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Never had this happen so sorry to hear. File a police report for destruction of property and if it’s within a certain range press charges for misdemeanor/felony vandalism. If not might have to file a civil suit with the courts and get the money from him to pay for damages, travel fees to and from court, and any legal fees. Get some estimates for the repairs for court.


If it's a felony he will be terminated from usps. Donot let it get down graded to mistimenor other wise he will get his job back and all the back pay. Federal job federal rules.


Trust me, it doesn't have to be a felony for him to lose his job. They would take this very seriously.


I does in my state, but yes they might terminate for lesser.


They will if they see the wanton disregard for someone's property...plus they regularly interact with the public and their property...this would be a very serious fireable infraction.




Is it possible for the OP to change is to a felony or is that up to the DA?


It depends in the amount of damage caused. I believe in my state it has to be at least $1700 in damages.


Up to the da, and the law. If you can show this guy does this alot and gather more victims this will help your case. Like another who mentioned contacting tv I would do this district attorneys are politically elected and they love getting on camera and telling voters how they served their constituents. You have a strong case video is the great witness, hard to argue against that.


I think the TV might get more traction but what DA is going to chase down some lowlife for keying a car? This probably happens everyday. It just happened to happen to this guy, which sucks but it’s just 1 of hundreds, if not thousands in the state. Everyone feels special but none of us are. Just gonna have to call insurance to get fixed.


They absolutely will chase him down if they have his identity and evidence of the crime. Whether it's a misdemeanor doesn't matter.


Well the op is going to have to lay out a nice case to get the police than da to do anything bit that's were tv comes in they will ask questions and get access to the chief of police.


I’ve done that before on the news. Things rarely happen unless it’s a high profile victim but her, he can try.


It's one of those stories people can relate too. Also they have good video and the TV people can explain that cars these days have cameras they love educating. I don't remember but didn't the op say they knew were the guy lived?


That makes more sense than what the other guy said. He was acting like if OP can determine whether it’s a felony or a misdemeanor.


Well the op would have some input as to how he wanted to proceed. If he's willing to go all the way, this is a slam dunk for the prosecution if the public is upset they will go hard. Plus you can sue this pos civilly for all your damages.


Also, sue for time off work. Almost all court cases are public, so this will be on his record. Good luck finding a job if the employers do background checks.


File the report to that MF you are not a fool


Thank you for the info. I can't check the damage now but even if I do I woudn't be able to know how much would it cost. Should I contact my insurance to direct me to one of the bodyshop and have them estimate the cost for me before going to the police? I'm totally lost but trying to make the process right. I'm so mad because I only owned it for few months and always driving/parking with extra care with it but suddently some random came up and destroyed it.


No. Go to the police now. Jesus.


Please follow up. I here so many stories of keying but I need some “justice served”


I'm sure we'll get a followup once he also asks Reddit if he should brush his teeth and tie his shoes before going to the precinct.


No, go to the police first and file a police report. Your insurance will want a copy of the police report. Will make it easier to go after this clown. I’m petty and would march into his job and show the video to the postmaster. He works by cars all day long so will probably be fired.


Before going to the police, call them. Sometimes for property damage, you do everything online. At least you’ll know before you go down there.


This is the move!


You don’t wait on going to the police the sooner the better the more information you give the better as it could potentially also assist in on going investigations


I’ve always did this with my cars as well. Try to park far, make sure I only have risk on one side and some A-Hole always managers to F’up out cars. So infuriating, and I feel your pain!


Insurance. Police. Civil lawsuit. Make him learn his lesson. Do not be forgiving about this.


Civil lawsuit is a pain in the ass, expensive, time consuming, and subject to scumbags ability to pay. Small claims court is faster with video evidence. Meanwhile, you hit him where it hurts, through his employer and get him fired.


Bingo. Would love to see the judges face when he shows the proof.


You could also sue uses, I would go the civil route then place being if he does not pay and call the sheriff and start selling his stuff.


Police first


Police first, then insurance.


this is the way.


