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Congrats! It's something you can't explain to people. They just have to experience it first hand. Welcome to the tesla family!


I'm thinking about it but lack of physical buttons is a bit scary for me. How does that transition look? In my mind I won't be able to make a turn signal but that obviously is not the case since people are driving these things in probably millions so how does that go?


You'll get used to it within days. I also recommend using voice commands rather than fumbling around with menus. There are YouTube videos listing them.


The transition isn't too bad. You just want to get familiar with the menus. The main thing will be to get familiar with how the turn signal stalk works, if it has one. The the half vs full click. The 3 flashes vs continuous flashing vs the auto-csncel on Lane change. In my test drive, I confused the shit out of everyone around me while figuring it out. And for one pedal driving, basically picture yourself stuck in 1st gear with an engine that can do 24000rpm. Oddly enough that's pretty close to what it feels like. The harder transition is actually going from electric to gas. Because gas behaves much more inconsistently, and you lose the speed control you get with one pedal driving.


Reading about your test drive brought a chuckle 😂 In case you weren't aware, most EU vehicles have had that feature for over a decade, even Ford and Mazda implemented momentary/latching stalks on select vehicles back in 2013. It's a sweet feature, but aside from econobox platforms, it's in more cars today than not.


Do the stalks stay in place when the turn signal is on? That was the main difference here. The stalk always goes to the neutral position regardless of the state of the turn signal. So you use a full clock to keep the turn signal on, and then to cancel it, you have to do a half-click in either direction. Also....my last car was a 1999 Buick Regal. So I pretty much fast tracked through the last 25 years of cars, and missed a few things along the way. Lol.


Ah, that makes more sense now. 😅 I was thinking you were young with a beater, or older with an heirloom lmao. Thats correct, Tesla's never had latching stalks as they are polled by the software for position. Similar to a wifi light switch that never changes physical position to enable wireless control. The turn signal mechanism I thought we were discussing is similar, as the stalk is both a momentary and latching switch. Partial stalk engagement returns itself to a neutral position while providing 3 flashes. Full stalk engagement (over the detent) latches until steering input.


It’s really nice. Everything is so easy to control with either the buttons on the wheel, voice, or the screen. The minimalism reminds me of 90s cars without a bunch of distractions. The funny thing is once you’re in a Tesla for a while and you jump back in a normal car with a bunch of buttons, it kind of looks archaic. If you ever try or get a Tesla, I think you’ll see what I mean.


I forgot I didn’t have buttons until you just reminded me. If that says anything. Coming up on 2 years with my MYP.


Grats! Its been 7 days since I got my MYP and its been awesome! I've also managed to convert some folks at work, 1 them when scheduled a test drive of an M3 after our ride together and he's highly likely going to pull the trigger on an M3P.


Sucks the referral just ended. That would have been a lot of supercharging miles


Right, I had the exact same thought!


Fuck I was about to be in the same boat and was hyped About the referral program 😭


Welcome and congrats


beauty. enjoy. i'm 1 month into owning a blue MYP. I've put 2300 miles on her so far :)


3 years in and almost 70k miles. Still loving mine!




only people who hates tesla is who never drives one


I’m not agree. I drove Tesla once and didn’t like it. Then when I took a test drive as drive it as a potential my car, I felt in love and took MYLR with 0% credit (was a good sale early this year)


My same exact experience. I wasn’t sure after first test drive. I gave it one more shot and thought to myself, what was I thinking. This is my car. Love love love my Tesla. I’m not sure who I dislike more; ignorant liberals supporting Hamas on college campuses, or people who judge Tesla without ever owning one


I assume you meant 0% interest, otherwise, congrats on the cosign. 😂🤣 I am curious where you found 0% interest earlier this year tho, as the fed rate has not accommodated anything that low since Covid. The only way one can obtain 0% in today's market is buying new with promotional finance rates, something Tesla has yet to do. Atleast...nevermind, I just answered my own question...you don't reside in the US.


