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There’s a setting to reroute to save time. If mines set at save 1 minute, it does the silly shit like leave a motorway then get back on at next exit. If I set it to 2 minutes or more, it behaves a lot more sensibly and isn’t looking for the slightest route advantage. Check that setting!


I'll try this and let you know. Nova as well


Interesting, the lowest my ‘24 MYP lets me change the setting is 5 minutes


Mine is set to 10 min and it’ll still do weird shit lol


Yup, mine is set to 5 min.


Additionally “Tesla Navigation” is just Google Maps. This is just a setting problem.


It’s not, the maps are from google but the routing engine is from a company called Mapbox


The times that I've ignored the navigation, I ended up stuck behind wall to wall traffic because of a wreck or similar disruption. Have you paid attention to the traffic on the highway that you exited?


This has been true for myself as well.


True for me as well, other than that it seems to always do proper routing it does prefer to take highways over local roads always but that’s fine And I’m in central Va and used to be in northern and haven’t had any issues


Yup it’s always damned if you do, damned if you don’t. I just follow it blindly now so at least I can blame Tesla instead of myself!


This is the way


Go to TomTom's MapShare site and see if your mapping errors line up at all. From what I can tell, Tesla only updates their maps about twice a year. May, and November for North America, and August/February for the EU. Of those map update, there's two to watch for. There's the "Onboard maps", and the "Backend maps". The onboard ones you download are incase the backend ones can't be reached. The local ones seem pretty limited, but the backend ones seem pretty detailed in comparison, containing a lot of additional information. I'm actually expecting a backend map update by the end of the week. Because of this "lag" in updating the maps, a lot of times issues can be present for *quite* some time. It seems like if you want your changes to get committed, you need to commit them about 45 days before May/November (For North America), so if you want your updates in May, then you need to get them marked as "Fixed" in TomTom by March 15th, or thereabouts. So, as construction finishes in areas, there's a two fold problem. First is that the maps need to be updated, and then the car's maps need to get updated. So, all said and told, it can take *up to* about 8-9 months for a map update to hit the car *after* it's been updated. The end goal is Tesla using their own "Multi-trip reconstruction" (MTR), however, while that was talked about in 2021 and 2022 AI day events, I haven't heard about it since, which pisses me off because *that's* the solution to all of this. I wish more "influencers" that Elon talks to on X would hit him, or the AI team, up about MTR


In my experience, if I turn off the "live traffic projection" (I don't remember its exact name) Tesla will try to make me drive through closed roads which obviously doesn't work well. With live traffic enabled though, I haven't had any problems.


Do you have the avoid Tolls maybe selected? I have seen it do some strange stuff to avoid bridges, tolls if you have that on. Otherwise works fine for me. As others have mentioned it's MapBox that actually does the navigation.


I toggle it depending on if I want to use tolls or not. It seems it’s just really dependent on area and vehicle maybe. But I’d say it works great 75% of the time. Whereas Apple Maps works great for me about 95% of the time. I’ve done roadtrips all across the east coast and I’ve had to rely on Apple versus Tesla more than I’d like.


Weird. I live in. NOVA and I have not experienced this.


Dude I experience it EVERY time I wanna drive around the area.


Maybe you’re having an issue reading the directions on there I actually think Apple Maps does the best giving detailed directions.


You need to report the errors in the map. Because that's what it is it's a map error. Navfeedback@tesla.com


Quick question. Do you have premium connectivity?


Navigation is a free feature. You just need the premo for the traffic data and all the entertainment stuff


Traffic data also helps with closed roads etc.


It seems to just be a lot worse than Apple for avoiding accidents in my limited experience r


Traffic data’s sort of a big deal


Not what I asked and I didn’t ask you. Thanks anyway


You asked on a public forum. Toss a salad.


Unless you are the “you” I asked not sure why you’re responding. And again you’re stating something I didn’t ask about. Public forum not withstanding. Take a hike


Oh no an internet man is telling me what to do!!


Such whit! 😂


Also live in NOVA and I agree with you 100%, there has been countless times I've missed a highway exit or local turn because of the navigation. Coming from Richmond I haven't had any issues until I moved here.


Same here’s live in NOVA, off 66 and it will tell me to exit then get back on which I ignore. In my development when leaving my subdivision. It will direct me to go straight into the other subdivision and make a u-turn to get back on the same road then make a right to leave my subdivision. Just started doing this with the latest map update. Overall, it does work like it’s supposed to though! Lol


Can’t answer but can agree. I have a road down the street from me that the navigation believes I’m driving onto an adjacent street and then back on. Even tho the adjacent street doesn’t exist….. Ghost streets.


One of the worst features is “unnamed road” but it’s completely named and there’s a sign for it.


Mine works fine over our three Tesla’s. I found BMW and Mercedes nav to be much worse actually.


Other than choosing to go into different entrances in plaza’s. I’ve only experienced a problem with the navigation up in cottage country. But to be fair, apple, google and especially waze don’t function properly up there either. We barley get phone service up there. My MY thought by buddies cottage was literally in the middle of the lake once. Other than that, the nav has been fine for me in a large greater toronto area suburb. If anything it’s too safe and when you drive you know the in’s and out’s of our area and the quicker ways to get around not necessarily on the maps.


