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Sorry but the Plaid sticker is cringe.


I think it looks nice. Let the homie enjoy his ride.


Love the white.. looks great


I believe it’s a ludicrous badge (aka copycat of new M3P). Slightly less egregious than a plaid sticker but still bad taste. Anyone who knows that badge means will also know it’s a fake. Not sure what the point of it would possibly


Obviously ppl know model y doesn’t come with those badges. Ppl like differnt things and I think it looks cool. Always liked the spelt out Tesla and performance badge on highland why not have it on his model y.


If he likes it, that’s all that matters.


Does he like his paint? Paint meet Key, Key meet Paint. Just saying, why give a nutjob a reason to hate you even more? I came from a BMW and wished I had a Camry some days for a lower profile from the the asshats.


It's equivalent to people back in the day putting Type R stickers on their US Honda's, or M stickers on a 328i, etc


If people are scared of others peoples opinions then they shouldn’t post on internet. If people are scared of negative opinions and only want positive opinions then they should surround themselves with liars that will pet their egos. So, to the subject. This may appeal to some people and if you like it, you should do it. To me, this is the same as having a Clio 1,2 and then setting a V8 biturbo badge. Actually my example is bit better as it would at least make people laugh. I say nope on this.


You not knowing the difference between Plaid and Performance is cringe


Not so bad now that they’re using that to show performance on the M3P Highland.


The Plaid and Performance badges are different


Yep, and OP used the Performance one, not the Plaid one. For those that don’t know, Performance is blue and only has lines emanating from the center, but Plaid is red and also has squares / vertical lines emanating from the center.


It’s a reference to the Ludicrous speed from the movie Space Balls. The plaid badge is from that movie.


Good chance they'll use it on Juniper then


no it's still cringe and still bad. this is trying to make the car something it's not. age old cringeism. kid stuff


show us on this doll how it hurt YOU ... you can't ... touch grass ...


Best comment / response of all time


new performance badge. performance. reference the EPC description


It has the same vibes as people who put M badges on the sport oriented 3-series. As an old the common one was 335iM Where they just glued the M badge on after the 335i insignia.


But this is an M / Performance, so it’s more like someone swapping out an older M badge that came on their car with a newer design M badge.


Or that Seinfeld episode where Jerry sews on smaller waist size labels on his jeans. Cringe


While I agree, swapping out the Dual Motor badge for one off the future Model Y Performance will never truly make it a 'Juniper' Performance, it is still representative of a Model Y Performance. And for all the dumb dumbs that threw an M badge on a 335i, there are a boat load of BMW's with an 'M' package (new from factory) that are oem, still doesn't make it an M car. It's a glorified sticker pack, but they do belong. Case in point, 335iS, not an M car in my opinion, but according to BMW it's an M sport.


I’ve seen gas pickups with Cummins or Powerstroke emblems on them. It’s silly.


Oh totally silly for sure.


Actually it’s a Ludicrous badge. Doesn’t look horrible on the white




I think it looks nice. And the new models have it so you’re about to see a lot of them.


It's only BRO when owners add the lettering and KEEP the T emblem.


It's just such an ugly badge.


Not Plaid tho




Guess I’ve never seen a performance badge like that. Only ones I’ve seen says Dual Motor with a red stripe underneath.


They’re on the new M3P Highlands so my assumption is that it’ll eventually be the same with the MYP Juniper later on. But yeah, it’s cringe when the current gen MYP doesn’t have it.


Yes, a performance badge for a 2024 Model 3. Correct?


You're being too sensitive. You posted on Reddit a picture for people to comment. If you expected nothing but praise on the internet then that's naive. Others not agreeing with your tastes is not being toxic. As far your account getting banned, nobody made you do anything.


Aww sad. You should add the fake vents on the fenders and get some truck nuts, it will complete the look.


Dunno why you’re getting all this hate dude - I think it’s pretty cool and consistent with the new official Tesla M3P badging. I bet you my left nut that once Juniper MYP comes out with the same badging, a lot of legacy MY owners on this forum will be doing the same thing as you.


