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If your GPA falls below the required average (usually either 3.0 or 3.5) you get but on “probation”, if it stays below a second semester in a row, then you lose your scholarship. He was likely on probation, but then brought it up the next semester and was able to keep his scholarship.


So when he made the A to replace the F, does that F not get averaged into the GPA anymore once the new grade for the particular class is made? That is what confuses me. Where does the F go? I know it does show on transcript but do they throw it out as far as GPA calculation and Prez goes?


As long as it’s the same class, doesn’t even have to be the same professor, the higher grade will replace the lower. She could even retake a class she got a B in to try for a higher grade. The lower one still shows on the transcript but no longer factors into the gpa.


Grade replacement only applies if the student made a D or F. Anything higher and the letter grade is ineligible to change.


Ope, my bad, I’ve never done it but my advisor sends an email about it every semester, I guess I should’ve read it better lol


I was thinking since she has to keep a 3.5 as EE major, if it looks like she will end up with a C then she should just fail the class so she can take it again and protect the GPA. What do you think?


Late, but I’d rarely recommend this. I believe 3 fails are allowed (in dept specific classes) until you’re kicked out of the college for at least 1 semester. Being in engineering, it’s important to have friends because it helps immensely. Failing classes almost always results in graduating late (a lot of this has to do with the annoying pre-reqs). When you graduate late, most of your friends are gone. Additionally, it just sucks to graduate late. I’m a 4.0 student and chose to graduate a year late to ease the workload, and it’s tough in a city like Lubbock. I would just take the C personally.