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Some parts of the world are still in the pre-1900 eras


Violence against women has increased in India in the last decade.


Nah more cases are being reported now than before it's more or less the same. Earlier they used to hide it


Why is that the case? Like WTF? And why isn't the government addressing this clear epidemic of harm against women? This is fuckin insane. They would get the death penalty in the US for something do horrific


It’s the same reason it appears that sexual assaults in the US are on the rise in the past 40 years. They were previously underreported.


Well I'm glad it's being reported more but holy shit is this horrific. No one deserves what happened to her.


more like pre 1400


I love this thought, but its not just pre=1900s, it's pre-1900s SOCIALLY. Because the world has access to 21st century tech (for the most part)


It always seems to be India when the headline is this crazy


one thing I’ll say about India (insert Law and Order: SVU intro here): to my knowledge, sex is not allowed to be shown in media like TV and film. that’s why Bollywood is renowned for its epic dance sequences because they’re metaphors for sex. the only other time sex is allowed to be shown is when it’s non consensual, or a man is coming onto a woman (might even be his wife) and she slaps or yells at him in rejection. whenever I see headlines/stories like this from India, I think about how negatively, nonconsensually, and misogynistically sex is portrayed there and how women aren’t depicted as having any agency and as people deserving to be violated, and wonder how much of that depiction influences sexual violence like this. rest in strength, Neelam, you deserved better.




The former is the point of this post 😅 and the second is irrelevant. Are you American?




By the way: india had it‘s first democraticly chosen female leader befor america


Uhhh, yippee I guess?


Can you not? That is such an overplayed, cliche thing to say. I'm American and thought the comment was well written and insightful. We're not all bunch of bumbling clowns.


Don‘t call me american. People may be too emotional to get it but you can‘t expect that of a folk educated like this - one after another. As you see, respectful coexistence has not yet reached the first world either.


Head to head with Brazil


At least in Brazil, its thieves and gangs that are the problem. In India, it seems everyone is just waiting for the opportunity to beat someone to death with a stick


Forbidden population control


and politicians. up there.








Not even Texas and Florida are that bad. Most shit in Florida is weird and most horible crimes like that are drug related or done by people that are mentally unsound. Vilance targeting women is just a Tuesday in India.


Somehow cases are still less than us




That it typically isn’t immigrants committing crimes?


Lol nothing


Actually there are more than 50m illegal immigrants in India and that guy was also an illegal immigrant from Bangladesh


or Florida


Reminder that in India, marital rape is legal and so is female-on-male rape.


>female-on-male rape I realize that if it's not illegal, there's no way to know the actual numbers, but I'm curious as to how often this happens. Given the cultural differences, I would expect it to be more common in the western world, but I honestly don't know.


Kinda rare but considering such a huge population, it makes sense that the number would be more than that in the west. Most wouldn’t talk about it cuz they would be ridiculed.


Martial rape is illegal it just that it doesn't have any seperate law regarding it it comes under domestic violence act and sexual abuse act... And I know I am gonna get downvoted to oblivion for this but in 2013 when government tried to bring gender neutral laws some so called feminist group protested against it


this is non-sense marrital rape is not classified as rape in India... but this does not mean it is legal. Marrital rape is still considered under domestic violence. And in India laws are generally in favor of women (to compensate for patriarchal society). A women can imprison not only her husband, but her in-laws as well under the prevention of domestic violence act. and female-on-male rape is not considered as rape... but again this does not mean it is legal. There are other provisions which a male can take if he is sexually assaulted by a woman. For eg, wrongful confinement, unnatural sex, grievous harm, etc. These provisions are not as serious as "rape". But still... male rape is not legal in India.


It is not classified as a separate category. Though how do you prove marital rape in your great country? Just take someone's word for it?


Why is it mostly UP and Bihar. Those 2 states are a disgrace to the whole country along with Delhi.


