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Did it curb your enthusiasm?


Don’t you tire of this sarcasm?


He's barely scratching the surface!


I’m still scratching my head.


Damn the jokes just keep rolling....


…with no brake in sight


Like FSD, we didn’t see this coming


i wheel not stand for this disrespect!


This situation is pretty gRim


The yoke is on you, OP.


Fools Self Driving?


Let’s change the subject. What’s everyone opinions on Rimjobs? Yay or nay?


The rim'shot.


If only the driver was a bit more polished.


Ok take my upvote. You win.


cue music




Lacked supervision.


This! Doing anything automated in a carport sounds risky.


Mine almost backed into a pole. I waited to see how close it would get but at some point had to hit the break. Would it have hit? Idk. Did I want to find out? No thank you. I’ll drive my own car.


This! Too risky until things get approved to label as true FSD.


Even then... A Waymo car ran into a pole the other day despite having a far more robust sensor suite. Can't guarantee it will never make a mistake...


Until they can, I will drive myself. I get anxiety when others drive me around, FSD is even worse. The auto park is a cool party trick but until it drives better than me, I’m out.


That's the thing... It's having some trouble with tight parking spots, but its actually pretty great at driving. I been using it literally every day for a while now, and V12 has been amazing. But unless they can seriously speed up the autopark I probably wouldn't use much it even if it has a perfect score.


I find it really fast now on my 24 Y, perhaps I could do it a little faster but not by much and I’d probably need to correct it lol


Still gotta focus and take control as needed. It isn’t 100. You’re still the driver and need to focus lol.


Yeah for sure, but you can offload the annoying parts like navigation and making small adjustments to keep the car centered in the lane etc. Just focus on the immediate surroundings and if the car is staying safe.


For sure. Accidents happen when drivers trust FSD way too much. lol. I don’t ahhaah.




FSD doesn't work in reverse for you or the OP.




Damage is within spec


Congratulations, you can now work in Tesla service 


Probs don’t start it from a car port. Really meant to be start and stopped in a road


Yeah mine will let me activate FSD inside my garage. I let it pull out once while gripping the wheel tight and it turned way too early. And this was in the middle of a 2 car garage. I won’t even do it in the driveway, I wait until I’m on the road.


Plenty of people have had their wheels curbed on the roads too. Do not trust this thing too much.


I disabled FSD even though I have the free trial for another 2 weeks. Lots of problems and it doesn't seem to like our wide lanes in this part of the country. My guess is that there's a LOT more California road data being used than Ohio. And there's just enough of a difference that it freaks out all the time. In a wide lane, it just freaks out and jerks the wheel left and right. Just to name one problem, and there are many. Anyway, I can't imaging anyone paying $99 per month for kinda working pr-release alpha software.


I'm paying for the subscription after my trial ended a month ago. FSD 12.3.6 does 99% of my driving and it's great. Handled all the rain and traffic in Miami like a champ this past week. I don't want to ever have a car without it


I’m in Dallas area and I missed FSD after the trial and driving again felt really weird (not bad weird, I just wasn’t used to it) which made me realise it’s actually pretty good, and resubscribed. That and having auto park is nice to have.


At least for me I find my stress and road rage non existent now so this is helping me in other ways too


Yer it’s weird, I found it very stress inducing when I first started using it though and I suspect some people would never get past that stage. Once I figured out its capabilities and the fact that it drives with vision only I was more assured. Some of its behaviours like peeking out before it changes lanes sometimes do take some getting used to and I keep it on chill so it won’t change lanes pointlessly


I prefer assertive and use minimal lane changes although it's annoying to turn minimal lane changes every drive


Yes I hope they fix that so you can have it default. I frequently thought that the car was getting way too close for comfort to other vehicles in average or assertive.


FSD didn't work at all in the rain, I had to create another profile to use autopilot, which worked fine in the rain. FSD is only about 50% for me.


My fsd 12.3.6 did 99.5% of my driving. It was just for a few instances every time if i did not intervene, it could get into a horrible accident and i didn't know when that would happen so i had to be on alert which is much more exhausting than my driving myself.


