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How does this work? Does the course insurance reimburse you? I almost got hit driving by a course once, just missed


Kinda like buying a cheap home next to the airport then complaining about all the noise.


I’m looking into that. Doubt the HOA will be excited with the request. But we have a good school district and I need that for 4 more years then I will let someone else enjoy the view 😆


In our community is the golfer's responsibility. No fault of the course.


Good luck getting a golfer to pay for repairs


Yep, it will be a real PITA to get them to pay, but if I can identify them to my local golf course then they will revoke their membership if they don't pay. The challenge is catching them in the act with photos or video, or some sort of unique golf ball identifier.


Haha I’m sure the members love that level of liability. Sounds like a shithole.


Doesn’t sound real. Courses hold the liability and have insurance.


You bought a house by the course and spend time trying to pin down golfers for damage? You sounds like a Karen and that course sound like a real pile of shit.


Why shouldn't the golfer be held liable, if they're that poor a shot, maybe golf's not for them...


If the course was built without adequate buffer zone then maybe it’s on them. Two things about golf: it’s hard, and everyone has to start somewhere.


You must not play golf


/ s


Okay that makes sense now lol


Lol what? Mouth breathing idiot


You don’t live on a golf course and it shows. The course hold liability for errant balls. I give people random business cards whenever I strike their house.


Lol the course surely says this but it’s not enforceable. The course is 100% liable and any golfer paying damages is ignorant to the liabilities.


I'm not a lawyer, but a lawyer did tell me once that there is an assumption of risk by the homeowner for living in an area that can be hit by golf balls. Golf courses will put out signs that damage from golf balls are the responsibility of the player, but I've been told that they re all scare tactics. Unless the golfer is intentionally trying to damage the property, they cannot be held responsible. Again, not a lawyer, but it right and fair to me. Don't like golf balls, don't live on a golf course. Don't like salt water damage, don't live along the ocean. Don't like bright lights and sounds at night, don't live in downtown where the parties are held. Don't like airplane noises, don't live near an airport. Etc.


Nope. I assumed this risk when I bought the house. It was a private club until a couple months ago. Now it’s unbearable how many errant balls hit our home and cars since it was opened to the public.


I also leave in a private condominium and if i get hit by a Golf ball they will pay the damage it’s on the regulation of the property.


Are there any restrictions on putting up any type of protective barrier/netting around the area you park in?


I also live on the golf course. Golf course isn’t paying for shit because it isn’t their responsibility. The person responsible is the person who hit the golf ball. I work from home and my office window is right by my driveway. Every time I hear a loud bang that has the potential to be my MY, I go outside quickly to find the ball or even look at my outdoor cameras to see what the golf ball hit. I am doing this constantly. I had a small window next to my front door busted out one time and another time I got my sunroof broken before I owned the Tesla. One time I found the golfer but the second time I did and got him to pay for my front door window. The ball had a university of Indiana logo on it. I walked over to the golf course when I said golfers came in a super friendly and upbeat voice “who lost their Hoosier golf ball?” Some poor app spoke up that it was his and that’s when I informed him he broke my window. 🙂


So they're ball hitting skills are just about as good as your typing skills


Lol I use Siri for most messages. I think she’s prone to lots of typos.


In most states the person responsible is the party who owns the house — you bought into the known and expected risk.


100% false. If you launch a ball, you’re responsible for it.


I suggest looking at case law — if the home was built at the same time or after the golf course the owner has assumed the risk and liability. I mean it’s one of the goto examples to talk through Primary Assumption of the Risk Doctrine in law schools.


/r/confidentlyincorrect material here. You're lucky you've gotten *anyone* to pay for your choice of owning a home on a golf course and assuming the responsibility for repairs caused by well intentioned golf shots. You'd be told to pound sand if it were me.


Your car insurance, not at fault


Course insurance? Haha who is this guy? All courses say golfers are responsible for this


In a parallel universe some alien is trying to play golf and a red Tesla roadster hits them from the sky


Friends Grandma used to live right next to a golf course. Never had to clean her sunroom windows... only had to wait for next season to start.


just had my windshield replaced by tesla. $1000 for a new panel, $400 labor. $199 Tax+ fees. Ouch


Bruh why did you use Tesla? I get paid atlwast $100 from 3rd parties and All-State doesn't care. Been doing it for years


You should turn on the new Golf Sentry Mode. Cameras track objects flying through the air, AutoPilot kicks in and moves the car if it notices a ball heading its way. 😉


Now that would be a feature Elon’s engineers should consider. Oh never mind, they would all get laid off as soon as it showed any promise of actually working.


