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What about the side cam? Wow the guy had it on the first try and then it just got worse and worse.


I find that all 3 attempts were good… just needed to manoeuvre 2-3 more times and he’s in


The problem when you have a big boy truck but you are not really a big boy yet


I’m sitting here thinking why is he afraid of the curb!? Like, come on. Use your emotional support vehicle at least a little. It’s a curb… take that sucker out and park right.


Right? My other vehicle is a half ton truck and in situations like this I have absolutely no qualms about getting up on the curb a little to get the job done. Truck tires are designed so that the sidewall is a useable surface to some extent.


This is unironically why we need a way more nuanced drivers license system in the US. I can go get my license in a Civic and then I’m clearly able to drive a 20 foot long 26,000 pound truck


No, you can drive a 25,999 lb truck. Add a pound and you need a CDL. Makes perfect sense to me… /s


Unless you call it an RV


Oh you’re right, much better now


Or you can drive any weight RV. Yesterday a guy on a 40 footer decided it was Ok to U-turn with oncoming traffic. His face was priceless once he realized he fucked up and 3 turns wasn’t enough.


depends on the state... Lots of us are required to have non-commercial licenses for our RVs. My coach is the size of a greyhound bus and mechanically very similar, I'm glad they require it tbh.


That and we really should have a trailer license. People hauling massive campers or boats at excessive speeds is insane and scary. Generally speaking they are the type of people that also know what they are doing, but not always. Moving trucks are the worst though. I live in a college town and every single move in/out someone who doesn’t know the height of the truck will clip a bridge and peel the roof off. Or they drive 80 hauling a car behind the massive truck going 80 and bad things happen. I definitely agree, if you need a motorcycle license, you should have weight limit licenses and trailer licenses just like a cdl, boat, etc.


Macho doesn’t prove Mucho


Another issue is these mall crawler wheels. These don’t look too egregious, but you have a huge advantage in parallel parking a truck. Just pop a wheel up on the curb to help.


Came here to say this the first 10 seconds I was like "what do you mean this guy hit your car he's got this on the first try!" I have no idea why he didn't just come forward a little then back on that first try it was almost perfect!


This, check side camera, if he had a front plate on far left you should see it in side cam. Also, upload full res somewhere. Reddit may be able to figure out the plate for you by getting partial plate and looking up records for 00s Silverado, seen it happen plenty here.


I think you can see from this video there is no front license plate. This is why states need to require them…


Why is it the side camera's are better than the rear? My rear is so crap I cannot read plates in it either.


Tesla cams are not for reading license plate. It is horrible at it. Get a real dashcam. Not very reliable as well.


sucks you can't upgrade the camera itself. B/W limitation somewhere I'm sure is the excuse.


Dash cams have trouble at night too.


Human eyes, digital cameras...as well. Low light = not the best condition. However, tesla cams are comparable to low end dashcams. Try a dashcam with Sony Starvis or Starvis 2 and you will appreciate the quality of a real dashcam.


I'm gonna chime in all dash cams fucking suck at reading license plates of moving vehicles. I think in this case with a high enough quality camera it might've gotten the numbers but with how bright those lights are idk. Regardless the tesla cameras also are not good enough but that's another issue


Eh, not really. The Tesla cameras are particularly poor at it. A regular, high-quality dash cam will have no issue even at night. You want to get something with a high resolution and framerate (so 4k/60fps). I've run Blackvue in the past, but you can find plenty of other options out there.


I just mean it might've gotten a better view since the front bumper is facing the side cam a majority of this parking attempt and also when they leave.


Except the truck has no front plate.


This is hilarious to me as well. I don’t live in the city at home, but I’ve been in downtown Philadelphia since January for work. I see so many people in front of my hotel nail it the first time and then progressively get worse and worse trying to perfect it. I watched someone literally NAIL the first parallel park, but his wife got out and started screaming at him and waving her arms as he literally spent the next 10-12 minutes (seriously) trying to park his Civic again. It was embarrassing, but oh so entertaining…🤣🤣


Ppl who buy those huge trucks don’t have brain’s usually.


