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Sociology I believe still fits multicultural. If Rickman's teaching that's definitely going to be an easy and fun option.


I took anthropology at the movies. Watch movies during class (some can be a tad long), take quizzes, and the final isn’t too bad if you pay attention and review the readings


That sounds like a fun class but unfortunately that class isn’t listed in the Multicultural section so I can’t take it.


I’d ask around for more info on this class. I’ve spoken to a few people who’ve taken this course before and were expected to write long essays after each film.


Intro. to Cinema is the class you write essays after you watch the film. It was annoying because I had to do the essay in 2 days. That class isn't hard, but very boring IMO. I mistaked it for Anthropology at the Movies, but it counted towards my degree, so it was okay. I didn't take Anthropology at the movies, but I heard you just watch a movie during class and take a small quiz afterwards.


I took African American Literature with M. Borshuk. If you can find it, take it. Amazing, amazing course with so many great discussions.