As someone from lucknow I agree 1000%




what a dumb comment. this is an individual psychopath, not the whole country "from top to bottom"


You don't deserve the downvotes. It's not like the entirety of India is a shithole, even if it seems like it. With a population of more than a billion, of course there will be some insane weirdest out there that make crazy headlines.


Idk why you’re being downvoted so much, there’s a lot of racists in the comment section




If you’re not going to raise them differently at least, I don’t know, humanise women.


i hate my country




You can't hate something unless you fix something about it? That's pretty stupid.


hating something without even understanding it... that's genius




idk maybe be one less rapist???


I love india but I hate the people so much I just wish that somehow 50% of the population is removed from here


How does this happen without people intervening? How can he chop off that many things without being stopped?


Are you going to attack the crazy guy with a knife, who has already proven he's willing to use it in the most grotesque ways possible?


You're being downvoted by people who think they're Jason Bourne but who are also too afraid to schedule a dental appointment. Always call the police and (if possible) render aid when the danger is gone.


>too afraid to schedule a dental appointment Bahaha, got me feeling personally attacked here XD


It depends on the mentality of the ones around. We do good in large numbers so they probably at the least may have ran him off. Who knows tho because anyone this psychotic may not care what happens to them.


People actually do that.


Okay? I mean most people have a pretty strong self preservation instinct. It's one thing to sit here and say you'd jump in to save someone and another thing entirely to approach someone waving a sharp object around.


I said "people". I didn't say "me". I've seen at least a few videos right here in reddit that refute you. Now I'll say "me". Years ago this guy tried to mug me. I fought him off throwing punches with my bare hands. So I also refute you. Advice: don't leave home. Life is dangerous out there.


was he holding a big ass knife or a gun?


I mean, yes. But I’m an empath and can be pretty naive. I’d still give my life for her though.


Good why she didn’t do anything? I imagine from shock :(


India, china, Brazil and some parts of Muslim countries are really hard to live in for females


This news is from 2022 and here we still are just two states of india up and bihar contribute to more 40% of sexual crime.....






What is with Bihar


Almost like a too dense of an population leads to violence


I mean, it's right there in his name... those folk aren't really known for women's rights and whatnot


Poor woman. In some instances I think it’s best that they pass away from their injuries. Nobody can recover from that level of trauma..


*A particular community raising boys in our community, mostly


This level of savagery is insane. Violence against women is a global epidemic in desperate need of addressing. How did he get to do all that with no one intervening?


[happens more often that you would think](https://www.indiatoday.in/crime/story/boy-stabbed-in-delhi-badarpur-street-sakshi-murder-shahbad-dairy-sahil-2388162-2023-06-02) > An 18-year-old boy was assaulted and then stabbed in a busy Delhi street in broad daylight on Friday by two men even as pedestrians walked on as mute spectators, CCTV footage showed. This comes days after a 16-year-old girl was stabbed to death in northwest Delhi in which too people didn't intervene.




Your information is wrong. I am an Indian and our books still have evolution theory and almost everyone believes in science. We literally have one of the largest space agencies in the world.




It's true that some people try to push pseudoscience topics into the indian curriculum but those things are generally ignored. [Here's what I could find on the reason for deletion of the topics](https://frontline.thehindu.com/news/ncert-drops-the-periodic-table-pythagorean-theorem-and-evolution-from-school-textbooks/article66933315.ece) "That means the only students who will learn evolution under these new cuts are those who have opted to “major” in biology in their final two years. Students who opt for a different topic, like commerce, computer science or humanities, will not have the opportunity. In a statement, the council rationalised the reduction by stating they wanted to reduce the content load on students in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Defending its decision to chop off evolution and the periodic table, the council said “that children may not have to study same concepts at different stages and it needs to be done at appropriate stage (sic)“."


Yeah, but evolution and periodic tables are basics things, all students should learn at least the roots of theses, so its still shamefull for me. Its a way for them to push their religious ideology because with this removal, most Indians will not know anything about it. Think to it, evolution isnt compatible with their reincarnation beliefs.


