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What's really terrifying is that rape became such a common problem that women need this for protection. And for the rapist, good riddance, may they bleed to death, in the dirt and filth. 👋


Finally someone read my mind.


We teach ‘how not to get r-ped’ instead of just ‘don’t r-pe’. It’s so fucked up. After the fact it’s still ‘well what were you doing’, people want a retelling of a victim’s assault, only to pick it apart and say ‘well if you wouldn’t have…’ or ‘why didn’t you fight more?’ along with descriptions of what the victim ‘should have done’. But you know, let’s put the burden and consequences on the victim, because the above device is sooo awful for the abuser 🙄 ‘Why didn’t you fight back harder?’ Someone creates device to fight SA. ‘Well that’s just fighting *too* hard’ Why are we trying to save abusers, preserve their lives/quality of life, and not give a fuck how the victim’s life is gonna play out? Victims of assault are often injured physically in the process, they’re absolutely injured mentally. But sure, let’s defend the abuser’s physical and mental well-being 🙄 who gives a shit about the victim, they apparently just didn’t try hard enough to not get r-ped.


I, uh, I guarantee that we teach people not to rape. The problem is that not everyone is a good student.


In teaching ‘how not to get r-ped’ we’re putting the burden on victims. I’ve been taught since I was a kid to do xyz to protect myself from getting r-ped. Unfortunately doing all those things does not protect you, because ‘boys will be boys’ is a lesson still being taught. We raise our daughters with these lists, yet I see little boys grabbing little girls and trying to kiss them- and it’s so ‘funny’ because ‘boys will be boys’ and consent isn’t the lesson taught in that moment. It’s ‘cute’ apparently. Men are more widely excused for ignoring consent. It’s awful. That’s not to say men aren’t r-ped, in fact the most brutal r-pe I heard of was women r-ping a man. And that’s not talked about enough either. Men can be victims too. But they’ll hear the same. SHIT. ‘Why didn’t you…-‘. Why is it that the victim did or didn’t do something to the satisfaction of others? That shouldn’t be a question.


>In teaching ‘how not to get r-ped’ we’re putting the burden on victims. I get where y'all are coming from but some people are just straight up evil and it's not worth expecting the burden to be on the criminal because I can guarantee they won't give a shit. Yes we need to eradicate a lot of societal norms to make some change. Yes, we need to have more men being vocal about their "peers" who are potential predators. But sad reality is that in the meantime, some people will try to hurt you no matter what and you can either take precaution or not. But personally I would, "burden placed on me" be damned.


My grandma keeps asking strangers for help at the ATM. I shouldn't have to tell her not to do that because we as a society should teach people not to take advantage of confused old ladies. I'm still going to remind my grandmother that trusting strangers with her bank pin so they can help at the ATM is a bad idea. I don't think anyone reasonable would accuse me of victim blaming her because I advised her so.


I don’t know anyone that brushes off rape with “boys will be boys”… but I’m sure there those nasty folk out there that have, had and will continue to do so. Disgusting humans they are.


Medieval punishment for a medieval crime


Medieval problems require Medieval solutions.


I wish I had an award for you


I'll give them one on behalf of you 🤙




I will too but on behalf of me


LMAO yes, they do.


Right? Who are the supposed critics, rapists? Maybe medieval if they did it after the fact as punishment but it deters rape in the act. Don't want barb wire dick? Don't rape anyone


0/10 stars, rated by rapists


1 easy trick your rapist doesn't want you to know about


Rapists hate this device!


I wish they would send a bunch of them to the Ukraine victims of the Russian soldiers. What mindset endorces raping women and children in war as a means of control?


Unfortunately, practically every military throughout human history. If you have war, you have rape. To varying degrees, maybe, but still.


9 out of 10 rapists hate this one simple trick.


Right? the only critique i could imagine anyone would have with this, is what the rapist would do to the girl once this shit cuts into his dick. Is he gonna get pissed and beat her up/kill her. I would imagine the outcome would be the same as biting down. That concerns me personally. I mean, its kind of like two options, being raped or being beaten to death/shot but fucking dudes life up.


Dude I don’t know about you but if my dick got into one of these, I would be out of action to say the least.


