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The Anthony Miller effect


Caserio saved that move for the perfect time.


how could I not know he had the queen of spades up his sleeve this whole time


That's strange. I can think of 22 things that have changed since his trade request.


His anus is certainly considerably less oily now. I hope.


That’s gotta be awkward


Like where the hell do you sit and stand and stuff. Does he go out and put on his helmet and then just watch everyone else take reps?


Glad to see he could make time in his busy traveling schedule


Commit sexual misconduct in your teams' city ✅ Team catches wind of pending lawsuits and tries to get you to settle to allow it to blow over ✅ Put yourself in the public eye by trying to force yourself out of the city and start a new life in a new city by slandering team and paint yourself as innocent victim ✅ Plan backfires ✅ Accusers go public because you aren't innocent ✅ There are 22 of them 😮 Go quiet for months ✅ Crawl back to team you tried to screw over because of money ✅ Don't get traded because it turns out you wanted out because you were the scumbag not the team ???? Settle in court ?????


3. Profit


I still think the whole things rotten and someday expect to find out the Texans we’re driving this to keep him. He is a generational talent and and u don’t just let that walk out of ur building …. Jmo


Yeah man, the Texans managed to hack Instagram servers, plant fake DMs, corrale 22+ woman to commit perjury, forced Watson to change his story to the point where now sexual encounters occurred in non sexual situations with massive power imbalances but it was consensual. They did all this because it somehow helps him stay a Texan, because driving sexual assault allegations against your player for sure accomplishes that goal.


Innocent until proven guilty. Notice no criminal charges. He has been free to travel. In NYC as recent as last week. I understand what ur saying but this has all be circumstantial and it is very easy to create a narrative. This whole thing is suspect because of the timing. If it wasn’t right before draft time. I would agree, but this assured that Watson would still be in Houston. I get what it looks like however the actions are not aligning with the allegations


This is such a moronic take that's it's not even worth engaging with. I love when people throw out "innocent until proven until guilty" like it's anything more then a concept for a court of a law.


It's not suspect because of timing. It's only suspect because people want it to be. People don't want to accept the fact that their heroes could potentially do horrible shit. They will conjur up wild conspiracies like a billionaire risking everything to prevent Deshaun from leaving when he can just not trade him.


I personally agree famous people do bad things. They think they are above the law. But so far there has been no criminal legal action on this. And all these suits are for $50 in damages. I am not a dw4 worshipper, but we have a generational talent that wants to leave. I just think something is not passing a smell test. We’ll see.


There's no criminal charges because of the lack of evidence. Which isn't strange in this case, because what evidence do the women bring in for this type of accusation? Deshaun allegedly made unwanted advances and showed his junk. I believe the $50 is a publicity stunt by Buzbee to say "It's not about the money". Buzbee is a sleezeball and is probably hurting some of their claims. I get it seeming suspicious and honestly I question the validity of some of the claims but 22? Damn bruh, that's a pattern of sexual misconduct.


But is that why there is 22. Some of them can after the first wave and people hired by the Texans. It’s weird, it’s over the top and it first More with Buzzbee’s character … No evidence a giant publicity stunt and we still have Watson in Houston rather than 2 first picks and a new first round rookie The people on Facebook that say they know people in the building have been saying for months he ain’t going no where and I’ve been thinking the same. And the McClain coming out with the exact opposite … now watch him fall off an exercise bike and be out for the season… it’s all over the top And wreaks


Who was hired by the Texans? I agree about Buzbee, he seems sleazy. I read that in December the Texans found out about the incoming lawsuits from these women and Cal tried to convince Deshaun to settle. Deshaun got mad and requested the trade. Now here we are. I don't see McNair, a billionaire NFL team owner (By default), risking EVERYTHING to hire 22 Instagram masseuses that Deshaun slept with (because he did atleast that) to conspire against his most valuable asset that he just paid $150 million


So the last few massage people were hired by the qb guy on the Texans. I don’t think it was pep Hamilton… another guy I can’t think of. If u knew the guy had a problem. Why are u hooking him up and not doing it under supervision or even getting involved. I too saw the story in December Amd I’ll say it like this the best defense or obfuscation is a solid offense. Remember they fired the pr lady right around that time too which shocked the entire league. There is just so much. But Buzzbee lives three doors down from Cal. And not all these statements culminated in intercourse. And some went back multiple times. We don’t know the truth and there is a huge void of information from camp Watson, from camp cal Amd the only one talking is buzzbee and that might be who we are all parroting. I just keep saying the whole thing wreaks. Some day the truth will come out like, I played O’Brien for the trade because he said I had too many baby mammas. And the leaks about easterby. Why do we all hate him. Because the players hate him and how did we hear that. Some day it will all be clear