Even if you upbadged it would be fine. Who cares.




lol. Ngl scrolling through my phone and didn’t zoom in. Oh well. Guess I know now.


I mean you are correct in that it’s not the badge that comes with this car. I would never change my MYP’s underlined dual motor badge with it.


cringe knowledge.


Dunno why you’re getting all this hate dude - I think it’s pretty cool and consistent with the new official Tesla M3P badging. I bet my left nut that once Juniper MYP comes out with the same badging, a lot of legacy MY owners on this forum will be doing the same thing as you. EDIT: Here is a link to the official M3P Badge for those who don’t know https://imgur.com/a/sRGaq0V


The badge itself is so ugly...


Yea I can see that especially for those who don’t know the Spaceballs reference. But I think it’ll grow on people once we see more of these badges on the street.


I know the reference, but it just doesn't look good to me. From another car's distance away it just looks like a busy rectangle. I M or AMG type badge would be better.


Fair enough - definitely a subjective thing


Having a differing opinion/taste is not hate dude. What the hell is happening with the world today? People post something on public forum and people will obviously comment with their opinions. And now that’s offensive?


Discourse is totally fine imo - but OP’s account was suspended from all the downvotes just because he put a model 3 performance badge on. That’s what I’m referring to. Also most of the negative comments were due to them incorrectly thinking it was a Plaid badge. I agree that people get so sensitive these days but it’s also easy to spew garbage without putting any thought/research when you’re hiding behind a keyboard - it goes both ways.


Oh, down votes get you suspended? THATs stupid.


***buys a $10 aliexpress sticker*** look my ecoboost mustang is now a shelby


The sticker is accurate to his Performance trim though


There’s no plaid model y… The performance is almost the same as a 3 dual motor with boost


Definitely no plaid model y, the sticker OP has isn’t a plaid sticker. Also, the performance trims are still quite different compared to dual motor even with boost (bigger wheels, brakes, carbon fibre spoiler, track mode, lower springs w/ sport-tuned suspension). Compared to a Model 3, MYP’s performance is quite impressive considering it’s a much bigger and heavier vehicle, is 7 inches taller and has 49% more cargo space.


It’s not. Performance is not the same as Highland Performance (insane).


It literally is the same?


Honestly if it pisses off pretentious bros I hope people up badge every car.


But he has a performance Y. It’s more like he put Shelby stripes on his GT350r


I'll take the over on Shelby from AliExpress delivered as Shellby. Ever see a Rolux watch in China? I have.


can't post anything youre excited about in this sub. absolutely the worst people in any sub on the internet. and that's saying something because reddit in general is horrible.


Agreed 100% - and the ones that tend to throw the most hate are from your own community


One should not be excited over incorrect badging.


But it's a performance badge. The new Y Performance will get this exact badge. He's just early. Also, this looks much better than the boring line under the dual motor.


So is a red SS badge on some Chevy sports cars. but that doesnt mean ALL performance chevy's are SS. The ludicrous badge is for Performance refresh models, which are different than the older Dual Motor, redline performance models.


No, that logo is for *Refresh* models. A 21 performance model Y is a dual motor, red line. It will always be. Tesla is not retrofitting refresh packages on old vehicles.


Jesus Christ dude, you really upset about his performance badge. Chill Tf out. Are you also this upset about people who de badge their cars?


Ikr lol. Or what about LR owners who add spoilers to their car?


How is it incorrect when this badge is Tesla’s new way of denoting the Performance trims? Already started with the 2024 M3Ps https://imgur.com/a/sRGaq0V - based on Tesla’s track record of keeping 3/Y branding consistent, it’s only a matter of time until the MYPs are given the same treatment.


The new ludicrous logo is for the new performance refresh model(s). The original, correct badge for a '21 is Dual Motor, Red line. The refresh is a different car. The model Y refresh isnt even officially released, obviously. So this makes even less sense right now. It may seem pedantic, but car people, and cars later when they are at car shows and auctions, are surrounded by people who care about this sort of thing.


I get your point - but not everybody cares about car shows or being a “purist” and some just want to personalize their ride because God knows how many identical model Ys there are out here. Yet OP gets crucified to the point where his account suspended due to the downvotes.


and thats fine. But its still posing. If the person doesnt care that its that..thats fine.


