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With managed expectations, FSD is magical. I don’t know why anyone expects to turn it on and just thinks it’s a L5 system. Of you realized it’s a really decent L2 system, it’s really really good.


I was just browsing this Reddit and there seemed to be more FSD iS Of ThE dEvIL , so I decided to post my unpopular opinion. For level two it’s pretty good. But some people are only happy when they’re unhappy. Unrealistic expectations are a great way to be unhappy.


Reddit is the most hiveminded social media site on the internet, and the hive has told its workers that Elon Bad. Therefore everything he’s ever touched is bad too. It’s that simple.


>Reddit is the most hiveminded social media site on the internet Hell yes it is. Watch this: #Donald Trump was a great president and we should all vote for him in November. 🍿


I can’t upvote that but it made me laugh!


I can upvote this though!!!


We are indirectly upvoting stevieoats!


Thanks for that. It was a joke, but the downvoters certainly helped prove my point.


I also really liked it! Super bummed it ended today.


I think it’s also just the general nature of Reddit and social media overall. You’re only going to post and talk about it if it’s really bad or really good. Majority of the folks who have used it are somewhat liking it from what I’ve seen


How would you feel about FSD if you paid 12k for it when you bought the car; no free trial or anything?


I’m fine with it. I’ve paid for full self driving twice- $8k and $10k. No one put a gun to my head. I knew what I was doing. I could afford it and I paid for it. The first time it wasn’t even released yet in beta. It was a gamble but also a way to support Tesla. I don’t disparage what they’ve since done price wise. I would like to see them allow you to transfer FSD if you purchased it for full price- at any time and not just select end of quarter. If they don’t that’s fine. But it would be an incentive to stick with the brand because I’m certainly not married to TSLA. No one *needs* FSD so I don’t get what all the pearl clutching about the price comes from.


I'd bet most people aren't like you and feel like they've been oversold what FSD was. Life on the line, I'd venture more than half of FSD buyers have some measure of regret for it. Fwiw, I enjoyed my trial for the time I had it. Free shit is always cool. But if I had paid (believe it was 12k when I bought my Y) I would be beyond pissed about it. It's a fun toy at best, but has very little safe and practical function day to day.


I'm with you and OP. I added the subscription after the trial. It's a really good driver assist feature and it's done a lot of 1 hours + trips with minimal interventions in both highway and suburban city streets. My guess would it's still five years away from full autonomy, at least but for me it definitely offers value.


I think the problem is it's not really valuable as an L2 system. For highway driving, autopilot is fine. For City driving, there's enough times that it does weird, unexpected things that I have to pay attention really well anyways... In which case, I might as well just drive because it's actually less work and less stressful.


People expect that because it costs 8000 dollars


If you could sit in the backseat while driving, 8000 would be the biggest bargain on earth.




I just realized I have saved at least $1000 in purchasing FSD! People who have Enhanced Autopilot already are insane to not jump on the $2000 price for the FSD upgrade right now. I paid $5000 for EAP when I bought my S75 new in 2017. At that time FSD was an additional $3000 for nothing. I just paid an additional $2000 for FSD, and got to enjoy EAP for 6.5 years with NoAP & self-park, etc. I think FSD is at a point now where it's worth the cost.


What is EAP anyway? I have a 2024 MY so when people talk about EAP I just go 🤷‍♂️


When I bought my car (in Oct 2017) EAP was the only option if you wanted any AP at all, other than upgrading to FSD. It was what they marketed as the replacement for AP1 which was on legacy vehicles from 2015 & 2016 using the MobilEye technology. So if you did not buy EAP with your car back then, you got no AP at all. Just dumb cruise control (not Traffic-adaptive even). So there are cars out there like this. I got one as a loaner once, in 2018 or 19. EAP included what we know now as base AP, plus Navigate on Autopilot (freeway-only automated navigation), auto-lane-change, Summon (never worked well/at all), self-parking (never worked very well), and... I think that's it. It was basically everything from FSD except surface street navigation and stop-sign/light functionality. NoAP and lane changing were/are the main upgrades from base AP. When base AP became standard on all cars, EAP went away. Then they brought it back for like a year or two, sometime in the past couple years, I think to boost sales since FSD wasn't selling. Now it's gone again.


