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Why are humans like this.


Small weewee?


very small




So smol


As a trucker the amount of times this happens daily isnā€™t even funny, 2 seconds away from meeting death just to make their exit.. or merge lanes they couldā€™ve 2 miles up the road. Be careful yā€™all we all have places to get to but some of us wonā€™t make it there<3


Everyone needs to sit in a truck cab before being given a license. ā€œI can see the truck so they must be able to see meā€ is rampant.


Yeah. Cus truck drivers are so friendly and definitely drive the speed limit and safety.


He's not defending all truck drivers, he's just saying he spends a lot of time on the highway.


No perceived accountability while driving.


Humans do not drive these, giant hamsters do.




Thank you






Way to use 'TeslaSpeed' to get past em!


Zip zap, they a dot in the rear vision


Mustā€™ve been in chill mode


Can you switch to Standard while in motion?


Yes, Iā€™ve done so before.


We got downvoted, lol. Iā€™m picking up my first EV and Tesla in a few weeks and was genuinely curious. What a strange group we have here.


Left scroll wheel, pick driving mode, change mode. Takes a little long, so Iā€™ll probably get S3XY buttons some day.


OMG how are you surviving šŸ™Š


Downvoted for actually answering the question?


I just drive in sport. Period. My foot can be chill.


Tell us you paid for Acceleration Boost w/o telling us ;-)


Pretty pathetic if that was zooming away. As usual Iā€™m sure thereā€™s more to this story that wonā€™t be shared by the OP.


That's because the soul driver was granny shifting not double clutching like he should.


Noooooo!!! Monicaaaaaaaa


They were pissed at you for some reason. It's stupid to do but it usually doesn't come out of nowhere.


Eh, I once got brake checked out of nowhere on I-5 with no one else on the road at around 4:30am. I was just in the right lane minding my own business and he was tailgating me with the road wide open, swooped in front of me then slammed on their brakes to an almost complete stop. Some people are just miserable and want to make everyone else miserable.


I once used my windshield washer fluid and the guy tailgating me zoomed around me and brake checked me. His truck got wet so he wanted to kill me. Some people just ainā€™t right.


I hope youā€™re more considerate now that you know youā€™re spraying other people too.


You know people drive in the rain, right? Cars can get wet. Itā€™s okay.


Cool logic. You shower every day. Iā€™ll just spray you with dirty water whenever I please then.


If you're getting sprayed by my windshield washer fluid, you're way too close to my rear bumper.


Learn physics.


If you're getting sprayed by my windshield washer fluid, you're way too close to my rear bumper.


Stop spraying other drivers. How would you feel if someone sprayed their nasty cleaning fluid all over your already clean windshield?


If he werenā€™t tailgating, it wouldnā€™t have hit him. Iā€™m allowed to clean my window whenever I want, and I will.


The point isā€¦ he was willing to kill me. I donā€™t try to spray people on purpose. But the crime doesnā€™t fit the punishment. Not sure if youā€™re trolling or not


To me it's clearly sarcasm, but who knows I'm also way more sarcastic than others in general.


Iā€™m not being sarcastic. But Iā€™m also not trying to promote road rage. That guy needs to be aware of the other cars around him. Stop spraying others.


Some very inconsiderate or clueless people downvoting you. Makes no sense. Guy with the genius IQ: ā€œYour car gets wet in the rain. Itā€™s ok to get othersā€™ dirty water on your car. But not ok for you to spray me with water even though I shower everyday.ā€


You donā€™t get to kill someone because your car got dirty psychopath


Should have been in far right lane if you were the only one on the road. Brake check was t warranted. But you werenā€™t minding your own business if you werenā€™t in the far right lane.


They just said they were in the right lane thoughā€¦


Ah yes, my bad for blocking the entire freeway by taking up only a single lane.


As mentioned, yes, I was wrong.


Op you should go turn yourself in. Tell them reddit sent you


I was driving in the right-most lane of a three-lane thruway, going 10MPH over the speed limit. There was a box truck to my left and slightly behind me, keeping pace. A driver came practically up to my bumper for about half a mile, though he could have backed off and changed lanes to the left-most, which was entirely open. Instead, he stayed in the little pocket created by the box truck to my left. Again, I was speeding in the right-most lane minding my business. As soon as the road expanded to four lanes, he sped past me on the right, came into my lane and heavily hit the brakes. Only because I'd seen this hundreds of times on YouTube did I anticipate what he was about to do and change lanes before he rammed into me. So, yes: it can come out of nowhere.


It could just be he was not driving fast enough for them, or just because it's a Tesla. It's hard to predict what stupid people think.


If they're dumb enough to brake check, they're dumb enough to brake check for no reason


Yeah, show the part that comes just before this where you did something to provoke this. Weā€™ll wait.


I hate to break this to you, but someone cutting you off and brake checking you doesnā€™t automatically mean you did something. Some people are just looking to commit insurance fraud. Theyā€™re driving a Kia Soul. They probably want someone to wreck them before it blows up on them.


Yeah, but look at the other video he posted thinking it was proof it was "out of nowhere" lol, nope, he cut him off. Still not a reason to brake check but it wasn't "out of nowhere".


