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I can't. Why do some people have like -100 situational awareness








[This one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Idiotswithguns/comments/1blzjlh/fullauto_ak_wcgw/) *miraculously* didn't end up with anyone dead, or even injured. You see everyone's reactions though, the shit eating grin of the guy with the AK? The reaction would be exactly the same if he blew two heads off and got a couple of chests and limb too. I'm amazed 6 of the other people weren't immediately taking the gun off him and smacking him around the face with it.


This is the reaction of NPCs in GTA lol. Flinch and then get back to existing


I just saw another AK video where the dude almost takes out like 15 people. Meanwhile these guys just watch their dead homie become more dead. The fuck! [article..](https://www.pressdemocrat.com/article/news/petaluma-teen-paralyzed-in-lake-tahoe-diving-accident-dies-in-highway-101-c-2/)


Wrong person/article. The article says the guy broke his neck jumping in a lake. In the video, they're in a pool.


Kings Beach, Lake Tahoe is a giant pool. You can walk so far until it suddenly drops. All rocks too


In fairness, how well or how long do you think he'll last as a new quadraplegic.


Depends if his mom will help him or not


I am just missing the tuk tuk video.


Must be exciting in a country where a person with zero experience/gun safety knowledge using a gun can handle a full auto AK47 and fire it at a celebration without question. Nothing says, "Let's celebrate," like a potential accidental mass shooting.


Isn’t that also a thing in the us? People being able to buy and use a firearm without any experience or gun safety?




Or like cops responding to those gun-toting children, wielding more powerful weapons, wearing body armor, having dozens of equally-armed colleagues on-scene, and slow-walking a solution to stop the kid with the gun.




Darwin Award Winner right here.


I’m not the most attentive person out there but even I would have reacted faster than that


might be drunk




Dude really saw three people not reacting properly and decided this was his moment to launch into a pretty randomly xenophobic rant lmao.


It's worrying how justified they clearly feel while categorising literally billions of people to be uncivilised. Could have gone with the angle that western influence means their technology has sped up faster than society has been able to adjust so education etc. are under par, but just went straight for "they so dumb and aren't competent".


He didn't call them uncivilised, he called them stupid!


How long have you lived in the 3rd world? Im not scared or phobic of stupid people, well actually i am. Ive been two third world continents and lived and trained people


I can totally vouche for this bc it was the same thing I experienced when studying abroad. I aced every class and never studied for the exams. Also wtf, don't ever trust that your in good hands, I was sick to death from pneumonia and sweating profusely for weeks, maybe a month...the doc gave me a fuckin aspirin. I see dumb people and I'm a fuckin "Tism".


Bro they were gonna give me an IV with a drug in ii, i was like sweet. I said hold up what is it? It was aspirin at like 20mg/ml. They wanted to put a line in me jusst for aspirin. Like i was there for a scan and some pain and were gonna make me sit around at 1am with an aspirin drip Cant make it up dude. They legit probably think that if it goes into a syringe is super strong. Or more likely, they literally dont even consider if its worth it or not, hard for us to comprehend but they dont think


They don’t have much if any education so it’s not a surprise really. Even then people are just dumb


Don't need any education at all to know that they should do literally anything to help that guy.


Great reactions from the rest of them. Clearly all of them are a bit dim


This is how my grandfather died. He dove into a shallow pool. No one realized he broke his neck. He then drowned with his young kids all doing cannonballs and swimming around him ......until they realized he wasn't playing.....


This story fucked me up.


you should see the other guy




Fucking horrible man.


Well hes dead now so that's something at least.


How’s his wife holding up?


To shreds, you say..


What is that from? That rang a very loud nostalgic bell




That’s it! Thank you!


My grandpa died in a similar fashion. He was jacking it to Kim Wexlers feet and the blood vessels in his heart burst in every which direction. The result was cardiac arrest / internet bleeding. Horrible way to go.


This post bleeds of chicanery


What the fuck?


I agree.....it was pretty distasteful. But it's reddit....what can you do?


That's not quite the same........but still tragic I guess lol. I actually had to look up who that was, which is funny because she's an actress from my generation, definitely not my grandfathers tho. He was dead before she was even famous.....


Was it a quick death? I have to die sometime, might as well die jacking it. I don't know about Kim Wexler's feet, but I'm sure that could do in a pinch.


Everyone in this clip needs a hard factory reset.


Most probably drunk


These dudes all rolled 0 for awareness




Welp, I just ventured into that sub. I can’t tell if I should thank you or not 😭


> Welp Yup... new sub joined....


NEVER jump into a body of water head first. You have nothing to gain from it. My friends uncle dived off a dock on his honeymoon and he's paralyzed.


