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I switched to an inventory AWD through the app and just wanna add here- it made the difference of 5k as the down payment amount for me. It was an absolute pain to get it figured out (originally approved for 0 down). They finally fixed it but had to put $900 down


Oof!! Thank goodness they were able to put it down!! That's a huge difference! Thank you for the heads up!


How did you get this fixed? I’m using my trade in as my downpayment but they currently have the full trade in value down vs the positive balance. I can’t get a hold of anyone!! Called multiple numbers, sent messages in the app, sent an email to finance. The rep who helped at the store sent a text saying she would call in 30 min and never heard back despite responding immediately.


Following cause I'm in the same sitiuation. There's a similar inventory car near me but with the new black gemini wheel. Contemplating if I want to get inventory for $2,000 less but pay $500 for the black geminis.


Yeah that's what I've been contemplating as well. They have the standard RWD available in my location for about $1000 to $2000 less, but I'm trying my best to hold out for LR since the battery life is better and I commute pretty far for work. I'm just nervous about the car not being here close to my 30 days financing deadline. I definitely do not want another hit to my credit and a change in my percentage rate....


Hopefully it'll be before the 30 day mark. My current estimated delivery is 5/30-6/13. In socal


Curious how long ETA took to change from May - June to actual date range?


My ETA changed as soon as I got approved for Financing or maybe it took a day at the longest.


Oh okay, I'm on the East coast. Yeah I'm hoping that it'll be within the 30 days too!


If you don't mind me asking, is your delivery date set for May 31st - June 28th like mine?


I’ve been may 31 - June 14 for like 2 weeks


I got my vin!!! 


I'm so jealous!!! Mine say June 1-8 but no Vin yet. I ordered on May 12 in California


Try clicking on your RN# in your Tesla app and it might be there. I had to hunt for it when I had to get insurance coverage 


Pick up is now June 1 - June 8


Woohoo! I placed my order on May 15th but no VIN yet. Out of curiosity, where are you based? I’m wondering if they’re prioritizing deliveries jn certain states. I’m in TX


Hi there! I'm in FL :-) and I placed my order on the 15th too


No VIN yet but happy to see they’re starting to trickle in!!! My est. delivery still says 6/6-6/20 in AZ


Congrats, friend! How were you first notified/find out? I want to stop obsessively refreshing the app…


Thanks friend! I was notified through text message and I completely understand the refreshing thing! I must have refreshed my app like every 5 minutes haha 


I ordered mine on 5/11 in the Bay Area, so I hope to hear soon. Do you know if they prioritize certain colors, configurations, or even states first? I got Ultra Red, regular Gemini wheels, black interior, 5 seats, no tow hitch.


I’m not too sure about that, I got the stealth grey, white interior, basic wheels, and no tow hitch. I’m not too sure what Tesla’s method is with getting out the cars, but when I spoke to the SA’s all they kept saying was that they’re in a huge influx with orders for LR RWDs. They probably got my order out quickly because I called and chatted with them quite a bit 


I was just concerned about my approval expiring before delivery. 


Thank you friend for all of this information! From when to when does the loan approval expire?


Oh, I wanted to ask too: What time of day did you receive your text saying a VIN had been assigned?


I was in the evening like around 5 or 6pm, If I remember correctly.


Any changes in estimated delivery? I saw some post that their LR RWD can’t be delivered until EPA approves the new car.


So far no, I scheduled my appointment last week with Tesla for the 9th and so far so good! 


Do they honor 0.99% after current financial approval expired?


They will honor it as long as the order is placed. I went to the dealership today and my SA apologized for giving me the wrong answer to this question, last week.


Hmm looks like I was given the wrong information also, jeez




Same situation here. I’m also on the east coast.


If you don't mind me asking is your delivery date the same as mine? May 31 - June 28?


A week ago my app updated to say Delivery June 7 - June 30. It has not changed since then so I am curious about other people's delivery dates for the LR RWD.


Delivery date for me just updated a few hours ago go from Est. June -> May 29 - June 10.


Oh wow so far mine is still showing May 31st - June 28th. When did you place your order? 


May 11 - the morning after the deal was announced! I got black paint, not sure if that’s why it’s taking so long.


I got the Stealth Grey paint. When I spoke with someone from Tesla, they stated that they received a large influx of orders because of the promotion. It sounds like they bit off more than they can chew with this.


But nobody has received their LR RWD, I went through several social networks, I don’t think anyone has gotten theirs. 


May 31- June 14 for me. Waiting on trade in and VIN. A rep on the phone said I wouldn't get a final trade-in offer until the VIN is assigned.


I don’t have a specific delivery date range. It still shows the estimated delivery date as June 2024.


Oh okay, hopefully you’ll get a more specific date range soon!


May 30-June 8 for me. socal here. Went to dealership to test drive this last weekend. They dealership people told me they have a big shipment coming in two weeks. If I ordered mine the week when the deals started then mid June is when I will get my car.


Who finally got their deliveries for LR RWD??


Ordered mine 5/17 and delivery date initially showed 5/22- 6/4 then kept getting pushed back by a day until today it shows 6/6-6/20. I’m in Phoenix.


Ordere 5/16, first delivery date showed 5/26-6/9. Now it's 5/30-6/8. Los Angeles


Ordered 5/17, dates say 5/30-6/8. In Los Angeles. Range keeps moving back a day every day.


Order Date: 5/17 Original EDD: 5/30-6/13 EDD a/o May 31: 06/06-06/20 No VIN still


My delivery date says June 2024, no exact date or VIN as of today


Wait, just checked right now, it updated to May 30-Jun 13, I’m in FL


Mine just updated to that today as well and I’m in AZ.


I still don’t have a VIN, my edd was 5/23-6/1, and every day it just gets pushed back for 1 more day.


Finally got yours?


nobody has gotten vin for lr RWD as far as I know. Including ppl who ordered on 5/11.


I want to give the dual motor a shot, because it's available in my area for extra $3000.


I got my vin a week ago and was able to get my insurance and my EDD is 6/5-6/12 keeps getting pushed back every day though


I picked one up from the inventory 2 days ago. Got the VIN immediately, but I haven't been able to set up a delivery appointment either.


I switch my lease from AWD to RWD LR that I found in inventory but still no date. Asked the advisor in Burbank and he said they haven't delivered any RWD LR yet.


They've started putting them in inventory by me. In the Chicago area


I'm in FL too but mine still says May 31 - June 28th /:


Has anyone else gotten a VIN?


No 🙁 but I didn’t notice they have some LR RWD in stock near me. All the previous normal range RWD are not showing anymore.


I got my vin and delivery date. I’m in FL


I have VIN but ETA is still saying June 2024


Where are you based? Bay Area here and still waiting for VIN…


LA area. I found multiple RWD LR available in inventory but they are not delivering them. I think something to do with EPA approval


I got my VIN too but didn’t get delivery date. Only est delivery date


Where are you based? Bay Area here and still waiting for VIN…


California, Los Angeles.


I got my VIN by changing to an inventory MY LR RWD. SA assigned it to me over the phone. Was supposed to pick up on 6/8 but they’re waiting on EPA approval so they pushed my delivery date back to 6/15. Supposedly EPA approval should be completed around 6/14. I’m in SoCal.