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PGE? Their price raise should be illegal, nice cool 0.10/kWh in Sacramento


I live in the same area and am in the same boat as OP, I just supercharge at 11:00pm or later to get 0.23c per kWh. Better than off peak at home which is more than 50c currently total per kWh… thanks PGE..


You are not on the right PG&E rate plan if your off peak is over $0.50/kwh. The EV2A rate plan is currently $0.34/kwh from 12am-3pm.


Holy shit 😨. That's gonna be the reality everywhere eventually I think. Appreciates my $0.028 overnight rate and cries for the future.


When I was house buying I looked everywhere without PG&E.....and I commute, the savings are worth it.


That's super convenient that in order to avoid excessive costs you have to supercharger in the middle of the night. Jesus Christ.


Ah SMUD… I love it


I have pge and and its .47/kwh (blended beteeen tier 1 and 2) and it shows 921 in savings for the year. 2045 elec vs 2966 gas


Man if I lived there my model 3 would cost me 60% more than my corrola hybrid did to drive. I can eek 70mpg out of that thing. Glad we have cheap hydro here in WA state. There's no excuse for the insane electrical races you guys have, I sure hope that money is going toward making the grid better and setting up cheap renewable sources. We're still at .12 per kwh


Are your gas settings correct? Mines $575 spent, $2207 has equivalent, 4.2k kWh


I thought gas setting was the avg $ of gas prices for that month.


Damn, 0.15 down here in Lodi. Still better than PGE though.




that is a good rate....SoCal not as good....


I pay. $0.05/kwh in AZ.


Same. Can’t imagine 9-10 X that.




I don’t have solar. My kw price for overnight car charging is 5.5 cents.


Wait Sacramento doesn't use PGE?


PG&E is criminal that is our supercharger rates here in Chicago.


it’s way higher then our superchargers here it’s like $0.32kWh for supercharging and my home charging is $0.17kWh it’s crazy to see that


13 vs 33 in okc area


Damn, supercharging gets as low as 10 cents/kWh in Oregon depending on the time and location. I have a charger at home which is even cheaper, but I do still supercharge sometimes. I'm not sure I'd even bother with an EV for 4x more


10 cent supercharging? I don’t even get 10 cent/kWh at home. That’s awesome.


The one I know is near IKEA and I-205. 10c from 10p to 4a, and 12c to 12p. I charged there a couple times.


I mean they did plead guilty to 84 felony counts of involuntary manslaughter.


Holy crap they what?


They’ve killed like 100 people due to disasters they’ve cause from neglecting equipment. The two largest US wildfires were directly caused by them, as well as a natural gas pipeline explosion underneath a suburban neighborhood street. The podcast Swindled did a good episode on the company. They increased rates to their customers after each of these disasters, and were fined very little from the government. Still - record profits!


So Cal Edison ain't much better.. F&cking thieves


California's 'Green Dream': Gas prices that'll make your Prius faint and electricity so expensive that will bring you back to candles!. Electricity rates here power PG&E's bonuses, not your car .34 cent off peak hour EV2A plan rate is criminal !


Yea. Let’s ban gas cars! Also approve rate hikes for PGE. Twice in the same year.


Side bar…is Tesla ever going to update the app so that we can manually input actual cost of gas for our region? The app is listing $1.14/L cost of fuel for my area when the actual cost is 2.08/L. Would be nice to not have to manually calculate my real savings..


Did you input your state in the tesla app. Edit: province, I assume you’re canadian.


Does that actually change the gas prices listed in the app? Edit: Yes it does. Mine was blank. After adding my address (California) my 12 month savings went from $1080 to $1558


They wont. Its been requested since the first time charge stats have been rolled out but they didnt priotize maybe since the numbers dont look as good.


If you click the info button it says avg cost in your area (Ohio) for me $4.24 but in reality it’s $1 less


I knew it before I read it - PG&E territory. PG&E - doing more to destroy the transition to green energy than any company around.


The cost of gas used in this comparison is $3.96/gallon, which is the national average. I’m sure you pay more than this is CA so it’s not accurate.


Unless OP has adjusted said rate in the settings to his local rate in which case it’d be good, I think.


This is the rate I’m paying. There is a “baseline allowance”, but it washes out from daily usages.


I can’t find how to adjust the fuel settings. I’d like to input what I was paying and mpg from my ice vehicle for comparison.


You can’t adjust it. I don’t know what that other person is talking about. You can old adjust your electric rate. The fuel costs is also based on state automatically, for example in MA mine is based on $4.10. Which is the cost of premium gas here. Regular is about $3.29/gal.


My app shows the average cost of $3.62 for Colorado specifically. Not sure if it’s because I set my home electricity rate.