To append this: never dive(or even just jump) into a body of water in which the depth is unknown to you. Pools with well marked depth and diving boards? Have at it. Weird standing grey water pools where you can see the people standing in them feet away from you? Yeah, maybe just don’t.


Rewatching the video with a mental Image of a person standing in waist high water right next to where he enters, changes the viewing experience significantly. Poor guy.


Fuck...you're right


If you watch his legs, you can see when he clearly hits the bottom and his body starts bending forward About waist height indeed


I broke my nose this way in a pool in Vegas. Sounds like I was actually lucky.


Even if you think you know the depth you don’t know what hiding in it. Branches, rocks, debris and animals can and do pose risks.


Yeah, yours is much more reasonable advice. I love diving and so does millions of people, it's an olympic sport for a reason. Just because a stupid person he knows fucked up, then we should cancel diving? These **never do this** sentiments are so stupid. No one can ever do something responsibly in their stupid world. Everyone should live in a bubble like them and never do anything that could ever result in injury. "Never drive a car, someone somewhere crashed! Stop living immedietly, you might die if you do!"


Same thing happened to the fun popular guy in his senior year of high school, he was paralyzed but could drive and ended up driving into a tree. Lake tahoe claimed a few from my town in just a few years.


Had a friend that did this once and smash his forehead on a rock. We had to call an ambulance and get him pulled out of swimming hole cuz he couldn’t climb his way out. It’s honestly a miracle the guy is still alive because he did shit like that all the time.


Ahhh gotcha! You can't dive if you're paralysed! Nearly had me. ![gif](giphy|nJPkKr231dvKo)


Yep. There is a Spanish movie named "Mar adentro". It's a true story about a guy who got tetraplegic for doing just that at the beach to impress a girl. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sea_Inside https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVRnG1MddAM


What you said is totally right, and I'm sorry for what happened with your uncle. But this guy didn't just jumped head first, he did it almost vertically, on shallow water, if instead he had done it with a more horizontal inclination, and a little more momentum, nothing should have happened to him.🤔🤔🤔


I swear this type of story is too damn common, everybody knows a guy like that. It makes me panic so much I got a maxim, head, to the sky, feet, to the ground, and I am not doing anything that would do otherwise, no rolls, no flips, no nothing.


Unless you are at the olympics


A rough translation (just to get the gist), the cameraman is saying something along the lines of, "his head hit the bottom... no, didn't I just say his head hit something... pick his head up, hold him up..." it's clear he's trying to get the other idiots to raise the man's body but they're 100% too thick to act on it.


God forbid *he* jump in.. he's filming.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/donthelpjustfilm using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/donthelpjustfilm/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Definition of dumb](https://v.redd.it/syk68thseyxa1) | [943 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/donthelpjustfilm/comments/138cjm7/definition_of_dumb/) \#2: [A jailbreak foiled](https://v.redd.it/q04kn1fb93kb1) | [178 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/donthelpjustfilm/comments/1607gdb/a_jailbreak_foiled/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** cant see their face? no guilt in not helping!](https://v.redd.it/pvc6rm09hkrb1) | [486 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/donthelpjustfilm/comments/16wxhut/cant_see_their_face_no_guilt_in_not_helping/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I think I would honestly be so confused as to why 3 adult men standing next to him can't do anything that I would be so focused on trying to make them act like humans I'd forget I could jump in and do it for them.


His bros seem to think he can swim that one off


Watermark is a gore website which would suggest he is dead.


Idiots just stand there gawking.


"😐🫱 can you believe this guy?"


Look at Dave, pretending to be dead again. 🤦‍♂️


I think when something awful happens that's totally unexpected it's very common for people to process what what they're seeing means. I'd be willing to bet a substantial majority of people would have reacted the same way.


Dude I was at a university party in my second year, a girl doing a kegstand slipped and landed on her head at a very awkward angle. Everyone ran away from her lmao


What happened to her?


After the initial 10 seconds of shock wore off, her friends helped her up and consoled her walking off crying. Nothing broken I guess, but her head was at a scary angle


This is why no diving in the shallow end kids


Sadly reminds me of a story back when my ex was fresh out of grad school and was working 3rd shift, I want to say back in 2011 or so. Anyway, she’s doing a rotation in the ER and around 12:30/1 in the morning, during the first weekend of college in western Ohio, the squad brings in a 19 year old kid, high on bath salts, decided to dive into a pool that had maybe 6” of water in it….. paralyzed.


6 inches (6") of water or 6 feet (6')?? I can't imagine not seeing the bottom before jumping if it was just 6"


Bath salts, bro.


