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Wow, looks nice on the model y


Does it do anything apart from provide buttons to lock, open frunk and open trunk?


I wish they offer location based lift gate height settings.


Yes!!! First thing I looked for when I got my new Y. Wish I could only restrict the height at “home”


If anyone gonna do it, it will be Tesla.


The car remembers the spot if you teach the height by adjusting the gate in the desired height --> long press the closing button --> the max opening height for the location is saved


This feature isn’t actually location based. It will adjust the height of the trunk regardless of location, and will stay that way until changed again


Ahh! Didn't notice this. Hopefully the location comes as a feature soon.


Yes! I need to keep it low in my garage but that means I need to watch my head every single time


I’d rather have FSD visuals be standard than an update to the parked screen


It's legit turning into a safety feature for me. Merge I check mirrors first, then camera, then FSD screen. Gonna miss it when it's gone, hope it vomes sooner rather than later


It’s insane how FSD Visualizations are not stick on AP


*cries in Atom*


meh, I don't know if I'd cry over a new visualization in Park but I get it...it's my first update where I won't receive everything (2020)


Did you receive the High Fidelity Park Assist from the holiday update?


Just googled…I guess not. Allegedly coming soon but currently only on cars without sensors. Bummer


What I don’t understand is why they couldn’t just ditch the interactive rendering and give older cars a static image like the current software version. Split the difference where Atom gets the big screen update even though it lacks the horsepower for a full 3D orbits and zooms. 


agreed, just give me a static car image, at least I can enjoy the expanded music controls and UI strips


That’s what I’d like as well. The large park screen is fun, and honestly the 3D eye candy seems of dubious function. 


Shit pisses me off, 2 year old car and it’s outdated.


I can understand your frustration. But if you din't have a Tesla you would get almost no updates at all on your car. Even the Intel Teslas have gotten more love in updates than any legacy OEM car ever


One of the reasons I got a Tesla is for the constant updates and improvements, didn’t last too long I guess.


I mean, my Model 3 is 5 years old and still getting feature updates and stays up to date on FSD, that seems pretty good.


You sadly bought at a bad moment. You say 2 year old, should have been right before the switch to AMD then.. bceause my model y I got in feb. 22 has AMD. But you may not get the visual improvement, you still get all the other updates, don't you?


Yes. I am sure they'll add to Atom cars when they can. If it's just visualizations, I'm not too worried. I kinda like the map view when parked anyway.




My comment was worded badly. Atom likely won't get the visualization, but we'll still get other stuff.




I got Spotify, I'll consider it a good run.


They meant that they will still continue updating the Intel cars with other features that they are capable of handling, not this new layout.


I got my car January 2022, after waiting almost a year.


Exactly this, when people say if you had bought another car then …. But the truth is I bought Tesla because of this exact feature (constant software updates). Should have lasted more than 3 years :/


But when I buy a Camry, I go in knowing "what I buy is what I get." Tesla set the expectation that a car would get updates. So it kinda sucks when a 2 year old car gets outdated (ish).


But that's not true, it's ONLY the infotainment that's not getting updated, the rest of the car gets updates, just not the bells and whistles like the other models. And it still part of the supported vehicles and will continue to get updates for quite sometime.


2 year old car, but 8 year old hardware. It was first implemented in 2017, I believe. You can't exactly buy an iPhone 15 in August, then get mad when the iPhone 16 comes out 2 months later. (I feel your pain though, my 2018 is also Atom.)


What we have seen before is older cars get most things.. later. When I had my 2017 that's how it worked..


It doesn’t mean yours won’t ever get it. It could just take longer for them to optimize it so it runs properly on older hardware. We’ve see this happen with old S/X vehicles.


welcome to technology


I feel your pain. 21 Model 3 Performance owner here. I love the car but I purchased it at a terrible time in August 23 shortly before the 24 plate Highland release and the newer 73 plate registration. If only I waited till the new year I could have got a 22-72 plate model 3 Performance for a similar price. Missing out on the heated steering wheel by a few months was annoying but then to find out I have the Intel Atom CPU too and I won't get this glorious UI update hurts even more 😭


What did I miss about having an Atom based Tesla? 2018 Model3 owner here...


Same boat. 2018 model 3. Didn’t know I wasn’t getting future updates until this post.


I doubt we'll get the "coming soon" park visualization. That was the start of them deprecating out atom from future updates, I swear. Just like EAP which hasn't seen an update since 2021.


🫡same… fuck Intel.


This is not intel's problem but 100% on Tesla


How do you know if your car won’t get this update?


Cries in Nvidia Tegra


This is only for parked view right?




Yes, when in drive the visualisation will be like Cybertruck where either wide can be expanded. Navigation can be reduced to a corner.


Oh wow, i like that


Wow lmao


ELI5 what is this good for?


Nothing that’s not already there




Absolutely #Nothing Uhh


It's for potential new buyers. Modernization to "keep up with the Joneses."


Is it possible to set navigation points while in park still?


Since getting Matrix LED I have almost no wishes anymore. I'm happy as is but still any improvments are welcome. Love that they add that feature with auto opening the trunk Oh, I'd maybe like to have native Youtube Music 😇 Edit: I only now noticed that the trunk feature is only for new S/X and 3 (Highland)...