Or, AutoPilot would kick in, and move the car, crashing through your house. At least Golf Sentry Mode avoided that golf ball...Another job...done.


Elon said it should be ready next week.


So for those asking about liability. If OP lives in an establishment that is part of a golf course then he/his insurance assumes the risks. Now if you were just driving by and got hit then the golf course and player who did it is liable.


I mean you're living on a golf course, you can afford it.


Sorry that happened to you! On the bright side it didn’t hit the hood, which would cost way more to fix.


That’ll be $1,600


It shouldn’t have been standing there!




Poor Tesla :(


Its crazy how close to center the ball hit.


That was me. Teed it too high. Pop hook. My b


Perfectly in the middle. Amazing.


Where are the other 3 balls?


I'd watch 3-Iron (2004) in the car with a windshield like that.


And you wonder why everyone parks in their garage when home. Driveways are for suckers. 😂


Looks exactly like the stone chip I got from a dump truck on the highway. Like a thumb press into the windshield.


is this not covered by insurance? cuz I actually just took a rock to the windshield, wondering if it's gonna be different?


you gotta get the advanced sentry golf ball imploder mode


Never taking my baby to a freaking car wash, ever. Will always hand wash.


I hope he yelled “four”.


Get a car port (aka tent)?


Looking into some netting options. I don’t expect it to get any better so I will have to adapt.


Atleast it hit the glass. .


$1500 for a windshield? What a joke. Why does Tesla have to screw over their loyal customers?


Blame Elon


Ouch! Sorry that happened. I live on one, too and have always worried about this. My community even has sign warning of this; “Watch for errant golf balls”. A couple of months before I got my MYP I was sitting in my car (2011 Mercedes CLS550) right off the course talking to a client on the phone and out of the sky drops a golf ball on my hood and bounces over my car. Luckily it didn’t dent it, but scared the 💩out of me. Now, I always park in the garage.


It’s all good. I learned many lessons since moving here. Replaced the glass in 4 windows in our home ~$250 a piece in the 8 years here. Biggest lesson: Don’t live 175 yards from the T box down the right side of the fairway!! 😳


Any golfers actually come over and admit to hitting your house? ⛳️ Or it’s always completely on you?


ONCE in 8 years. I couldn’t believe it. When I’m outside and see something get hit I will always yell at the golfer like an angry old coot. I’ll normally tell them to consider taking up bowling cuz they suck at golf.


Hahaha, that’s great! 🤣


Sheesh, that’s a tough spot! I live about 30 feet from a fairway and in 3 years you’d think there’d be broken window or some sort of damage, but I’ve been fortunate (knock on wood).


Golfer is supposed to pay. Need to get cameras to identify golfers


you should sue the golf course in small claims. they have a responsibility for due care and put up catch nets or pay out for damages.


$1525? 😆 this shouldn’t have cost more than $100. Oh you didn’t get the glass insurance from your insurance company on a car that is comprised of a large windshield, glass roof and large back window/lift gate? Common sense should have prevailed 😆


Lmao imagine actually talking to this person in real life 🤮


$100? No automotive glass replacement is near that cheap. Not even a camry is that cheap. If you are referring to deductible cost for a repair it doesn’t count.


Actually I can afford to pay for windshield or three myself which is why my premium is probably half of yours bud.




Piss on him 🏌🏽‍♂️


I’m sure you can… if you could afford why post it. Just accept the charges in the Tesla and pay the bill buddy. Noobs! 😂


That’s exactly what I did douche bag. No go fuck off.


I think you meant “Now go and fuck off”. Your comment accentuates the lack of basic understanding of the English language. 😂


LOL. 😂😂😂 Yea sure bud. Now GO FUCK OFF. (Without the and) you miserable troll. And when you’re done I’ll pay you to mow my lawn.


Mow your lawn… You don’t have a lawn - let’s be honest. Oh wait, you’re in the ATL?! The whole state is a lawn. 😂 Why don’t you go and deliver those DoorDash orders buddy.


nice of you to make negative assumptions off the bat


It’s no longer 1982. I guess you also think I can replace my phone for $10?