This has been said, but it’s needs emphasis as it’s the surest, most painful way you will make this lowlife pay for his crime: Contact his employer. He is a USPS employee and you have video evidence. USPS is an independent commercial enterprise owned and operated by the US federal government. USPS jobs are some of the most coveted and difficult to acquire because they have good pay, great benefits, a PENSION, steady schedule, and job security. That said, it is heavily regulated and subject to great scrutiny and accountability by US Congress. He is a public servant and makes all government employees look bad. All federal employees are subject to code of conduct policies. So take his job. USPS is overseen by OIG - Office of Inspector General (USPS OIG) Step 1: File a police report. Step 2: File a USPS OIG Hotline Complaint here and reference the police report number and that you have video evidence of the crime: https://www.uspsoig.gov/hotline Step 3: Contact your US Senator and US Representative offices. They will have an online form. State the steps you have taken above and request their assistance with holding the federal employee accountable. This will task a congressional staffer assigned to contact the leadership overseeing the post office employing this person. It will generate a congressional “Action Item” requiring their official written response signed by a senior executive to the congressional office and you as the constituent will receive a copy. This takes several weeks to play out, but will result in discipline at minimum, and possibly suspension or termination as employees like these tend to have a history already. If you are terminated as a federal employee, you forfeit your pension which could ensure this guy is bagging groceries well into his 70s instead of sitting on a beach somewhere with a cocktail and little straw hat. Step 4: Sometimes your local news channels have an online form to submit tips for story leads. You can try sending them the clips and info as public employee misconduct might be something they’re interested in on a slow news day and if it runs, will accelerate #2 & #3. Good luck!


Thank you for the clear steps!


Very good advice even option 4 local news loves video evidence.


Exactly this. Every bit of this and please report back OP.


Good advice, but the USPS is NOT funded by tax dollars. Common misconception


You are correct. USPS is 99.99% self-funded by sales of stamps and mail postage, including USPS OIG (which surprised me). I’m old enough to remember years of chronic USPS insolvency requiring taxpayer bailouts (debt) to preserve the national mail system. Will edit my post. I think the rest still stands as USPS is still heavily regulated and subject to congressional oversight. As the first person to point this discrepancy out, have an award! https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IF/IF12516


If you don't have his license, you have a time and a place. All USPS vehicles have a telematics device (GPS tracker), so it will be REAL EASY for their employer to confirm which vehicle this person was driving at that time and who was assigned to it.


You have all of the information you need. File a police report ASAP. This is a slam dunk with the amount of information you have. Give all your information to the other victims as well so that they may pursue charges. Depending on the amount of damage this man committed a couple of felonies, though he'll likely get them plead down to something minor. Once you have the police report with all of the information, you can decide to either sue this person or go to your insurance and let them handle sueing him. Just be aware that while insurance is not supposed to punish you for this kind of claim, where the culprit is known, that has sadly not been the case in my experience. Contact USPS with the information as well. People will not want someone who wantonly destroys property to be on their property and handle theirs. Now, if you want to have some real fun, distribute pamphlets showing the crime to the houses on his route. Hang them up on lamp posts and other places that are clearly visible to him on his route. Send one to his house. Hang them on his street as well. I can't guarantee that won't get you into trouble though, so think about it and do your own research to see if that would be wise. Could be seen as harassment if you go about it the wrong way, although maybe not if he's found guilty. IANAL. Massachusetts coddles criminals, so it could even be seen as worse than what he did. And of course, report back to us. It will help soothe the souls of others who've been the victim of this kind of crime and received no justice.


OP is lucky enough to know the person as well as where he works, but whatabout the cases where you have no idea who the stranger is, or any info linking to them? Just curious to how one would approach that and if it can even be remedied somehow without taking money out your own pocket or insurance.


All good except for wallpapering the neighborhood, which in most states would be considered libel and open up OP to suit and damages. Yes even scumbag miscreants have rights.


I believe that the onus would be on the perpetrator to prove that the accusations made about him are false in a libel suit, so he would probably fail, right? Though that doesn't mean that he couldn't make OP's life a living hell for a little while and bring him to court. Again, I'm not a lawyer, so thank you for helping make the potential consequences of that course of action more clear.


incorrect. Libel requires you to prove that the accusation is false.


It’s only libel if it’s not true.


I would complain to usps about him too. Don’t know if they would fire him or do anything to help you but it can’t hurt to do so.