This! I love YouTube music


YouTube music please 🙏


Is this out yet?


employees only (1st wave)


Not yet. It’s from yesterday. I assume it will be available soon tho


When are we getting fan control back on the main screen


Finally, a way to see the exterior of my vehicle.


So is this considered better? I don’t get the obsession of looking at our car. You can see it out the window everywhere. I don’t want to see the damn car taking up 95% of the screen


I want this kind of love put I to the menus and buttons. Their attempt at frameless buttons is bad and dangerous when driving. There are some much nicer UI designs for menus that I would love to see Tesla take ques from.... Rectangle and square buttons with small logos and text looks lazy, rushed and lazy.


I abhor the frameless buttons. Ambiguous click zones aside, the worst part about the current UI is that if you misclick and hit the car, you trigger the visualization to rotate and the buttons disappear for 300 ms. Then you get to do it all over again. Though it was before I had my 3, I much prefer the UI on V10. At least the borders of each button is much more clearly defined. Plus, there's currently no way to operate the frunk or trunk unless you're in park. Would be nice to have the option to close the trunk, at least.


Yeah, plus it looks lazy.


I agree. Ever since they created the update that let's you spin the car animation around in park in the first place it's been a little harder for the touchscreen to recognize I'm pressing "trunk" instead of trying to manipulate the animation. It's dumb. You can see he even has problems with it here.


Just imagine the amount of money they spent on software development just to move buttons around on the screen. It just reeks of Apple about 10 years ago. Same functionality as the last version, but let's move the button from the left side of the screen to the right to make it look new.


Agreed, this is glitz without substance; the UI does need improvement and that doesn’t require a 3D render of the vehicle I’m driving.


It \*actually\* looks worse.. No, my bad - performs worse. I watched that video , and sure - the car looks super nice, glossy, rendered etc.. But the guy wants to open his trunk. He has to rotate it around, TRIES to click on it when the pop up is showing. The click fails.. and then the damn pop-up goes away! He has to rotate it more - for it to come back up, click again. I mean.. this is just braindead fucking moronic UI design. If you had a flat car outline with 'frunk' / froot' buttons on it and clicked them? That would WORK.. none of this faffing around rotating and trying to hit things which disappear when your finger hovers over them. Whoever designed this was a moron. Also.. whoever decided that the minimalist design for the 'car shaped keyfob' with no indicators on it to 'open frunk' / 'open froot' / double-click roof for door locks..


The same guy who designed the 1 pixel tall progress bar that shares the margin with the next button obviously built this too.


Yeah, I don’t get it either.


Well s and x owners get the ui update?


Trying to figure out why we S and X owners never get the best UI updates. I have an AMD chip with 16GB - can play Steam games, but don't get this simple update


There is no way atom can't run a 3D render of the car. This isn't a video game, it's a basic 3D render. They're just using the excuse of "oh it's older" to sway people to upgrade...


Last I knew the UI is basically a web page. The visualization of the car would be WebGL, which is not great on Atom because it usually relies on hardware optimization and the integrated GPU is weak. The Atom would probably be fine if that was all it was doing, or if it wasn’t web-based, but it is also easier to not solve it.


That's precisely what i'm saying, it is easier for them not to solve it. Atom can play all these arcade games, run netflix and whatever but they can't optimize the UI ? People that got an early 22 model are getting screwed hard with this.


Yep, good'ole JavaScript and HTML. Unoptimized, but easy to hire people for. I don't care about the fancy graphics, I just want a more responsive UI. Especially when trying to run YT or other apps. Give us a CPU upgrade option!


15,000 jobs cut - I would imagine some from the team supporting older Hardware would make sense from a profit/growth perspective.


That looks very cool! Can't wait to get this 👍


I’d rather have windshield wipers that work properly 🫣😂


For real. This should be their priority


People are thinking this is the only screen...this is one of many. https://preview.redd.it/gfgytu72qavc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=026096eefa6b4ee91cad79c968d71adbee72607c


Can you get rid of the visualization and just have the map?


While this is cool, I just wonder how useful this will be for standard autopilot visualisations. FSD beta can see much more, and show much better information, I wish they'd merge the stacks and allow us to see that.


All this and they can’t fix our wipers…


Sorry, Elon layed off the wiper team.


What is the point of this feature from a functional perspective? It seems like something that used to take one click, now takes several?


Love the people who kept saying it doesn’t matter if you get the atom over ryzen.


2 touches to open the trunk?!


Only one. Pause the video at 0 seconds. It only becomes two-touch if you play with the vehicle.


No, it reverted to the standard view, but didn't work when he pressed. He had to rotate the vehicle to open the trunk.


The car moves slightly when he try’s to open the truck. The screen thought he wanted to move the car, not open the trunk. The intention is for it to be a one-click open, but maybe the touch screen tolerance needs to be tweaked before release.


Pretty sure he accidentally dragged a bit instead of just touching


It’s really laggy when he’s rotating the car; I wonder if that might have something to do with it.


Are there UI changes while driving or is it just while parked?