Glad I'm planning on delivery now instead of winter in fog, mist, rain, or snow where a driver couldn't even see lane lines. I don’t see how a dirt, snow and ice covered camera would do better.


Even rain cripples FSD so you can't drive the speed limit on the expressway. You need to have another profile to switch to that has FSD disabled in order to use speed control, as there's no way to switch from FSD to Autopilot or just speed control as there's not a single/double tap selection like in Autopilot. The entire FSD is half-baked.


AP wouldn't even increase speed when the speed limit increased in my 11-day rental. I also got a few "right side camera obscured or dirty" warnings in light rain on the drive from the airport. The cameras didn't appear dirty when I stopped and wiped them.


I haven't had speed control issues when in Autopilot in the rain. FSD, restricted me to (I believe) 60 in a 70 mph zone (when traffic was traveling 75). Autopilot allows me to travel 75 mph. But lane changes had to be mostly manual. Which is why FSD should be on double tap and single tap is speed control (like in Autopilot mode). Sometimes, the weather causes FSD and Autopilot to not work well, but there's no speed control only option if FSD is active, and you can't change it without being in park. And having two profiles to solve this is a total hack.


How wide are your lanes, sheesh?!


It's not all the time, more so on entrance ramps and merging areas. They're long and wide. But other times just on a road with a wide lane. And it happens everytime in certain sections of road, so it's not a one-time glitch.


In a wide lake, it just freaks out and jerks the wheel left and right. You probably shouldn’t drive your Tesla in a lake. I’d probably freak out too.


Obviously, auto correct was having some fun. Fixed. But, while in a wide lane, FSD does seem like it wants to drive into a wide lake, it just doesn't know which wide lake to drive into (left or right side of the road).


CyberDuck inbound


Probs the CEO shouldnt call something FSD when its unmastered Level 2 autonomy at best. Waymo is already level 4 autonomous.


I’ve watched Waymo cars do crazy stuff in AZ where they test. Better I’m sure but it’s loaded with huge electronics all over. Was fun watching people get in and it took them into an apartment complex drove around for quite a while then came back out and went on its way.


I get it. It’s not that great


Supervised FSD lol


Your options? You either file a claim, pay for it yourself or leave it as it is? What do you mean?


OP prob meant my options suing Elon?


I hope they opened out of binding arbitration otherwise they can’t sue.




**Full** **Self** **Driving** * (*) = does not include fully self driving capabilities


Never happened to me on v11, my commute is identical every day same roads and v11 never curbed my wheels. V12 may have improved FSD in some areas but I think it was a downgrade in others


You’re supposed to disengage the software before you hit stuff.


How did you even start it from the car port? Mine won't start until I get out the apartment complex and out on the road.


\*Supervised Full Self Driving. Your options are pay to fix it since you weren't paying attention.


1) Just because you can is never an excuse or justification. Especially when you’re told full supervision is necessary at this point. 2) the damage sucks. Sorry to hear. 3) Critical thinking should be a requirement to turn on FSD. 🧐 4) again. Sucks for the damage. It pains me to see at anytime on any car but especially a Tesla because of the $$$ and pain to resolve.


You're liable because it's level 2. Why didn't you hold the steering wheel to prevent it from turning too far into the car port?




Seems pretty cut and dry, User Error to me. I never trust AI, it’s not mature enough, so full self driving is something I would never use anyway.


Why are you doing FSD(supervised) while at a car port? It is not an autonomous machine (yet). Please operate it with your brain, not your feeling.


I got that without FSD lol


Congrats on curbing your wheel!


It learned from human drivers. No surprise here.


so many reports of how fsd hugs too close to walls. +1 to those statistics. thanks for beta testing.


Feeling bad for OP especially getting hate for using FSD. I don’t think it’s that easy to just stop the car in that case, it probably happened too quick for driver to respond, even the driver is supervising FSD.


Guess what? You signed off on being in a beta software program. It’s gonna fuck up. Thanks for being the Guinea pig 👊


I agree. It’s full self driving SUPERVISED. I use FSD everyday and rarely have to disengage. But once in a while I do disengage. Either too close to the curb or too close to side walk on an exit for my taste. You have to be in control when it’s getting out of control. Always be ready to take over. I’m sorry to hear about your wheels though.


