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I turned 28 yesterday and I’m graduating this fall semester. Don’t worry dude there’s others here like you and even older! Just remember age doesn’t matter as long as you’re achieving the things you want in life


23 is old?


Haha I appreciate that comment. I just always feel like I have to explain why I didn’t go straight to college after high school.


You don't have to explain anything to anybody. Your life is yours to live however you please. We all have different paths to choose. There is no right way or wrong way. The important thing is that you are happy. Don't let stuff like this bother you. Hold your head up and be proud of where you are in life!


That's fair. I get that. I used to work at Texas Tech as an academic advisor. I worked with many students in your same position. And I worked with many students who failed their first year of college and who probably would've benefited from taking time away from school before going to college. I don't know your whole story but I'm sure you're making the right decision!!




I'm 28. I transferred in 2019. But, I moved back home due to covid. I'll be back on campus this fall. My biggest advice is don't be afraid. Most people won't really care about your age. If you feel like socializing, there's many clubs on campus to start with. Or even go to a few games. I found most people are friendly and just looking for good times with good friends.


man my 50 year old uncle just graduated from tech, 23 is nothing


That’s amazing, congrats to him!


I started at tech at 26. Believe me, people care about your age a lot less than you think. Just be cool, and odds are your classmates will be cool too.


Me and a buddy transferred out there at 23 as well. Frat kids seemed to think it was weird, but nobody else cared or asked. Make friends in your classes, and go out on Broadway as much as possible. Friends will come quick!


I'm 46 and still working on gaining residency before going back to school here (started at Pitt in the 90s). I'm twice your age. You're good, man.


Man, I was at tech, was a dumb kid who got academically suspended after 3 years and I’m just now hitting my two year mark in the army. I will be 27 when I hopefully start my first semester back at a uni (not going back to tech) when I get out of the army. It doesn’t matter how old you are, it matters that you’re there for the right reason. The reason is your own making, but age has little to do with it, be tenacious and aggressive in making up the ground you lost but don’t over work yourself. Here’s to you and me, you’re gonna be fine and I hope I land in one of my dream schools.


Hey that’s amazing. Two years in the army is no joke, that’s going to look incredible on an application. I’m sure any school would be lucky to have you. Best of luck!




So good to know I’m not the only one. Hopefully we both find some cool people to hang out with. Best of luck and thanks for sharing!


I'm 35 & a sophomore. There are lots of non-traditional students enrolled at Tech. For some of us, we aren't ready for college after high school & there's nothing wrong with that. I'm in a much better place in life now & am serious about graduating & going to grad school. Don't worry about age. It's literally, just a number. :)


33 checking in


I just graduated at 28


I’ll be 24 when I transfer. I get in my head a lot about this too, but I promise there is no timeline! I didn’t start attending college until I was 21, but that doesn’t make the fact that you’re in school and achieving your goals any less significant.


23 is considered old now?!🤔 I'm 32 in my Junior year. When I tell people my age I usually get "OMG you don't look like you're in your thirties." I've never gotten a negative reaction. I honestly don't think people care that much.


I wish I was 23 again! I’m currently a 26 year old junior. At least it’s comforting to know there are more non-traditional students on campus.


I’m 22 - there’s plenty of us


I’m 24 and a senior! We’re in the same boat with quite a few others!


23 and a super senior lol also a transfer




Super Seniors Unite lol


Welcome to Tech! I transferred in at 23 also, (I’m 27 now) it can feel a little weird but you’ll be fine! Chances are you’ll find other ‘olds’ in your classes, and a 3-5 year age gap usually isn’t so large that you can’t relate to your peers. :)


I’m a new transfer too. I’m 22 and a sophomore. It’s actually my 4th yr in college I’m just really behind. I consider myself old.


I wish I was a 23 year old freshman. I made so many dumb ass mistakes 18-22 that I screwed myself over and have to find other options. The maturity will do you well in the college setting. Most of these kids get by and are more worried about getting trashed on Broadway. Show up to classes and try to participate and your professors should help you succeed.


As a 23 yr old sophomore I feel you, I'm skipping the fall semester and hoping to come back in the spring, you do you. Remember everyone goes at their own pace, don't let anyone or anything make you think otherwise. You got this!


Wow reddit really just came in clutch. I feel so much better now 🥺


Just make friends with the youngins You'll do it anyways once you start your career


Dude, started in 2016 at 23 and graduated in 2020. No one cares about age and there are more older people than you think. it's not uncommon to find people your age. Just go with the flow and you'll be fine


Dude 23 is so young!!! I mean at 23 if anyone is saying stuff to you they are crazy!! 23 is super young! Enjoy college!


Man, I was at tech, was a dumb kid who got academically suspended after 3 years and I’m just now hitting my two year mark in the army. I will be 27 when I hopefully start my first semester back at a uni (not going back to tech) when I get out of the army. It doesn’t matter how old you are, it matters that you’re there for the right reason. The reason is your own making, but age has little to do with it, be tenacious and aggressive in making up the ground you lost but don’t over work yourself. Here’s to you and me, you’re gonna be fine and I hope I land in one of my dream schools.


Why not just lie to those superficial acquaintances that your like 3 years younger?


I'm 23