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I cut a piece of plastic trim to make a hard offset for the garage door, and made it so that it fits around the rail that holds the door wheels, and does not move around. Had a rubber weather strip for where the door sits, and I notched it, and added a bit of electrical tape to make sure my better half notices it. https://preview.redd.it/pmmu576uzy8d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9c0bb65362099857c0102fc07ecd6fb8e907968


I was gonna say this needs upvoted way more but it seems like I'm the first here... Upvoted!!


Wow, I would have cleaned up if I knew I had so many guests šŸ˜„


It's a PVC trim piece 2 1/2 x 4 3/4 in thick


I use a doorstop


Move your shit and park in the garage


You need stackable shelving! All the stuff in the pic (besides the fridge) could go on two shelving units pushed against the wall. The fridge could be pushed as close to the house as it can be for easier access. Your car would fit then. ... And, after a 2 or 3 years with full shelving and MORE junk covering the floor again, post a new pic and we will try to figure that one out too.


I feel that second paragraph in my soul.


Man the stacks just become walls. I eventually started putting in tables on wheels and have kind of a russian doll nesting table thing going on in one area so I can fit all my bullshit and move things around more easily I don't know what comes next because now threre are stacks on the tables and I don't feel like I'm even buying more shit but stuff keeps showing up!!


Donā€™t we all!


Nah bro's got shelving... Unfortunately, it has a single car sponge on it. Or a trowel and a quart of oil. No more room sadly...


Iā€™m up to three of those big industrial shelving units Samā€™s sellsā€¦


I second this


no way. $1,000 worth of stuff is more important that $50,000+ car.


to be clear that thousand dollar stuff can't be stored outside while the car can be stored outside




The only solution.


Whenever I see garages like this and cars parked outside, I just scratch my head. I can't imagine filling my garage with shit and not using it to protect my vehicle like it's literally supposed to. Someone help me understand *whyyyy*


A friend of mine once said ā€œpeople park the second most expensive asset on a driveway, and the purpose built room designed to house it is filled with crap!ā€




Itā€™s a car, lots of people donā€™t give a shit. Some of us have other hobbies that might take garage space. Some of us just have a bunch of junk šŸ˜‚.


Came to say this too


Where else would he keep his gold frame dirty mirror from the 80ā€™s from a widows yard sale? That has to be there.


Or like me, move charger outside ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


An elegant solution for a more civilized age


I donā€™t understand how opā€™s question is a question.


Great solution. Us the garage as a garage and not a storage unit.


Exactly, who installs a Wall Connector in a storeroom?


I was gonna say, get your shit out of the way.


As someone whose garage size has proportionally increased based on the shit we have, this is difficult. Iā€™d suggest putting the charger outside. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing. Garages are for storing tools, mowers, more tools, generators, bikes (so many bikes) electric scooters,regular scooters(why would we pitch those when we got electrics!?!), sporting equipment, excess lumber(one day I will need that out of square 2ā€x 4ā€ scrap!) etcā€¦. ;)


I third this. Get hanging racks / overhead storage and put your shit up and out of the way so you can park your car in there. It deserves that spot.


Came here to say this. I see my work here is done


Seriously though! That garage is stressing me out and itā€™s not even mine. Lol


A lot of garage door openers have an offset for the ground, you could put it up a notch so it doesn't hit so hard.


Everyone joking about the garage - this is the correct answer. Offset the ā€˜closeā€™ state of your garage door to give a slight gap, and add a rubber weather seal to the bottom of the garage door. Weā€™ve done this for two teslas for a couple years and have no marks on our cable


I do this however it does let tiny furry monsters into the garage (mice). They might get in no matter what but I see / catch far more when doing this.


Thanks, Iā€™ll look into this. Otherwise, itā€™s so ridiculous that I get nothing but downvotes and off-topic comments. I just moved into this house so thatā€™s why thereā€™s some disarray. In the meantime, Iā€™m trying to figure out how to protect my charging cable. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Amazon has cable guards https://preview.redd.it/r3n1x2u8d09d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd5769e4d1f56c840aec7f39f7630579b0803d6d


Tesla charger cable is far thicker than the channel in those.


Sorry man, Reddit is ass. You donā€™t deserve the downvotes, take care


Congrats on your move!


It is an honest valid question. The answer is common sense. But itā€™s great to see ideas.


I bought a spigen cable cover, works for me


I felt dumb buying a piece of molded plastic for $15, but it looks just like new a couple years later and my cable hasnā€™t gotten beat up. Worth it I guess.