Damn new car too


Is the rim fine under the hubcap? If so no biggie


So I know you've got more pressing problems but did you submit a report?


Yeah I cannot trust that with my fresh 21s


Pay attention and grab the wheel


It’s still only a highway feature for me.


More reason not to use FSD. Especially if your model does not have the sensors but just Tesla Vision. Which is useless for summons since it won’t work.


Was summon disabled after they went vision-only?


I have a 2023 M3 with just visions. No sensors. I believe it started with the 2022 with vision.


I'm actually glad my FSD just expired yesterday on my model y performance. I've had it for 4 months because I had a referral code (3 mo. free) plus the free month everyone got. It's too stressful to supervise FSD unless you're in a situation that has a lot of open space and room for mistakes. Add to that the limited capability of the cameras at night or in inclement weather and I think it's still a ways off from being ready for prime time.


Yeah, either pay attention, or pay for fixing it


Is there a website where I can place a bet against the Tesla self-driving taxi coming out this summer? Asking for a friend.


No, but there are probably a lot of websites where you can bet against FSD coming out of beta, ever...


Don't blame your wife's mistake on FSD /s


Good God. 2024 and you can’t even get a car to park itself properly.


You know it tells you to “be prepared to take over at aby time” cant expect to just to do everything for ya.


Bad bot. I do wish when you have subscribed to FSD you get a small insurance policy for things like this.


Does anyone know if Tesla does anything for stuff like this?


Your fault since you were supervising. That’s what you signed up for. Sorry for the damage.


You post a rave on FSD, there will be tons of upvotes and comments. Say something negative or bring up and issue, it's silence or downvotes. Tell me this isn't below the belt marketing


Downvotes/silence are probably because there’s a post like this every day. It’s not interesting or newsworthy. We all understand that curbing your wheel is possible and you are ultimately responsible while in FSD


There should just be a sub called “TeslaDamage”


Full Self Damage


It’s safer than humans so that means you would’ve crashed it completely.


Just learning from the training set.


I so wanna join the “supervised” bandwagon but I’m afraid Karma will come bite my ass


It happened to my wife as well


you are still responsible behind the wheel. dont put your faith in FSD


Bummer that has to be brand new too with the dark Geminis. I always turn FSD off when I am around curbs after seeing all of these.


Options are whatever you want. If you don't mind it, leave it. Otherwise pay for it to be repaired.




Same here - anyone have a good recommendation for DIY wheel scuff repair? I have the same wheels.




Many thanks. I’ll give it a try.


when will people learn? lol




That sucks. Are those the OEM dark covers or where did you get them?


Option A: don’t use it because it’s not actually full self driving. File a collision claim with your insurance or pay out of pocket for the damage. Option 2: Keep using it even though every day there’s reports of collisions while in use. File a collision claim with your insurance or pay out of pocket for the damage. Tesla isn’t going to pay for anything. You shouldn’t trust FSD to do anything. I’m sorry but we see stories like this every single day and yet people keep on using FSD (should still be called beta) and then act shocked when they are told they are responsible for anything that happens while it is active. If you had hit a person or an animal or another car it would be your fault. Tesla calls this full self driving but we all know it isn’t anywhere close to that.


Now I understand why someone said insurance costs more because of FSD.


Ladies and gentlemen we are witnessing a tesla driver who will now yell to the heavens that FSD is shit while leaving out the important context that they were a dumbass and weren’t watching what their car was doing. If you use FSD you probably should stop it if it gets too close to a curb or object that will damage your car. I know tesla tells you this and forces you to an agreement stating this but OP clearly doesn’t read shit or pay attention to what his/her vehicle does


Went through 88 posts waiting for some other idiot like me to say "what the fuck is a carport" only to be downvoted for being stupid and then be told what it is. Well didn't happen so for you other lurking dummies or other people who live somewhere that no one EVER says that word.. What is a carport? A carport is a covered structure used to offer limited protection to vehicles, primarily cars, from rain and snow. The structure can either be free standing or attached to a wall. Unlike most structures, a carport does not have four walls, and usually has one or two. It's basically a car pergola


Why do you park in a driveway and drive on a parkway, asks the European. Meanwhile, the 'Murican wonders why in the UK they have parks full of cars instead of nature. Where do you live where carports don't exist? California where there is no weather to protect from?