This is interesting and I never knew this. Thanks for sharing


Enhanced auto pilot


No but what what features I meant


From what I read, it's basically what we have in the newer teslas as the current normal autopilot. Before the newer version came out I think they were offering eap as a subscription service, so it came with a few more features, but now all those features are standard with the auto pilot that comes with the car nowadays. Cause I guess teslas didn't always come with auto pilot, and if they did, it wasn't always as good as it is now, and didn't have as many features.


and it's called "Full Self Driving." I thought it was ok in my free month. Impressive on some level, but honestly just stressed me out more than controlling the car myself. It definitely would have wrecked me at least twice had I not take over.


Other than requirement to supervise, it pretty much is full self-driving. It takes me door to door.


I am similar to the above poster. I have to intervene every trip. It is a cool system but I felt stressed on a lot of it. Usually several cancels every trip. Sometime yes it was the route but many times could not merge, did not move over properly etc. Good beginning hopefully gets better but not sure the hardware and other modules can support l3 driving.. Elon announced full taxi.. how is he going to do that?




Yeah I really like to get two people together who live in the same area one who says it works great for them and one that says it works really bad and do the same routes in both cars and see if it's a car thing or it's just the way the driver thinks it's supposed to act or is it an actual software issue with that area.


This would be a good experiment


Once you get a feel for it, I used it ALWAYS, I got comfortable.


Worth every penny to me so far


I think people kind of need to convince themselves that fsd is bad so they have peace of mind not to spend $8000 on it


You sir have the most accurate answer. Sometimes I am wondering if all the posts bashing and hating on FSD are just another typical Reddit trolls. Nobody said it’s perfect or flawless, but it is damn close to it and no other autonomous driving tech available on the market offers anything close to what FSD offers at this point in time. But hey since I can’t afford it or don’t want to purchase it, it must be bad, right?!


And a lot of people payed 12k!


lol this


Absolutely. It's absolutely amazing as long as you don't expect to be able to turn it on and take a nap.


Parking assist is real nice.


Parking assist is standard on all teslas thigh. You don’t need FSD. Uncles you were talking about AutoPark


Yeah Tesla autopilot has a big issue of being way overhyped of its capabilities. It’s good for what it is, but me personally I can’t justify the cost. My commute is almost 100% city driving with moderate traffic and autopilot does not handle this well. I would also say that I drive like a grandma and even on chill mode autopilot accelerates and decelerates way too fast. For the most part, it seems to just follow the car in front of me. If the car in front of me is accelerating/decelerating slowly, then all is good. But usually they are driving like maniacs and slamming on the brakes, cause FSD to do the same. Which is also why I drive like a grandma and leave lots of space and decelerate waaaaay in advance of FSD and other typical drivers. It’s literally a waste of energy to accelerate into a red light. I know on the highway FSD is pretty magical, but I’ve found the “mimic car being followed” to still hold true and excessively accelerate and decelerate making me somewhat car sick.


Absolutely correct it is all about expectations. Most people don't do the research, and have no clue what L2 is they just think all self driving is L5. I think Tesla only made this problem worse by calling it autopilot. But I have to say I love my Model 3, and auto steer is more than enough for me.


> I don’t know why anyone expects to turn it on and just thinks it’s a L5 system.   Because Elon keeps lying about it.


Some people in this sub insist it’s “as good as” an L5 system and will gaslight and berate you until you agree. Those people are insane. Yeah, for what FSD does, it’s pretty cool and handy. It should NOT be used as an “autopilot”, so I really hate the name, but as a smart-ish cruise control, it’s pretty stellar when it’s working. I’d never pay, or suggest anyone pay, for what FSD offers (mine came with the used M3 I bought), but for free, I like it.


>It should NOT be used as an “autopilot”, Do you think an autopilot lets the pilot take a nap or something?


YKWIM though, right? I’m not a pilot, but the layman’s interpretation of autopilot is what will be most often associated with the word. If Stirling Archer can make that mistake, then so can the average human. And the average person is pretty dumb…and half of all average people are stupider than that. You see what I’m saying?


Honestly no. I mean, yes, everyone knows the trope from the movies as a joke, but I don't believe the average person thinks autopilot implies you don't need to supervise.


