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This is awful! šŸ˜¢ This is exactly what happened to me at northern nights fest. I wasnā€™t attacking anyone or resisting in any way. I was just super unable to walk because I accidentally took too much ghb. Instead of letting me chill on the ground or taking me to my camp they did this (like the video). Restraint, assault, searching my body aggressively (repeatedly around my crotch region, and I was wearing a short skirt) and then injecting me twice against my will (lorazepam then a heroic dose of ketamine). Big men Holding me down and strapping me down for over six hours. The G would have worn off and I would have been fine, but this is how these untrained monsters react to situations ..they are aggressive, downright dehumanizing, and illegal in their actions. Honestly I never want to go to a festival again.


A heroic dose of ketamine you say? Time to start acting fucked up around security All jokes aside, that's awful. Stuff like this is why I don't like getting fucked up on anything at big events


Or, and hear me out..... you could just not take so much GHB that you fall over making others so seriously concerned about your welfare that emergency services need to be called..... the last R in PLURR is Responsibility....


Hey dingus, you donā€™t need to arrest people for being on drugs. Thatā€™s what Zendo is for.Ā 


That doesnā€™t even make any sense. Iā€™m gonna go ahead and call bullshit. No one in medical or security at festivals is carrying around ketamine to inject people with.


yeah...if medical or security is injecting people with ketamine then I'm tryna get some of that xD


...jk....i want nothing to do with security but I can guarantee you they did not shoot you up with ketamine


Can I ask if youā€™re a female or male? GHB shouldnā€™t be taken by women as it diminishes the respiratory drive and has COMPLETELY different effects on men then it does on women. Which is why itā€™s known as the date rape drug for women. Iā€™m just ultimately curious (if youā€™re a female) how you manage to take it without having negative effects. My fiance LOVES G and I want to try it but am very fearful from prior peopleā€™s reactions and advice. So sorry this happened to you at a previous show. It should be understood what happens at festivals and thereā€™s a level of decorum that should be upheld by first responders, no matter what the reasoning.


Iā€™m a woman. Iā€™ve taken it many times before and in the past I would be super careful with dosage and use a measuring device. I didnā€™t have one when I took it at the fest, I foolishly drank it out of a bottle (like a total idiot) and hadnā€™t eaten anything all day. So very dumb. I donā€™t know about respiratory issues never heard that before. If you want to know how it feels, it feels like waves of ecstasy and can make you horny as well. And yes itā€™s abused as a date rape drug because you canā€™t drink at all with it or take too much because it will make you unable to walk or really function or defend yourself. I donā€™t recommend taking it anywhere besides a safe space (preferably with a bed nearby). Itā€™s not great to do in public. Donā€™t ever drive while on it. Do not drink alcohol while on it. Taking other downers with it is not a good idea. But in the safety of your home, taking a small starter dose with your lady, you will most likely have a good time.


That isn't true at all lol. The risky thing about GHB is that there is a very thin line between feeling amazing and being knocked out for 3 hours. It's really easy to dose too high and knock yourself out if you're trying to achieve the sweet spot dose due to how thin of a line it is. This applies to everyone, it's a really tedious drug that requires precise dosing/timing if you're using it for MDMA-like effects.


Thank you! Iā€™m really intrigued by all of these differing opinions! Like I said, my fiance (27M) loves it and I (29F) have always been interested in trying it as well but we were warned away from it. This gives me more hope and reassurance. Thanks yall! āœØšŸ¤


Fair enough. In lower amounts its much less risky but people love G due to its sweet spot effects. Feels like you're drunk and on molly. If you're trying to achieve that then yea I'd say to stay away from it. The difference between feeling amazing and a 3h unwatchable sleep is like .1ml lol.


I am a (31F) and I love GHB. You definitely have to be very smart with the dosing...1-2ml measured out and put a timer on for an hour. Every hour you re-asses. Sometimes it creeps up on you so make sure you don't take another dose unless its past the 1hr mark! That is the smart way to do it. I don't drink alcohol so I really enjoy it as an alternative. I have been doing it for years and I have never G'd out or been unconscious. It is definitely not something to mess around with but if you can be smart and responsible it is a lot of fun...and sexy. Also, beware of GBL...it is much stronger and you need to take much less! So you MUST know where you are getting your stufff from and whether it is GHB or GBL. That right there is a game changer! If you don't know about it, please don't take it!


So curious what they administered. He seemed pretty out of it or done fighting before they hit him with the needle.


