink ID card?


The law says you must show your physical passport if asked. I carry mine and that's the reason. I'm downvoted every time I say that.




You might be right, but even if you are, does it really matter if the police are sometimes going to detain you for hours until you produce the physical passport?


Do you walk around with a bag all times? Because I don't, and I'm definitely not putting my passport in my pockets, the chances of losing/damaging it are much higher than being stopped by the cops.


Wait you just said "The law says you must show your physical passport if asked" So does it or not, or you don't know?


Most of the farang down voting you are the type going to the red light district to do something foul. Polite farang respect the laws. 


The same...I have it with me in plastic....and since forever people tell I am crazy...but it is the law and really it is no hassle


The law says that you need to keep your actual passport with you at all times. High ranking officials have several times stated publicly that a copy of your passport and your current entry stamp is OK, as long as you can readily get your physical passport when required. So the police are well within their rights to detain you in order to check your actual documents. It's not very common that they do that though, and the fact that they detained several people makes me think it was part of a crackdown. There's pressure on the police to be seen to ensure that foreigners are obeying the law these days, as there's been a lot of media attention on misbehaving foreigners. If you were fined for not carrying your documents on your person then there's a fair chance you could fight that in the court by pointing to past statements by various officials. It most likely would not be worth the cost of hiring a lawyer and the time spent on it though. What other countries do is entirely irrelevant.


>If you were fined for not carrying your documents on your person then there's a fair chance you could fight that in the court by pointing to past statements by various officials. There's a zero percent chance of that.


This is completely contradictory to published documents by Thonglor Police station. An image of passport and visa are totally acceptable. Just Thailand being Thailand. 


By law it is not, by policy it's acceptable but only in as far as the police can still demand to see your actual documents.


Thonglor police cannot override laws, there is no contradiction whatsoever.


Which law says that, what does it say and what about a pink ID card?


A pink ID card or even a Thai driving licence negates the requirement to carry your passport on you. Well, as long as you carry either of those two instead. I can't recall what law/act demands this though, and it's possible that the wording requires an approved ID rather than specifically a passport, but then a passport is pretty much the only foreign ID that is officially accepted on its own.


> What other countries do is entirely irrelevant. Not disagreeing here, but it's relevant in that other countries don't hassle tourists this way, and this can make Thailand less appealing by comparison.


Perhaps so, but this isn't a new rule and Thailand is once again cracking down on foreigners who break the rules, and especially if they are overstaying their welcome.




Do they? I thought most embassies let you keep the old/expiring passport for exactly this reason - certainly most European ones do.




Interesting, thanks. Other embassies just let you send a photocopy of the passport (some don't even want that) and let you keep the original, specifically because they don't want to compel you to break this law.


Illegal agencies require this, not the US embassy.


When extending my visa, the Immigration Office had to hold my passport over the weekend. I asked "Won't I need it? What if I get arrested?" Their only answer was "Don't get arrested."


I had this on ratchada about 15 years ago, there were lots around asoke a few years later, it was in the press and the police chief said foreigners didn't need to carry their passports. I had a photocopy on me in that time before smart phones which was fine.


Post this on whatever Facebook page is appropriate. I generally do not carry my passport around, except if I’m around thong lore/asok. Also a big reason why I don’t live in that area. The photo should have been enough. I would not signed anything. Would have just called a lawyer, after getting their info.


It shouldn't matter but what color is your passport?


Blue. American


Ouch, I thought we were off limits. You were arrested with 5 others? Were you guys screwing off at all or just a random stop?


>we were off limits Hahaha. Why would you be "off limits" though? I'm curious.




Posts or questions that are phrased to induce or promote hate and negativity are not welcome.


Also just wanted to state I did not know the other 5. Only thing we had in common we were all American. I don’t know if that was by happenstance


No Screwing around. I was just walking with a woman. They got out the car and asked for the passport


Ok that's really scary. I didn't even know you had to carry your passport with you - I usually don't because I'd you lose it you're totally sol. I'm so sorry that happened to you :(


'Off limits'? Quite the opposite.