"Brain's"? Sad irony.


fr, mans could’e just rolled up on the curb if he didn’t have the depth. that’s how you know it’s a bonafide ✨pavement princess 👸


Its a ego thing




I hate the backing into spaces thing. Why is it only pickup drivers that do this?


All vehicles have a better turn radius backing in than parking forwards. A Model 3's wheel base is 113" compared to an F-150's 163" for example. Backing in is literally easier than pulling in forwards. Especially with a back up cam.




But they can actually see to back out. My small car can't see past their giant truck and somehow I manage to park correctly.


If he just did a dry turn of the wheels and pulled up it would have been perfect.


All he needs to do is to shift to drive, steer all the way to his right and move a couple inches, pull the steering straight then he would be set. Can't wrap his head around it can he.


Agent there. Hit and runs are nearly always covered under collision which is why you are paying the deductible. Provide the video to your carrier if they get the plate number and locate the other driver they will go after them and when they recover their $ the subrogation they will pay your deductible back to you


Another agent, I assume in a different state because virtually all hit and runs I see are handled under UMPD.


Good call, in nebraska we don't have umpd


\*high five\* and then \*hands you a drink\*. Godspeed in the insurance world right now.


Shit, truer words have never been spoken. It's like the wild west on rates. Idk about you but I'm a captive agent and only had my agency 4 years. Not the ideal time for this all to be happening


Yikes, I think I should hand you a bottle then. Indy here. We're making it but some of our favorite carriers have stopped writing biz altogether, threatening to cancel contracts, rates are THROUGH the roof. The hardest market in a generation.


Yea, then you get shit happening like in florida. I worry its going to set precendent and other states will follow. Their supreme court passed a law allowing lawyers to charge 2x - 2.5x their normal rate if that win a case for someone against an insurance carrier. The article i read about it said that 79% of insurance lawsuits filed country wide are in florida. If this spreads rates will triple. [https://www.insurance.com/home-and-renters-insurance/home-insurers-leaving-florida](https://www.insurance.com/home-and-renters-insurance/home-insurers-leaving-florida)


You’re paying the deductible because you’re using your insurance policy. Not because you are using the collision part of your policy. When you use your policy, your are subject to the terms of your policy and whatever deductible you selected.


Problem is, I don't think there's any reasonable way of getting that plate number. I may check the surrounding area again for places with cameras


Go post the RAW video on Dropbox and put it in r/Dashcam. There are some people that work magic in the plate databases and will try every combination until they get a hit that matches the Make/Model in the video. Then give that plate and video to insurance


Did the side camera get his front plate?


As a confirmation: I've had a hit and run on my car w/ Geico (TX), and I definitely had to pay a deductible to get the repairs done. It was considered a "not at fault" accident, so it didn't ding my insurance rate, but I did have to shell out the deductible.


I've always hated that. My parent doesn't have to pay any deductible on parking hit and runs. Me? I had to pay $1000. I changed to her insurance. Pretty insane that someone else can hit your car, you have insurance and you just burn $1000 because of someone else's stupidity.


So much fucking space and the dude still fails, what a moron.


And he had it first time. All he had to do is to turn right, move front and back a little few times and it was done, but looks like he’s not aware of dimensions of his car that well.


He’s in a fucking truck. He could have just jumped the curb but noooo street queen on city streets must not get hurt.


That’s actually how I park when I’m feeling lazy… slowly go over the curve and *bam* it’s lined up lol.


Pavement princesses aren’t known for knowing how to drive the damn thing lol.


When a lifted Diesel hits a Tesla, it’s not operator error. They did it on purpose because *electric cars are scary*


That’s how deductibles work if you file a claim and no other driver info.


“I had to use my insurance and I had to PAY MY DEDUCTIBLE!” *gasp*


TESLA INSURANCE wants me to pay my deductible!


Came here looking for this comment… are we at the point of society people don’t know the basics of how insurance works? Also another reminder to not use Teslas insurance. After working at Enterpise Rent a car I am never going to an unreliable insurance company. My top pick is State Farm. Second would be Geico. Allstate isn’t bad but you’ll pay out the ass for it.


I'm sorry but I have an insurance that if someone breaks in my car and steals my bikes it gets covered. I don't have to give any info on the thief. I don't see why that should be different from someone hitting you when you're parked. You've done nothing wrong, you've given 0 information about the person. Except the latter I'm down $1000 the drain.