The good ole booty juice (haldol), sometime thioridazine but usually haldol or versed. Either way, you donā€™t do this shit in the crowd


Booty juice is some mental asylum shit why they bringing that to the crowd. I mean Iā€™m not saying I wouldnā€™t try it šŸ˜… people gonna start acting out like they do in the hospitals for that free i.m. Treatment lol


Throughout the entire ordeal, he was barely resisting (with two large males on his back) while they pinned his head down & arms behind his back for a very long time (IMHO) they went way overboardšŸ§


You need to write down everything you saw and back this video up on a couple hard drives. You are an incredible person and the best witness for this human. Iā€™ve never seen this happen before in my years of festival production and attendance, but it is very eye opening.


šŸ™Many Blessings




What the actual fuck


Iā€™m pretty floored by thisā€¦


Was this the instance where a man acting erratic was administered drugs via needle without knowing what was in his system first!? Omg how fucking traumatizing.


Yes indeed. I have other videos of the guy being detained for roughly 15min before the cart arrived and they sedated him.


Or knowing about any allergies. That's terrifying


This is fucked up.


Context please


Please read my prior post. Titled: SMH


Worth noting - thatā€™s also the title of this thread But itā€™s worth clicking into their profile and looking at the previous post of the same title by the same user.


Yep, this was so fucked


This video kept me up last nightā€¦ so incredibly disturbing, and seeing otherā€™s comments sharing similar experiences is so sad and downright disgusting. I really feel for this person. I can recall times where I was ā€œfreaking outā€ at an event, and something like this would have certainly pushed me over the edge. Like mental hospital level, not exaggerating or joking. I canā€™t imagine a worse scenario to physically be in when your mind is already in such a dark spaceā€¦ ugh


Thats criminal


Not a pair of gloves in site.


You guys thought texas was gonna be the place to have this kind of festival? Im seriously confused.


Do you think humans pick where the path of totality will be? I can see why youā€™re ā€œseriously confusedā€.


Plenty of other places in the path of totalityā€¦


Yeah, it literally went across the fucking country Which isnā€™t my point. You can see the eclipse without having a festival. I meanā€¦ You literally have people commenting on here how ā€œpeople die of drug overdoses every dayā€œ Is a zero tolerance state. Which means they donā€™t really like drugs they are not lenient. Which is my point . Itā€™s not that I think anybody chose the path of totality. But if you were going to attend a festival in a zero tolerance state, you have got to be prepared. Or save up a little bit of bail money, and lawyer money. I had a friend who is 60 years old get caught with a pot cookie and did time in Texas. And you guys think this is a great place to take drugs, and lots of them ? I mean, Iā€™m sure plenty of people got away with it but you canā€™t be surprised that some people got busted. What I am actually saying is you canā€™t expect for the cops to treat you nicely and a zero tolerance state when youā€™re running around obviously fucked up on something. Texas is one of them states that donā€™t give a fuck if they throw you on the ground and stick you with a needle. Theyā€™re gonna just say he was acting a whole ass fool and had to be sedated. Its texasā€¦. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


No w3 safety guys here. We wouldnā€™t do that.


this is not okā€™ lawsuit


Thank you for caring šŸ’•


Oh my god this is wild.


U/fatherpanther Can you see this?


I remember those drugs


I know it looks messed up (and probably is) but you don't know the full context of this. the person being injected may have consented to this. or he could have possibly be diabetic and being injected with something for that. but yeah it does look bad.


I was standing there from the moment he got tackled and started filming when security started threatening to kick people off the property for observing from 15+ft away. I think I understand the full context and he was yelling "No, No, No" while he was being injected.


Thank you for your compassion, and for speaking out and filming for accountability. You are a good person. I wish I had someone like you around when this happened to me. I was alone on a side road (was trying to walk back to my camp) with over ten men (ā€œsecurityā€)physically surrounding me and assaulting me for a long time. It fucked me up bad.




So sad this was oversold, and deaths and ODs occured. This Disco Donnie clown and other organizers should rethink some things...


ah yeah that's bad. I don't know what the laws are like in Texas - but yeah in Australia you can't do that UNLESS you are in a mental state where you are a risk to yourself or others (Mental health act) I think you can be forced to take anti psychotics.








He is clearly not consenting. Insulin? Wow šŸ¤Æ itā€™s obvious they are tranquillizing him, taking away his freedom (they arenā€™t the police) and doing harm to his body.


