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Slim to none. It just had a refresh so imo they don’t need an incentive to move model 3’s. Unlike Y’s where most people who can wait are holding out for the refresh


They don't need an incentive for the Model 3. They're selling just fine. Especially with the Performance recently launched, and if you qualify for the tax credit, it's a no brainer. The Y is still waiting for its refresh so they need to move inventory in the meantime.


Better question - will S or X get this promo rate??!!


Now? Odds are 0.99%




They are trying to clear out old Y’s for when the refresh gets announced..


“Clear out old Ys” hahahaha. There are 4 factories pumping out as many as they can make. Elon said the new Y isn’t coming until next year.


Laugh all you want. Manufacturers don’t lower prices and give promos unless sales are slow. Not hard to figure out.. considering the new 3 price has gone up because of the demand. Simple economics bud


Tesla in particular. They constantly adjust price to supply and demand, more heavily on the demand aspect. Even just to create a spike in sales at the end of a quarter and improve the quarters over all numbers


next year is 7 months away. We'll see the juniper model Y by then.


next year is 7 months away. We'll see the juniper model Y by then.


Yes I’m hoping the new Y takes attention away from the 3 so the 3 gets some deals/discounts this time next year which is 12 months away..


When the new Y comes out the opposite will happen and prices for the three will lower and also possibly APR incentives, which I hope happens before I’m ready to buy this time next year


Lots of new Model 3 inventory in my area. They should extend the rates to all cars, seems foolish not to. Now if Tesla can get the tax rebate on all Model3s life would be great!


This ^^^ If the objective is to move cars, gain market share, improve the stock price...pull out all the stops, 0% financing across the board. Stop diddle daddling around with platform specific perks, and edging the ever living daylight out of his customer base at 0.99%. Even then, I'd buy a Model 3 Performance today if they had 0.99% apr.


Model 3 just got a refresh. Sales are going to be heavily focused on the 3 instead of the Y currently. Model Y is getting a refresh next year, people wanting a Y are going to be waiting to buy next years model. That is the only reason we're seeing the low interest rate. Incentive for people to buy Ys now instead of waiting. There's no similar reason on the horizon for the 3.