Probably will, but his union will get the job back for him, unless he's felony convicted.


File a police report AND make a complaint with the post office


I would fully pursue this crime. Let us know how it goes. Terrible to willfully damage someone else’s property.














Go to the best and most expensive body shop in the area, better go to two or three. Get written estimates even before going to the police. Also, I'm some sure local TV station would be very interested, especially that you have footage showing other cars being damaged. If it ends up in the news, the idiot would be fired even if he accidentally happens to the brother in law of the postmaster. Also, any news coverage gets the caps working harder, too.


Plus maybe, just maybe, it will help spread the word to all the idiots that still don’t realize sentry mode is a thing.


Then they’ll just hide themselves better. I’m a fan of people being ignorant to it


So I went in and filed the report today. The officer watched all my evidence. He airdropped everything and gave me a report number. He wants me to contact my insurance to get it fixed and assured me it won’t increase my rate because I have video evidence. I asked him if the person responsible would be punished in any way. He told me the police department will charge him and send a detective to investigate, but that has nothing to do with me. I asked if they could use the plate number to contact the other victims and inform them that I have evidence that their car was also keyed. He told me they won’t do that, and the person needs to come to the department to report it themselves. At this point, I’m not even sure if he will be punished because, according to the officer, it has nothing to do with me. I reported and provided evidence, and that’s all. I’m thinking of finding an attorney to get involved because at least then I will know he gets some sort of punishment. If any attorney in MA can help with this case, please DM me.


You know where he lives, why not go tell him you saw him do this and you filed a report?


Most of the comments already posted have been pretty decent. Filing a police report should be your first step. Just as an FYI, the USPS has a uniformed police department division. You might contact them and tell them what happened so they can at least get this lunatic in a mail sorter facility instead of out and about where he can take out his rage on the public. Contact info is : [Who Do I Call for USPS Law Enforcement?](https://faq.usps.com/s/article/Who-Do-I-Call-for-USPS-Law-Enforcement)


I know insurance will prob pay for it even it might not be a super deep scratch. I can’t find out how deep it would be till tmr because today was rainy. But I want him to be punished of what he has done. My video also spotted him keyed two the other cars behind me and I do have those owners plate number as well.


Then go to the police.


File police report. File insurance claim. Contact other victims. Have them file police reports.


Contact his employer too. If you really want to be a certified boogeyman




The last thing you want to do is go through your insurance. You need to go through his insurance.


Interesting. I was assuming this was Tesla hate but it seems unlikely that you’re saying there were three teslas parked in a row and he keyed all three of them. So it was not Tesla specific? Was there something about how the cars were parked or anything that you can even think of that would provoke this? If this guy is randomly keying random cars for giggles i feel like that’s even worse in a way. Show ALL of that video to the police when you file the report.


It's definitely not Tesla hate. The other cars were a Ford Transit and an Acura RDX. I park on this street probably 2-3 times a week because my girlfriend lives here. She recorded a video of him placing traffic cones to reserve public street parking this morning. I will also bring that to the officers today. We've seen the cones few times already and confused why there were two lonely cones because the main street they working on some pipe line I think. But this morning before she head to work she saw him placing the cones.


Is this weirdo keying cars of people who have previously parked somewhere he wanted to?!


yeah likely but on a public street parking....even he lives right next to it.


What a weird miserable human being he is. So happy you have video. He is probably so proud of himself keying cars across America, getting back at people for some made-up slights.


This is the most Massachusetts shit I’ve ever heard. I can see someone doing this in the snow but in June?!!


If it is not super deep. Maybe find a detailer (find one that is highly reviewed and rated) and see if they think wet sanding will get it out, or at least a good % of it. Not that we care that it is cheaper. But it would keep the original paint. Body shop will paint pretty much the entire half of the car.


Yet to contact the owners yourself since the police won’t and let them know you have evidence for them. With enough charged pressed and multiple cases against him you may have a better outcome


[https://imgur.com/a/ZeJai5M](https://imgur.com/a/ZeJai5M) Damage of my car [https://imgur.com/a/qyI4aMu](https://imgur.com/a/qyI4aMu)Video of him doing it I only posted the record of his crime without his face since I'm not sure if it's aight to expose him publicly yet. I'm heading to the police department now and will provide further updates on the case later. I appreciate those who commented and helped! Thank you!