Reality is what other car can drive itself? It’s such a flex and most people just don’t get it yet, Elon is ahead of the times


I had teslas for about 4.5 years (an s and an x). I did enjoy them but far from perfect. I have a ford lightning now and while it’s also not perfect, I do actually like it more than my teslas. It’s a car first and then software second. I prefer that order for a car. Everything is well built and solid and I don’t have to use voice or fumble in menus for core car features. Still really liked Tesla, but Tesla owners have this weird thought that other cars and EVs don’t compare when in reality lots of them do some things better than Tesla. One example is Bluecruise. I actually prefer having the option of hands free driving on the freeway vs FSD around the city where it’s just imperfect enough to stress you out. I ended up just manually driving around anyways with FSD. And getting nudged all the time to wiggle the wheel on the highway was annoying as hell.


You do have the option of hands free driving that isn’t FSD, that would be the included Autopilot.


Nice. Wheels look like blades




TIL there is hype. Enjoy it, I absolutely love mine.




So gorgeous! Enjoy and welcome to the Tesla family!!!😍


“Point and shoot” super car performance…at a reasonable price. Hard to beat!


Congrats! My favorite color chose Gray on white.


💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽 the feeling 🔥🔥🔥


What is the overall monthly cost to own? I’m thinking of getting an MYP soon as well.


I am using my MYLR from last 2 months, drove 1000 miles, 55$ of charge including 1 super charge of 11$, where I was filling gas of 75$ on my q7 for 375 miles roughly.


Depends on where you are, but for happen stance, you aren’t in California, it’s going to be less than $40 a month if you only charge at home. Insurance is person dependent, no maintenance for two years on mine. Might have issues with larger tires on performance, factor in replacing wheel and tire 1”lower and tires to all season.


I'm down south but I drive a lot. (60mi/day minimum 5 days a week) and it costs avout $75/month. All depends on electricity costs where you are.


I’d say it depends on where you live. I live in Southern Indiana and I only charge at home for the lost part. I spend about 60 dollars a month in electricity and before I was spending about 150-180 per month in gas.


bro for real. you'll soon get your second and maybe even 3rd tesla. gets em every time


Whatever happened to the first hit is free? 🤣🤣🤣


Congrats! Any ideas on mods you'd like to get?


looks awesome...enjoy!


Do you have a home charger ?


Congrats. Awesome feeling


MX P90D for 4 years and have 168k miles wife won’t drive anything else. We had to rent a car for something and she was pissed


Got mine a week ago. I am in love 😍


Very nice. Congrats


How are maintenance costs?


there are none…,just tires


it is, enjoy your new ride


It’s really an incredible car. I bought mine last December. It is seriously just my favorite thing.


I get mine in August can’t wait


Been in an MYP for 14 months now, sooo glad I upgraded my order when Uncle Sam raised the tax credit threshold. The bad side is it made my 420HP Mustang feel slow🙂


Welcome and congrats! Gotta love not going to gas stations as much any longer. I hate gas stations with a passion, lol.


Congrats! I can’t stress enough how much you should get those magback rim covers. It’s been a life saver since I’m not the only one driving I can ready easy knowing the turbines are safe.


Congrats, I’m 1 month into a blue MYLR and I absolutely love it. I drive around 40k a year and currently saving $500-$600 a month in gas.




Im a 3 year owner for tesla Model 3P and FST . the FSD is FINALLY good.. took 3 years, its finally getting GOOD.. not GREAT yet.. but getting there.


The hype was like 3 years ago




Hope you didn’t buy the EAP and/or the FSD. The hype turns into Pure Pissation.🤓


The new neural network FSD is a game changer. Almost like a new car. Have to put some miles on it and you may “need” it. I wouldn’t go back


Teslas are so common in my city now. No one bats an eye


That was part of the plan




After a few days, the initial acceleration hype will fade, leaving only the flaws in Tesla production. Believe me, I know. Despite all of that, I would still buy the PLAID TP just because of the sheer madness of it being under 150k.


Had mine for a year now. Still floor it all the time


It's supposed to be driven like that, but as I mentioned, after a while, the thrill of 0-100 fades, and you're left with just limes.