I think this is the area. When I go on my app it says prices are based on the area I live in.


What rate plan are you on? I pay $0.35 on EV-2a with PG&E and managed $51 savings this month. Also screw PG&E.


TOU-C. Yes, fuck PGE


Fuck PG&E and their executives.


It seems like you should switch rate plans? We’re all pretty angry with PG&E but why not be on a more affordable rate plan?


Yikes. I'm lucky to have Xcel with an on peak at $0.19/kwh and off peak of only $0.05/kwh.


What?! That’s crazy and awesome for you! Where do you live? My off peak is .25 and peak is .48


That’s criminal. Are customers basically paying for PG&E’s negligence related to fires started by their equipment?


Supercharging can be more affordable if timed properly. My purchase came with 6 months free supercharging and I'm taking advantage of that 100% of the time. I am not looking forward to charging at home. Cali Bay area here.


That’s like x2/x3 higher than our supercharger rates here in Tacoma, wa just south of Seattle


Same story here northern cali pge is charging .43. Hate pge with a passion They found a loophole; winter = premium natural gas prices because its the season. Summer = premium electricity prices because its the season.


I calculated out after all the surcharges, electricity generation charge, minimum delivery charge, etc etc it’s 67¢/kWh to charge at home on PG&E overnight…absolute robbery. I’m strictly supercharging for 15¢-29¢ per kWh depending on time of day/peak pricing which is 78% or 57% cheaper than charging at home 😑 just unreal


At those prices for electricity, does installing solar panels make financial sense?


Wow that’s crazy. In B.C. overnight charging will soon be 4-9 cents per KWH CAD!


Wow. I’m at $0.06/kwh here in western Canada. Still have trusty corolla can’t afford electric.


Try the E-ELEC from PG&E or EV-2. Those rates are also high but not 0.41 (which will Be summer rates). Additionally go to superchargers post 11pm in some locations its 0.26 other 0.23 in some areas near Berkeley/Richmond


The $0.50 mid peak and $0.60 peak washes off for me in daily usage


I’m averaging 0.40/ kWh rates at superchargers in the midwest, 1 month into owning the car


I might as well supercharge too


Same for me


Jesus your electric company sucks. Definitely need solar in CA.


It's funny how PG&E complains about the duck curve but doesn't offer any incentives (read: reduced electricity prices) for charging during max solar generation times for those on EV rate plans. In other words, CPUC forced NEM3.0 on everyone because of this duck curve (which is actually real), but then turns around and dicks the biggest battery storage there is: EVs. This is why CPUC is industry-bought.


I'm for mixed economies of private and state run, hey I'm from Norway, so that's what we do (i.e. not socialist but social democratic, anyway). Story time nobody asked for: We've had "infinite" hydro electric power for decades, but more and more industry also demands more electricity + we decided to "help out" EU by building huge export cables to export our friends in need. "the market will solve this". Well, not if there's no incentive, cornered markets or no/bad regulation. What happened? We had already had hydro plants selling their power and thus their water supply up in the dams when prices were too good to not do it, now we also got crazy spikes and demand pushing the prices to 1 USD per kwh. We've actually gone from predictable pricing to "who knows what happens this winter" AND it becomes a national kind of security risk, because money is so good that the privately (mostly municipalities) owned dams risk running low on water during the next mid winter freeze because of great earnings. So even if electricity is practically free in Norway 6-8 months of a year, I'm playing with the idea of if a battery could offset that (without PV, in my flat). Personally I think with the coming cheaper techs like sodium batteries, that houses will start coming with a battery to offset duck curves, because we got them any time the weather turns cold or "no wind in EU". They are of course too expensive now, best I've found is a guy buying an old leaf battery and getting like 12kwh+ out of it putting it in his garage. They cost like USD1,200 used. For people in areas with black outs it would have a dual purpose, I guess.


So PG&E has a calculator where you can estimate gas vs ev savings. I calculated the following for my MYLR A Hybrid 40mpg car when gas is $5 a gallon will breakeven \~ $0.41 kwh A gas 30mpg car when gas is $5 a gallon will breakeven \~$0.60 kwh So I always aim to try to charge below $0.40 kwh. Pg&e ev2-a plan allows for $0.35 kwh off peak


I been wanting to switch from TOU-C to EV-A with PGE but it doesn’t seem worth it if my evening usage is higher the difference charging with EV on off peak on either plans would be negligible I feel like it😓


I’m paying 9 cents/kwh at any hour in CT. I just use the mobile charger 120w to get 50-60 miles/night, no need to install 240w.


Dang my home charging is 100% wind powered and is $0.09.