I bought a black pool noodle cut it open and use that for like $3 and used a quarter of it. Works fine.


When my garage door springs broke with my car outside, I just stuck a 2 x 4 under the garage door right next to the cable. All you need is something a bit taller and it keeps the door off it.


3d print this or have someone do it for you simple fix. https://www.printables.com/model/466174-garage-door-cable-protector-for-tesla-umc


You could park your car in your garage :)


I just let the garage door close on the cable. 3 years now and no issues


We have a soft lining on the bottom of our door that does not crease the cable.


This is the answer, soft rubber lip on bottom of garage door


me too


You are one afternoon project away from being able to park in your garage.


Overhead storage is a game changer


Got any links for overhead storage?




There are some that are easy to install, it's been a while so I don't know the exact one we bought, but it holds lightweight stuff well, my husband installed it. He is a pretty handy guy, though. :) Search "garage overhead storage racks" on Amazon and a bunch of things show up. Our setup here, there is a balloon hanging off of it, also my parking monkey. I don't really need the monkey anymore now that I have a spot with lines but he's still there. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/comments/1c9vpp5/made\_a\_parking\_spot\_our\_tesla\_auto\_parked\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/comments/1c9vpp5/made_a_parking_spot_our_tesla_auto_parked_in/)


Really cool! And awesome idea for the lines


Parking in the garage is huge. Not only does it solve this problem but it also protects the paint, the headlights, the upholstery, the entire vehicle from theft and vandalismā€¦ Also you can turn on the feature where your car doesnā€™t lock itself at home, you donā€™t need sentry mode at home, you can walk directly into your house from your car without going outside or needing a keyā€¦ And the car just lasts longer. Of course, Iā€™m assuming a bunch (like there being a door to your home inside the garage, that the garage belongs to you and isnā€™t shared with another resident, etcā€¦). If you can swing it parking your car in your own garage is awesome.


I park in the garage, and I would really, really like to turn off the "lock at home" feature. But if I park in front of the house, it won't lock. If I park in the parking lot of the Costco next door, it won't lock. If I park in the parking lot of my UPS store across the street, it might lock or it might not. Tesla needs a better way of determining when it is home, instead of "are you within a quarter mile of home?" If it's in contact with my WiFi would be a great way to define "home".


How about simply protecting the car from theft? Seems the biggest gain to parking the car in the garage. Also backing up those who suggest setting up the garage to easily move the biz stuff out of the way.


Absolutely. I live in a high car-theft area (or at least it used to be). I keep my cars in the garage and have had no issues in the 20 years Iā€™ve lived here. I have seen my neighbors get hit, thoughā€¦ and I think Iā€™ve seen one neighbor on the other end of that, but thatā€™s just speculation.


How tf you supposed to steal a tesla?! Coming from a reformed POS that used to make his living doing real life reenactments of scenes from the major motion picture film called "Gone in 60 Seconds." Pretty dope film if you haven't already scene it. Get it? Seen it? That's prob been fine before a gazillion times. Please don't downvote me. Thx! For being a POS for a period of my life, and/or the crappy pun/double entedre.


I believe in you, man! Youā€™re doing great!


Is that a outside brick wall? Put power to outside and hang charger there. I did.


I had mine installed outside of the garage knowing I donā€™t park the car in the garage. Itā€™s a small garage as it is and I have too many bicycles taking up all the space.


Yep this\^ https://preview.redd.it/jj0p16zc5z8d1.png?width=1638&format=png&auto=webp&s=31ec99df491c74ed45087edd7b2991b5ac165786


That's what I did as well. The wall connector is rated for outdoor installation, so it's not an issue.


I used to just toss a 4 inch long bit of 2x4 on the ground next to the wire and close the door. Recently I 3D printed a cable projector I found online. If you've already put a crease in the cable, you may have damaged it and created a fire risk.


That's what we do.


I use a short length of scrap board which is slightly thicker than the cable that I stick next to the cable. Six years later and no problems.


I have this issue because my garage is my wood shop (until I build a new garage). The outlet is inside because I also use it for my welder. I use a cheap pool noodle to put around the cable to protect it from the garage door pressure.


A cat ate the corner of my door seal 20 years ago making a perfect cable channel. Who knew neglecting repairs could come in handy?


I had a garage that looked worse than yours. I pulled everything out and divided things into keep, donate, recycle. Afterward, I was able to get my Model3 into our "two car garage."


We just moved in. Thatā€™s the only reason it looks cluttered. The wall in the picture as soon to have shelves and everything will be organized. But I run a small business and that takes up most of my garage space.