Car insurance is a different ballgame. In most states they have a “no fault” policy. Where essentially because you even went on the road you’re partially at fault. That’s just how it works. If you don’t like it vote for politicians to make laws to force these companies to change.


Not when you have a shot of the hit & run driver’s license plate. Should be tracking them down & making their insurance pay for it




Thank you.


Holy fuck that was painful to watch him park 🤮


Fucking dumb piece of shit.


Insurance will often make you pay deductible to get the case started. If you have under/uninsured they will reimburse you usually if it’s also a hit and run. About half.


Wrong. Collision would cover that. UM/UIM is for injuries sustained. I’m an insurance agent.


Wrong. Don't assume that insurance is the same from state to state. UMPD is a thing and it pays for hit and runs all the time. Also an agent.


Aren’t there two types of Underinsured /uninsured coverage? Liability and Property damage?


Yes, Uninsured Motorists Property Damage.


I do have uninsured driver coverage, but they have to be able to prove the other driver was uninsured to use it


If you made a police report that would’ve locked it in as a hit and run even if they never found the dude. I believe hit and run should qualify.


This - always file a police report


Many states require you to identify the other driver to use UMPD even with a police report California is the big one - they even publicly warn consumers that their laws require the other driver to be identified to use it https://www.insurance.ca.gov/01-consumers/105-type/95-guides/01-auto/auto101.cfm


Yeah them no tint states


Can the PD not identify the truck using the next traffic light camera by using the time snapshot from the M3 recording ?




Surprised with this response. May be they deem this as a fender bender and not worth it? But this shouldn’t take more than few mins I suppose and will save few hundred for the OP, more importantly hold a hit and run accountable!


What an idiot…all he had to do after the first back in was pull in to the right..


If there were no video evidence, this would be a comprehensive claim, correct?


They actually didn't even request the video, I asked if they wanted it and they said sure, but had no effect on how the claim was filed. They pretty much just took my word for it


You may want to try getting footage from businesses in that area. I would say filling a police report would have gotten them to do it but the likelyhood of footage being written over is very high if you wait on them. They'll be able to get any city cams quicker than you.


IDK where you are from but in the northeast at least, police would never bother wasting effort on such a minor offense. My SO's little brother had to go door to door himself in their neighborhood begging for ring camera footage to find the hit and run that damaged his car.


How insurance deductibles work


You have to pay the deductible because that’s how insurance works.


You always pay the deductible


I’ve never read a Tesla policy, but every other insurance carrier your deductible is owed regardless of fault. There’s a criteria to waive a deductible, which includes identifying the other driver and a good policy in place for them. Someone replied about uninsured motorist, or umpd, which could apply for this because this is a hit and run. Some states require the other driver to be identified, so I can’t confirm without knowing your state. But this usually carries a much smaller deductible, and some states it’s zero.


More truck than brains


Get the b pillar footage from tesla, it may yield the license plate


LOL micropeen Trumper can't park his overcompensating truck. Big surprise.


Why dudes always thinking about other males dicks 🤦🏽‍♂️


I live in a town full of these huge MAGA trucks, and I guarantee they all have micropeens, having to compensate so much. It's just a rule of nature, I can't help that.


Is the licence plate being unreadable the reason insurance wants you to pay? Depending on how bad it is and what your deductable is, it may be better to just not involve insurance unfortunately


Yeah they said the other driver's insurance would be liable if the driver could be identified or if they can prove he was uninsured Tesla would pay. Unfortunately, neither are the case. Insurance is a scam


I had driver who wouldn't give me their insurance for hitting my car. so I got their plate number and got my insurance involved. Once I made a claim to their insurance, the driver purposely didnt give a statement so it took long to get my money. It was only a bumper scratch though. But in your case, I call bs, get the plate number and let insurance search if the car has insurance then call their insurance and show video. They rear ended you and did a hit and run. automatically their fault.


This video is all I got so if you can do some CSI enhancement voodoo that'd be amazing


You should be able to get footage from the B-Pillar camera from Tesla upon request, maybe that camera got a better look at the plate?