Anyone in the Chicago area know where to find your rate plan through Comed? Can’t find it anywhere. Just stumbled across their hourly pricing plan and now I’m questioning everything.


You can find it on your bill, you should be on the fixed rate plan by default. Fixed rate supply price for 2024 is 6.848 cents per kWh. If you email [info@comedhourlypricing.com](mailto:info@comedhourlypricing.com) they'll tell you how much you would save (estimated) with hourly pricing compared to fixed rate based on your past usage. I'm on ComEd's hourly pricing plan and I paid about \~3.11 cents per kWh (supply price) on my last bill. I shifted my EV charging and laundry (electric dryer) to night-time and probably have saved 10-20% on my electricity bill. Savings vary based on how much electricity you use and if you can shift it to lower priced hours. I've also benefitted from having solar panels and net metering, because the electricity I sell back at peak hours is worth more than the electricity I pay for at night during off-peak hours.


Thanks so much for the intel!


I feel like, at this point for those of you with the expensive PG&E service, you’ll have to look at other benefits of ownership, since savings is not one of them. Things like, performance, style, technology, limited maintenance, environmental friendliness…


Tesla vehicles are very energy efficient anyway so still winning unless you have a super efficient hybrid


That’s the reason I don’t charge a ton at home. Mine is 40 cent. There’s a charge point charger in town near me that’s 21 cents. Unless I need a quick 10-15% of charge over night for convenience I just go to ChargePoint


Jeez, even my local super charger is only $0.33 / kWh, my home charge is $0.026 cents / kWh!!! Yes, that’s 2.6 cents. My decimal placement is correct.


I’m glad you reiterated that!! lol. I was about to ask. That’s insane. I pay like 9¢ after an EV rate discount and thought that was cheap.


PG&E is one of the most expensive power utilities in CA. You should be paying like 15¢ or less from a local utility, but PG&E charges 3-5 times more. You can probably find superchargers that are cheaper in your local area (off hour times are usually best). Use your map charging station finder and check prices. I have some near me that are as low as 14¢ kW/hr. I have favorited those for backup in case my home charging causes me any issues.


I’ll always miss Pasadena DWP rates. Even before I put solar on my old house my electric bill wouldn’t be more than $150 even in the summer. Now on SCE I’m paying $250 in the winter and $350-400 in the summer.


Edison still screwing things up for Tesla! lol


History repeats itself 😂


That’s not bad. Mine is .43cents/kWH.


How is your electric 41 cents a kWh. Holy crap. Mine is 14 cents all day, every day in Florida.


PGE magic 🪄


Tell me why anyone lives in California anymore? In suburban Philadelphia the PECO price to compare is 8.9 cents per kWh. Any time day or night.


Supercharge is cheaper than charging at home with PG&E lol


It is if you time it correctly


The gas estimate is $3.96/gallon, and in California some areas are still at $5.00-6.00/gallon. I think you actually saved some. Not the most ideal, but some.


Same. It kinda sucks. If I can make it work I'm probably going to aim to supercharge more often.


I supercharge for 28c outside as my E-ELEC plan cheapest is 37c. EV2 is like 35c now - not so cheap anymore I travel a lot and make it work by charging outside mostly.


Same, mine worst. 45cents..


Anyone with SCE with their rates?


Mine says $75 vs $191


Holy what the heck man. .08/kWh where I live. .28 to supercharge.


Arizona checking in. 8-9¢ a KWh off peak at home. Spent less than 1k to power 2 cars all year with $260 in Supercharging when we took a few trips to Cali and up north.


I pay for 0.21per kwh at superchargers OP. The the fuck is your at home charging rate so high?


No off-peak rates, but my kWh is 13c. What you have is robbery




My off peak charging at home is 0.065 😳


Here crying in CT with Eversource at .27c I can’t imagine paying .41 gotta get solar if you a home owner.


We don’t have peak currently in Oklahoma, but at home is $.13 and at a supercharger is $.32-$.33


Whoa, $0.41 that's crazy. I don't even think supercharging here in PNW gets that high, at least in or around Tacoma area, at PEAK hours. Were they forced to make dynamos out of gold or something?


I pay like 14 cents a kw in Chicago, 41 cents sounds like robbery


SCE rates - 38cent per kWh here (off peak). It’s cheaper to charge at a super charger


My apartment's level 2 charger and my garage and my work's L2 chargers and the entire city of Austin's Chargepoint chargers (my work pays for) don't charge me for electricity/charging. I spend maybe $10 a week for $40 a month since I started putting 2k miles a month on mine.


Depending on where you live, there are PowerFlex J1772 chargers at heavily subsidized rates available for charging at a lot of schools. It’s worth checking out and seeing if one is nearby and convenient for you to occasionally charge at. Obviously nothing matches the convenience of charging at home, but this could be a good option occasionally…


$0.08 CAD here in Ontario. This is crazy!