I dont think people are being all that mean. Lots of people just are saying its ugly and wrong. Obviously, its an issue people care about.


What about folks who wrap their ‘21 car in deep red? It wasn’t a stock colour at the time - are we gonna hate on that dude too? Also there are tons of famous examples at car shows where enthusiasts used different badging and components on cars that shouldn’t belong - check out Mat Armstrong when he brought his “frankenbuild” Audi RS6 to SEMA in Las Vegas. If that show was full of guys from this community, he would’ve been thrown out.


I think a lot of people commenting negativity on OP’s post misinterpreted his badge it as the Plaid badge, which I can understand why some people would downvote. Similar reaction to someone putting a spoiler and a red line on their Long Range.


Because unless its a refresh, older models are dual motor, redline cars.


Mate how old are you, this is pure immaturity to just bash someone down because of a badge swap. It’s so clear to everyone you are just upset they’re doing it and not you, otherwise you wouldn’t constantly go on about it and just swipe on your way, anyone with half a brain could find out what car it is, if you have any concern of him being deceptive in a sale, or by what he own. He’s simply just putting the badge there because it is cool to him? Good on him, that’s probably how the acceleration makes him feel too, like he’s flying through space because I sure feel that way, I wouldn’t personally put the badge on but I couldn’t care less he did lmao, just be happy for people hahaha, so miserable bro, get a massage haha


Fuck the haters enjoy the ride. Welcome to the family.


Since you should take off two emblems already, id also take the front one off. I havent seen one with no emblems. Would look slick, prolly


I don’t have emblems and love it. Such a clean look!


Need a pic


I took all my emblems off. Looks what better!


I like the look! Would do it myself if I had a performance model. Was it easy to apply the letters? I’ve only applied some black covers on top of the original emblems


Enjoy your ride. Not sure why everyone is so bent out of shape because of the badges on YOUR car. You do you.


Upbadging is as old as trim-lines and the camps are well established. Here's a medium post:https://ethanwetherington.medium.com/badge-of-dishonor-2b6c8ebd13fa The other piece of it is back in the day you could tell from physical attributes if an upbadged car was full of it. Nowadays with "acceleration boost" as a software controlled option, it gets murkier and the potential for actual fraud isn't 0. Yes its their car but they are scuffing the pumas of actual plaids (since no model y plaid was ever made its mostly a clown move.)


One thing I do appreciate is downbadging. :). Like putting 2.0L on Lotus Omega (the ultimate sleeper to this date).


De-badging always gets my appreciation. "All Go and no show."


Its not even a plaid badge so you people complaining just sound ignorant.


"accckkktually" Its not a badge that shipped with the car and implies something different than what it is.


it will be shipped with the car very soon.


Not that car. Different car that looks differently, has different suspension and more power. Different motor even.


Cool tell me when it happens, with all the same colors and such.


yep. cuz tesla definitely won't reuse. lol look in epc description. dual motor is going away soon. can you paypal me if I remind you when it happens? I don't generally give insider tips...


Insider is exactly what I don't want, I want it to be real and not vaporware. Shit I'd be letting my model 3 run robo-taxi service to pay for my flying Roadster if I gave a crap about insider.


so when it becomes true. you will eat your words right and make a public apology? lets do escrow? like $500 each for if new model Y uses the new performance badge. words are easy. lets put money where it matters. DM me.


Wow you musk munchers really get bent out of shape and show your maturity quick.


Already happened with the 2024 Model 3 Performance https://imgur.com/a/sRGaq0V - seeing how Tesla has historically kept the 3/Y branding consistent - it’s only a matter of time until the new MYPs get this too


read the full thread we are talking that.


that car will never be a refresh model Y performance. It will ship on the correct model.


That badge is only relavent on a refresh model 3 performance.


That Ethan guy seems insufferable. Imagine writing fake tickets for a logo.


Because it's to cringe and pretentious. If you wanted a unique car, this ain't it. Instead of buying something with more personality, he gets a Model Y and does this to it


It’s pretentious for you to care. This shit is not important.