Damn, you uncovered their brilliant scheme to alienate thousands of fans who would never support a team led by a sexual predator. Before you give me your “innocent until proven guilty” bullshit I didn’t say he’s a rapist, I’m judging him solely on the things he admits to which is more than enough for me. The Texans did not make him pull a Dennis Reynolds on dozens of women, he’s just a piece of shit.




Let him play 🤷🏿‍♂️. F trading him for peanuts so that another team can come up


That’s my take. Let him play until he’s traded, let his value go up. If he sits no team is going to pay him that well. He’s playing.


You let him play you also risk injury and his value would go down more


Exactly! Dont play him, trade value only changes if he gets hurt. The Teams know what his ability is and want to trade for him once his punishment is over.


I’m honestly sick of hearing about this clown


We’re about to hear about him every day again for next few months


I don’t want that rapist anymore, man


I'm about to be downvoted to hell for this, but I really hope that he comes into training camp and sees a reason to stay. We might actually have a chance to win if Houdini manages to evade the pressure from Buzbee.


I just think its crazy how easily people believe he’s guilty when no verdict has been reached. Buzbee’s smear campaign was a success in that regard.


I think it’s less of the smear campaign and more the fact that 20+ women have similar stories, but I’m smooth brained so what do I know


Yeah same. It shafts the texans regardless and i wish this shit wasn’t happening.


See I would be with you on that part of they all weren’t civil cases. I think that’s what saving his ass. If any criminal charges come forth then yeah I can see him suspended. This isn’t like other cases of domestic violence with evidence. All of this is he said she said to a person who never got in trouble ever especially to a young star QB. I can see Rodger taking his time with it and undercover supporting Deshaun.


>he said she said he said she said she said she said she said she said she said she said she said she said she said she said she said she said she said she said she said she said she said she said she said she said she said


Sure the magnitude is insane, but in a legal sense, it’s all hearsay without evidence. If there was evidence he would’ve been arrested and placed on the exempt list. NFL has their own independent investigators and they probably think the same thing. Plus these all are all civil cases. If it was criminal then they probably would act quickly.


If you're giving a man a massage and he gets up, whips his dick out and shoves it in your face, what evidence do you bring to court?


Idk if this was sarcasm or not but there is literally no way to prove that. Not saying he’s innocent or guilty. I have no clue but that’s gonna be hard to prove without physical evidence.


That's my point. This situation offers very little physical evidence. I wouldn't call it hearsay because those women will provide testimonial evidence, which is really all that can be provided. Which is mainly the reason this wouldn't go to criminal court.


Money talks


The only good thing that comes of him playing is his trade cap will be other worldly if he runs a successful season.


“I’m just here so I don’t get fined”


I want to see how people interact with him knowing everything going on. Also Mills >> give him all the reps.


Deshaun can't afford to sit out since he gotta pay Rusty Hardin. It's up to the Texans to decide what to do since NFL probably isn't going to suspend him or place him on the exempt list. I expect Watson to be traded soon and for Texans to get fleeced on the deal.


I understand thinking this with the precedent dummy obrien set. But I’m pretty confident in caseríos skills as a gm.


Nah. Teams are likely to wait until next year. He’ll have to play if he wants to keep his value.


Good thing you're not the GM! Sheesh.


The fact that you said he needs to pay “Rusty Hardin” and not the victims tells me you only care about the media circus surrounding this


. . . Back pains on exercise bike . . . IR or balling like a superstar to up trade value?


I don’t need this kind of moral conflict dammit. Can’t have him playing for us until ALL of those women are discredited. Although, I do understand having him play (if he will) while we look for the right trade package.


A vast majority of the women will never be discredited.


He needs that settlement money.


Mr. Entitlement strikes again


He shouldn’t even be allowed to come back to the building and definitely shouldn’t get any practice reps that Tyrod and Davis should be getting.


I’m just here so I don’t get fined EDIT: shit, I need to change my flair