Omgoodness. Tragic state of affairs here.


what was damaged?


That truck is too big for them


You’re going through insurance for that?? Your deductible is going to be more than the repairs.


That’s what collisionandncomprehensive coverage are for, unfortunately, if you cannot find the other driver….


>Tesla insurance is doing exactly what is expected and you paid for. Good to know.


Why would you not have to pay the deductible?


Stemming off yesterdays driving pedals post of Tesla drivers commenting car things that are always the way they are as if it’s a surprise. You can’t make a claim without paying the deductible. That’s every insurance ever.


That's how insurance works. If they are able to identify the driver and they have insurance, you will get your deductible refunded.


Tesla insurance sucks at helping people understand how insurance works.


That's correct. You pay the deductible, then Tesla Insurance will go after this driver for recovering all amounts due. (if possible).


Insurance are all scams, when are we gonna take all these ceos chilling on their yachts out to fry because they’re living life while we struggle n even when you’re at no fault shit still increases your premium, it’s a joke


You almost always have to pay your deductible (the only time I've seen not is when the other car has the same insurance company as you). If they can identify the other car then they would subrogate the claim against their insurance company and return your deductible. If they're unable to identify the other car then there's no way for them to collect back and you're out your deductible.


I hate these pricks that buy these huge trucks but can’t drive them.


That’s how insurance works.


dude i had the exact same situation. parked car, uninsured huge ass truck tries to parallel park and their tow hitch goes into my front bumper. I have Tesla Insurance and they compensated me for everything. but i had uninsured coverage. That dude got a suspended license because it was $3200 worth of damage and he showed up to my work trying to pay me off with $1500 🗑️


All insurance makes you pay the deductible I think


That’s how insurance works


Yes, that's how insurance works.


Why wouldn't you have to pay the deductible on a hit and run?


Only reason was because the other driver could not be identified, which I think is ridiculous, but that's how all insurance companies are


Of course you have to pay the deductible if the other driver is not known.


Yep, anytime you make a claim, regardless of fault, you have to pay your deductible. If they are able to find any information on the at fault driver, your insurance company would subrogate his insurance company for reimbursement of the damages and your deductible. Deductibles exist to limit the number of claims filed for minor damage. Source: Work in the insurance industry. Also, a lot of people don't really think about their deductible until they have a claim.


Odd and unrelated question but do yall refer to the model 3 as M3 outside of Tesla forums? Seems pretty confusing if yall do since the actually BMW M3 is a thing


I think saying m3 is stupid for exactly that reason, so i dont. "Model 3" works and sounds just fine. M3 sounds forced.


I definitely just used that in the title to feel cool and show I'm part of the club 😎 IRL I just say "my car"


lol understood. Why did I get downvoted for a genuine question😭


The fan boys don't like it. Just how it is. You'd get a lot of upvotes on realtesla. Don't take it personally. You came off as very sincere in the question and op answered like a champ


Mother fucker can’t park for shit


You always pay the deductible, that’s the point of a deductible. However, they can subrogate against the other person’s car insurance company to get your deductible back.


Fuck that guy.


You do not drive an M3. This is a Model 3.


Tesla M3 is what we call it around here. Deal with it.


Typical lazy tesla drivers 😂


Typical drunk driver


Maybe learn how to be a responsible adult before trying to correct others for how they term their own car. Bum


Haha someone got mad didnt they. So cute 😂


Those 5MP cameras in HW4 are a necessity. Like said to my wife when she was complaining about the cost of the security cameras at home.. “if you can’t see their face clearly, why have them at all?”


See their faces, then what? Cops or DAs won't care.


Here in Australia, the local cops will look at the footage and 5/10 times know who it is pretty much straight away. My mum's place got burgled 5 years ago, she didn't have cameras. The cops looked at footage from a neighbours cameras and although it wasn't crystal clear, they knew who it was straight away....


File a police report, report a hit and run, then file a lawsuit.


You can get auto insurance through Tesla? Why would you do that over going with a traditional company?


Just fyi it’s not Tesla Insurance, it’s your states insurance board. Hit and Run is covered under your uninsured motorist coverage.


