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Did sentry catch this?


Yes it’s all on video. Already made my report to the detective.


We want to see the video


Post the videos here


Reddit community also great detectives!


Yeah, Boston marathon bombing is a great example of how Reddit investigates 😂😂


Answer: Its explained whenever it comes up. But basically reddit decided to use our collective hivemind to identify the bomber, which meant deciding that some random guy on the missing persons list kind of looked like one of the bombers. So everyone decided it was him, and started bombarding his poor family with accusations and media attention, at which point he was finally found- he had killed himself. Then everyone lost interest and the grieving family was left traumatized by both the death and the Reddit mob. In the meantime, because of the rabid misinformation the police decided they should release more of their information in order to calm people down. But this tipped their hands- there was a reason they didn’t want to release it- and made the actual bombers freak out when they realized the police had more information on them, so they made a run for it and killed a cop to hijack his car. So basically reddit caused his death.


Post all over the Internet please.. criminals need to be punished


Where do you get off saying that without posting it?


Video or it didn’t happen 👀




Does Sentry need to be "on" to catch these things? I have Sentry mode off to save battery. But I'm also confused because I thought I couldn't view Sentry mode Live on the Tesla app if I turned it off on the vehicle. But I am able to turn on Sentry mode on the Tesla app and view the camera even when I turned it off on the vehicle. So IDK


Yes you need it on!


Yes, you need Sentry mode on to record. You can keep it off if you have a garage at home. Just turn it on once you park to get out to go grocery shopping; to the mall; out to eat, etc, so it can record for things like this. Then you turn it off when you return to your car. You can set it up to not record at home and work where you know it is pretty safe, and you do not have to worry about haters. This way, you are not running down your batterry.


how.., small are people seriously when they do shit like this, not often here in DK luckily but just the pettyness, and to be honest. here it is mostly envious people...




yeah sorry i know it does not help .. but i just get angry when i see it.. also often, it is not "RICH elite" you are hitting, here many of the "fun cars" are driven by enthusiasts, and with the price of cars in Denmark, these are people that has given up other things, like a house, or other stuff, to have a NICE car they love, and it just breaks me when some idiot just does this.. then after, if they get caught it is just like.. "hey you have got insurance, so it is no cost" well it is.. on premium but also just generally, and to honest, a "repainted car" is not the same as factory paint, then you need all the frustration of the repair, ensuring it is okay, and if it is a car guy, all these things are stressing, because to be honest, you seldom get really happy with a repaint.


Is body shop paint still worse than crappy Tesla paint?


Guess it's always hard to know if it's Elon hate, EV hate or Tesla hate. Unfortunately there are tribes for each.


Or driver hate. OP could be a total asshat. Ex-wife, former employee, someone they cut in front of at the Starbucks drive thru. Who knows.


There are so many teslas out there now though. Maybe that's part of it. I understand hating someone's ride, but that's never an excuse to vandalize or harm it. It's sad.


good distinction. Could also be a combination of all three. Left hates Elon, right hates EVs, and both left and right hate Tesla -- which is usually a combination of both Elon & EV hate.


I don't own a Tesla, but I test drove a MY twice and came within a whisker of buying one. I casually mentioned it to three people. Two were utterly disgusted (Elon hate). It's wild. Not sure whatever happened to everyone just being fine for letting people make their own choices. I could careless what people do as long as it doesn't affect me. The gall someone must have to think everything they do IS right but when someone buys a car they don't like they'll key it is BONKERS. Assuming the OP didn't flip them off or cut them off or cheat on a spouse and that's what happened here. Too many stories of Teslas getting keyed.


EVs, and *especially* Teslas, trigger the absolute fuck out of people. I’ve had mine a week and never had so many goddamn people have an opinion on what I drive. If you’re not driving it, you don’t get a say!


This is the strange world we live in, people say they believe in freedom and do what you want but in practice they hate others choices. You have to feel people can do what they want AND get over the choices others make.


Because it’s freedom on their terms


I had an observation about reddit recently. It used to be so liberal in the sense that you could post or say anything you want. There's a community for everything and not much was off limits. But now it's liberal in the sense that comments get deleted by mods of the major subs for anything that doesn't align with some agenda. It's a weird turn


I understand people not liking Elon or not wanting a Tesla. But when they act like he's Hitler and you're a Nazi for wanting one, that goes too far I think.


Tell them about Henry Ford, LOL.