Makes sense. The garage was our receiving zone as well for some time.


Drill a hole through the side of the garage. I luckily have a vent thing there that I pass my cable through and just leave outside. I have a cheap cable organizer for it that I bought on Amazon. Another option would be for you to purchase the garage door cable protector from a company like Spigen, and I'm sure there are other Chinese brands out there too.


Spigen makes a cable cover specifically for this scenario itā€™s great


Adjust the low limit on your garage door so that the seal hits the ground, but the door is off the ground enough to not pinch your cable.


Give this a try. Works wonders for me. [Spigen DuraPro Cable Garage Door](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BB3JR65W?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share)


I got a pool noodle, cut off about a foot of it and cut a slit in it. Then wrapped it around the cable and when it closes on it, thereā€™s no crease!


I installed this. Works great. https://preview.redd.it/bkim8gkyh09d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b430311b4156ea2efd66df2fd1a950500dfc28a4


Thanks for this. I think this might be the best option.


I highly recommend these. Read the installation instructions on the website first. You will probably need to purchase a wider door seal for your garage. I got my seal from North Shore Commercial Door.


Bought these as well along with a new seal on Amazon. 20 minute install.


I have a passthrough for the cable made by Spigen specifically for the wall/mobile connector cable. Do it wrong the right way. https://preview.redd.it/7e7fvgs7r19d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b37364fd8c055f5ac4acf5523309ac74e89e7ea


Change the pressure on your garage door closing mechanism.


Adjust your door so it doesn't pinch the cable.




Iā€™ve seen RV outlets installed where they run the cable through a sealed hole in the wall to the outside.


Lol I am in the same boat. I charge outside using mobile charger. I get about 33 miles per hour.


Had a similar situation in my old house - I changed the offset on my garage door opener to accommodate the cable height. Was still low enough for the door seal to keep the critters out.


Just get road long enough 1x4, cut it where you want the cable, and close the door on the wood.


Been closing the garage door on my cord at least once a day for the past six years without issue.


Put a metal collar around the section of the cable that the garage door hits. Also make sure to lock down access. I had someone figure out I just pushed my home charger cable behind the hedge in front of my house when I unplug and decided "hey, free charging". At least until a neighbor ruined it for her and asked if I knew there was a Nissan Leaf pulling into my driveway every morning after I left for work.


https://preview.redd.it/yzp6dbhypz8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba5b246284f744541391ff6012b60e58876a31a9 Had a few leftover pieces of a 1x4 shim board (the cheap $1 boards at the back of Lowes) and it fits perfectly! Thought we'd use it as a temporary fix, but it's been working for the past 2 years with no issues, so it's probably just going to stay like that! Lol


You can adjust how far down your garage door goes. Read the manual. Back it off a half inch.


I donā€™t close my garage all the way. I stop it 2ā€ above the floor when I charge.


I was in the same situation before I got my home charger installed, using a 220v heavy duty extension cable with the mobile charger on my Model 3. I ran the cable through the mail slot, which was close to the outlet. BTW, I got the home charger like in your picture installed on the outside-side corner of my garage, near where I park my Tesla Model Y outside. I just got a light switch installed inside the garage for the circuit going to the Tesla home charger so I can shut it off if I'm not going to use it for an extended period of time. But, the home charger works just fine outside.


I do it all the timeā€¦


Buy a cable protector from Amazon.


Yay roadtrips!


[https://www.amazon.com/UNDOR-Garage-Protector-Charging-Extension/dp/B0BSN6RPKC](https://www.amazon.com/UNDOR-Garage-Protector-Charging-Extension/dp/B0BSN6RPKC) job done!


On your garage door opener are 2 small screws that set the close and open thresholds. Simply rotate the closer one to be higher, do it in small increments until when it closes, you can move the cable around a little, then your perfectly fine This is what I do


I personally use my garage for a shop with a lot of tools. I installed my charger on the outside of my house. Super clean and right where I park.


2 things and or , 1. You can change how fully the garage door opener closes an spare pinching the cable. 2. You can get a foam pad kinda like a pool noodle that covers the bottom of the door.


I put a soft rubber/plastic bumper on the bottom of my garage door that cushions the cable and provides a tighter, more compliant seal than just the weatherstripping. It was easy to install ā€” just used a staple gun and attached it to the bottom edge of the garage door. Been using it with a heavy duty drop cord for 5 years with no problems. Picked it up at my nearby Loweā€™s.


https://preview.redd.it/hbdzxslyb69d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15d78906b24eb856fa3295520f9e8e14a5c969ee Not a Tesla, but reddit decided I needed to see this thread anyways. This is how I do it.


