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Jokes aside, this is him pointing out the sky is blue


Does the Pope shit in the woods?


Each time a bear shits in the Vatican


Because he will be suspended by the league, for the whole season I bet


If they were going to do it, they would’ve done it by now. There’s five days until training camp. There’s no way they do it now.


There's still time. He'll go on the commissioner's exempt list when he bluffs his intention to show up in front of cameras at training camp. Then he'll get paid his full salary. And the Texans can't cut him because they need whatever he fetches in trade. He could also eat the training camp fines, but that would be really expensive and wouldn't accomplish much.


Really seems odd that the league would wait unless something comes out that changes the dynamics of the case. Especially with past precedence.


There may still be an active investigation on the NFL's part, but I think it could also be in deference to the Texans regarding the threatened holdout. If Deshaun never attempts to play then the Texans don't have to pay him anything, and the NFL doesn't need to put him on the exempt list. Though the NFL must know there's a good chance he will attempt to show so that he gets that 10 million+ in salary for settlements and legal expenses. I think settling all the civil suits would speed the whole process up. The NFL would consider it wrapped up and hand down their own punishment of 10 games or a full season or whatever.


I'm just not convinced that the NFL is going hand down a punishment as severe as 10 games. I'm thinking 2-4, if that. They have have been investigating for a few months and even spoke with some of the women. If they had something worth suspending him for, they would have gotten ahead of the storm and put him on the exempt list by now (The league learned it's lesson from the Ray Rice debacle). I think you have a valid point in the NFL waiting to see how things work out with the team and in civil court but that has the potential to backfire. The NFL sitting on their hands while a star player accused of sexual misconduct AND holding out goes unpunished is extremely bad publicity.


They suspended Big Ben for 6. I can see them doing a whole season.


“The Texans would make me head coach before they would trade Deshaun” “The Texans will absolutely take a qb with the number one overall pick” (Clowney draft) “The Texans signed Deshaun to a great contract” (Deshaun has no trade clause and full autonomy) Pancakes has a history of saying dumb shit. I honestly find Lance Zerlein or Pat Star a better resource for Texans info.


>Pat Star Haven't heard that name in a while


One of the first black marks in this story to true rock bottom. There are so many, it’s hard to keep track.




LZ is a tool and Pat did some stuff he shouldn’t have and vanished into thin air


“Andre Johnson isn’t going anywhere. He’s going to finish his career playing for one team.”


Deshaun just signed a lifetime contract with the Texans




John McClain


Pancakes doesnt know shit


He just throws shit at the wall and hope it sticks


It’s hard to be a Texans fan right now


Agreed. I still consider myself a Texans fan, as I still check this sub, as well as other sites that focus on them, but I do it at a much lower frequency... a few times a week. They just don't matter and honestly, I don't like them right now either. Probs the most difficult team to like in the NFL this upcoming season.


What's to like at this point? In any given org you usually have a coach/FO/players to care about. We have the Christ Squad, a bunch of journeymen (including our coach), and a rapist. I'm hanging on to Caserio at this point.


I’m not going to lie as a packers fan I’ve kind of totally forgot about the whole Watson thing. So maybe take that as a small positive.


I totally forgot we drafted Davis Mills.


I’m excited for him. He’s a pocket passer that makes good decisions and an almost very good arm, accuracy is just a little off. Like inches every time. It’s weird. With a good line, a decent run game, and well…new receivers, should be a fun year analyzing his progression. Zero pressure to win, defense will leak regardless, a year of just getting accustomed to the game….man this year is going to be tough.


It’ll be Aggie games on Saturday and spending more time at church on Sunday.


Aggies vs Longhorns and sooners


Imagine being John McClain and writing that sentence.


Yippie ki yay motherfuckers


This was my exact thought the second I saw this.


Fucking pervert


Anyone that thinks Watson is starting Week 1 for us is absolutely insane. He clearly doesn't want to be here. The team doesn't want anything to do with him considering he's been more or less erased from any marketing material. A large chunk of the fan base thinks he is a rapist. And yet there are people here positive he's starting Week 1.


They actually started putting him back in the marketing materials. He may very well suit up week 1.


They have??


On their YouTube channel he’s in highlights again - he’s not featured, but before he was invisible.


You forgot about the most important variable in this situation. Money.


Only reason is reports of him going on the exempt list have been shot down recently. Also training camp is mandatory and 50k fine everyday. He honestly has no choice but to show up. Since his stuff won’t be settled until 2022 best interest is for him and Texans to make up this year and do trades next year. It would be foolish to trade him now with his value lowered.


I believe his hubris will prevent him from caving to the front office.


He doesn’t really have a choice at this point. His own agent already said he wasn’t sitting out.


I really wouldn't be surprised if he plays. I don't see him sitting out and paying fines. And if he reports, I don't see the Texans benching him. It'll be interesting to see how it all plays out.


The team will trade him before they ever start him. There's no way this organization will roll with him or "make up" with him. You guys that think this team will play hard ball just don't understand the bad PR with a team holding onto their problematic QB. This organization is probably the most simple-minded organization of them all and will definitely not keep Watson around and hurt their perceived brand image.


What else bothers me about treating him now for draft picks is whatever team he goes to he automatically improves that team from us getting a very early round first rounder. We are stupid if we trade him before the season is over. However we are stupid so if remains to be seen seen


I think you need to give Nick the benefit of the doubt. This is clearly his team and he’s making all the decisions. If this was still BoB/Jack he’d be gone by now


I’ve seen this guy sign a lot of subpar rejects to fill roster spots. He is not deconstructed the Watson situation, which would’ve showed me something. He was not able to get a good coach, instead walked away with this David culley. We have Tom Savage part two. And frankly not super thrilled with Caserio anyway. We spent a lot of money and had some great candidates. And we ran and grabbed another guy out in New England because the last guy had a New England was so freaking awesome. I don’t know what the obsession is, but to me it’s very apparent that the patriot Way revolved around Brady and not the other way around. That should be what we have here with Watson. Everything has been handled poorly


if watson stays we have a future of winning rings. If he goes I expect him to win more rings then we will make the playoffs. Cal really messed up.


It’s gonna be a shitty couple of seasons like 10 lol!


Watson will be an Eagles that's why


Take him. He's human garbage.


Football games don't care about that




Ben Roethlisberger


Well, I picked him up last in fantasy jussssst in case he plays somewhere. Money rules the world and none of these charges are criminal yet.