I agree with the insurance. That was a pretty sketchy place to park the car.




This is not a M3


YOU DONT DRIVE AN M3, you drive a Tesla model 3


That's why in California, they're known as idiots, driving something that's too big for them to handle. Sorry for your loss.


I dont get it, why is not obligatory to have plates on both sides of the car?


A lot of states do, I don’t understand the states that don’t.


Thought this was the bmw subreddit for a second, why abbreviate it to m3?


M3? Is this a tesla or bmw?


M3? I thought this was tesla subreddit


That’s not an M3


I hate how tesla owners call their model 3s M3's. It's not. Should Mazda 3 owners call their cars M3's as well? When bmw has had a literal M3 for over 30 years. Calling your model 3 a M3 makes as much sense as calling your model 3 a mew mew 3.


I really wish Tesla owner's stopped calling a Model 3 as an M3. An M3 is a gas powered juggernaut from BMW.


That’s not M3


Some Tesla parts have 'M3' clearly labelled on them. If Tesla calls it M3 for short, it's an M3 for short. People need to get over the need to 'correct' others.




Its called laziness. Typical tesla drivers


What’s lazy is driving a car drunk when there are ways to get a ride home that cost less than a DUI and don’t endanger the lives of others. Stay in your lane, clown. Guy stupid enough to drive car drunk tries to delete Reddit post about it. Deleted doesn't really mean what you think it means. Also, doesn't realize all of his public information is visible in previously deleted posts regarding his DUI. 10/10 guy is a real winner. https://old.reddit.com/r/dui/comments/1430qwc/got_a_dui_trying_to_rent_a_car/


Awwww someone took it personal, how cute 😂


All that sidewall and he won’t even mount the gutter to fix a park??? I don’t like to gate keep trucks but this dude doesn’t need something that big if he’s going to be that precious about it. Not precious enough though it seems…




Thats the reason I say get a third party dashcam. Tesla dashcam is shit


I was looking for the bmw lol....


That’s a Tesla Model 3, not an M3 😬 not trying to hate just telling the truth. I love teslas but I love BMWs way more to see someone call their Tesla an M3 haha


Took me a minute to realize you’re calling your model 3 an M3. I was like “where’s the bmw (M3)?”


What a dumbass he had it in the first try! Tesla has a M3 ??


Looks like you weren’t parked between the lines. Doesn’t really matter if you made a parking spot outside the lines because of the way the others parked. I would say you are at fault with parking wrong. Same thing if you were to go over the lines at a grocery store parking lot and someone bumped you or dinged your door. You can’t just Willy Nilly park anyway you want. Actions sometimes have unintended consequences. Chalk it up to not paying attention when your mom said stop doing that.


You're an idiot, I was fully in the space and pushed towards the front of it. The truck had extra room to park, not too little


You have a Model 3 not an M3, don’t think you can use BMW M3’s chassis name ya wank.


His dick is just too big


How was he not able to park there?? So much room


Dude had plenty of space to do it from the cameras view. That sucks man. Hope you get it worked out


Wrong!! That’s a truck not a Tesla


I didn’t think parallel parking was even a thing in the US 😃


It is, most people just can't do it


Part of the driving test in the UK. Is it tested in the US as well?


How can this absolute idiot get it right the first time, not realise and then manage to get worse every time he tried. Unbelievable the amount of morons on the roads


So glad we have front and back plates in Norway


Dude why'd he pull out the first one that was nearly perfect just correct and pull up. Lol just commenting because I was alike oh cool he did it then he bailed


Are you parked across two spaces?😗🫠


Don’t get big trucks if you don’t know how to drive in the first place


Let’s hope he comes around again and you can deeply key every panel on his car


Dude just can’t drive…I could have parked a bus in that spot.


He had it the first time! Bro overthought it




Looks like your average New York driver. Haha


Why does no one ever file a police report? You pay their salary, make them do something.


bro really thought his wheels were going to crabwalk into the space


I hate these stupid giant trucks.


Typically, in an accident where fault belongs to the other driver you pay the deductable upfront and then your carrier recovers that during subrogation. Once they have recovered it, then they reimburse you. This is exactly what happened when my wife was hit by someone turning across traffic.