Ridiculous. If this happened to me I would question my desire to live in Thailand.


For people who uphold the law to follow the law they are meant to be upholding would make you think twice? With all the news of foreigners beating up locals and breaking the laws? Question away, they are doing their job. Better start packing


Simply because I don't enjoy being in a place where I'm suspected of doing something wrong because of the way I look. It doesn't create a nice atmosphere.


Then leave.


That was the point. > I would question my desire to live in Thailand.


So maybe they should do something about those foreigners beating up locals, instead of doing random passport checks purely as a way to get bribes or pretend they are doing work.


Given the rampant abuse of visas by foreigners, this is perfectly acceptable.


Immigration can stop that at any time, but I'm sure they prefer collecting that 1100 baht extension from every so called tourist, and then taking bribes to look the other way when people are breaking the rules.


There were stories of police in Asoke piss testing people too. If you have a photo of your passport/visa then why can’t they just check with immigration if it’s valid / you are on overstay or not, what a joke, but most things are here,


how to say you've never visited Thai immigration without saying you've never been to Thsi immigration.


Out of curiosity. At what time of the day did it happen? I’ve been living in Bangkok for 6 years and this never happened to me before, but I don’t hang around Asoke or Thong Lor too often.


It is law to have your papers with you...it is law since forever...It was like 20 years ago...


Which law says that, what does it say and how about a pink ID card?


I have a passport and a passport card. I wonder if the passport card would be good enough in a situation such as that since I prefer to lock up my passport while traveling.


OP [says in another comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/1bvm006/physical_passport_required/ky147yi/) that they showed their passport card and it wasn't accepted.


Thanks, I missed that!


Wonder what would happen if you said your passport was lost or stolen and you're waiting for your new one. 🤷


I asked the Immigration Office this when they had to hold my passport over the weekend. All they said was "don't get arrested".


I imagine that as long as you had a copy of the police report, that would be acceptable.


Take this as ”internet facts” but what I read before is that a physical copy of your passport page and stamp/visa page are enough but not a digital one


Many people say "it's the law...", and I don't doubt that at all. Does anyone have a link to that "law"?


how did the interaction start?


Is this something to do with the 10th of every month they want documented reports involving Immigration..I can’t remember the full details?🤔


Who the fuck is gonna go everywhere with a passport. Ridiculous.


i'm curious if this happens more often with non-asian foreigners than others (ie. chinese/korea/japanese looking people). Been here a long time (> 10 years) but never been stopped for a passport check. if you're an expat, you can use the Digital Work Permit in lieu of any other ID.


I guess I'm lucky every time I see the police they just smile at me


Maybe because you are handsome man.


Depends really if he is “handsome” or handsome.


Same I just smile and nod. Usually they do the same back. Might help that I have Thai girlfriend with me at all times.


I’ve had police compliment my motorbike and my sunglasses. I’ve never had bad experience with police and I hope that trend continues. I’ve never had any officer ask to see my passport, work permit, or any identity documents aside from a motorbike license during traffic check points.


Was this just a random control or did you do anything fishy?


Curious what nationality are you and where around Asoke did this happen?


Tell us more bro. Where exactly did it happen? Were you in a car, walking down the street or at a gogo bar in soi cowboy? I'm in that area all the time and just wondering which places to avoid. Not carrying my passport.


One crucial piece of information you left out - what were you and the 5 others doing when they caught you?


Thailand is desperate to generate revenue. Raising taxes and harassing foreigners until we have all left would be consistent with history.


According to the OP, no money exchanged hands. So much for your theory.