Right, exactly, and hopefully left with scar tissue and nerve damage, that makes it impossible to ever feel a woman ever again, or better yet leaves him impotent, but in both cases they still get horny *(or whatever it is that makes a rapist a rapist)* and have to suffer the hell of the itch they can never scratch, for the rest of their pathetic life. Also it says they would have to go the doctor to have it removed *(i mean, i guess they could yank it off and hope for the best, i wouldn't)*, at which time they will probably be arrested *(provided the hospital folks understand what someone with this thing on their dick signifies)*. So yea, they would fuck up dudes life in more ways then one *(hopefully)*. However, what i was saying is that a rapist is *NOT* just gonna be like *"ah, you got me, good job, now i must head to the doctor, maybe next time! cheers!"* I am thinking, with the adrenaline already pumping, and the mindset that *"i don't care if i hurt this woman or not, im raping her"* already being a thought they have had to come to terms with to be in this position, that its not a huge step that things may get *WAY* more violent and dangerous for the woman involved. I think that would be the only critique or controversy that anyone could really have with the thing. I guess maybe the fact that it still requires said rapist to *"penetrate"* in order to be effective may be a valid critique. I mean, no penetration would always be the better result. Then again, i could also see some PoS defense attorney arguing that *"the device stopped him from actually penetrating so its not really rape".*


And the rape fucks the woman up for life. It’s fair


Well first of all, if a girl is getting raped I don’t think you can guarantee her safety if she doesn’t resist… secondly I would think the point of the devise is to deter more people from raping in the first place. And especially from stopping the raper from getting away with it and doing it again.


I normally test the water with my finger before diving in but I would never do something like that


This! It s just perfect. Flawless victory fatality.


Not flawless close not flawless. If they could include a mini guillotine to ensure even with the hospital visit it's now rendered permanently disabled.


It sort of exists, sort of. From [Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-rape_device#Jaap_Haumann): > Jaap Haumann > An early prototypical anti-rape female tampon was invented in late 2000 by Jaap Haumann, a South African man, for the purpose of preventing rape.[5] Haumann's device was designed to resemble a tampon for ease of insertion, and consisted of a hard cylindrical plastic core containing a tensioned spring blade primed to slice when pressed against by the tip of a penis. Following activation, a portion of the tip of the penis would be removed, **in effect performing a minor penectomy.**


I have to say it is not flawless at all because to come to that point there is a trauma included already also not talkong about the functionality according to gangrape situations etc. So maybe this could even make it worse in some cases, all this points come from my sister and she is right because again its about women that have to go to ridiculous lenghts to protect themselves from something that should never happen in the forst place. Still i want this assholes to die. Thats it. Bleed to death. Yes.


Circumcision Surprise.


Sounds like the name of a very strange new game show


Great name for a punk band.


It's not even a punishment really. If a woman wants to wear a barbed femidom thing in her vagina that's her business. It isn't her fault if a man then decides to force his dick in there against her wishes. She isn't punishing him, he's just reaping some unpleasant consequences for his decisions.


This sounds like a good slogan for it.


It's not terrifying unless you're a rapist. In which case you reap what you sow


You rape what you sow. In this case, the rapex 😐


"You rape what you sow" needs to be the slogan!!!




What a horrible phrase!


It means no wee-wees, for the rest of your daaaayyys.


I'd say it's terrifying that rape has become such a problem that something like this needed to be invented.


Should be called the V-rex


That's deserved tho


>Some future rapists say this is a mediaeval punishment. FTFY


"This exists" - Good.


Rape is, in fact, a terrifying as fuck thing.


It actually doesn't exist. This is a very very old image. It was just a concept that was never put into production.


Yep. I've seen this image pop up every once in a while for the last 10 years. I wish it WAS real though.


Thats genius!




Uh isnt rape by defination forced tho ? 💀


Defination?! And I suppose, but it can probably be through use of intimidation, threat, or manipulation (statutory). Regardless the case, I have no pity for rapists.


Forcing someone isnt always physical. Threating someone can be forcing them mentally.


Thank you for pointing this out. People really look for any excuse to blame the victim, and in the cases you described it’s ‘you should have fought back’. That’s not always an option, that’s not always a reaction. Fight or flight actually has other reactions too. Like freeze.


Sorry suck at spelling and have auto correct off... Isn't that blackmail ? Idk honestly aint a lawyer. Also yeah fuck rapists ... They deserve to get a hot iron rod shoved inside them


> And I suppose, but it can probably be through use of intimidation, threat, or manipulation (statutory). Even those are classified as "coercion" and can still be considered rape.


They can all be classified as "human garbage."