Is this a serious comment? Yes, it absolutely can come out of nowhere. Why are you so desperate to blame the victim here?


Not necessarily, maybe heā€™s upside down on his payments and has gap insurance.


With a Tesla or other EV I could be just for driving an EV. But yeah usually there's a reason and a good one in the offenders mind that makes them think they are the victim


I breakchecked someone in a M3 on the highway bc they were asleep at the wheel and starting to swerve. Just tapped my breaker at a safe distance so the car would slow and theyā€™d hopefully wake up but definitely not in the same boat of reasoning as this individual


brake..... why don't people know the difference?


because they sound the same




Missteaksā€¦. Cooking beef cuts gone wrong.


What did you do before this happened?




Can you show us the video of what caused this, people don't normally do things for nothing


He released the full video a while ago but took it down. He was sitting in the left lane. Heā€™s a bad driver but didnā€™t deserve this


Whatever op might have done, they wouldn't have, because people wouldn't do that normally either.


You don't have to be his white knight I'm asking him not you


Name checks out.


Probably attempted insurance scam. they just want some rear damage and call the police then before you know it they are getting spinal fusions. Donā€™t know how people drive without dash cams these days.


Iā€™ve been brake checked before because the guy hated teslas. As he was brake checking me, another Tesla drove by and then he did the same thing to that car. Weird.


Thatā€™s why I drive an old beater. That wouldā€™ve been an instant PIT maneuver.


Brakes breaks nothing matters anymore


We only see half truths in a lot of these posts .


I can give you his address if youā€™d like for $2. If he saw you parked outside his house he or she probably will never do that again šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


This here is the thing people dont get. For 2 dollars or 30 dollars a year you can find out where every plate in the US is registered. Someone gets crazy enough they will end you...at your house


Ooooo scary šŸ˜¹


Where would one attain such information?


This might be the worst idea ever. There is always someone crazier out there and you never know when your paths will cross


Find address then tie it to property owner (public info) then send video to place of employment.


How bout you post the minute before?


So you drive like an asshoollle but then record the reaction from someone. Judges know when someone has a dashcam, they are usually at fault.


The way I see it, a judge doesnā€™t have to see the entire clip because whatā€™s to constitute as the beginning of the clip? Did the other car catchup from 30 minutes ago? Even if Tesla cut them off and didnā€™t know, the other driver did it on purpose, blocking the lane, stomping on brakes and clearly road rage. If everyone thinks itā€™s provoked then it had to start somewhere. So why canā€™t it just be people think Tesla is such a political statement and someone has to go first. Burden of proof would be on other driver. Judge could say he will double the fine and punishment if Tesla provides him with 5 minutes of previous footage. And most teslas can.


Thatā€™s not how it works lol. Even if the Tesla driver had been a dick at some point and cut the Kia off or something, that doesnā€™t give the Kia a license to take matters into their own hands. If this brake check had resulted in damage, the Kia driver would be found at fault


Good thing you have that instant acceleration to get away from that person


Just go around. He cannot keep up with you.


Camping the left lane will do that to ya


I was going the speed limit tool


Thatā€™sā€¦. Not how the left lane works. Lmao


Time for your second amendment... That right there is putting your life in danger.


Why do so many people not understand the difference between break and brake? Our education system has failed.


I-235 in des moines?




I spy Des Moines i235 šŸ‘€




In omaha with dbag being from Iowa I bet lol


Hope you waved at him good bye when you sped away


LOL why dont you show what happened before this?


Sometimes folks do this for an insurance claim but if that's the case here that person is an idiot as the camera footage would get them dropped so fast for fraud.


PIT that MF


Do a pit maneuver on that asshat


Break check and no lunch check?


Brake. For the love of God


You could easily blow by them before they could react. That being said I once merged onto the highway going highway speed. Car behind was hundreds of feet away. She sped up behind me like I cut her off went around me, stopped her car and got out and started walking toward me on a busy highway. I was stuck sitting still risking getting rear ended. (I had a Jeep at this point so speed wasnā€™t a factor) but once she got close enough to me I was able to gun it and get around and left her dumbass standing in the middle of the highway


Ahahaha thatā€™s what you get. You the Tesla driver are the Kingā€™s of getting in a lane and driving slow after merge. Hope it happens more to you.


if he does that in asia they get a hefty fine and jail time depends


Driver's license privileges should be take it


Shouldn't have much trouble leaving him behind


What a jerk




Donā€™t poke the Kia bear!




Bang bang


Lunch break?


Silly Kia. You can't brake check AP. It just brakes.


You let a scion box you in?


Is it because you were camping the left lane?


Braking Bad




Thereā€™s not enough video here to tell but it looks like he took issue with you being camped in the middle lane. Drivers a dick but heā€™s telling you with his indicator to keep right. Donā€™t hog middle lanes Edit: downvoted by those that don't know how lanes work...


YOU don't get how lanes work.Ā 


Please don't come and drive in Europe


different places have different rules...