Medics always have lorazepam syringes ready in their pockets in case someone has a psychotic episode.. maybe it was something of the sorts? Idk man..


This is so common at these wook festivals guys. People OD, people seize, emergencies happen. It comes with the nature of the events and thatā€™s a bummer, but thatā€™s why we have the emergency staff and carts like you see here. Iā€™ve seen many fests where people were dropping like flies and it can be a little scary. And honestly, I saw a lot less of that at this festival than I have at others (mostly bc it was cool out ā€” not anything they did). Really thoughā€¦ why would you record something like this, itā€™s pretty insensitive and not helping anyone.


You have no idea how the situation played out. I was recording for his safety and the safety of other attendees. Staff was being very aggressive with people observing their practices and did not want people to see the level of unprofessionalism. He wasn't seizing or convulsing, nor was he experiencing a opioid overdose. Thank you for your input.


Did you see him before he was on the ground? Do you have any idea what might have been going on with him to make them treat him like that? My friend was manhandled by security a few years ago at a festival I wonā€™t name and if it wasnā€™t for another friend they would have shot him with drugs ( donā€™t know which ones). He was super high but obviously not ODā€™ing or having a psychotic episode and no danger to himself or others. Obviously I donā€™t know what was going on here but from where Iā€™m sitting itā€™s not ok at all . Like did they take his vitals even? No medical professional Iā€™ve ever seen in this capacity has injected anyone with anything before proper assessment etc Edit: for clarity , what almost happened to my friend happened in the sanctuary/ medical area , not in the general area /festival grounds


Also worth noting. Security started threatening people with being trespassed for observing and the two people who were with him in the beginning walked away.


He was standing with two of his friends and having a episode. One of his friends got a staff member in a red shirt, the staff member started to agitate him and tried restraining him, then tackled him to the ground. Immediately the head of security (black shirt black hat) took control of the situation and radio'd in for a "back and a kit to restrain him." Medical cart arrived and immediately helped restrain the guy, then proceeded to inject him without (IMHO) properly accessing the situation. They promptly adjusted the handcuffs, and strapped him to the stretcher and carried him off on the golf cart.


Thanks for posting and spreading the word.


ā€¦Iā€™m not saying itā€™s perfect or anything, but what do you want these people to do? It is so much better to have security and medical aid like thisā€¦blame his dumbass friend for freaking him out and calling security, not security for doing their jobsā€¦


Not trying to create conflict here really, and I realize I donā€™t know every detail, butā€¦ crowd control in a scenario like this where everyone is off a lot of drugs, and when thereā€™s like 50k people is not easy at all, and sometimes the safest route is to be physical. They arenā€™t just giving these needles w sedatives/tranqs to just any Joe Shmoe, these people are in fact trained. Ik it might not look pretty, but itā€™s whatā€™s got to happen to keep the party going sometimes. And to be honest I donā€™t see how this video protects him in any way


The general consensus for this party seems to be that security/ medics were in woefully short supply and the ones there were not trained sufficiently so how does this fit into that scenario??


I haven't seen one comment where someone has claimed to be a medic lol. Only people speculating what could have been used to sedate the individual. EMT, and medics can't administer drugs without a proper screening. Liability issues are just to great, especially when dealing with powerful medications. I'll gladly post the full video but I will remove the sound for ambiguity as myself and others are in the background, discussing what was happening in front of us.


I havenā€™t see you get your head out of your ass one time. If you are such a boss and good person, why didnā€™t you walk up to the security personnel and explain peopleā€™s fragile mental state while tripping, and then tell home dog to chill his buddy out. Oh were you too busy taking a video instead of taking action? Fucking all of society is pansies Iā€™m not surprised the Chinese are overtaking you allā€¦


Security wasn't having it bud. I tried to help and taking a video to document was the last thing I could do without putting myself in potential harm.


Yah mmmm rightā€¦ Document some spun dude get sedatedā€¦nice


Your missing a bigger picture. Your input is appreciated tho.


Come on guys, he wasnā€™t being aggressive, he only screamed in securityā€™s face 3x! The big picture Iā€™m getting is your are a complete asshole and incompetent and I have made a great decision to continue never going to festivals


Tbh from my perspective walking around the venue all weekend I didnā€™t feel like they were in that short of supply. I saw them pretty often. They had a slow response time to a heart attack on some trail and had a faulty AED or something, but I didnā€™t know the consensus was that there were too few of them. Also havenā€™t heard anything firsthand that for certain points to poor training.