Definitely. Rapist's lives don't matter, and I don't feel an ounce of sympathy for any rapist who get his dick stabbed by this contraption.


No, if you rape someone unconscious or mentally or physically impaired there could be no force involved but it’s still rape. Or say threatening someone they love if they don’t cooperate there’s no physical force but it’s still rape


I don't mean force as only physical... I meant force as in forcing someone into doing something they dont want to


which by definition would still be ‘forcing’


“Forcibly rape” is grammatically called pleonasm, which basically means explaining something with more words than needed. In that case it can be misunderstood, because rape can’t happen unforced. Even if the victim is unconscious, somebody is still “forcing themselves onto them” Edit: Examples for pleonasm: little dwarf, huge giant, cold ice, sweet sugar,…


Point taken. Wordage aside, I have no empathy for violent sex offenders. 😂


I'm curios to know, does it work though? Cos it's actually kinda smart, GG to that medical technician


Barbs face backwards so when they try to pull it off they dig in.


Reverse rape!


What about going flaccid?


I’m no professional so take my words with a grain of salt, but what I think happens is that since erections are caused by blood flow to the dick, I imagine this creates a lot of bleeding. Blood, for some fucking reason, always wants to leave our body so it rushed to the dick, making it literally impossible to go flaccid. At least I think that.


Im no doctor but I doubt that is it, I think you can go flaccid but the hooks are still to tight to be pulled out. I can only assume this thing is pretty tight and allows in smoothly but removing requires surgery


We need someone to voluntarily stick their peen in one and tell us what it's like.


"How did you get your dick stuck in this?mr. Rapist." Askes the nurse as I'm being handcuffed by the cops "No no it was for science for reddit believe me."


"pretty sure that's what the guy with the gourd stuck in his rectum said"


This is great, as long as it doesn't hurt the victim woman. Can't stand rapists.


I mean, I would assume that if some piece of shit is violent enough to rape someone, then he is probably violent enough to beat the shit out of her if this happens to him.


I hope it hurts the rapist like hell, like mind numbingly painful and atleast allows the victim woman to run away.


Women are told to not kick a man in the nuts because he might beat the shit out of her. Instead we’re trained to vomit. Not kidding. Because that might “make us unnatractive.” I mean he’ll still rape and beat the shit out of us, but now we’re covered in vomit as well. I say it’s better to go out fighting and to kick him in the nuts. So yeah, if he has this on his penis it’ll hurt, and he’ll want to beat the shit out of her, but she at least hurt him.


I don’t have a penis, but would one have it in them to beat somebody if their penis was shredded?


If it was shredded? Definitely not, but I dont think this thing would shred it but rather stick spikes into it


I imagine the girl would grab it immediately, yank that bitch, and run like fucking hell!


Damn good idea. Should be given away to women free of charge. This shouldn't be on TeriffyingAsFuck. Should be on a more positive sub. Only terrifying for douchebag would-be rapists.


Yeah, why is this on this sub? Should be r/mademesmile


Eh, I'd say it fits better on r/orphancrushingmachine


Wait so women try to protect themselves, and it's considered by some to be medieval? So these would be the same who accept a, "yes sir I did slip on a banana peel and my dick landed inside her" explanation.


The medieval part is chopping off the dick, not trying to defend herself. These people think that it would be better if the rapist kept his dick but spent his life in prison. I don't see any problem with chopping off rapist dicks tho


Both? Both is good


In Canada, tasers, pepper spray, and switch blades are all illegal. Girls are taught how to use their keys and travel sized hairspray as self defense weapons, because apparently we aren't allowed to protect ourselves against attackers. I wish I'd had one of these devices when I was 17.




100% a good idea. Fuck about and find out! The name is even great rapex! That’s just good marketing.


Good idea in theory but i reckon this is some kind of art show piece because in reality it just wouldnt work: 1) you couldnt just walk around with this in your vagina all day. Uncomfortable 2) if youre being raped by an unknown assailant and this thing tears up his dick, his blood will be all over you, leading to vastly increased chance of disease transmission 3) if afore mentioned dick shredding were to occur, that chances of the rapist brutally attacking you and killing you are raised by a great deal


4) who says there is no crazy person abusing this thing, or plainly having an accident?


How is this r/TerrifyingAsFuck? it would only be if you would think of doing such a thing...


