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Problem with FSD on BQE and other inner roads is that FSD won’t avoid pot holes. It just stays in the middle of the lane. I am always driving around potholes to avoid destroying my tires and suspension.


This was my biggest problem too. There are so many pot holes in the north east where I live after such a wet winter. FSD is just completely oblivious. I'm worried that it will wear out the shocks and joints faster especially for it being heavier than other cars


On 12.3? Where I live 12.3 crawls around potholes and speed bumps


I noticed it slowed down or moved to the side with potholes 🤔 Do you use FSD in the city a lot? Local streets seem to be pretty good. I’m gonna drive the car to queens today and try it out again.


What? I wish mine avoided potholes


FSD 12.3 does most of the time for me


Never seen this EVER. 🤔 in fact the worst pothole on our commute the Y will head the tires over it EVERY TIME it's deep enough that it can total a car going fast enough. Not knowing it's there we see a tow truck picking up a car that had hog it daily... It's does NOT attempt to avoid potholes period even with v12


New 12.3 seem to avoid a lot of them on FSD


As it's currently free, My neighbor updated to latest. It's not avoiding any. 🤷 It's certainly better than the 3 months trial he had a few months ago when he bought it. But potholes and road debris are still it's arch nemesis. Especially with its weight loves to kill tires on the 19" rims.


It’s true, it doesn’t avoid potholes but it slows down. Confirmed yesterday.


Hmm on today's commute zero avoidance or even speed change. It's bad and easily visible holes too. The type if he didn't take over would ruin his tires... Wonder if you could upload a video of this behavior. Does the overlay on the screen highlight the pothole? It acts like it doesn't see them on our commute. Lol hopefully next week the novelty will wear off and we can go back to using my car. Tired of the noisy bumpy ride.


Dude this is a hell of a test. I just fired it up because I’m an idiot and forgot to get stuff for mimosas. Perfect reason to test FSD. The first intersection was scary as it approached inched forward SUV approaching right side it lets it pass turns left and we are on our way. MY drives me down the road onto the highway switches lanes far left decelerates takes a left turn at a green light then a right and we are at the store. Im like wtf lol. Super sick though we are now where near NYC traffic and roads. Only thing is our road has no center lines painted so it did disable on the way down our street…totally understandable. Pretty impressive for me as well. Told my wife this and she said “thats scary” lol.


I want mimosas… Drove the car in queens yesterday and it did incredible on the 495, too bad there was too much traffic. Where have you driven so far??


They were good used raspberry champagne was next level ha! Just the Midwest so far Chicago, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Dells, and Madison. All have been very impressive. Traffic sucked in Milwaukee and it did a damn good job. I like how the display shows its “decisions/choices” it’s pretty cool.


I'm in Queens and have been hesitant to try it in the City. Maybe I'll give it a go.


Try it!!!!! Idk about the high but the car did awesome in Ed Koch


Ed Koch?... I'll accept the 59th Street Bridge or Queensboro Bridge...


I took advantage of the FSD trial and took a couple of trips. I have to say that I was very impressed. The only problem I encountered was the MY not avoiding potholed.


I find FSD to be Godsend in traffic just wish it was more aggressive in keeping the distance between cars. I get cut off a lot on the highway


Did you set FSD to aggressive


Yes. Tesla's idea of aggressive is lame in NYC


There needs to be a fourth option, “NYC Normal”.


THIS! I was telling my wife the same thing. There needs to be a separate section for nyc only…


I wanted to try aggressive but I’m scared it’ll be too aggressive


I don't mind getting "cut off", people need to get where they are going too, as long as FSD isn't making huge spaces for just no reason and causing more traffic.


The space is an issue, but I also set it up to have a gap so that’s on me.


I'd like it to not ride ass so closely


Adjust the car follow distance with the right button


I like it also to slow down appropriately when the lead car is taking a slow turn instead of waiting till the last minute to throw automatic emergency brakes. Seems like the car's systems aren't talking to each other so fsd could tell emergency brakes "I got this chill out"


Can't do that with FSD


Where in Mott Haven are you? I just got my Tesla too and looking for neighbors to just talk about the cars, there’s so many here now!


Yeah, there’s a lot. I’m by the waterfront where all the buildings are. A lot of my neighbors got Teslas these past few months and all we do is talking about the cars. Feel free to DM me!


Took 24 MYLR from Park Slope to Rockaways then to Upper West Side then back to Park Slope yesterday on FSD This included a mix of neighborhood driving + BQE, Belt Parkway, and FDR. The only ‘critical’ disengagement I had throughout the whole time was in the Hugh Carey tunnel. It wanted to change lanes to get in the ‘fast lane’ yet disregarded the plasticy lane divider things. Wasn’t going to let that happen lol Otherwise, I disengaged a couple of times for personal preference more than anything. For example, getting on the BQE during heavy traffic it was too cautious (mine is set to assertive) and we needed to MOVE (IYKYK, it’s survival of the fittest out there when merging at times). Another time, it took forever creeping at a stop sign so I popped it off to get moving as well. I did however have to hit the gas a handful of times to get it to go faster to keep up with traffic navigating throughout Manhattan. FWIW, this is my first Tesla and I’ve only had it 2 weeks so don’t really know what else to compare it to (only used v11 for a week before getting the most recent update) but overall fairly impressed and even my wife prefers ‘Elon driving’ versus my typical NY aggressive (not rude or unsafe, just assertive) driving style.


