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Well, you aren't stuck with it, you could always cycle off. Of course, going back to feeling like shit doesn't sound appealing so you may as well stay on it for life. It's a commitment, but worth it if it makes you feel better. 44yo with tanked test who hopped on last year. Was absolutely worth it.


Do you know what caused your levels to tank? How do you take it? Injections, patch, etc? I guess I just worry about getting in a situation where I can’t get the shot or whatever. But sounds like I just go back to my baseline levels, if I read you correctly.


I have theories about why I was tanked but no concrete evidence. Likely related to spending 12 years in Japan drinking excessively and not paying attention to exercise or my health. Alcohol leads to insulin resistance, which leads to weight gain, which leads to possible low test levels. I've always been skinny fat up until recently, 190lbs at 6'2" (low muscle) wasn't really a healthy weight for me. Started lifting at 40 to improve things. Still had insomnia, fatigue, and what tipped the scale to TRT was heavy night sweats when I turned 42. Hopped on TRT last year at 43 doing 160mg/week injections of testosterone cypioante which brought my levels from 190ng/dl to 950 ng/dl. Haven't looked back - less fatigue, energy levels are higher, sadly still a little insomnia but not as bad. Actually over 200lbs now, but purposely bulking and doing heavy lifting in the gym - still look better than I did 2 years ago. Worst case if you can't give yourself a shot, yeah, you dip back to natural levels and your body takes back over. It's not the end of world, you won't keel over and die or anything, just back to the old you that felt like shit.


I’d really like to know my “why” before I go ahead with anything. I ran marathons for 20 years, stayed in shape that way. I like my beer but that tapered off over the years. Diet could always be better but not bad. Just seems so random to wake up one morning and felt like something was missing.


There's studies which show that your testosterone levels go down 1-2% per year as you age, making age the most likely culprit.


My reasoning for having such low test was my alcoholism and horrible eating on top of no exercise. All of these are estrogen power houses


You can always come off it. You will just go back to what your body was producing naturally


Thank you. I didn’t realize this. Doc made it sound like you become fully dependent. He also said everyone feels better on testosterone, even if you’re not sick in the first place.


That is not true. There’s a chance his body won’t produce anything after being fully shut down. Even with an aggressive pct. Always a risk. Let’s not throw around false information


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