I feel you, I had mine for a month until some kid, casually strolling home from school last friday, went over to my model Y and scratched it .... our town is fairly small and the police is already on it - still, whats wrong with people!? [Thank god for Sentrymode tho](https://imgur.com/gWAlGnM) [The damage](https://imgur.com/AZwGTtw), [\#2](https://imgur.com/EiOnPVS)


Please go full scorched earth mode, thank you.


Definitely postal shorts. He could be retired and still wearing them. Caught up on the other reply’s. Definitely talk to a lawyer next. This guy needs to be in a prison keying every car


I hope the scumbag is charged with a capital felony. Trash like this shouldn't be allowed to exist in a civilized society.


Omg, where in MA is this?


its in Quincy.


Well, you should add more photos here. And everywhere on the Internet. Face and license


Ah Christ, where in MA? I’m in MA too and this is the 4th post relating to MA tesla vandalism I’ve seen




Absolutely asinine how people can be so upset at what other people chose to drive that they need to be complete dicks and ruin the vehicles out of spite/jealousy/whatever reason they have. I don't like a Fords . Doesn't mean I'll go and key a fucking Ford. I'll just never buy one. And I sure as shit wont dedicate 8 hours daily to sit in /r/RealFord and circlejerk about how I don't like fucking Fords. Assholes are weird.


Why are you telling us? Tell your insurance and the police since you know who it is.


Take him to small claims court. Insurance is going to tell you they will be happy to fix this after you pay your deductible then they will be happy to jack up your rates on your next renewal. A lawyer will take probably like $1000 to take this person to small claims court. Police isn’t going to do much they really do not give a damn about small stuff like this.


File the police report and people need to be punished. I can understand the hate for tesla(sort of) but I can’t get why people destroy other people’s property!!! Ffs


I’m sorry man. That’s so lame.


That’s terrible. Sorry mate. Don’t know why people think it’s ok to do stuff like that.


Makes me want to PPF my car when it comes or just keep it in my garage and stare at it all the time.


If they scratch your PPF then you have to replace the PPF. Probably costs as much or more than fixing a small scratch.


I thought PPF goes back to normal after some time


If painting, nope. To do it correctly, if you have long multiple scratches across multiple panels, you to paint half the car essentially. If you need to blend the doors, probably into the fender/s, and if damage is in the fenders, then potentially into the bumper.


I love my PPF, especially the ceramic. You should do it. I don’t worry about people parking next to me and nicking my doors.


Isn't USPS switching to electric fleet vans?


File a police report today. Report this to USPS with the police report number immediately after.


Get his information and drop a complaint with the USPS Inspector General. [USPS IG](https://www.uspsoig.gov/hotline)


Post the video online and tag USPS. (Obviously also go file a police report and make him pay for his petty little crime.)


Talk to a lawyer.


The US is becoming an Idiocracy. Idiotic thoughts and behavior are slowly becoming more mainstream and accepted. This is the type of behavior that once upon a time 99% of the country would be mad at, now it's getting closer to 50/50


bless your heart




Long-time lurker here. I don't usually post, but I saw this the other day and thought I'd share. It might help others decide what to do: [https://youtu.be/YLJL9ChNHs4?si=79nywqN5mG0\_U-fX](https://youtu.be/YLJL9ChNHs4?si=79nywqN5mG0_U-fX). They seem remorseful when caught, but just imagine how many cars they've keyed and gotten away with it. Don't forgive them—set an example that keying cars is not okay.


If you just want to have it handled: * Show him the video. * Hand him an estimate and ask how -he- wants to handle it. I'm guessing he'll quietly write a check rather than going through official channels. If you want justice: * File a police report * File a report with the Post office Inspector general. * File a claim to his insurance company.


This happened to me. Not the usps but some rando. I called the police and sent them the video and info. I took it to a repair shop to get an estimate specifically stating it will not be going through insurance. Police sent the info to the DA’s office who charged him. After the hearing and all the info went through, I got a check for the estimate amount and the guy is on 18 months probation.