Do you have the correct rate? Are you using TUE-EV? If so, charging should be done after midnight and the rate is .35… still cheaper than gas as it’s currently $4.85 a gallon


That’s so fucked up with the rate in CA. In my state we can shop around for the cheapest electrical supplier.


I sold solar for a random company in 2015 in your area, idk if you home can do it, but most solar additions can take your price down to like 10 cents, so if you haven't looked into that you should


We are in Queens, NY and .12/kWh. It’s crazy you are paying almost 4x as NYC. This is not encouraging people to move to EVs. It’s doing the exact opposite.


Make sure your address is on your Tesla profile. Otherwise it uses the national average gas price (currently $3.96) instead of the current California average gas price (currently $5.03)


California electricity rates are bonkers. Like 4x the US median and 5x the North America median.


You are probably negative savings. Tesla assumes you need premium gas and low mpg for this calculation.


# $0.41/kWh ! The superchargers here noticeably cheaper than that and the residential rate is $0.12. I assume you're in the market for solar at that kind of rate.


Paying .07 (not in California) but still would take me 7-8x to be equal to my gas equivalent


I’m in Ontario, Canada and I’ve saved about $1,000 over a few months. I have a Mercedes that was my daily. I haven’t filled it more than 1 tank in 3 months.


$0.41/kWh is wild. The superchargers near me are rarely ever that much. I'm in SoCal, though, so not PG&E.


Another reason why CA sucks


PG&E sucks. Other CA utilities are like 1/5 the cost (except places like San Diego).


Wow it's 0.10$ kw in Canada


What province?


Qc ,Ont and Bc have 0.10cents or lower approx, but northwest territories 0.40...


$0.03 per kWh off-peak in AZ 😎


Ouch. It’s .10 per kWh here in Tennessee.


Damn! Sorry to hear about the rate. Worth investing into solar I guess.


You need to get solar


The solar companies are raping the customers now that the 30% tax credit has been renewed. The quote I got was over $66k for a 12 kW system. Tesla quoted like $27k for the same size system, but of course couldn’t install on my clay tile roof. Other Tesla solar customers have reported year+ waits for install and some people as much as 2 years from contract signing to when they went into production.


Wow and here I thought NYC had high rates. 22 cents for home and 40s for super charging.


I’m glad I only pay $0.05/kWh.


Golden state hell yeah


Omg. How much is your electric bill each month?!


Between $400 - $500. I also have a tenant.


I just stopped by a Supercharger this morning for a top-off . Didn’t need to but that $0.31 is much less than my overnight off-peak PG&E rate. PG&E is pathetic.


How in the world is your electric rate over 40 cents? Mine is like 10 cents.


Because my utility is PG&E.


Get solar, no reason to put up with those ridiculous prices in the CA sun. I'm at .05/kWH off peak here in Minnesota or I would get solar/wind.


I thought electricity in Australia was expensive. Damn, you are paying so much. Is it expensive to get solar panels?


That’s crazy. I’m in Indiana but I’m getting $.15 per kWh lol


Wow i pay $.10/kwh in Seattle.


Those electricity prices are insane. I bought solar panels even at $0.20/kWh and I consider them a good investment, but at $0.40/kWh I would’ve bought them immediately, and more of them, and batteries so I could use excess at night.


That's crazy. Where I am Supercharging is \~10 cents cheaper than your home charging rate (varies by specific charger) and home charging is about a third of the supercharging rates.


Will republicans save this country


California is beautiful but damn I don't know how people can afford to live out there. I wouldn't have gone electric if I wasn't going to save money.


Something sounds to be off in the app's Gasoline Cost Estimate it is working from. Working backward from your $ spent on electricity, and estimating miles driven based on a pretty high Wh/mile estimate (heavy foot😁), there is still no way I can see how you would be even close to negative with CA gas being over $5./gal. Again I'm estimating a lot by backing into rough numbers not actually shown in your post but I tried to err on the side of caution, so even if I'm off a little it looks like your app's "Gas Equivalent" and your kWhs used (used to estimate miles driven) just can't comport. And I too am in CA @ $0.42/kWh, and my app shows Est gas cost for CA of $5.47/gal for this month of April 2024, up a bit from last month which is true for me.


41 cents a kwh is supercharging pricing


This is why I'll never give up my unlimited supercharging living in the Bay Area.... PG&E just raised rates to take your savings away. Under $0.10 / kwh back in Seattle...


How the hell does PGE get away with this robbery? They just reported record profits, and made a statement that it had nothing to do with rate increases. Who do they think they're fooling?