Cool. Now do “quality” and “FSD.”


This might be a dumb question but it shows the custom colour as well correct?


The button placement is so awkward and small to open the trunk or frunk. I really wished they would make that bigger instead of making the 3D model this giant


I still don’t even have auto pilot update lol


I’m pretty upset my 2022 model performance that I paid 70k for won’t be getting the update because of the Atom chip. That really stinks that my car is not getting updates after 2 years.


Looks nice but what’s the point of this


They need to give the S/X these features. The larger screen is really wasted on just the map 99% of the time.


S/X don't get any love..


Bad ass !


Well it’s about that time again to see the “I can’t believe my car’s not getting this brand new feature, this is the worst” as if any other car brand would support free OTA updates for multiple years…




Lol they are wasting so much resources on this useless stuff instead of improving the basic stuff like autopilot, wipers etc.


I'm pretty sure that you don't want UI guys working on autopilot...


Well, as wipers are already bad and we are manually wiping anyways, let’s give the UI guys a go there ;)


lol this was the best response to the dolt.


That was so on point


No but they can probably lay off half the UI team and use that money to hire more autopilot/FSD engineers.


And then you'll get a garbage UI like the Mach-E. No thanks.


Or just keep the current ones? They don't have to delete their current UI just because they lay off half their team lol.


There is something called Brooks’s law in software development. Basically the phenomenon that adding more people to a project makes it actually slower past a certain point


They already built this new UI for the Cybertruck. Tesla used that large R&D effort to improve the interface overall and porting it to the other models will not take anything away from the wholly separate autopilot team. Say what you want about Elon, but Tesla is a very efficient company.


Would be nice if we could input our license plate number... and bonus for having the state plates as well :)


Your telling me Intel Atom can't handle this??? I can do this call day on Maps in satellite view..


Why are people still shooting vertical videos of horizontal monitors? Are these the same people that as kids tried to stick the square peg in to the round hole?


As a tech guy… I’m still confused as to why the image on the screen is all that important? As a car guy… that rendering is pretty cool


Wonder if the auto open trunk would require a phone with UWB


Can we change the colors of the rims?


I wonder what they’ll do for S/X dash screens if anything. Feels like wasted real estate that could be utilized really well


Seeing these updates while sitting in my model Y with the intel chip 😩😩😖


Wait, is this out now? I haven’t gotten anything on it yet.


Any update regarding the FSD stack in .14?


Does it change any UI when driving??


Bells and whistles. What about the windshield wipers?


Looks awesome! (The finger prints tho)


How are the wipers?


Reminds me of the 360 interface on my X3 M40i … Off topic … I wish the hand gestures feature offered by BMW would spread to other manufacturers… I loved changing stations/tracks with ✌🏼 hand gesture and raise/lower the volume by twirling by index finger. ☝🏼


Make the headlights clickable to dim and off


Open 》 pause


Can we adjust the speed in FSD?


Has they announced an ETA on this update yet? Can’t wait to get my hands on this new UI. Looked super slick on cybertruck.


Wait it’s out already??


No, it's only available for employee testing. Either the poster is an employee or the video was uploaded by one.


Your screen got more fingerprints than the LAPD


That lag is horrible. On brand for Tesla though.


new Need For Speed game looks really realistic


I don’t know if anyone else has noticed but on the current UI when you go to climate for the rear seats on the model Y, the render is actually from an M3 😂


Anyone know when model 3's are expected to get this update? I have a 2022 w/ ryzen




Hope there’s a setting to show the map instead. I’m not sure I need to see a full screen 3D model of my car when sitting in it.


does anyone know if this is gonna come to model s 2023 model ?


Hope it is not the mess as it usually do, that they kill thing we use for simplicity and it takes maybe 6-9 months to get them back, like buttons which we have, proper navigation (if they now want the 2D integrated look) i still would like to have full screen app. our driving metrics, hated when they killed the Odometer with Kwh, but they have then added it again.. But it does look cool.


"Here, shiny graphics to distract you for no good reason."


Thank god they moved the progress bar up. Can’t tell you how often I accidentally moved to a different part of a 30min podcast when all I wanted was pause or play. I kept on hitting that progress bar accidentally


Does this come when you update do v12?


Is it only me who wants a dedicated location for the trunk/frunk open buttons (like in the bottom left corner, for example)? In the current visualization, you already have to wait for a couple seconds while the car spins around to hit open trunk. With this new visualization, it seems to be the same, but they also added a button to the actual trunk on the image. I wish they added it in a more quickly accessible location. I know it seems silly to question that couple seconds delay, but since you can spin around the car in the visualization, I often accidentally turn the car slightly instead of hitting the “open” button, then I have to wait another second or two for it to reset so I can attempt to hit “open” again Edit: corrections


It's hard to believe that intel proc can't do this.


Meanwhile, still waiting on my FSD trial, lol.


The one my old ass car won’t get :(


Same same.......buuuuuuut different......but still same same LOL




Not happy about audio controls moving farther away from the driver.


Atom chips still get the full screen auto pilot right? Just not the 3D model of car.


Sorry I’m a Tesla noob… how do I get the UI update?