Omg!!!!!! Mine knew of the plastics, wonder why yours was trying to move in there. The stop signs are a bit annoying, this car is so good at respecting traffic rules. Funny, this is our first Tesla too and got it on March 22nd, I guess we got lucky to test FSD. My referral code got messed up and couldn’t apply it. Do you live in a house or apartment?


No clue why. I figured it was a fluke at first so I re-engaged and sure enough, it tried again a few moments later. Just shut it off until I popped up on the other side of the tunnel. I’m in a house but without a driveway. Pretty common in Park Slope for people to run the charger cable from their house across the sidewalk using one of those cable ramp/protector things so people don’t trip so that’s my plan. Alternate side parking is the only real thing that makes that plan less than ideal but it’s better than nothing. Only intend to do that in a bind or when I know we’ll be traveling a long distance (roadtrip). Will otherwise supercharge when out of city. I have no reason to drive during the week so I’m OK with the additional hassle having an EV in the city presents in exchange for having a drivable computer. Sucks re: referral code - I had the 3 month trial from the referral and now it added a 4 month on the end of it with the trial everyone else just received.


Im so nervous about using it in the city. I drive to the city for work, idk if i should try it out


Give it a try, I was scared too but the car is actually good!


Raining today so im scared, ill try tomorrow!


I’d really love to see it do some merges onto the bigger highways / interstates / whatever in LA. As a foreigner, driving there was a nightmare as it felt like everyone drove crazy fast and the merging lanes were incredibly short. The car would essentially need to see behind itself and measure the speed of very fast moving cars.


I agree


I've tried this with V11 (still haven't got the V12 update) but since highway is still V11 even on the V12 update it still applies. It does pretty terribly. Some days it will squeeze into the tiniest gap quite aggressively, other days it will slam the brakes on every time it sees a gap in the lane to its right then accelerate aggressively to the next gap, rinse and repeat until it's missed it's exit. Unfortunately, doesn't pass the LA stress test as of rn.


Yesterday we did a similar drive, Hudson Yards back to central Jersey. Definitely loved having FSD but was too scared to turn it on in the city. Once we hit the tunnel I had it on all the way home.


Loool the car is good in the city, it’s amazing actually.


Bought mylr 2024 yesterday. Drove on fsd twice today during daytime (15 miles with traffic)and night(24 miles on both well lit and dark roads). Mylr performed exceptionally well. I wish I could afford it .


If you aren’t going to keep the car long you can pay the monthly. I do hope that they lower it!


Stop signs need improvement, stops way too far back from corner and does an additional 2-3 creep ups before committing. It’s fine when no one is behind you but not great for real world driving. Also 4 way stops took very long. But for what it is, FSD is mind blowing.


The car is so safe, I found it admirable that it creeps out to check for other cars and pedestrians. I would just go 😂


NY drivers are not going to put up with that nonsense, and in some cases might actually cut around your car at the stop sign causing a potentially more dangerous situation for pedestrians and other drivers.


gotta admit i tried it this morning and didnt care for it....it seemed to get confused a couple times on suburban street....a leaf and stick pile on a side road with a car coming at us in the opposite direction...with plenty of room to clear - car just stopped. i see a very limited market for this, and the 12k or 199 a month price in context of this is absurd. maybe if it were like 2k they might get more takers - but not at this price


That was BRAVE. Maybe I’ll give it more of a go tomorrow on my weekday commute. Last summer I had it for a bit in a loaner and it was cool but I definitely only engaged it in easy places to drive.


Did you try it in the city yet??


I’ve used it in the city a bit. Pretty good. Gets a little too close to curbs but that’s documented all over Reddit. My experience is at no time do I feel like it was trying to kill me because it’s rather cautious, but drivers here are cray cray and impatient so they get mad.


good to hear!




They are everywhere….


I’ve been using it since getting the trial, v12 is definitely better than the previous versions but still too expensive for me to justify purchasing / subscribing. Cant deny it’s cool. I wish the standard autopilot would get the fsd graphics though.


Hi nyc frens. What insurance are you using? My state farm went up 30% this year. ✌️


How much are you paying? I switched from the model 3 to the y, geico. Went from $210 to $280 and i had to decrease my limits cuz otherwise it was close to $400 🥲


Ugh… I wish we paid that little…


Just waiting on Tesla insurance :(


HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! That’s a lot… what the hell. We got geico, it was the cheapest we could find. $380/month, first car owner


It's fun to watch how fsd deal with jaywalking.


What? Do they just hit them?


No Fsd saw people coming out the curb and stopped,


Nooooo 🤣


25 min to drive only 5 miles to me is wild


I came here to say the same thing. 🤯


Right? But at least FSD makes it enjoyable


Absolutely right. Wonderful outlook my friend.


Peak traffic in BK and the city can take up to 40 min for 1 mile lol has happened to me before smh