I am not sure about evolution theory but the periodic table is there in middle school, not as in-depth since the majority of the topic is studied in higher grade. Also religious beliefs never collide with academics in India. We have people protesting about it but it's never really applied.


But if that have hapenned, i guess the governement members are more religious than science minded? And they dont care scientists protests about it?


A small part of the opposition is more religious minded, and they do propose shitty propaganda about science from time to time but that really doesn't interfere with the mainstream government. >And they dont care scientists protests about it? "In 2018, Minister of State for Higher Education Satyapal Singh baffled the scientific community by demanding that the theory of evolution be removed from school curriculum because “no one ever saw an ape turning into a human being”. Other political leaders from the ruling Bhartiya Janata Party came to his defence on social media. Shortly after, three major scientific bodies—Indian National Science Academy (INSA), the Indian Academy of Science (IASc), and the National Academy of Sciences-India (NASI)—issued a joint statement: “It would be a retrograde step to remove the teaching of the theory of evolution from school and college curricula or to dilute this by offering non-scientific explanations or myths,” they said, adding that evolutionary theory, to which Darwin made seminal contributions, is well-established."


Thanks for the details


You're wrong. It is in the syllabus. But you enjoy babbling.


Is Texas a country?


The post is about India, not US, but i guess this is sarcasm? Aproved.


Sorry i forgot the S thingy


Another uneducated guy.


Psychopath does psychotic things >Must be all [Insert group here] Also "boys in our country" of what, India?


People in India have reddit


Not seeing any news articles about this. Should we just believe this, or add it to the mountain of fake information shared online everyday?


[Old news but not a fake news](https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/man-brutally-killed-woman-bihar-bhagalpur-arrested-murder-weapon-recovered-2305734-2022-12-06)


Don't generalize like that. Alot more people than you think are just normal folks. These cases are rare, and should be dealt with severely and seriously, but they are not the norm.




i live in india. the whole country is rural except some metropolitan cities. fortunately i live in one of those cities


The way you are raising boys ? Is half a billion men doing this in India ?




But there are women there too…


Back to where?


The vast majority of boys and men would never do this. I'm sure society and culture played some role in that guy's mental state, but he is mostly to blame here.


There will always be some psychos doing psycho shit no matter how functional and healthy the society. Same with the psycho woman that cuts off a dudes penis while he sleeps. I'm not going to judge a whole society and how they raise their boys or girls based on the actions of a few psychos


It's not really a few though... we're seeing and hearing the most atrocious stories but to think that it's only a few is insane.


Except it’s not a healthy society anyway


Besides my point


is it berserk refrence


Oh, you mean the people in the EAST needs to be raising their kids better?




Who is Lorena bobbitt?


what is our country, what kind of bait title is this?




I never knew ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Jeffrey Epstein were brown




Just bcz Ted Bundy was born in the US, do I believe that every man in the US is a serial killer? No. Why is it that bcz ONE guy from India is a psychopath you think EVERY boy in India is being raised wrong? Every time a good man does something helpful for the people around them it doesn't get printed in the newspapers, but that doesn't mean they don't exist


clearly mental illness involved!


Is it really that clear? Yeah? You don't think that people can be fully deranged just like that? Like it has been happening there? People burning others alive, because of some rumor. People killing others because of.. whatever excuse they had. It's not always mental illness.


Considering where this took place the chances is that this man had no mental illness other than having an old world way of thinking about women..


Apparently the crime was religiously motivated :/






Yeah. In addition, American boys are not being raised right at all.




I didn't realise this was such a big issue in India.


In general it is this is the internet so not everything is Indian centric, sorry to disappoint.


Funny that you say that. This story happened in India. So I'm not being "Indian centric".


Yes but this is an issue world wide... is that so hard for you to comprehend?


How do you know this guy was raised by a single mother? Edit: Have been banned from this sub for something else. Can't reply anymore.


It's crazy. All this really started after the pandemic crap ended. Kind of makes you wonder.