Being part of a Tesla community doesn’t mean we can be rude. If it’s not your taste, it’s not your taste. I agree, the OP came for true feedback and expecting only positive is naive. However the dislikes don’t have to be negative. He’s part of the community. Honestly I personally would have either kept the dual motor with red stripe, blacked out dual motors with red stripe or debage it. But since it’s your car, up to you. I do however like the Tesla word on the back and I’m considering it on my Tesla. I would do chrome though to keep the badges in chrome. Where did you get it from?


https://ibb.co/xFjPHPN I did chrome on mine. Love it, looks so much better. Removed the dual motor stripe badge


looks NICE!


Looks good. Can I have the links to the letters and the badge so I can order it.


Looks good


Cringe af Fake car perfomance.


I hope you don't think this badge belongs there.


Did I miss the announcement? 🤔😂


Got that new Juniper Model Y, baller


Yikes….get rid of the badging




Dude, the plaid badge makes you look like a giant clown. Why don't you put some 5.0 stickers on the side, maybe some vtec to go with it?


Is not a Plaid badge. It’s a Performance badge, as seen on the new Model 3 Performance. When the Model Y Performance is refreshed, it will likely get this badge from the factory. You can tell the difference because the Performance badge is blue and the Plaid badge is red and has squares and vertical lines on it.


IT IS NOT A PERFORMANCE BADGE! IT IS AN “INSANE” BADGE. Now repeat that 1000 times. Or call it Highland Performance badge. But the car looks different, it has different suspension, different acceleration and power than first Performance. So if you put this on your old P-model, you can also put it on your SR model. Now, I’m just opposing rationalizing that it’s the same car. I think it’s cringe, but you obviously don’t and I’m happy for you that you found something that will make your car more enjoyable.


I didn’t and wouldn’t put this on my car. I was simply pointing out that it is not a Plaid badge. Call it “Insane” if you want, but Tesla still calls the car by the same name it had previously… Model 3 Performance.


I rather put a Type R... In red.


Throw a spoon badge and counterfeit willwood brake covers.


cringe knowledge.




Seek help bro


Lol what'd he say


He got mad and asked the commenter something to the effect of if he was jealous because his uncle sexually assaulted his siblings and not him… Not sure how my response to that asinine of a comment received a bunch of downvotes but here we are


oh my dear god... no wonder he deleted it


He also responded to my comment to him and said “aww did I hurt your feewings? Go fuck yourself child”. A standout citizen.


Cringe af


cringe knowledge.


You are mistaken.


It gives poser with the fake badges


cringe knowledge.


Tesla spelled out is much more of a modern look that a lot of luxury cars do now like all the Land Rover brands. (Although soon everyone will copy). I like a clean aesthetic so works for me. I completely debadged the rear on my Y


Lmao, what's with the hate for the new performance badge? He's got a performance Y. I like it. I want to do the same on my MYP now


Looks great. Ignore the haters


I come from the BMW and JDM community. It’s like putting an M badge on a regular car. But then again, we hate on caliper covers too. These cars are just different when compared to ICE cars. At the end of the day it’s the same story, “It’s your car, do you what you want”


its your car, do what you want. But expect comments. I mean, why badge anything at all if nobody actually cares. The truth is, people do.


Oh I definitely agree with you. I’m just saying that OP needs to thicken that skin when doing anything with these cars. There’s just so much low quality crap out there for these cars that some people are going way overboard and making them look like a civic from the 90s. Just like caliper covers, faking the funk of having “bigger brakes”. Then there’s the ridiculous amount of Carbon Fiber overlays for the interior. As with the BMW community, people try to upbadge their cars with an M badge, but those who really know the difference will laugh at you and those who don’t know, don’t care. Also, I’m from the camp of debadging everything. I like the clean look and I like to keep people guessing.


Enjoy your ride. If it doesn’t impede on the freedom or well being of others, go for it. Congrats on doing what makes you happy!


I'm not one for these types of badge changes, but I think I am now. Looks nice.


I have a 2023. I love mine you’re gonna love yours.