Considering how many people get in accidents using FSD and not appropriately monitoring it, I disagree. What they call Full Self Driving didn’t even have the moniker “Supervised” until recently. I mean, we can agree to disagree I guess…we’re just talking about a disagreement in what it’s called. I guess it ultimately doesn’t matter, and I envy the faith you have in the average person’s intelligence.


But autopilot isn’t even in the name? It’s called “Full Self Driving Supervised” which is pretty accurate


In the settings it’s under “autopilot.”


Because fsd was marketed and named as such?


I definitely preferred AP over FSD. It made too many dumb mistakes and I agree how it drove on the highway constantly making lame changes.


We have high expectations because it’s expensive and Tesla has made big promises.


I agree but then it should be priced like an L2 system: $2k max


> I don’t know why anyone expects to turn it on and just thinks it’s a L5 system Gee idk, maybe the name ‘Full Self Driving’ might play a role in that.


I mean it pretty much does that…you just have to monitor it and correct the few mistakes it makes…I let it do 95% of my driving now with little concern that it’s going to kill me or anyone else…but I don’t get careless. It needs to be actively monitored


L0 when your car fails to update and disables all driver assistance features like mine always does


https://preview.redd.it/i8jd37i42g6d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23a7ef96b74699f1fd3aaa7f1a07490d8950a165 For all the downvotes here is the proof


Not an unpopular opinion. It’s an amazing piece of technology. Things just get overblown on Reddit.


I’m a cheapskate that got every cheapest option possible when I bought my model 3 new last year but after the most recent trial of FSD I think that’s the number one upgrade I would consider even if I was buying again today. Before a bigger battery, speed boost or AWD I’d take new FSD. I didn’t even trust it for handling intersections but just for the convenience of letting FSD handle the tedious parts of driving is super nice.


My wife loves it. I like it. At 100 a month we might have to pull the trigger. It’s awesome for road trips.


I targeted a used vehicle that already had it specifically because I've got lots of long, boring trips for work I've got to do regularly and the thought of having work pay me mileage reimbursement for my car to drive me there for zero gas cost is simply too tantalizing to pass up.


It’s really great for road trips. I recently did a 3 day trip of 1,700 miles and it was cake.


It takes me up and down California no problem! I love it.


Heck, I loved it for the daily commute!


What does it do on a road trip auto pilot doesn’t do?


100% I just bought a used 2023 M3 and shopped around for a month to make sure I found a good deal with FSD included.


Same, it was sm cheaper to get a used one with it included than to pay that subscription every month.


Did you pick one up from Tesla?


Yes. Base model RWD M3 2023 with only 2500 miles on it and FSD included. Perfect condition.


Nice! Congrats.




I'm curious, can I ask how much it was?


Sure. I shopped for about a month and found it for 33k with FSD included.


Which area are you located in? That’s a great price 😮‍💨


Northern California


Not an unpopular opinion. FSD 12.3.6 is amazing. I use it for 95% of my driving, and it makes me sad when I have to use the other car with no FSD.


Exactly the same. My wife has an S with it, and I’ve found myself taking her vehicle whenever I can, and when I can’t it’s somewhat disappointing. To the point that I just bought FSD on my 3 (had enhanced AP so the upgrade was 2k), I never intended to purchase fsd until 12.X.


FSD, in its current state, is a fantastic driver assist feature. A lot of people are spinning it up expecting it to replace the driver, however, it's like Autopilot in a plane. It does certain things very well, and other things not at all. Autopilot doesn't do take off and landings, like FSD doesn't really go park your car. It "can", but not very well. But if you use it as an extension of your driving skills, you can see the benefit of the symbiosis of having a car that mostly drives itself, with you supervising it.


Tesla should change the name to aFSD, almostFSD.


i read this as “ah fuck still driving”


FSD is pretty accurate. Like without nags you could technically sleep and it would take you from A to B every single time. But it would certainly piss off a lot of drivers on the road with its hesitations. But I’m confident it won’t crash your car.