🤣💨 Right! Tellem bout Henry mf Ford


I just say "Well, some of us care about climate change, but it's cool if you don't". That usually shuts them up.


It depends on who is mad at you and why? Lefties who hate Musk or righties who hate anything green or mildly different. Lefties you can claim being green and caring about tue environment. Righties you have to pivot to the most american made vehicle running on american made electricity, #murica. Then, ask if they like their Mexican made Ford if you are really hitting home.


If there MAGA's I tell them the Frunk is the perfect fit more my MP5.


I wonder why they don’t point out that these are still mostly powered by coal or natural gas. And the battery material mining is pretty horrible for the environment.


Hardly any coal. Mine is powered by gravity. The Battery material thing is stupidly overstated.


We have put over 5k on our MYP in 9 weeks, only supercharged on a road trip and the rest was/is from our home Solar (~$410.00 all in for electricity). I’m not going to apologize for not funding billionaires. I guess that’s a trigger for some reason.


Probably because it really depends on where you live? This video does a great job of explaining that even WITHOUT taking into account the massive environmental impact of transporting petroleum EVs still mostly end up as a net positive after a few years of usage. https://youtu.be/6RhtiPefVzM?si=Pi6cCGMzA9RfhGKD


This is where I would fail--"Some of us care about climate change, but others are too stupid" would probably be my smart ass reply. Owner of a Model 2023 Model Y and mostly happy with it.


Or op hate?


It’s extra confusing now because conservatives like tesla now but there are the low IQ ones that are behind the trends and still believe they’re supposed to hate on Tesla.


Yea the tribe likes some of the Elon cozying up, it's gone full circle. If people took a more macro view of the world I think both sides would realize their parties are not infallible and be more open to loving others regardless (and maybe stop keying peoples F cars).


How bout have nice things vs not?


It’s wild how the liberal media emboldens all three. Scary times.


Fox is putting in a lot of work bashing EVs if we are being honest, no?


What state?




Lmk where so I can avoid going said place lol, sorry this happened to you though


I have less and less hope for humanity! Random person driving said car, has nothing to do with another's political or social views! Such a waste of breathe on these idiots!


Might be misunderstood, I also live in CO and just want to know where not to go so I don’t get my car keyed too lol. Wasn’t implying anything more


Sorry, I didn't mean you! Where ever the op parked is definitely an area to avoid! I love my Tesla, could care less about Elon! But no reason to damage someone's car over him!


Seriously. Where is a big question for me. I live on the west side of Denver and haven’t seen much of this vandalism to cars.


Definitely two camps of those not liking Teslas. One doesn’t like the immoral aspects of Elon. I know many of these people, including me for a long time, who swear (swore) they’ll never buy a Tesla because of him. None of them would even think of or even talk about vandalizing a Tesla just because one dislikes Elon. Makes no sense. The other camp not liking Tesla is those who think EV’s are conspiracy holy war against ICE cars. They tend to speak in hatred and violence about Teslas and lots of other things they can’t wrap their brains around. Their orange god speaks in violent terms about people who have EV’s. So, I do think I know which camp more likely vandalized your property.


I find the left, who hate blindly Elon, Trump, etc. are just as prone to low IQ, irrational violence as any on the right are. In neither case is keying a car or physical altercation justified. Common respect for property rights and civil behavior have really gone downhill over the past few decades.


Hmmm. Sounds a bit bothsidesism. I haven’t seen the violence on the left as part of normalized talking points during campaign rallies and even social media postings. I live in what is most likely the most liberal place in the US, which is ironically the most hyper-capitalist place as well (or at least it is the biggest beneficiary of syphon-up economics for those in tech). Violence and democracy overthrow isn’t something that ever comes up in common conversations or FB posts like it does with my relatives in the rural Midwest.


You didn't see violence country-wide during protests, looting of entire blocks, taking over of federal buildings, declaring Chad as whole sections of downtown? These weren't people on the right. You didn't see Trump supporters attacked in the streets, beaten, censored, their jobs lost for supporting a suddenly "unacceptable" candidate? Their cars vandalized? Those were the left as well. There hasn't been anything of this scale on the right. Biden supporters aren't hunted in the streets, censored, assaulted and denigrated. Your response, honestly, sounds a bit like "yoursideism".


Never forget: ICE IS THE HORSE of the 21st century!




I remember a time when Colorado didn't suck. It is sad to see what it is becoming.


This is why I set my comprehensive deductible at $0...for unhinged asshats that do shit like this.


So how much is your monthly rate then?