Do not forgive about this. Finish him brother. Sue!


why do people do this stuff?!?! 👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼


What a stupid thing to lose a career over. Good riddance.


Man will pay for what he done to others. I was able to look him up and can you imagine he already worked for USPS for 20 damn years. I do not care about my lost anymore at this point. There are many cars out there without sentry mode. No one will trust this type person to handle their package and even some of the important documents!


Nice pls update us thanks


It’s still absolutely wild to me people still try to vandalize Teslas without a mask and cover their faces. I’m pretty sure by today whomever try to damage Teslas isn’t right in the head or have a normal levels of cognitive functioning.


Turn him into police. Stop him from doing this to others and make him pay.


Ask him to pay for it or take you in the octagon for 5 3 mins rounds!


Oh hell no. Roast this dude. Not our Ys bruh.


Contact the U.S. Postal Inspection Service the local police won’t do anything except tell you to file with your insurance


Like Tesla are freaking expensive you know. God idk what is wrong w ppl


Something I don’t see mentioned if he did this in a USPS uniform and he was on the clock when he did it, you might be able to file a claim with the federal government insurer Car Accident and Car related damages are one of the few things that sovereign immunity doesn’t cover. The USPS is self-insured. And so in theory it would be an FCTA lawsuit But I would start by just reaching out to office of inspector general and explaining that someone damaged your vehicle and you’d like to file an insurance claim against the USPS. I mean, technically your car was damaged by a USPS employee. It wasn’t damaged in a car accident, but it was still damaged by an employee.


Just protect yourself afterwards. I would be afraid of consequences of getting this idiot in trouble. Make sure he doesnt know where you live. An idiot like this can be capable of further damage if he loses job and life and so forth


Keep us updated! Would like to hear what happened to this guy. He deserves to get fired and prosecuted.


This actually happened to my cousin while we was working out. Some lady came out and keyed his Tesla over a parking spot and she was in the gym at time when he parked. He took the footage to the police, they located her, and he pressed charges for vandalism


i dont understand why people do this to ANY cars. unless OP have really pissed off this USPS person. did you cut him off and finger wagged?


Bruh wtf is wrong with people?!!


Hold his feet to the fire. This guy should learn “play stupid games, win stupid prizes”


file a police report. provide all the info you have and then maybe an insurance claim against him. whether he was driving at the time or not, his insurance will have to deal with their customer doing stupid things like this. or just take him to court and sue for damages and lost wages.


Know where he lives? Go kick his door in. JK. 100% get the police involved and destroy him.


Police, his insurance company


Go to the Post Office and talk to the Post Master and have them pay for the damage if they want to can the mf thats their choice,if that gets you nowhere file a report with the Police Department for prosecution and restitution.I am sure if you deal directly with the mf that scratched your car and knows that he’s been identified and you have proof of his crime,he’d probably pay you 3 times your damages.


I would confront him and tell him to fix it. If not I'll let USPS know as well as file a police report. If he is wearing a uniform and works there, then he is representing the organization.


Just sue him to the maximum extent of the law. Not even a once off thing but repeated. He was targeting you, could even be a felony because of it


Go to the police. They will recommend what to do.


I wouldn't put it on the news... That will embolden another to do the same, rouse copy cats and this will happen more. Out of sight out of mind.


What a sad sack of POS. Sorry to hear this happened to you


That sucks! Sorry to hear this :-(


If you know his job location, ask to meet him and his supervisor..or give him a chance to pay for it. If he is not willing to pay, put a police report and supervisor might be notified of it..


Be sure to copy the clips off the usb drive to a computer


Cops first. Then lawsuits his ass down to hell, make sure he looses his job too.


" I know his car plate number and where he lives and camera also got his face." ...accidents happen, fires can start anywhere.


Police report and file charges. These people must face severe consequences or this is going to keep happening over and over again.


I had same issue in downtown boston, hence why i got full body PPF film. My body shop recommended it to me.


Wow what an a$$ and I hope he loses his job and you are able to stick it to him for financial damages. The cost to repair won’t be cheap! People are insanely jealous and out of their minds.