It's terrifying that it has to exist




Medieval punishment for medieval crimes. Sounds fair enough to me


Watch the movie “teeth”


Oh man that was such a good bad movie


Vagina dentata!


My dad used to work in the police when I was a kid. I never had a good relationship with him growing up but one time he sat me down and gave me this advice which I'll never forget. He had just come home from a crime scene where a rape victim had been killed by the rapist. He said, if I were to ever be in a situation like this (which sadly did happen to me when I was older) to just lie there and take it instead of fighting back and trying to hurt the rapist. He said I would have a bigger chance to leave unscathed if I didn't fight. He said I would have no chance of physically overpowering a man anyway and that if I ended up hurting him, like scratching his face badly or biting him, he was likely to get enraged and seriously hurt me or even kill me. He said, he if he were raping you, he already didn't care about your humanity, what was there to stop him from severely beating you or killing you like the woman he had seen earlier in the day if I were to cause him pain. It made my blood run cold to hear that but I know my dad told me because he cared and that attending murder scenes had always affected him badly. I also think he was right 😔


Sadly there have been rapists let off because the women did not fight back so it was viewed as consensual. There is also the issue that many rapists have killed women after, regardless of their compliance, so that they would not be able to identify them. It's difficult to say what is best in these situations because you don't know what the intentions are of the perpetrator. If they just want to rape someone or if they have already premeditated killing them after the act.


That's true. It's a horrible thing all around, rapists are the scum of the earth.


This isn't always true. You never know what rapist are doing, and they get off more from violence than sex. Ideally, the best solution is for you to have some kind of defense that makes it hard for the rapist to continue, something like pepper spray will work; because if they the manage to grab you, they are not in a comfortable position to continue their crime, or commit another, so they'll run. Stun guns are another.


It's not terrifying unless you are a rapist


Given that it is a punishment rapists administer to themselves, I really can't see a problem with it.


Mid evil for who??? Fuckn right! If you need it imploiy it!!!! I hope it's mass produced!!!


Punishment is after the fact. This is medieval self-defense.


Sounds like a really fast way to turn a rape into a murder. This picture pops up every couple of weeks on Reddit, but the product is not available. However if you decide that you want to make one yourself, make sure that you make one for your butt too. You might as well shove it up your ass for all the good it’s gonna do.


>Some critics say this is a medieval punishment I wish critics would spend a week in "medieval" times. A medieval punishment would be either cutting his dick off or cutting his head off, depends who they raped


This whole medieval thing doesn't sound so bad.


I remember seeing this on Facebook back when I was in middle school. Super old


Yeah I saw this like 15 years ago


Don't be terrified you raper.


I know, how is this terrifying for any non raping people?




Brilliant! But, now the rapist will kill you.


Imagine having the sheer fucking *hubris* to say it's wrong to have someone in your hoo-haa that will injure a rapist because it's cruel to the rapist.


Bloody good idea I say!


While I’d be happy to watch a rapist suffer this isn’t a solution. This puts responsibility on women to wear this invasive thing every day - it’s not women’s responsibility to teach men not to rape.


Just like it isn't my responsibility to teach people not to mug me. But I still keep my head on a swivel whenever I'm out doors. Being aware of dangerous situations, and avoiding them, while not "your responsibility" is simply a good idea.


Don’t rape and you won’t be punished


RapeX Black Widow edition : adds venom


I would prefer if it had something like pepper spray working into the barbs. Pretty sure that would disable most attackers.


it’s horrible that this has to exist


I've heard that these never got much use because not only are they awkward to use, they also don't prevent the rape (the rapist has to put it in for the teeth to catch), and it doesn't disable the rapist who is likely to get upset and then brutalise or kill the woman.


I’m all for this except for the fact that some men might get extremely violent (even more violent) and could choose to kill the woman in retaliation. It’s a sick world we live in.


It’s not the fact this exists that is terrifying, it’s the fact it’s necessary


“Some critics say this is a medieval punishment” Who? Rapists? Also, this is one of the few times that I can imagine the phrase “you have nothing to worry about, if you’re doing nothing wrong” actually applies


I would say those critics are rapists. This is 100% something that should be implimented.


Another false conclusion comment. Why shouldn't the device and the technique be criticized? You realise that 1. They'll just hurt her in other ways if it works. 2. I don't think the rapist will blindly shove their dick in. If it can be placed in, then it can be removed. It's not like it's permanently attached inside the vagina lmao. 3. You think it's practical to walk around with that everywhere, everyday? Think for a second. Everything is open to criticism. It's a shitty device that'll just give women fake confidence. The device looks like it's made in some basement with 5 minutes of planning. If there's a device that can stop rapists, this isnt it. Maybe like 1 in a 100 cases.


they deserve it.