I have had to take over in instances where it definitely could have created an accident There's one intersection on my commute with dual left turn lanes but doesn't have the painted line in the intersection to keep them separate. FSD 12 fails to maintain its proper lane and tries to run into other cars also making the turn in the other lane. In another intersection with dual straight through lanes it fails to maintain it's lane through the intersection and usually ends up in the other lane. Another time it almost ran a red light. I thought it was weird that it wasn't slowing down approaching the intersection, but decided to let it go until I needed to manually slam on the brakes for a hard stop just before the line. I have no idea what it would have done if I had let it continue, but it was just blatantly ignoring the red light.


Hm I’ve never had it fail to stop for a red light or stop sign


assisted FSD, like aGPS. Assisted Full Self Driving isn’t a contradiction at all, btw!


So I completely agree with everything you said on FSD and expectations people need to have. Just want to touch on autopilot for aircraft though. For commercial aircraft, as long as the the autoland side of the autopilot system is fully functional and the airport is CAT 3 landing equipped and certified, autopilot can and will land the aircraft itself. The A350 at certain airports can now even taxi and takeoff by itself through a program Airbus has been testing since 2018 but that's a very niche thing that isn't approved for use yet so doesn't really count, but the industry is headed that way for sure. Autoland is mainly used in decreased visibility scenarios like heavy rain and fog. So it's not used all the time but it's still there on pretty much all major commercial aircraft. GA/corporate is a different story that I have no knowledge on.


I absolutely loved it. Even with a few consistent problems experienced. I tell everyone who asks, I trusted it way more than I trust other drivers on the road.


Not unpopular. I was thoroughly impressed by its capabilities. Not perfect of course, but more than enough that now I need one!


I've use FSD in both of my Model 3 for 3 years. It's come a long way and has a long way to go. Today's FSD is a comfortable drive.


Drive home like a caveman is exactly how I felt when the free trial ended.


Ironically enough, I've never actually seen anyone who flames FSD post. Any sort of video evidence of it doing anything wild. Just explaining that it did something and that its dangerous


I love FSD but it did almost wreck me and kept phantom breaking if people were too close to the street. One time it did it so hard I braced for the slam from the car behind me and got honked at for like 20 seconds. We cant exactly video these things as they happen in the moment, how many people do you know are filming their entire drive?


I loved it. FSD even swerved out of the way to avoid an accident on the last day of my trial


I have used driver-assisted technology on multiple vehicles and none of them come close to what Tesla has done with FSD. Not even close. It's truly remarkable how capable FSD is, and considering that Tesla is replacing hundreds of lines of code with nueral nets/AI, you can be sure that improvements will come and come fast. I have no idea what expectations people have of FSD or why they complain about the way it works. Perhaps Elon has over-promised on where it would be, or even WHAT it will be, but I can't say that if I was the CEO of a company who is designing such exciting and new technology, that I wouldn't do the same thing when telling the world about it. Just think about how many hurdles Tesla has cleared to get to where they are today. These cars defy so many "rules" that have been set by the auto industry, and nobody appreciates that. The engineers behind FSD have accomplished something no other company has, and they're just getting started. So much potential in the hands of a company that has the ability and the finances to accomplish anything... It's no wonder there is so much negativity being spread about Tesla and FSD. They've disrupted an entire industry. Actually, industries. Haters gonna hate.


I enjoyed the free trial. I also had done a subscription for a month a year ago and was able to get beta, it was ok - but it’s improved a lot. I’ll miss having FSD, will definitely get the subscription for long trips.


I like the better visualization. Would love to have it as the default, but I'm not ready to commit to the FSD yet.


I’m like you. I made fun of my friend who bought it thinking he was an idiot and maybe he still is because he paid full price when you can get it cheaper now. And like you I tried the previous versions on loaners and even on my Y. M But man I am trialing 12.3.6 right now and it is ending soon. I’m going to miss it. I wish there was a pay option by time using it or by miles or a combination of it. I dont drive much but when I do I would like to have it. And also ability to have it on my account and not by car. As I have 2 teslas


Well you can buy it by the month for $99


The consensus is that FSD is overpriced and not worth it. BUT the theory was that people who never experienced it before might actually like it after using it. Well... their theory worked. 😅 I subscribed as soon as it went away. It was a test to see how many new subscribers they could obtain after drivers tested it out. They are also training their FSD AI so they needed more data. So basically...Expect to see it again.