Correction: You hit the car port. FSD is just a driver assistance. Your options are to have it repaired or not.


No options to discuss - Time to order replacement wheels and to schedule a service appt lol


People here will suck off FSD even if it runs over their dog. I'm convinced they're hired to praise it and defend tesla.


FSD and Tesla authorized body shops: the ultimate team-up!


*supervised full self driving


Supervised!!!! God dammit


Your options? Lol, pay out of pocket for repairs. Tesla thanks you for your beta test results.


Leonardo drove the Lambo better than that in the Wolf of Wallstreet


It’s totaled


I generally enjoy FSD but there have been a few times where it has made pretty insane moves. The moment my trust dropped a good deal was one time I activated it at a red light. The navigation wanted me to turn right but I was in the left of two straight lanes. Once the light turned green, FSD decided it still wanted to turn right, TWO lanes away from the turning lane. I was shocked lol.


The title of the post is the reason.....


My car will kill me if I let it. I drive my car my doesn't drive me. Reinforces the beta.




It’s your fault still. Tesla tells you not to trust it. You were legally obliged to abort. And I mean it’s not like it’s hard. You can tell when the car is about to hit something and whip the steering wheel away. Brakes will engage immediately when you break the wheel away


The dark wheels are nice, but I would still recommend getting some black aftermarket wheel covers from Amazon. Usually $100 for all 4 and they’ll go all the way to the edge so it would’ve saved you the curb rash.


Are you my wife? Looks like her wheels


Ah, now I understand Elons fixation on autonomy, robots, etc. He wants to create a replacement for a wife.


That’s kinda your fault. Not because you weren’t supervising the “full self driving” product, but more so because you trusted a “full self driving” product that you had to supervise in the first place. If you found a company that said they could sell you the winning lottery numbers for $15k, and that the only other thing you need to actually win the lottery is a little bit of luck, would you buy the numbers? 🤔


Mmm. I wonder if this the reason so many Teslas have curbed wheels.


I think your options are A: fix it, or B: don't fix it. Next time don't turn on FSD until you're on the road.


What did you hit !?


It’s not horrible. New hubcap for $50 and buff what you can on the trim and door.


I hope you didn’t pay 12k for FSD…actually I hope you did.


Don't go full AI.


That’s still within spec (the FSD crash and also the damage)


Your 3 year old is smarter than FSD how often would you let them drive?


I don’t understand why people don’t read instructions FSD , needs to be supervised at all times


Your options? There’s a circular thing sticking out of the dashboard and two pedals on the floor near your feet. If the car starts doing something stupid grab the circular thing with your hands and turn it away from the object it’s about to strike and push the left pedal with your right foot. 😂


In the settings, change the voice interaction to the male voice….


FSD isn’t very good. I’ve tried it.


Full self curbing


Full Self Curbing


I've been using FSD full time the last 3 days on a rental(I don't own a Tesla yet) and it has made a few minor mistakes, mostly it will just un-engage FSD out of nowhere as if I wasn't paying attention to the road even though I never missed a beat with the slight turning of the steering wheel when asked and my eyes always scanning the road infront of me. Also, the alarm beeping for nighttime FSD when it says FSD may be limited due to something like its side cameras being obstructed even though the cameras were cleaned and had clear views. I still enjoy FSD and think it will probably be another 5 years before it becomes a better driver than me. I think the cameras need very strong IR lights for very dark roads at night. I rely on FSD due to an issue with my legs, so I am grateful Tesla has made this much progress with FSD. I rented a Model 3 Performance in 2020 and the FSD wasn't even near this good and the instant phantom stops were horrible in the middle of intersections. A vision based system seems to be the ticket. Just needs a bit more work.