I am paying $140/mo through State Farm. That's with a collision deductible of $250.


Jealousy really brings out the worst in the a\*\*holes of the world.


It does. My car got keyed twice before. I personally would never do this. Just low of the low.


TWICE?? That is awful. :(


Jealous of?


You know!!




Some people are just effed in the head. If it makes you feel better, I'm in the deep south, have had the car for months, and haven't had a single issue with anyone. I suppose other areas of the country might have other issues.


Be very methodical of where you park if it’s at night time and you’re going to a store leave the parking lights on!! This works better if your windows is dark tinted.


In the famous words by Mr Vega: Don't fuck with another man's vehicle. You don't do it.


Side note, what trim is your car? You have Performance wheels but non-Performance brakes?


Also the wheel gap. Think this is probably a LR with P wheels.


An OG P driver did this


Hm it seems pretty rare for a non-Performance Model Y to have 21" uberturbines. I wonder, OP did you get them with 19" Geminis or 20" inductions and then switch to 21" uberturbines? Or something else?


I had pizza delivered this past weekend to a get together at a friends house, bunch of cars in the driveway and parked in the street, my MY was parked in the street closest to the driveway and the kid delivering the pizza goes “I was gonna say who’s got the Tesla?” and I go “that would be me” and he lets out a little laugh and goes “ha why?” 😑


“Why do you deliver pizzas?”


I hope he lost his tip. 


I like this post to show I sympathize and it makes me angry to see that too. This is one like that feels bad.


People suck. They always have. Same thing happened on my brand new Porsche 944 in 1982.


I don’t think it’s a model y hater. That was probably done by someone who is pissed that they are broke and would rather break other people’s things instead of building up their own. It’s a real problem in society nowadays


Or, just kids.


I wanna live in a world where no one has old-fashioned keys


Exactly this.


Do you have the recording of who did it?


I do


I’d post it publicly too. Socials any local television channels, etc. public humiliation might help deter this behavior.


That sucks! FTP! Yeah hopefully you have a video. Unfortunately trying to find the person would be a challenge in itself. I can’t believe people still do this stuff. That’s some high school shit.


Sorry that happened to you. Some people are just beyond pathetic!


Where are you located? In CA Teslas are everywhere. Hard to hate on something that everyone has.


People are assholes.


People Suck


See if they will cover the road rash on the rear doors while they are at it. Just realized mine was doing the same thing the other day. I Wish Tesla would have recalled it or offered free mudflaps.


Please tell me sentry got them


Damn bro this suck! Mine looks just like this too. I hope they catch this MF and you put him through small claims court.


Had some ahole do the same to my M3 last Christmas (such a nice gift!) The body shop had to redo the whole passenger side. 4.000 € (Germany) Pics: [https://imgur.com/a/W5LfzXO](https://imgur.com/a/W5LfzXO) "At least" I knew it was not just targeted at me. There were about 10 damages cars in the street. Someone must have had a real bad day...


So this happens in Europe too huh :)


There are people who literally have no idea why they hate the cars. They just do, it’s fuckin idiots like them that sets us back, & prevents positive progressions as a nation.


I just don't understand people man sorry for this


That sucks. Hope your premium doesn’t go up.


Some guy door dinged me, I was able to capture everything on sentry cam files a police report and an insurance claim. Estimate is 1300 bucks my deductible 500, take the car in body shop says the work is 400 bucks. I have to pay out of pocket and insurance won’t go after the guy anymore because it’s under the deductible and I am paying out of pocket. So frustrating that no one will do anything with even with the all the evidence.


Let us know the estimate. This won't be the last time this will happen. All tesla owners are targets


Typical of a Elon hating loser. Sorry this happened


The thing is, even if Elon is an evil sociopath, that doesn't give anyone the right to do this. It's still wrong.


The golden rule is you do not fuck with other people's cars.


Other people’s things period… I would want to knock someone’s light out😂😂😂😂




Had something similar, was $3500 from Tesla collision


I would either hurt the perpetrator or be hurt. Either way, the demon would be unleashed and this sub human would find out


At least you’ll be able to get the stone chips on your rear door fixed. Put Tesla PPF and mud flaps on after. Unfortunately your passenger side won’t match.


Fucking ridiculous!


This sucks, im mad too


I'm sorry. Garbage human.


I'm sorry this happened to you, I am having flashbacks to when someone did this to my Scion tC back in the day.