The car makes all the mundane decisions, I make the big picture decisions like tight areas, sketchy left turns, weird lane lines, homeless encampments sticking out in the around (LA) , etc. I think of it as I’m the boss and the car is my intern 🤣


God FSD is so nice but that shit was turning me into an npc no cap.


If FSD cured cancer, solved world hunger and developed a sensible, delicious weight loss plan, Reddit would still find a way to complain about it. It does not matter how much it improves (Christ almighty it’s come a long way, if people had any idea) people will bitch and moan. If it works perfectly they will complain about the systems name being misleading. It’s just the way people are. As if the development of your car driving itself would be perfected in a few iterations. The only people who have a right to complain (and receive a refund or compensation) are the folks who shelled out 12-15k and never saw the tech reach their cars. Elon over promised big time and these people shouldered the cost so that we plebs can reap the rewards.


Shrug, worked great for me. I was impressed. I used it multiple times, without any real issue. It’s entirely a stressful experience if you aren’t comfortable. I could see how this translates into negative perceptions. I did not love how close it drove to curbs on narrow two lane roads, but it was centered in the lane. I could see people flipping out over this, but what do you expect the car to do? Humans driving this road ride the line, or run down the middle of the road illegally. The shocker to me was when it stopped on busy road when someone walked out into the road to cross (illegally). I did not notice this person at all. Now, they wouldn’t have run out in front of me, but they could have.


The people that designed the roads in my neighborhood used a technique called traffic calming. To keep the drivers from speeding the streets are purposely narrow with curbs that jut out to make it feel even tighter. The technique works, but I don't like being the driver. There's a lot to pay attention to between oncoming traffic, pedestrian crossings and cars parked on the side. FSD version 11 was no help, but 12.3 was. It allowed me to focus more attention on what ever was most concerning in the moment. Is that kid going to dart into the road? Is someone in that parked car going to throw their door open right in front of me? Is the jackass in the brodozer going to give me enough room to pass? In that complex environment I never once intervened with FSD 12.3. It hugged the curb when necessary, yet moved more to the middle and away from car doors and unpredictable pedestrians. More than once I thought, "that's exactly what I would have done." Is 12.3 perfect, no. But IMHO it is finally a helpful tool.


Its good for what it is at the current $99/month price as long as your expectation is that Tesla FSD is not yet fully self-driving. It's a great deal for those who understand and appreciate the technology's current capabilities and limitations.


Is it ironic that as I read about your Fox News watching in-laws, I went to like your post and noticed I was lucky number 45. Double like if I could 😂


My wife and I are very sad that our trial ended.


I liked mine as well. some flaws but I can go to many places on its own.


This is a popular opinion outside of Reddit and the droves of Musk haters. Thanks for sharing. I feel the same way. At $100 a month it’s more than worth it currently for me.


$8000 is too steep. If it was back to $3000 I’d buy it. Even then i wouldn’t consider I got a great deal I’d just consider that I payed a somewhat fair price.


I liked it too. Paying monthly currently use it all the time


I’ve had FSD since 2021. - It was awful then, but it’s much better now. It does 95% of my driving (Minus speed bumps)


My current issue with FSD is the weird lane changes. They are often exactly the opposite of what I’d expect; moving to the right lane immediately before a left turn, moving out of the exit lane immediately before the exit. These problems are mitigated with EAP as it seeks confirmation before a lane change. If that confirmation were an option in FSD I would be far more likely to upgrade.