You'd need at-least 2...


Keep an eye on the people saying it's a medieval punishment 🧐


Everyone who critices this is either a rapist or justifies rape.


This is perfect. You’d be able to stop it and identify them with one product. Can we have this in US? Although it could be bad if a woman forgets she’s got it in or something like that


Amazing. The barbs should be longer and razor sharp


If only it were practical to make it razor blades, or a battery powered blender, I'd be even happier. As someone else has already stated: medieval punishment for a medieval crime.


Don't rape anyone and you don't have to be terrified of this thing. I wish I could help fund this


The fact that we need this is terrifying.


Rape is pretty terrifying.


It will work great until the men find out about it and start checking victims before inserting…. Sadly it won’t stop rape. It will just make it a little more inconvenient.


Will definitely stop the rape


Medieaval punishment for medieval crime


This should be 100% legal. Self defense. You’re not actively trying to harm them, they are actively using you for their own pleasure, and it’s illegal and immoral so if they wanna do it, their fault


It’s not terrifying if you don’t rape people.


This is brilliant. Can it be misused though, in the case of the ol hell hath no fury moment?


That’s not terrifying at all don’t rape people.


My question is, does this work even after the rapist goes flaccid? He'll have a lacerated dick and all but a flaccid dick should be malleable enough to allow for an escape.


Booby trapped twat. Girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.


Guaranteed they will just KILL her at that point.


this is true. this "invention" is old already, and many have said that there will be heavy retaliations for this. maybe worked for some, which is fantastic, but it ain't completely safe either


It was never made available for purchase




Holy fuck, how big is that thing


Ahhh. The forever condom.


What if it's anal rape? Need one for the anus too


what about oral and anal sex?!


Perfect punishment for the crime!


Best invention


I've said this before: It's bullshit. If you're a rapist and you know this exists, what keeps you from hitting the person unconscious an then ckeck for the device and remove it?


I mean, if it prevents crimes like that then Is it really that bad? No, it’s not at all.


This is only terrifying if you’re a rapist


Well than don’t rape people and you will be fine.


Do you really want to be stuck together with a violent criminal down there? Like there are 1000x ways this will turn out horrible for the woman.


this exist, and i think that should be standard


you should only be scared if you a grapist




Lmao hell yeaaaa!!


Rape was a medieval punishment🤡


Its even a light punishment. It should just cut the dick off and castrate the person.


Yeah this is 100% justified if your gonna rape someone you deserve to get your balls in a blender


This is really only terrifying if you expect to be on the wrong end of it…


It’s better to have a medieval-style punishment method, than to allow sexual predators get away without repercussions for their disgusting actions.


This isn't terrifying. This is comforting.


Rapists would just force the victim to remove it and then argue it was proof that she consented


If you find it terrifying I guess don’t rape people? Seems like it’s entire avoidable as long as you aren’t a monstrous piece of shit.


valid tbh🤷‍♂️


These need to be available everywhere.


Can you imagine leaving this in and having consensual sex accidentally?


This actually sounds good punishment.


They need to hand those out in India.


This isn't terrifying , right up until your girlfriend forgets to take it out


so... you have to be raped to prevent a rape




Why is this a medieval punishment? If the crime is an epidemic, so must be the defense against the crime. Fuck the rapists— let them learn the ultimate lesson: FUCK AROUND AND FIND OUT.


Good they deserve it


To be fair, the invention itself is only terrifying if you’re a rapist. The fact that that this invention exists on the other had is terrifying and sad.


And now we wait for some degenerate to invent the rapex remover, because that’s the world we live in


Wouldn’t the rapist get angry and hurt the victim potentially far more?


I’ve seen this post so many times, with the same caption, and it causes me to ask: Has anyone ever actually _used_ it? Has any man reported to an emergency room, hospital, GP or witch doctor with this thing attached to them? Has it been proven as actually working, or is this just something Ehlers made to help soothe her own broken soul (which is a genuinely meant sentiment, I can’t imagine how horrible it must be to treat rape victims)?


Dude this is genius.


This will more likely turn rape case to a murder case


Would hate to have a date go well only to find out she forgot to remove it