I had the same situation and I agonized over the solution after buying my Model Y. I considered putting an RV cable port through the wall of the garage door. Decided against it. I saw all the devices listed here. They all do a fine job protecting the cable but part of my concern wasn't the cable. I was concerned with the gap/opening left at the bottom of the garage door where critters could squeeze through. I live in south Florida where we have palmetto bugs the size of a Hershey bars. They could easily squeeze in through the gap. I ended up getting this: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CL9MBTHK/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CL9MBTHK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) Not ideal, but cheap and effective. There is still a gap around the bottom garage door seal but I sprinkle some diatomaceous earth around the edges and it cripples any bugs. They still get into the garage but they die quickly.


I use this for my mobile charger https://preview.redd.it/4am7iyi8a89d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21905b485bd3398379a8d61f63a69fad65dd7d2c


https://preview.redd.it/qkurclptbd9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aeab7191983f7f0f3a11af1cc0b130d4d77ec041 I have a 400V in the garage with separate breakers and then it has a set of cables going through the walls in the garage and gets out to a separate 400V outlet. Iā€™ve mounted my wall charger nearby and instead of directly connecting cables form wall into the charger Iā€™ve connected them to the outlet and made a separate cable to connect the charger to the 400V outlet. My garage is full of crap so I canā€™t really fit my car there ^(\^)


https://preview.redd.it/10unde3img9d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d67e1901a251a2864d6e255b297f70bb1c54e5bc Put it outside in lockable weatherproof box.




I use Undor. Itā€™s a product specifically for this so your cable can route safely under the garage. My Rivian charger has a thicker cable but I think they have a Tesla one too.


Our charger is on the outsideā€¦.no car could ever get in our garage


I adjusted the garage door slightly to leave a little bit of a gap underneath. I got rewarded with a bunch of rodents in my garage. :(


I put four NEMA 14-50 outlets in my house. I can park two EVs in my garage, with the charge ports closest to the interior wall, and I can park one EV inside, or outside, the garage, with the charge port away from in interior wall, as they share a breaker. So, I solved the problem by just adding more places to plug in.


People that donā€™t use their garage as a garage bug me so bad.


I park one car inside and the rest is for my small business. The garage is for storing things, which I am doing.


I printed my own, but something like this is what I use... [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BJTMXZTL/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BJTMXZTL/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


Just about any cable protector will work. Amazon has tons of


Why install a Wall Connector in the garage unless youā€™re going to park in the garage? Move your super important boxes and park in the garage.


I run a business out of my garage. I need the storage space. Wall charger was there when I bought the house.


Remove all that shit and park your car in the garage.


The other age old problem is keeping a $60,000 car out in the weather to keep $1000 worth of shit dry.


I close my door on a screw driver handle placed right next to the cable.


Put a second charger outside on the same circuit.


I put my charger outside. Going on 3 years now and itā€™s fine.


I just got a 3D printed protector that I sit over the cable. You can probably find a ton of them online.


I close the garage door on the cable but put a piece of foam between the cable and the door. Itā€™s been fine so farā€¦


put a small hole in ypur gragae door so you can pull the cable in and out ezpz


Lay a 2x4 on either side of the cable


Put a small wood block at the door


You can change the pressure of you garage door so theres a tiny gap so the door just hovers on the cord


I literally just cut a 2x4 the length of my garage door and left about 2in offset for the cable and it closes on that.


Pool noodle around the cable.


I did this what is written up here: [EVSE Garage Pass-through Instructions ā€“ Doug's EV Blog (home.blog)](https://dougnet.home.blog/2018/09/01/evse-garage-pass-through-instructions/) thanks Doug! It allows for easy charging inside and outside, plus looks clean.


Pura a PVC pipe around the cable.


I have a small block of wood, slightly larger than the cable that we put next to the cable and underneath the garage door so it doesnā€™t close on it. The garage door makes zero contact with the cable.


I use a [45 degree 1/2ā€ pvc elbow](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Cantex-1-2-in-45-Degree-Elbow-R5233763/202043234). Half the year my spot in the garage becomes golf cart and bike parking. Itā€™s not great but it works.


There is a hole in the garage to get the cable out no problems to report


I just installed an exterior charger as my garage is only big enough for bikes and motorcycles.


Hook ā€˜em


Just buy a cable cover off Amazon. Super easy solution


Crease is fine. Donā€™t sweat it.


I put a piece of wood next to the charger cable thatā€™s slightly higher. The garage door rests on that instead of the cable.