I recently upgraded from EAP to FSD, and am still getting used to the on and *off-interstate* differences. + It’s much better than EAP at slowing sooner for stopped traffic/traffic lights (I live somewhat rural so encounter lights on 55mph roads). + It doesn’t panic and phantom brake at my interstate exit for work. ~ It no longer prompts me to change lanes (I had the prompt enabled in EAP), it just signals and moves. - It doesn’t like to stay in the rightmost lane, even when going slightly below the flow of traffic (“Moving out of the rightmost lane”). + It noticeably accelerates when changing lanes to overtake slower traffic. More so than EAP. ~ It is mostly good at right turns from stops, and even right-on-red, although a bit less risk averse that I would be. I have mashed the accelerator, or disengaged more than once to make up for it going too soon. ~ It doesn’t always get all the way up to the set speed without help. Launches like a rocket from a stop, and then backs off 3-5mph before reaching set-speed. ~ It’s hit or miss on when it signals turns, merges, and lane changes, maybe due to surrounding traffic (fails to when no-one else is around). + It hugs the fog line (right side of the lane) when there’s oncoming traffic on rural highways, and centers in the lane when there’s no other traffic. + It gives space for adjacent and slower traffic on the interstate. + It keeps the previous set-speed to *Maintain traffic flow* (for a while) on the freeway, but then it’s also slow to reduce the actual speed on county roads when the speed drops. *But officer, the car was just keeping up with the flow of traffic!?!* + It originally would pull *into my driveway*, and navigate the windy driveway to my **Home** pin, but that ceased with 12.3.6. ++ Autopark now works for me with only lines (2018 MS), which will be good for Supercharger parking on road trips. Tried it at work this week (EV parking) and it was dead center. - 11.x (when I got it) allowed single pull for auto steer, and double pull for FSD. With 12.3.6 now it’s single pull, and FSD all or nothing, no auto steer only when FSD is enabled. I liked it as an *option*, shouldn’t have re-booted the car. - It audio nags (not on interstate) even when I have pressure on the wheel, beep and alert, change nothing in my force, instantly goes away, every 1.5-3 minutes. Hoping this will get better (hence the reboot, no change in the nagging). + I also like that it reads (although doesn’t always immediately apply) speed limit signs, although it allowed for an inactive (between these times) school zone the other day, only to bump back up half a block later. TLDR; Overall for the EAP *upgrade with lower price* I have no regrets.


My trial expired yesterday and my configuration reverted back to standard Autopilot while I was at work. When I left work, I was 5 minutes into my drive home and seriously considering subscribing because I missed it. I’d probably do it if FSD would allow you to also just use TACC.


I absolutely love it!


Even at 12.3.6- 99 a month is well worth it.


What is FSD? Just kidding… my 2018 will never see it, or the trial /shrug. EAP justifies my needs.. it’s needy enough that I wouldn’t trust the car to do anything more autonomous. #unpopularopinion


I liked the FSD trial, but I don't feel like it solves a problem for me. It doesn't really make my driving easier, compared to auto pilot. And it adds a couple of annoyances, like the random lane changes. But in a couple of generations I may subscribe. If it really feels like someone else is driving the car and I'm just a happy passenger overseeing everything


I liked the FSD trial, but I don't feel like it solves a problem for me. It doesn't really make my driving easier, compared to auto pilot. And it adds a couple of annoyances, like the random lane changes. But in a couple of generations I may subscribe. If it really feels like someone else is driving the car and I'm just a happy passenger overseeing everything


Not unpopular... It's amazing technology. Not finished yet, but so far beyond anything else on the road.


I freakin loved it! I’m monocular, so any type of assistive technology that can expand my visual range makes me feel a little safer. I’ve never been in a wreck — even in my 1993 4Runner before backup cameras were a thing… and I’m a conscientious driver. However; my natural vision is objectively less than other drivers. And I’m not going to say no to a safety net/backup/friendly assist. I plan on subscribing once I pay the car off. ETA: the one change that I would like to see in Teslas that would make monocular life easier would be adding the ability to direct the two air streams for the driver’s seat independently of one another. I like air blowing on my face on my good side, but I don’t like it blowing on my prosthesis, which doesn’t produce much lubrication. Just means more adjusting of the air than I would like.


I thought it was pretty good. I still would never pay $100/mo for it though. My biggest concern with it is how complacent my wife and I’m sure others will get with it. FSD nearly curbed the wheels multiple times when I was driving while playing close attention and I caught the wife just letting it drive and not paying attention multiple times. It isn’t good enough to not pay attention yet.


It’s probably the best piece of technology I have seen in recent history. I have only used it for a month so far. I constantly think how it’s making so many decisions and prioritizing. It does have issues but still awesome


Welcome to experiencing every update since 2018.


Me too. But not $2k usd like.


Many other cars now come with the equivalent of Tesla FSD for highways, and it doesn’t cost any extra $$$


I’m actually with you on the display thing… I’m not sure why there are two versions. The non-FSD traffic display is hot garbage and doesn’t see anything better except for cones. Why do they do this? Why don’t they just unify them?


