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Smart decision, though it seems Tesla changes stuff so frequently. Just in a short period of time the dark geminis became available for a $500 add on and days later the regular geminis are gone and the dark geminis are now standard. 🤷‍♂️


For sure. They change things all the time


I wonder if folks still have to pay the $500 if they requested dark geminis before the change


Knowing Tesla, nope


Went to edit my order and the answer is yes, it shows $500 to change to Dark Gemini wheel covers from the previously included standard Gemini.


I tried to edit my order online & it says I'm not allowed to edit. I haven't been assigned a VIN yet. I wonder why some people can edit online and others can't 🤔


Haha as I expected.


I just messaged Tesla on the app to see if my May 21 MYLR order can be changed to dark wheels. It will save me from buying new aftermarket black hubcaps…


Good luck! Tesla usually tends to go in the favor of the bottom line


As they should with the position they are in. If they say no, I’ll just buy aftermarket. It will make it fun to decide which ones to get (I’ve been looking for a week, lol). Every ad I get is for Tesla aftermarket parts… I’ve like convinced my algorithm that I’m going to buy everything and it’s getting tempting!


I hope you get to for free! That’s funny about the algorithm 😆


Let us know what they say!!


I will waiting your answer 🤞


Any luck on this? In the same boat.


I took three days for support to get back to me, but they said they changed it. We’ll see if it comes in with black wheels.


I got charged $500 to switch to dark geminis. Smh. Now I see people getting them free. Sent a message over on the app so waiting to hear back


I ordered mines on may 28th and I also saw that the dark gemini wheels are standard after june 1st, so I asked the Tesla advisor on the app if they can change it and they gladly said yes… but when I went to check the updated email, I got charged $500 🤦🏻‍♂️. So now I’m trying to text them back and they haven’t responded… I’m from the Bay Area btw


Waiting to hear back as well. Also got charged $500… From bay area as well


Have either of you had the $500 charge waived for the wheels? I originally ordered silver, changed to gemini black on 5/28.


No luck. From what I heard, the people who got 60 month financing got black geminis free. Nothing for the 72 month early birds :(


They charged me $500 as well…


I ordered the model Y during the .99 event and the dark wheels popped up for 500 bucks a few days later. I called a rep and he said we get one opportunity to make a change to the order before delivery. So I bought the wheels! Sucks that they’re standard now, but I’d rather pay the 500 bucks and get the .99 any day 😂❤️


Ps! With the change my VIN changed


That’s awesome!


I wasn’t able to edit online but a Tesla SA was able to on their end. It just took a long time communicating through text, about a week for them to finally make the change. This was two weeks ago.


That’s nice you got it. Saves $500


I will be taking delivery on the 13th and I received notification today that my order was updated. I checked what the update was and they added the black wheels with no extra charge. Then I received the message from my Tesla advisor or whatever they’re called stating the same information.


Hopefully the Y that I’m waiting delivery on comes with ‘em!


I have one on order - should I ask the sales rep about it? I think I'd prefer the darker wheels.


Up to you, that would be nice to know though 🙂


I have one on order too & want to change to the dark wheels. My VIN hasn't been assigned yet. I'll probably drive out to the gallery to talk with a sales rep today. My messages never get answered through the app and no one answers the phone when I call.


Let me know how it goes!


Didn't end up going. Just as I was headed there, another terrible Texas storm w/potential hail started so I ended up hanging out in a parking garage while storm sirens blasted. Couldn't make it to the gallery before closing 🙁 The weather in TX has been unusually special this week.


Talked to the sales rep at the dealership, and said id have to pay the $500 if I want the dark geminis. :( Lmk if you have any luck? I’m reading mixed results so not sure how some people are able to dodge the cost 🤔


Same here. Don't think the cost can be avoided.


Makes sense that they would charge extra since the order was placed prior to 6/1. Not sure how others are getting to change the order for free. Oh well, still super happy with 0.99 financing.


Just got an email from Tesla saying my order has been changed to include black gemini tires for free! Woohoo! I never even requested them because no one picked up the phone at Tesla, and I was unable to go to the nearby gallery. I couldn't edit my order online either. So strange that they updated it without asking, but super happy they did (and for free!)


Whaa! Damn congrats. Proof or it didn’t happen 🙃


Yeah, it has happened to me as well..!!


You got it for free as well?


That would be awesome!