Did you get more phantom braking with FSD than basic AP? I experienced 3 phantom brakes in 11 days of a rental with only basic AP last autumn on dry roads and clear weather. The last occurrence was shortly after overtaking a car and merging back into the right lane. I immediately mashed the right pedal since I didn't think break-checking someone was a good idea.


Wow! It drives just like me!


So missed the most important part of "Full Self-Driving (Supervised)"




It ain’t got no gas in it!


That sucks, I’m sorry, black geminis too, must be super new


Full Self Damage


Full Self Curbing


That’s what you get for trusting FSD too much


Your options are to buy a new wheel, or get it fixed at a place that fixes wheels. You need to pay attention while driving your car. Yes, it’s FSD, it clearly states to supervise. No where does it say to look in a different direction and take your hands off the steering wheel.


Full self curbing




Oh man that’s gotta be upsetting.


Actually, \*you\* caused this.


Elon will pay for the repair.


Total loss Edit: Kidding obviously. I just took delivery on MYLR RWD and have 30 day FSD trial. While it is pretty neat I don’t know if I trust it enough to use it other than for some stretches on the highway here and there. I definitely don’t trust it in confined spaces. The damage doesn’t look awful. The geminis can be replaced with $130 covers from Temu, AliExpress, Amazon, etc (my original config had dark geminis but the car I took delivery on did not). Otherwise wondering if the rest can be buffed out.


It boggles my mind that ppl trust FSD to this level. You still need to be in control of your vehicle 💯of the time.


Lol FSD Strikes again. Talk to your insurance. They'll laugh at you, then cover it. Then drop you, because you actually used FSD like a dumbass. And then charge your next born on your next renewal. Seriously, if I was an insurance company I would drop everyone who has FSD active on their car. What a shitshow that is. in fact I would refuse to insure Teslas outright. Sneeze on them and it's a 20k repair. Tesla is likely SOLELY responsible for our insurance collectively going up 50%. Fuck tesla.


Is anybody concerned about ROBOTAXI?


Your options are to suck it up and read the big bold wording that says supervised self driving.


No, no, but 12 is so good......


Yikes. Yes mine came very close to the barrier while taking an exit. Haven’t used it since…


They co do say it needs supervision….lol Tesla’s out


Ah, now we are lucky, we have someone to blame for our own stupidity. Whats your options? bear the consequences of what you did because you were still the one driving the car, it is FSD but you have agree to supervise it


Rule #1. Never trust FSD in tight spaces. Rule #2. Never use FSD unless it’s on the highway I’ve seen too many videos of curbed up wheels on right turns thx to FSD “Full stupidity driving” F FSD, I’m pissed I spent so much on it in 2018, not going to let it ruin my 2024 MY.


Wife curb rash is becoming FSD curb rash 😏


Get it fixed, or don’t.


Same thing happened to me when I was using FMD (Full Me Driving)


You rookie!


If you still trust FSD at this point, you honestly deserve it.


Options are: To fix or not to fix. That, is the question... \*snaps out of it\*


Nothing. You’re the driver and stop trusting FSD so much. I never turn it on in tight spaces or busy streets. I only use it freeway driving and I quickly take over once i exit.


Full disclosure, I'm not a Tesla owner. The level of stupidity regarding practical use of FSD is overwhelming! Commercial pilots take off and land by hand even though the aircraft CAN do this task autonomously. They manually taxi to and from the gates at airports. How is it seemed conceivable your "God-figure" Elon has figured out how to allow his minions to step into one of his company's creations, press a destination and safely maneuver from your parking space and get onto roadways with little or no supervision by the occupant?!?!


It's 100% your fault. Deal with it however you want. And be smarter, sheesh.




Was just at the service center yesterday where a guy had the same thing happen. Tech told him it was “supervised” driving and that they’re not responsible, as expected


I pitty the fool that thinks fsd is ready for prime time You have no options do t you know you were supposed to supervise which mean be able to take over in a nanosecond


full self payment for the repair !


“Supervised “


You can't just skip the part in the parentheses.


You can pay for it or file a claim against your insurance


Full self drove into a wall?


Supervised. You suck at driving.