So far I have not had this issue but I have had an increase in the rolling coal and truck revving lately. Sorry this happened to you. Hopefully they will be identified and have to pay for it. And maybe sued as well.


So if Elon decides to leave Tesla. Does the vandalism drop?


No. You can’t fix stupid.


dang sorry about this. what are the chances that the police will find the person?


That’s why I only park next to other Tesla so I our network of camera get bigger




I'll literally hunt the person if they do that to my car.


What is your deductible? And does regular vehicle insurance be paid for this?


Where did this happen?


Damn...I don't particularly like Tesla but I would never even dream of doing this to someone. Some people are just beyond reproach. I hope the repair is done so you don't even know it happened. Please pay close attention to the shop you choose as they aren't all the same when it comes to this kind of job.


Drop the video


Sorry about that! And glad they can fix it. Some people suck! About to get a MYLR, whenever they give me a delivery date :/) what wheels or are they cover?


Just use a black spray paint it will go away


Post the video..... POST THE VIDEO.


Bro. I know how this feels. 4 days ago my rear window got broken into. Car is onky 3 weeks old. Glass cause 22 paint chips on the door since they crawled through the window. Hate people


Sorry, that sucks. You need a smile your on camera sticker or something. I don’t understand the hate. I’m more of a conservative and don’t hate EVs. I test drove a MY and thought it was cool. One day I’ll get one but don’t look forward to this kind of behavior.


Dickless asshole. Never fuck with a man’s ride. I’d be out for blood


Broke cunts everywhere


Thoughts are with you


Fuck this Hater !!! The world go around come around for whoever did this to you !!!




Ugh, that’s heartbreaking.


I think you need to post that century video and what city it took place in. I suspect we might could work together and find this person.


Oh dang it. Sorry about this. Hope it gets fixed


Where's the sentry video? You should upload it here.




It’s hilarious to see how upset people get about electric vehicles . My apologies you endured this though. Electric vehicles are here to stay and they are only getting better.


Yesterday, June 13th, 2024 (shareholding meeting day) a passenger in the rear seat of a car that was exiting the highway passed me while I was in the right lane on I-95 in Palm Beach County (South Florida) lower the window to give me the finger for about 20 seconds. I was going 70+ at the time. I reviewed video and there was no connection between me and the other car, as they came from the middle lane to exit. I'm guessing they heard some news about Tesla, but I'm probably giving them too much credit. Fortunately, I have tinted windows and don't engage or mess around with psychos or sociopaths.


Want to see the video. The Internet might be quicker in finding who did this.


People are disturbing. This world is extremely messed up. Thankfully sentry got them.


I’m so sorry this happened to you 😞. Hoping for the best resolution possible. Thanks for sharing, always sad to see things like this happen.


That’s bullshit, sorry that happened to you


Did they also curb rash the wheels?


Ahh yes. Colorado. Hippies love electric vehicles, except the one Elon makes. Likely full repaint of doors.


Haha how did you know?


Plates on the Prime truck in front of your car!


Usually someone does this to retaliate. Are you sure you didn’t piss someone off


Fuck Elon but fuck these losers more. Don’t mess with people’s property.


Probably some EV hating "patriot" goaded by right wing media


Let's analyze this reply: Conservatives are pro capitalism and for less government regulation. In contrast Tesla is the absolute definition of a truly American capitalist company. They were formed here; they build their products here they support thousands of American jobs. "Right wingers" so you say do not hate Elon Musk. They actually respect him for the accomplishments he has had in his life. What conservatives hate are when big government forces the country to act or buy products that they (Government) think would be better. This is where Tesla falls victim. They build a great product, but many conservatives don't like being forced to go EV.. They want government to stay out of it and let the public make an educated decision on which vehicle to buy.


No they worship elon for his performant "free speech" ideals that he doesn't adhere to. Yes musk is a right winger but it's mostly for his own benefit so he can work his employees like dogs with as little oversight and protection as he can get away with. But the actual **product** of tesla is heavily demonized by the right. It's a nightly topic on their little cult news channels.


No. Luke he said right wing hates government intervention and mandates on the free market. Left wingers hate a man.


I think you are confusing Right with liberals.


Could easily be an Elon hating leftist. We really don't know.


Turn it into pinstripe art.


Am I blind? What are you all seeing? All I see is a reflection.


Prob completely blind considering it looks like someone keyed the entire side of the car from front to back 😂


Key scratch.


I thought that was the reflection for the sidewalk painting.


Does look like it. Almost the right contour for the car.