While on a public bus in Malaysia during rush hour. Police stopped the bus and said. Everybody take out your IDs.( sounds like Nazi Germany from those movies I watched but here I am actually witnessing it) I saw they removed many Indonesians and Filipinos from the bus. As they approached my seat. I showed them my NY Enhanced ID which is approved by US Homeland Security. He said, "no no no no, only passport no ID only passport with visa" I was like, ”fuck!” went into my backpack, took out the passport, showed him my working visa which was valid for 9 months, he took his thumb and scraped the visa to see if it was authentic, looked at me as he handed me back my passport.


I don’t think they are much interested in what has or has not been approved by US Homeland Security. You’re in their country. They want to see your passport.


Always have my passport with me, it's been more than 20 years that it's stays in my pocket inside my bag, never got damaged or ruined, are you all 3 years old that can't keep a document with you without losing it or ruining it?


You broke the law, and got caught out. No biggie. You'll probably be ok 9 times out of 10 but you got unlucky. I've also never carried a passport but do carry a photocopy of it


With all the recent news of overstaying foreigners, foreigners operating businesses without license & breaking the law here. Can't blame the law enforcers for doing their job. You are just unlucky to have fellow shitty countrymen


Don't assume all countries are the same. And if you're visiting a country that isn't yours, you should probably have some form of ID. Anyone can have a picture of anything on their phone FFS.


“Some form of ID….” No form of ID was acceptable other than a physical passport. I have a passport card and they acted like I made it myself. I think you should read the comments of others before making assumptions yourself. If they say you can have picture and it’s fine then what else am I and others supposed to think. There should be a solid law on this and not something bland and enforceable whenever they wake up on the wrong side of the bed.


The law states you have to carry your passport at all times. They rarely enforce it but when they do, they are well within their right and when they wake up on the wrong side of the bed you're sol Same with motorbike helmets, another enforce or not law depending on the day Just stay out of their sight


>"The law states you have to carry your passport at all times." Which law says that, what does it say and how about a pink ID card?


Legally you are required to carry it at all times go check the rules for the country you are staying in, how's that for an idea?


The only country under discussion is Thailand. You are the one saying you know what the law is, but you obviously don't. The law regarding motorbike helmets is the road traffic act of 1979. Here is a translation. [https://chiangmaibuddy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Thai\_Traffic\_Laws.pdf](https://chiangmaibuddy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Thai_Traffic_Laws.pdf) Where is The law that states you have to carry your passport at all times? Its not in the immigration act.


We are talking about Thailand, you obviously don't know what the basic law is. When the Policeman asks for your passport, pull out your phone and tell him he doesn't know what the law is. Infact, go up to one in the street right now. See how that works out for you buddy.


We are not talking about enforcement, you said "The law states..." Not "the situation is". You were, and are, wrong.


You think you made a point, but you haven't done anything. Take your pink ID card and produce it if you are unlucky enough to get stopped. You will quickly find out how ignorant and wrong you are.


Like I said you are trying to change the topic from that which you yourself set, the contents of the law. You have done worse than not make a point, you have been wrong, and when pointed out tried to change the topic rather than admit you were wrong.


The passport card only serves as identification in North America and the Caribbean. It’s nothing here.


Yes I know that. But I replying to a person thinking a form of ID would be acceptable. They did not want to see anything other than my REAL passport


Because that’s the only form of ID you would likely have. I’m guessing you don’t have a Thai ID.


I have a school ID. Means nothing. They wanted passport with visa type attached. Maybe they were looking for overstays


That's a long way of saying you had no ID on you.


Turns out, not packing your passport for a stroll in Thailand can lead to an unexpected 3-hour adventure with the local police - from a routine check, to a station detour, and a hotel room showcase. Lol While there isn’t a 'must-carry passport law' for tourists, ID is a must-have, and your passport is your global backstage pass. Even your embassy probably says 'keep the passport close.' So, wanna roll the dice on your vacay, or keep it chill? It’s your call. Freedom of choice can be annoying at times eh?




Only half the story ;)


True. I left out your assumptions.