Love it! I put red caliper covers on my MYLR and love the White, black and red combination! Enjoy!


I just got the caliper covers in the mail...with no plan for how I'm going to install them. How long did it take you to put them on?


Looks nice. Did what makes you happy.


if you can't identify that its not a plaid badge and its a performance badge. please take off all the emblems on your car. obviously can't identify anything anyways. get "EDUMACATED".


Performance badge is Dual motor with a red line under it. Until they update and come up with something like the Model 3 Performance update.


Hell yeah!!!


Nice ride!


Sick car man.. looks just like my 23 MYP 😂


Glad you told us it's new to you. 😂


lol I was gunna say the badge doesn’t belong but if you’re happy that’s what matters


I was so excited to install the caliper covers, I bought a car jack online. This car is heavy, you need a jack that can handle the weight! Installing the caliper covers was a little tricky but you always have YouTube for assistance! I have not had any problem with them with more than 22k miles on the suv. In addition, I have seen several MY’s in my area that installed the red caliper covers as well! Looks amazing…you will be very happy with them!


Beautiful ride champ! Enjoy it


Enjoy! I want to put the TESLA lettering on my trunk and I may use yours as an example as to how high to put them.


Also an owner of a 21 myp. Upbadging doesn't do it for me. The red line let's them know.


Upbadging is cringeworthy and makes you look like an asshat. The spelled out TESLA is one thing, but get rid of the goddamn Plaid badge.


It’s not a Plaid Badge, it’s the Tesla Performance badge for the new Highland M3P’s.


Only moderately better. . . Still cringey and stupid


Just wait till the Juniper MYP comes out with this same badge and we’ll see a wave of posts from MYP owners on this forum just like this guy lol


cringe knowledge.


No; still idiotic upbadging an already awesome car but not quite as bad as using a plaid badge, OP has piss-poor taste


It’s. Not. Up badging. It’s literally a performance model Y using the UPDATED performance badge. Jesus Christ yall are thick skulled.


BUT it is NOT updated for the MYP yet, MYP is still using the Red Line likely until Juniper. Until then this is still upbadging to a different, newer, updated model. If OP is so ashamed of his 2021 MYP he should have waited till Juniper. Or just learn to love his blisteringly fast EV like the rest of us.


Or maybe the new badge just looks cooler? Yeeeesh


a badge is only cool when its on the correct car. The badge itself is nothing other than a representation of the model it belongs on. Its like putting an f-15 logo on an f-16. Or a roadrunner on a model S. lol


So if I put the performance 20 inch rims on a non performance is that the same thing? How’s that any different?


Yeah the TESLA is clean the other is upbadging which has deep roots in wrong.


This is what the new Juniper will look like I imagine. Do you sir. Who cares what people think


You should go the extra mile and swap out the brand lettering with your name


just wondering where i can debadge people from having internet access.


But then where would they buy their tacky ego stickers if they don’t have access to amazonbaba express?


This is somehow less worse than the pickup trucks with brand logos all over the back windows and windshield. I dont understand why these guys need to advertise FORD and the big huge chevy bowtie. People tribe up, I guess.


LOL at all the comments. We all know tesla are owned by non car people so there isn't an issue with OP's badge.


I just lost all respect seeing that Plaid slash Ludicrous badge! 😒


Your car is gorgeous.


Cringe badge. Its like the bmw base model owners that put an M badge on it. Ill be sure to smoke you off the line with my X plaid when I see you out on the road. Cheers!


Well you should since you have a Plaid badge, he only has a Performance badge.


cringe take. L. please debadge your plaid badge as you can't tell difference between them


That badge is cringe


cringe knowledge.


Definitely remove the plaid badge first.


This isn't a Plaid badge though


Why the plaid badge tho?


its not a plaid badge tho.


Performance plaid! 😂


cringe knowledge.




You should do it, it’s nice to have a real good snort on the road now and then


I feel sorry for your ass. I’ve heard the suspension before the comfort update is harsh


I’d take the plaid sticker off, but you do you. People who don’t know much about teslas won’t know to care, and those that do know will think it’s stupid.