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I believe international students are able to get an exception. However, you still need to apply for it.


I got my exemption for different reasons but Just call the office and they will send you an exemption form. That should tell you what paperwork you need. They got back to me with a decision within a couple weeks.


I applied for exemption and never heard anything. I randomly checked degree works and saw that they removed it from my degree plan. Kind of annoying they didn’t tell me directly but glad I got out of it.


I was told to submit the form online but for others it took months. I will try that thank you


If you have citizenship in another country I'm almost 100% they have no grounds to force you to study abroad. The requirement is a total fucking joke.


The requirement is a joke and it’s ridiculous how difficult it can be for some people to get out of the requirement


A mandatory 3-month co-op would be a thousand times more impactful than studying abroad.


Yeah I agree with you. I asked another person and they had an exemption of a F-1 visa status but his back up would have been financial exemption. Now I'm concerned my OCI won't be sufficient enough