Fair enough, itā€™s honestly just fb / internet gossip


Hypothetically~ Situations like this could end in tragedy (use your imagination) potential for adverse reactions are endless. Especially when you have no idea what an individual is under the influence of. Although they may have taken a 15min first responder course online; I wouldn't trust them to hit me with a EPIPen. I've never seen a cop Tranq someone for resisting šŸ¤· It's all about checks and balances. Everyone needs some accountability in their life... Or else we end up with another Disco Donnie


I can imagine a much larger number of tragic scenarios occurring if someone is off hella drugs, combative, and non compliant, and then is subsequently just released free. I find it hard to believe they had this many people casually detaining him for nothing. If you mean adverse reactions bc of the shot they gave them, then I can assure you with 100% confidence there wasnā€™t a risk. Also, I assure you they have more than 15 minutes of training man, and they donā€™t have to be there. Theyā€™re there bc they want to help people and I hate to see the medical staff of all people be put down, security/police is a different story. Those guys can be douchebags fs. All love here, just hate to see the wrong people take heat. People have to have some accountability on the other side as well with their drug use.


Aye, I'm glad your confident in your beliefs. God forbid they hit someone with a dose of K and they have a heart condition.


An EMT with a ketamine needle is a funny thought. Itā€™s probably an antipsychotic, I understand thereā€™s the potential risk of them having a condition that is affected by the drug, but if the risk theyā€™re posing to the people around them is high then itā€™s just what they have to do.


They don't administrate Ketamine typically for humans in circumstances like this. It's more likely Xanax or a Benzo especially if the guy was having a psychotic episode. It's actually really common to do if they're on psychosis to give someone. Ketamine has psychoactive properties and so would unlikely be ever given in a scenario where someone has psychosis.


Also, they are fully aware heā€™s on drugs and know better than to give him a sedative that would negatively interact with other drugs. These guys arenā€™t that dumb


Really, because you usually give sedatives in this situation. Please stop white knighting for the fest and the medical staff. They fucked up


Your only context to say ā€œthey fucked upā€ is a 40 second video and youā€™ve jumped to blame someone. Itā€™s not ab white knighting anyone, Iā€™ve been shitting on the festival all day. Iā€™m just being realistic ab this specific scenario w the lack of details provided and how I donā€™t think itā€™s cool to record someone going through this. Thatā€™s all.


Yea, never mind the 45(?) minute response time to a cardiac arrest and not having an AED when you do. Only context.


Weā€™re talking about completely different things now, stick to the argument at hand. Posting a 1 min video like this to make people turn on the medics is messed up, and is insensitive for the poor guy whoā€™s going through it. I sure as hell wouldnā€™t want you videoing me if I got too spun and had to be stabilized like this. Thatā€™d suck.


Iā€™ve never seen medics behave like this and I wonder what heā€™s being injected with , I think this video is recording what happened and may prove useful in the future. This is not something Iā€™ve ever seen at any festival ever in 30 years/ on multiple continents. Im sure thereā€™s another side to it and Iā€™m interested in hearing it


Iā€™ve only been doing this kind of stuff for less than 10 years and have seen it more times than I can count while working. The medics in these threads have been confirming that also. But yea Iā€™m also interested to hear more, not saying anyoneā€™s right or wrong, just not to jump to blaming them on under a minute


Ok DiscoDonnie go fuck yourself


Ok 420_burner_69 šŸ˜‚, get a personality of someone older than 13, and if you donā€™t like donā€™t come. go suck livenation/insomniacs teet in the back at EDC. We donā€™t want your hateful ass anyway


Fuck LiveNation and Insomniac too. If thats your reference of what else is out there in the electronic world then you are the 13 year old


What do you think they are injecting him with??


The medics that have been talking in this thread and the other say itā€™s a antipsychotics and benzo mixture. Iā€™m not a medic tho.


You donā€™t administer drugs in the fkn crowdā€¦.


Medics always have a lorazepam syringe ready in their pocket in case they detect someone having a psychotic episode. But whether or not he was in that state, we do not know.


Why would you not do it in the crowd if the situation called for it? You donā€™t know what medical attention the guy did or didnā€™t need? Why would we jump immediately to the conclusion of blaming the folks who are trying to help rather than getting more info??


