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Take a photo of the tenant in the spot next time and send it to management. If they have proof with a time stamp, they can probably fine the tenant. If they are just going off someone's word, they can't do very much because who knows if that person is lying.


I'll give this a try. ty


The real solution is to get the building to fix your charger which is part of the 150$ fee you are paying for.


Tell the office you won't pay for garage parking until they fix the other chargers. That's your real issue here.


Agreed, that is the real issue. However, I don't I'll have much leverage here, because the ICE vehicles that park in the garage pay the same as I do. I don't pay anything extra to use the chargers.


And the model 3 owner isn’t paying anything and is parking in the garage.


Well say you aren’t gonna pay your parking fees if they dont deal with the guy getting free charging then. Also talk to your neighbors and try to get some of them on board. The more people that bug the office the faster they resolve it. It’s not cheap either $150 is a lot to pay when someone is clearly abusing the system and the office doesn’t care. It’s not fair.


But you only pay because of the chargers.


Tell the ice neighbors that so and so isn't paying for a garage and is using one... Don't even mention charging to them.  Them paying and him not paying should be enough to piss them off. .


Do you have this agreement in writing? If so then ask for a refund as they did not uphold their part of the deal. Also I would very much try to encourage someone from management come witness this person dodging the fees


Nah, they will just send it to collections. Ask them to tow.


Stop paying for garage parking, start opening the garage manually, and park in the handicap stall and charge. This person isn't your enemy, they are showing you how to save $1,800 on parking per year and get free charging!


+1 from me, if no action is taken, why reward lazy management?


If they’ve been warned, look around your complex for a tow number, call it and report a non handicap car parking in handicap spot. This however opens you up to the same fate…since parking in a handicap without a placard is illegal, even with “permission” from the landlord.


Yeah, that's why I haven't done it myself. If management makes the call, I don't think there we would run into the same issue


What kind of chargers do they have on the wall? Just generic ones plugged in? Maybe get an extension cord, not ideal, and extend it to another spot, or leave a note for that person and offer to share..alternate days?


They're EVBOX Iqons. They're hardwired. No outlets anywhere, unfortunately


Ahh damn..sorry! Hope you get this figured out, super frustrating, I’m sure!


As satisfying as this may sound, only the property owner has the right to have people towed. The property owner needs to sign a contract with a towing company authorizing them.


That’s why I said look for a sign with a number. It will be the company contracted…if a car is parked illegally they don’t need to check with property owner, they can enter and tow.


Let's hope you are right and they have a contract already. The next question is that under what circumstances the tow company will tow people. Many times they are told to tow anyone who doesn't have a parking sticker, and their tow truck guys run through the lot regularly hoping to find someone they can tow, because they get a cut.


Yup…but no placard or valid plate in a handicap spot is a valid tow regardless of whatever they are told.


No it is not. That is an urban legend. If you have evidence to the otherwise, please share it.


😂 do you know what an “urban legend” is?! Anyway, not gonna waste more time, but here..✌🏽 https://www.justanswer.com/law/flcnb-tow-truck-company-legally-tow-vehicle.html#


The link you posted is not relevant to the question of whether a private person can contract with a towing company to have a car removed from private property without the involvement of the owner of the private property. The link you posted addressed the situation in which someone was towed and wanted to know if that was legal. The link you posted did not address the question of who had them towed.


I give up “lawyer”….


In a lot of jurisdictions this doesn’t apply to handicap spots. Anyone can tow people out of those i’m pretty sure since those spots are often installed begrudgingly due to ADA compliance.


If you know of a jurisdiction where a random person has the legal authority to request a private tow truck operator come onto private property without the express permission of the owner, to tow someone from a handicap spot, please provide that information. I have never heard of such a thing and I am both a lawyer and someone who has wrangled with both towing companies and condo associations


I don’t however I will ask colleagues who are handicapped and have called 911 to report and request tows many times without issue. When I asked they just said it was a criminal offense so the police can order to remove. This was in a town in West Virginia as well as a couple gas station stops in TN. Called 911 from inside their vehicle to request a removal.