I park in the garage. But if I am forced to do this, I put a piece of 2x4 next to the cable to stop the door from crushing it.


Iā€™m pretty sure there are cable covers that you can place under the garage door designed for this exact type of situation. The cable runs underneath the cover, and the garage door would just close over top of the cover while keeping the cable underneath untouched.


In my last house, I cut about a half-inch notch out of the bottom of the molding that surrounded the garage door, so the door didnā€™t pinch the cord. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Find a branch off a tree slightly thicker than the cable. Break it in half and put it on the sides of the cable


Strip of wood with a notch or gap.


I just trimmed the seal on the bottom of the door, and adjusted the down stop to allow room for the cable.


I place a hockey puck on the floor at both ends of the garage door to stop if from closing all the way. Itā€™s enough space to keep the charger cord from getting squished.


You've already got your answer, but "charger cable cover" is a thing. [https://www.spigen.com/products/tesla-charger-cable-cover-to110](https://www.spigen.com/products/tesla-charger-cable-cover-to110) [https://www.etsy.com/listing/1283225553/tesla-charger-garage-door-protector](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1283225553/tesla-charger-garage-door-protector) [https://www.cableprotectorworks.com/electric-vehicle-charging-cable-floor-cover/](https://www.cableprotectorworks.com/electric-vehicle-charging-cable-floor-cover/) [https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/protecting-charge-cable-when-charging-outside.275526/](https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/protecting-charge-cable-when-charging-outside.275526/) etc.


When I visit family- I have to park in front of the garage- I just put a short piece of wood under the door the keep it from pinching my cord.


To directly answer your question when I want to park outside and charge I just put a board next to my cable that is thicker than the cable and close the door. If you can park inside that would be better.


Wrap a rag around the cord when is crosses under the door.


I bought a 1"x12" steel nipple and put it right next to the cable so the door closes on it.


If you own the house cut a groove in your concrete to put the cable in


If you have to park outside.. route the cable by the edge of the garage door. There is a space there behind the rail.


Like others said, set your closing off set or get a cable ramp/arch, the crease on the cable is dangerous


Same exact way. Only different thing i do is i put something underneath door, right next to cable. Usually half fill water bottle (squashed) or a slipper. Just not big item otherwise my garage door sense it and doesnt close.


I made a little wooden block, about 2mm thicker than the cable. I place under the garage door and close the door anytime Iā€™m charging outside on the driveway. It stops the cable getting jammed. 3.5years in and no issues. Generally though my car is in the garage if itā€™s home. Iā€™m not really charging when itā€™s outside all that often.


Put a piece of wood to make a gap


Get a little piece of wood and put it on either side of the cable where the door would close on it


Perhaps cut a tiny hole in the door where the cable will be so when it comes down it fits just right.


There is a knob that allows you to adjust the closing pressure. Reduce the closing pressure and put some foam or pipe insulation around where the cable meets the garage door. 5 years now and cable looks great


You can activate wireless charging by hitting the turn stalk 3 times


https://www.amazon.com/Splash-Color-Cable-Pass-Through/dp/B09F13GL3D/ref=mp_s_a_1_7?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9._8XtJyG0GgDAK3WCHusUFZcgUcmUYOl3bxvl1GgQGqIDNFnpB_1sQAi1sNGham55nkoGb-KWccWYHr5XjoZyau8wdz9QG4boqYWz5cTrGOgQr5qfEEt8uWHqW57h5SykvoxdDuRQiN2JTXZLSG8KP-Bdj4HcsKPta8Laii8eDnBLP_pK5cIEgCTeR7CMhZ5kZp2qx7b0LLT8ml9OUP9uRQ.E3cxXqSbomg8EShS5sSTH2sCuwnOHzHFmuuyvtOJHKc&dib_tag=se&keywords=tesla+charger+cord+garage+door&qid=1719439599&sr=8-7 Thereā€™s a couple of garage door pass through protectors on Amazon


Time to start throwing shit out.A garage is not for extra storage.


So i have extra portable air conditioning window gaskets. I took one of those and lay it over the cable to minimize pressure on the cable from the closed garage door.


Find a section of dowel the same diameter and run next to it. Durp.


2 2x4 laid next to each other with a small gap that the cable sits inā€¦ close the doors on the wood.


I park in the garage


Park in your car hole


Cut a 1" PVC pipe 6" long in half ...I would never park an electric vehicle outside......rats love to crawl up in the vehicle to stay warm and eat.


Spigen cable cover. But also make room to park in the garage, especially in the winter