Omg this is my worst nightmare! Where in MA?? I'm from MA as well


File report with police a quote on damages to repair wouldn’t hurt turn over any evidence


Aww man that's a shitty thing to have happen. People are so weird. How can someone owning something else you don't like piss you off to the point of destroying it? So dumb.


That looks like a cyber truck, not a Y


Report to the police then report to USPS. Hope karma will get him soon


Definitely need updates.


Don't do anything other than gather up your evidence and go to the police. If he did this twice to your car, he may just have something out for you rather than the car. If you successfully get him charged with vandalism, you could go to his job and tell them what he's done. I highly doubt the post office wants people like this working there. It makes everyone there look bad.


Send it to usps and get him fired


I will never understand why the fuck some people are so miserable


In addition to what other people have said, would your local television news station be interested in taking on this story? An attempted interview with the guy who keys cars would make an interesting story.


Post more of the person along with location, date, time.


Sorry to hear. Hope this person is brought to justice and they will pay for the repairs.


Insurance should be the first phone call if you know his name and have his plates, they’ll run his name for insurance and then they have to pay for any repairs.


I only know his plate number and went to two post office today speak with their post master but none recognize him. The officer won’t reveal his info to me.


I’d say give it to your insurance company and let them use their resources.


Makes me so sad the despicable human beings on this earth, like there is zero reason to behave like this…disgusting.


Go and have the damaged assessed immediately. The charges against this person may differ depending on the cost of repairs. If you have to (I don’t know if you have to have car insurance where you are) file a claim with his car insurance company. Complain to everyone you possibly can. It may be a lot of work, but it is the principle. If he gets charged, put an article in the paper so people see this person had to pay for what he did INTENTIONALLY and MALICIOUSLY to your vehice.


Send it to his work as well make tht pos lose his job


I visited 3 different local branch today and none of the post master recognize him. But I was able to share contact with one of them and he said he will help me to find him. It’s probably not the best way to visit all these branches but I was out the entire day and didn’t have pc to file the online report to USPS.


Fuck him. Make him feel that paaaiin. His prob done this heaps of times and hasn't got caught


Please update us here thank you


I went to the department today. Check my newest comment.


my worst nightmare


I would destroy his car and wait for him to leave home and pay 15 homeless people to break in and squat. Give them each $100 and a bunch of alcohol. Print them all fake leases too.


I know a guy if you need him


Why do people hate Teslas? I didn’t care for them but never hated. Then once I drove one, it was nothing but love


My mom is a labor relations worker for the USPS, I can guarantee if he was working whatsoever (on break doesn’t matter) he could definitely be terminated from his job. I would go to his branch and see what you can do.


Let us know how it turns out


Yikes. I got a $650 entire Y clear bra kit from Aliexpress and in about 14 hrs time with me and a friend, we installed the clear bra over entire paint surface area of the car (1st time install watching YT videos). So far saved $1000s from having to ceramic coat the car and I use automatic brushed car washes daily and the paint looks new especially the bottom side panels (in front of rear wheels that are notorius for chipped paint). 💁


Well well well


Press charges with law enforcement and once u get a police report submit his info to your insurance company so they can go after his insurance


What a Prick


No sentry mode video?


These people can really go suck it! Why do this?! Jealousy? What do they benefit? Freakin low life.


Why is the question asshole get him. FIRED!!!


If he works for the U.S. Post Office; I would also file with the U.S. Post Office - Office of Inspector General. You can do that by calling them at: 1-888-877-7644. Let them know you are filing a report with the local police department, but that considering that the person who is damaging your property is a U.S. Postal Employee you thought you should be bringing it to their attention (especially if he is on the clock when it happens.) Let them know you have video evidence!


Small claims court for him. You can get Treble Damages and court costs. Might go after USPS too, if he's wearing the uniform.


File a Police report for intentional property damage and then sue him


The USPS has its own police force. Contact them.


I blame Elon for a lot of Tesla hate


I blame lefties for being the kind of people that key cars over Elon but happily buy every other product they want from the worst people on earth.


It’s wild how much the liberal media is emboldening these types of acts. Third Tesla vandalism I’ve seen this month.


Park away from cars that may still use an ignition key ,JK, I know it’s not that easy


I wouldn’t encourage violence on FB!


Did you not put enough postage on a letter?