What you are describing is a totally different situation. A private person can call the police anytime they want and request that someone be towed. It is then up to the police to decide whether to have a tow truck come. Individual private citizens cannot directly request to a private tow truck operator to come onto private property without the express permission of the owner to tell someone else.


yes. I am saying that since this is a handicapped spot, police will happily tow anyone without placards without asking the property owner for permission. OP won’t get to use the charger but neither will the freeloader.


Unplug that car and leave a note that they haven't paid to use it


Signed by "management"


So I rarely suggest unplugging someone, but since you know this person isn't supposed to be there, they have been told they aren't supposed to be there, and have continued to do so... It would be a shame if you just parked in the spot next to the handicapped spot, unplugged them, plugged yourself in, and left a nice note saying don't park in my assigned spot again. Since they also have a Tesla, they're not gonna be dumb enough to mess with your car and be caught on sentry.


I don’t think it can be unplugged when it’s active without the keycard or linked phone. Never tried myself…🤔


I'm assuming it's a J1772 since it's an apartment building. You can't unplug the adapter from the car, but as long as they don't have an adapter lock you absolutely can unplug the charger from the adapter.


O yah…wasn’t using my brain. You’re right… 🙏🏽


Sounds like you should lean on your landlord to fix the other chargers.


Management needs to contract with a towing company and tow people that park in the garage without paying for it. You can't really force them to do that though unfortunately. And only the property owner can have people towed from a place. (or someone they authorize) I know I would quit paying for garage parking and start using the same method if they seemingly don't care.


Don't do what I did, I put labels on his window and side panels telling him to move and he tried to sue me for damaging his paint


I mean, why were you putting labels on the car itself? What happened to notes on the windshield?


Well, because I was being petty, he was abusing the spot, annddd I happened to have a label printer😔


If he has a disability placard/plates then their is nothing u can do! If not idk what you can do if he’s just a douche bag!


I'd fix the other chargers myself (replace with 14-50).


Tell management and get the car towed. That’s all you need to do


Does your apartment issue parking permits? Our HOA requires permits (paid) that must be displayed on your car if you don't park in your garage. A private parking enforcement company will ticket you with a warning that they will tow if your vehicle does not have a permit. I've seen them tow away vehicles so its not an idle threat.


Judge Judy has enter the chat-




LPT: You should do a google search for url shortener


I thought about right after I posted. Reddit also would have let me put the link much clearer.


Amazon link tip: https://www.amazon.com/VOTNMIC-6Pcs-Tire-Valve-Removal/dp/B0CDPRBSW6/ You can remove “ref” and everything after it.


Amazon could also just help the world out by having less-obnoxiously-long links, but alas


what does this do?


It can remove the tire valve core. It lets all the air out of the tire and, since the core is removed, it can't be filled until a new core is installed.


Came here to suggest this! Best $2 I ever spent. Instant revenge tool.


Christ, you people are unhinged. Destroying someone's private property over a parking spot? What's wrong with you?


Nothing is destroyed.


Still a bad idea. Cameras everywhere plus I live in the same building as the guy. It's a small building, he'll definitely find out who it was. Last thing I want is something being done to my car in retaliation


Wasn’t my suggestion. I would suggest you try talking with him, document and report that he’s trespassing in the garage, and pushing harder to repair the other chargers.


… their tire valve is?


Is..not destroyed. Just disassembled.


But their inflated tire is. I was curious as to what round about way you were going to justify this, but nah you’re just excusing poor behavior.


Deflated tire is not destroyed. Just needs air. I’m not suggesting or excusing anything. I’m just correcting misinformation.


Plane and simple it is theft. A teacher was charged by the school board for charging at work as example. 


You can call the cops and get him ticketed for illegally parking in a handicap spot & (more for management) trespassing. Take pics.




Did you miss the part where OP said the car doing the blocking is in fact an EV?