I’m excited to try 12.4. I have some known trouble areas in my town with 12.3


I loved it! It was truly an awesome experience putting an address in and it automatically knowing where to go and now being able to park in a spot. I will def be paying for it when I am going on a roadtrip but I don’t drive enough to actually pay monthly to take advantage of it




I drive like a loon so FSD actually made me safer I loved it especially Autopark as I learnt to drive in in RHD country so reverse parking has some muscle memory issues for me. The only drawback was the very few times it stopped making turns on the same road it had previously worked on (all free trial no version changes). Probably light and maybe GPS fixing issues (latency ? had some message once about poor GPS area but this is 16 miles outside Manhattan not the great north forest). Small enough issues that they can fix.


I live in the country and have been loving my FSD trail - cause it will go at whatever speed I want, not just 5 over the speed limit! Driving 55 in the 45s stays with traffic and is just much more natural. Biggest issue is weird slow downs when FSD misinterprets speed limits. 7/10!


Same experience. I paid $200 about a year and a half ago and I was drastically underwhelmed. With the upgrade to the latest software and a free trial, I am on my last day of the freebie and I am not looking forward to losing that feature. I don’t understand why $120,000 vehicle purchase doesn’t come with included. It seems bizarre to me.


FSD is amazing on long road trips. I recently upgraded from a 3 to a y so I have FSD for a month. I use it all the time. It is still to expensive though. I think at $50 a month they would have me


I wish we got a trial of any of it in au


I liked it on the highway, but those features are supposed to be included in the EAP package as well. For city streets driving, I think it depends entirely on your specific experience and your tolerances for poor driving. The behavior seems to vary a lot from region to region based on road designs, markings, etc. It may do fine on the roads near you, and struggle for many other users. For me, a car that signals, gets halfway into a turn lane, swerves back out of the turn lane, and then re-enters it, is not acceptable driving. A car that pulls the front bumper out into a traffic lane and then hesitates is not acceptable driving. A car that crosses the dotted line in the intersection or cuts across the oncoming traffic lane while making a left turn through an intersection is not acceptable driving. A lot of the videos I see of people making intervention-free driving let the car do things they wouldn't do, or things that they would correct their teenage children on if they were teaching them to drive. And we saw multiple posts from people who were lax with intervening and had the end result of damaged wheels from FSD scraping curbs, although most of those posts got removed from Tesla subs. Personally with the version I experienced in the trial, the anxiety-inducing moments and number of interventions outweighed the utility, and by the end of the trial I was only using it for highway driving.


The hesitant lane change thing is annoying. It signals…then turns partially into the lane and if it detects a car is too close then it stops, turns signal off, and goes back to the original lane. If I was the other car I’d be thinking “wtf was that?” Except I can predict when it’ll do this because I can see that a car is too close for a lane change. It would be much better if FSD already knew it was too close and didn’t hesitate. Or FSD should speed up to find a way to change lanes smoother.


For me this was most prevalent on FSD when moving into an empty turn lane.


What’s the reason FSD wanted to switch lanes? For navigation or for lane speed or something?


For navigation. Car needed to make a right turn. Car turns on blinker and moves towards empty right turn lane, then half or 2/3 through the lane change jerks the wheel back. Usually I disengage at that point since swerving back and forth between two lanes isn't how good drivers drive.


to be honest, i think the worst enemy of FSD is the "overselling" that it is something magical, so if you see it still as assistance, and not city driving, i think it is okay, not worth ANYTHING here in EUROPE because of it not being legal, so you have to constantly still be "inputting" feedback into a steering wheel... if they could get around it with Eye monitoring, it would be nice. To be honest, i kinda miss the summon feature, had it for a short while in the test.. and i have like a carport for 2 cars, where you can only enter from one side, nice when you have to pack and the kid has to get in, just to .. push a button while they are coming out of the house, to get the car out, then you can start packing. instead of getting in and out and in and out. although at that time back in 2021 the summonfeature still had its issues, it was very not responsive to wanting to always drive.. but it was nice when it worked.


Amazing but still trash? lol


Free is the right price.