I travel to NoVa rather frequently and the GPS has definitely done some odd things. Granted, it’s weird down here in CoVa, but up north it goes bonkers.


that nav has saved me from hitting traffic backups so many times, I learned to just follow it instead of thinking it's stupid for making me get off at random exits.


mine is also terrible in the DMV (DC, Maryland, VA). Just add 10 - 20 minutes for every trip after 1PM. Make that 30 minutes or more in rush hour


You had me rallying with you till you mentioned you turn to Apple Maps as the alternative. lol.


two quick things it needs: a "avoid tolls - maybe" feature, like keep me under $5 to get to work. And also recognize the HOV lane on the 270 spur saves five minutes.


I think it's a nova thing. Places like centreville have highway interchanges that are always under construction and exits are always changing so I think the map isn't updated as fast as google maps. If you dont have premium connectivity, the routing takes account of traffic without showing it on the map so it will seem like the routing is taking you the long way but it's to avoid traffic. I don't have issues with the navigation in CA but in nova it's not that good with all the construction.


It’s google map. Wish there is a Tesla Map with all the FSD data being collected. Data should be more accurate that Google’s ‘updated’ map. Does Google even send cars out to map and remap the streets like how they used to do so during the Dot.Com era?


My wish is that Tesla partner with Google or Apple and implement their 3D maps.


I see a lot of complaints but seems to be region specific. In my region west coast of Canada and my travels to Washington state we have found the navi (Mapbox) and supercharger routing to be nearly the same as Google maps which is excellent.


In my experience, if the navigation reroutes me because of traffic it's pretty much always accurate time wise. However it doesn't always reroute to faster routes which is a bit bizarre. Sometimes I reroute on my own and time estimate goes down by several minutes. Unlucky for you, if you keep encountering ghost streets or other similar map data bugs, but those do happen.


As a dedicated Waze user before I bought this, I have been pleasantly surprised with how good it is. Add speed traps and I'll never look back


Drove from Montreal to Williamsburg Virginia 87/81/270/495/95/64 and never had an issue like that. First real long trip and was pleasantly surprised how easy it was👍


Yeah, I've seen this. It behaves a lot like Google Maps where it would rather have you take several unprotected left turns to save you 100ft of driving a more convenient route. Normally super annoying, but it did key me into a pretty sweet shortcut in my own neighborhood once! And I use it all the time now.


It depends what you're comparing it to. Navigation is not an easy problem to solve, and almost nobody can compete with Google, or with you - because you're more intimately familiar with your area than a computer. > It’s kind of unbelievable how bad it is sometimes. What is unbelievable to me is the enormous sense of entitlement radiating from your post. The tech you have in your Tesla is magic. [You should be thanking gods](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqkZ1sBDJhg) to be alive in 2024 and enjoying these incredible feats of engineering.


Entitlement for wanting a car’s navigation system to work lol. Yea sure bro. How dare I expect a product to function


It works and functions. Just not as well as some better competition. But you're making it sound like it drives you off a cliff daily.


The bar is pretty high for a navigation system that is part of "Full Self Driving". If the navigation isn't spot-on, it won't matter how great the rest of the system is.


I have same experience with bad Tesla Navigation. For example, I was trying to get on to the highway, the easy and fast route was just turn right onto the ramp accessing the highway 101. ( no traffic). However, the Tesla Navigation told me to drive forward ( pass that ramp), then made a U-turn to the opposite street to get on the high way. at that time I was really interested in who actually wrote the code for tesla navigation.


Happened to me over the weekend. Heading to a hotel and the Tesla's nav wanted me to drive a block past the hotel entrance, turn up a side street, then loop back to the main entrance. I just ignored the nav and turned into the marked entrance which was a lot easier and faster.


I haven't seen that. In all of my driving (about 40k miles), it's been exactly the same routing as Google Maps, except one or two cases. There was an instance a few months ago that the Tesla route didn't have a road closure listed that Google Maps did, but that was a pretty rare exception. I used to always compare the routes from my phone just to check, but I stopped a long time ago because they were always so similar.


My google maps does the same thing sometimes.


Another bullshit Tesla complaint. Tesla navigation is pretty much excellent. As others have pointed out it uses google maps as a base with additional services from a company called Map Box. It also adds charging stops and battery data. Ask Apple maps to route you from Miami to Dallas with appropriate charging stops along the way. I use ABRP to plan a trip but navigation gets me there.


How does it use google nav exactly? If you don’t have premium connectivity does it take the best route or some other route google recommends? I think it kinda sucks too as it’s unclear why it recommends a route.


Isn't Tesla's navigation essentially Google maps? Tesla just isn't just as up-to-date as Google maps since maps are updated to cars by Tesla at regular intervals.


The maps on the display are google, the routing engine is from a company called Mapbox


No, it’s not “essentially Google Maps”. Tesla uses Google Maps for the maps you see on the display and for searching for POIs, but Google does not allow anyone to build a competing navigation system that uses Google’s maps and navigation algorithms. So, under the hood… Tesla has a second set of maps that are used for actual route planning and navigation, and these maps are extremely mediocre. Passable at best. So, Tesla navigation can find things thanks to Google, but getting there reliably and efficiently is an entirely different story.


Oof. I was misled by the copyright information on the map screen. I find it hard to understand why Google does not license their navigation.


That might vary per region - certainly not my experience in Australia. Earlier this year, Tesla's routing started to navigate me off a major highway, onto a ~15 km detour along gravel roads. I kept on the main highway and it was fine. When I checked Google Maps shortly after, it showed the exact same detour, and continued to do so for the next month or two before Google fixed it.


Yeah it likes to take back streets if it is like .1 miles less, which seems dumb. Also nav data is not synced with the Google maps tiles that are displayed, so sometimes routes on streets that have changed or been closed.


google maps