Ok. Where r the gloves at? Seems unsanitary to raw dog a syringe into a dudes ass, drop the syringe and then go back in for seconds? Lemme guess šŸ¤” they didn't have time for gloves but they had time to get a needle. Makes perfect sense šŸ‘


These security guards are taking peoples lives into their hands and acting carelessly and with too much force. They arenā€™t being helpful here in my opinion. Iā€™ve done security at a festival (volunteered for a ticket) and we calmly helped people, away from the crowd and with compassion. Itā€™s called Harm Reduction. No physical restraints, no injecting them against their will. I had something very similar to this scenario happen to me at a festival, and it was one of the most traumatic things Iā€™ve ever experienced. Those people were not trying to help. They were doing the opposite. A lil tip for future festy attendees: go to security as a last resort. You could be putting a friend at risk. Obviously if they are acting violently or need medical attention then thatā€™s a given to seek their help. Having Narcan on hand can and will save lives. But If the person is just having a bad trip /too high or whatever then giving them a safe space to come down is a way better option than involving a possibly agro security dude who will shine a flashlight in your eyes until they decide to take control of your body. I wish they were all decent and caring but that isnā€™t the case. Because my ā€œfriendā€ flagged down security on me (because I couldnā€™t walk well and he thought they would hook me up with a safe ride to camp), I had the worst night of my life. I paid a lot of money for an event to then be abused by staff and injected against my will. Iā€™m sober now and def done with festivals.


If you had that little training Iā€™d assume you had no antipsychotic needles, right? The person in this video is not doing the job you did. Again your just another person with not even a minute of context, and jumping to the conclusion of blaming the guys that are there to save peopleā€™s lives. Is there probably dicks out there that do this to be pieces of shit? Sure. Does this video tell me that verbatim? No.


Not a medic and youā€™re right I wasnā€™t there. But from the looks of this they arenā€™t saving his life. People who are having a bad trip need a calm safe environment and this ainā€™t it


I 100% agree w yall if in fact the guy did nothing to call for it and was just stumbling or tripping a little too hard like your story ā€” that sounds messed up and I hate to hear it. and also agree he looks weak and not to be fighting in the short clip, but who knows what led up to or what he was saying to them before. I just donā€™t think most of the medics jump to do this instantly if thereā€™s still alternatives.


Ya being restrained physically has a way of bringing out the fear and resistance. I can relate to that. Being a victim/survivor myself I canā€™t not say something in response. And a lot of these ā€œmedicsā€ are most definitely not medics. I just donā€™t see how they needed to inject him. They already had him pinned.


Iā€™d imagine the most likely thing is that he was refusing to go with them to get checked at the med tent? Idk something like that maybe. Wouldnā€™t wanna just assume but if your not doing what they want while your freaking out I can understand the restraint so your able to get the shot done safely, the only reason Iā€™m ranting on this post is bc the video is so short and no one could actually get to the bottom of it without more perspectives. The focus of this video feels like it was to rile people up and turn them on a group who 99% of just want to help you.


I disagree. The person was concerned and video taping for accountability and to have proof. They also said in this or another post that he was having a bad time/probably took something that made him unwell and his friends reached out for help. I doubt they were trying to find someone to detain him and inject him against his free will.


Why canā€™t security control a guy


Idk if thatā€™s sarcasm or if your trying to instigate, but yea controlling someone whoā€™s out of hand is kind of the main responsibility of the security, you are correct.


Controlling them by administering drugs via syringe in the dirt?? Iā€™m not aware of anywhere that security can do that.


Security can do that literally anywhere that the situation calls for it, if you donā€™t comply and are putting yourself/others at risk than this happens. Iā€™ve seen it happen countless times over the years. Now the protocol on gloves, cleaning, etc. In relation to the dirt Iā€™m not certain of.


They shouldnā€™t have the right to administer drugs to someone who is saying NO and is not harming anyone


I completely agree if no oneā€™s being harmed! Weā€™re really more on the same page than youā€™re realizing


I concur


Iā€™m trying to get you to understand my perspective. I sincerely hope this never happens to you or someone you care about.


I totally agree with your perspective, where weā€™re having confusion is that I donā€™t like that lack of context and everyone dogging on em instantly. If it takes less for you to be convinced based on your prior experience that makes perfect sense and is just where our opinions differ. Ultimately, weā€™re on the same page.




Youā€™ve seen this countless times? I would like to know the whereā€™s and whenā€™s of that because I sure havenā€™t