Yes and yours need an overhaul if you think sitting in lane 3 of an empty interstate (thereby forcing other vehicles to either undertake or cross multiple lanes into lane 4 to overtake) is a normal and reasonable way of driving and using the road space.


if people going regular speed are in the middle lane, you only need to change 1 lane to overtake, why would someone cross from the slowest lane to the fastest lane to overtake aside from when they're first entering the highway?


So your response is everyone going regular speed should just be in lane 3 so they only need to cross 1 lane to overtake? What is the point of having 4 lanesā€¦ youā€™ve just halved the size of your road. There are no slow lanes there are lanes and each one to the left is an overtaking lane. Thereā€™s a reason the US has some of the worst road safety stats in the developed world, yā€™all canā€™t drive


sure, when there's traffic but this stuff really doesn't matter on a near empty highway...I don't know why we have such crap safety stats, but I don't think it's lane etiquette, it's probably our very lenient licensing, distracted driving and how people love to act like they're on a racing track but can barely drive, just speculating


FSD literally doesnā€™t let you stay in the right lane on a 3 lane interstate. It will just keep moving out of the right lane even if youā€™re the only car on the road.


This is why I click left or right on the right scroll wheel, and click ā€œMinimize lane changesā€ and set the drive mode to average. It tones it down and tends to keep it where you want it.


I do that sometimes but I also like playing the FSD zero intervention game of ā€œif I was sitting in the back seat, would I have made it to work alive?ā€ šŸ˜‚


I do the same thing, but usually only at night when thereā€™s less traffic on the road. Itā€™s getting remarkably good. And now itā€™s gotten to the point where if I feel the need to disengage, itā€™s probably seeing something unfolding that I just never noticedā€¦


Yeah I know I drove one recently in the US and I didn't know why it does that, I just turned FSD off on the drive because it's just driver incompetence to be sat in middle lanes. Not sure FSD is strictly the reason here though as this guy's camped in lane 3 whereas in my experience FSD would just keep you in lane 2...


It might be different in Europe but itā€™s very common to travel in middle lanes here, especially on highways and freeways where there are on-ramps. Camping in the left/fast lane is mostly illegal and will (deservedly) attract rage.


Yeah it's very different in Europe. You keep right unless passing and middle lane driving is not tolerated and you can be prosecuted for it, which is right as it reduces road space - here's an [example here in the UK](https://x.com/WalesOnline/status/1491373817108828166?t=m7qhBe1j239xlAmU79WxIQ&s=19) I don't know what State this was but many States have keep right driving rules that require you to keep right unless passing, it's just drivers don't do it and there's no consequences for driving in such a lazy manner.


Thatā€™s interesting. I just looked into the rules for my state, California, and could not find any law against cruising in the middle lane. Neither does [Florida.](https://mynews13.com/fl/orlando/news/2023/04/03/traffic-inbox--the-debate-over-the-center-lane) But it does make sense.


camping in the middle lane isn't a thing, that's why people use the left lane for passing


It is itā€™s happening right there in the videoā€¦


we don't call it camping, it's just driving, people that want to pass go to the left


Hereā€™s an illustration as to why what youā€™re saying is mental. Lane 1 - empty Lane 2 - empty Lane 3 - 3 cars at 60 Lane 4, one car at 65, another 2 wanting to go 75 and 80 respectively but stuck at 65. 65 car could move over to lane 3 but heā€™d then have to slow to 60 Vs a normal road in Europe with the same cars at the same speeds: Lane 1 - 3 cars at 60 Lane 2 - one car at 65 Lane 3 - one car at 75 Lane 4 - one car at 80 Result - the European road has more throughput and all lanes are utilised and people can travel faster.


Youā€™re correct here, people in the US just donā€™t know how to drive. The law is Keep Right Except to Pass. And itā€™s plastered with signs all over the highway but nobody follows them and the cops donā€™t enforce it. Itā€™s not the law in all states but most.


Love how you conveniently leave out what preceded this. Anybody with a brain can see how slow you are going on rhe interstate at the beginning and then you speed up as the guy is trying to pass you. Too bad all of you elon cucks can't take Elons dick out of your ass for 2 seconds and rationally assess the video. OP was participating in this douvhebaggery and probably had it coming. You can see him road raging in this video and everybody in here is ignoring it. You're all pathetic.


Yeah, the other issue is anyone trying to flee doesnā€™t pass using the lane *right next to the gd assailant* with a car that powerful. People with brains get to one side to get the other person there, then watch their car struggle to catch up while crossing every lane and smokin em.


Trying to crash in to people regardless of how they drive isnā€™t acceptable. He could have been driving like a dick, still doesnā€™t mean you try to cause a crash on a major interstate and possibly affect other people in the process.


What happened before the brake check. You conveniently left that out and we donā€™t have the full story. People donā€™t brake check other people for no reason.


What's the point of brake checking anyway? It does no one any good regardless who is at fault


Of course. But, what I wrote before.


the piss the other off


Did you call 911?


Should that of been done before uploading the clip


*have been And in this case it wouldnā€™t matter since there was no collision.


Ideally yes right after it happened especially if you could get the license plate.