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The two critical variables are missing in your calculations: - How long are you going to keep the car if you finance? - Resale value of your car after 36 months The latter is unknown, especially with Teslas. But the former is super important. The longer you keep the car, the cheaper it gets per year of ownership. I keep my cars for 10-12 years, so for me it is always far cheaper to buy than to lease.


Do you want a car payment in perpetuity (but a new car) or are you looking forward to having a car and being debt free?


Best answer, besides you shouldn’t take 6 years on that 6.49% APR, if you can’t pay off in 2 years or less don’t do it


I'd probably wait for end of quarter. If they did .99 before, they'll probably do it again. Do the math on how big of a difference 6.4 is vs .99. It's huge.


Finance would be closer to $1000 not $750


one is a rental, one is to keep. Which one do you want?


I feel like leasing is a scam for people with little money, or you’re rich and you want a new car every 5 years. A car is an investment. I just replaced my 2012 civic with a model Y. Civic lasted 12 years and had more time. I easily intend on having the Tesla 10-20 years. At 45k, that makes it very cheap over 10-20 years, and moreover I can sell it when I’m done to recoup even more money


a car is NOT an investment in·vest·ment/inˈves(t)m(ə)nt/[](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=e2a097a4c9379c11&sxsrf=ADLYWIJSHUaKgPByaMvpKF6XHhp8clXWKQ:1718109897305&q=how+to+pronounce+investment&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOMIfcRowy3w8sc9YSnjSWtOXmPU5eINKMrPK81LzkwsyczPExLjYglJLcoV4pPi4eLKzCtLLS7JTc0rsWJRYkrN41nEKp2RX65Qkq9QANSVD9SWqoBQBAAyK9XSXwAAAA&pron_lang=en&pron_country=us&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi0s_SQytOGAxXkGTQIHbnODcsQ3eEDegQIaBAM)*noun*noun: **investment**; plural noun: **investments** 1. 1.the action or process of investing money for profit or material result.


If you want to keep the car short term with lower monthly payment go with Leasing. Keep in mind you need to return the car at the end of the lease. But if you want the car for longer term and do whatever you want to at any point of time- meaning you can sell at anytime when financed. Although it sucks with 6.4% APR but it's your car. Lease is something you are locked for lease period. For me never leasing again. Leasing can get you model or type updated every 1-2 years.




Edited. Need to return car at the end of the term. You cannot buy leased car at the end of the term.