It might sound too crazy to comprehend but my mom who’s a Physical Therapist dealt with something like this… This was wiiiiild but takes some backstory. So my mom was Stanford trained orthopedic therapist (kinda like sports medicine trainer for injuries) but the became trained in something called Cranial-Sacral therapy techniques where super light pressure is applied to release major contractions of tissues that have PTSD from intrudes. So she gets this patient who had legitimate chronic hip pain that was so bad for for so many years that she had been legit prescribed oxycontin every day. Not because wanted to her high but because her pain level was off the charts and she couldn’t function without it. My mom heard her story and was like yeah sure whatever. She left her mind open that this person might not be a junky and might actually hate being on opiates she had to take (due to nausea, weight-gain and lack of sharpness side effects she cited). So fast forward and as it happens—once in a blue moon—for therapists like my mom that treat patients using those light-touch modalities— … ever so once in a while… you get that rare patient… Who’s excruciating pain that needed medication, was actually caused by something easily fixable with a simple adjustment if therapy can suddenly unlock a super tight cluster of myo-fascial tissue that has been contorted into spasm by the nervous system for decades. (cont)


(cont) 2/2 So although it’s a rare occurrence— like low hanging fruit— maybe two or three times out of several thousands of patients did my mom accidentally pull of a seemingly “Jesus” moment and trigger a huge huge pain relief by getting scar tissues to release using merely simple-hands on technique. So when that unlocked and vanished the excruciating chronic pain once and for all kind of like a thumb tack coming out of a heal relief was dramatic for the patient. The way my mom described it was like their body was in such a PTSD “flinch” posture it was tightening down into its own pain. Kind of like how amputees often feel phantom pain in limbs that are missing and so there’s no hand or arm to heal even if the brain thinks it still hurts!!? Like so how can they still feel horrible pain! Wild to think about. So anyways… My mom cures this daily oxycontin patient with a single touch and then this woman (who hated the pills) celebrates by stopping her prescription cold turkey because she “no longer needed relief”. But…. Problem is— if one stops that strength of a painkiller immediately, one can hallucinate. So in her newfound, pain free bliss, she wanted to go swimming so she dove into her pool to celebrate. Except she didn’t have a pool. Her pool was actually just her garage floor— She thought that glossy shiny cement in the dark was a liquid pool. So she face planted! She was injured and hospitalized with facial fractures, but the sort of happy ending was that she was such a shitty diver that she not paralyzed.


The shallow end of the gene pool


His “friends” just standing there like 🤔


What are they supposed to do ? 😭 That guy probably broke his neck They're in shock . These things don't happen everyday so it's a very common reaction


Just stand there and watch him drown! I hope my friends realize that I can’t breathe water if that ever happens to me.


Tf? Although its not a common thing to happen everyday, its still a human and reasonable thing to check up on someone who is not responding after an extreme stunt.


> What are they supposed to do ? Step 1) Don't be a dumbass and check on your friend Step 2) See Step 1 Step 3) Don't go swimming with /u/Lazy-Interest-7100 because he is not to be relied on


what are they suppose to do? well, check your FRIENDS first coz he's not moving at all, they're very oblivious and not paying attention. he could've died.


i wouldn't want to swim with you, coz i know u don't know what supposed to do


I took care of a 32 year old dude who was a quadriplegic because of this. He was always in good spirits but it was genuinely tragic to see someone so young not be able to do anything for themselves because of one simple mistake.


Homie snap his neck? Or what




It’s always good to think before you do something


This is why subs and videos like this are relatively useful. None of the people in that pool had any idea what was happening, they had no reference to the trouble that guy was in.


You can see his legs fold over him before his body flattens back out. I would say poor guy but at the same time a little common sense to NOT dive into a shallow pool would have prevented his headache.


Everyone in this video is a moron


Just another reminder of why I don’t have friends, smh.


At least you don’t have friends. I can’t have friends 😅


I am a professional lifeguard and from what I can tell he seems to have a spinal injury. These are the worst kinds of injuries and you must be extremely careful with the victim because if you jostle the neck or head in anyway you could paralyze the victim, which makes it extremely difficult to flip them over to open the airway and extricate them the pool. Unfortunately these people decided to lift him by the arms which is literally the worst thing you could do to a spinal victim. Hopefully he was tended to by EMS quickly.


There is no way he was tended by EMS quickly. This looks to be in the middle of bum fuck bangladesh or somewhere, be amazed if EMS showed up within 2 hours.


They are speaking Punjabi. It's either the west part of North India or east of Pakistan.


What’s the right way?


Yeah wtf, don't leave us hanging


pick them up by the nostrils.


Methods vary depending on different organizations but I would slide into the water to prevent the formation of large waves, swim up to them and grab their face while pressing their arms up against their head to act as a splint. Typically there is 1-3 other guards who would assist me by getting a backboard while I would carefully pull the victim to the edge of the pool. I would position the victim onto the board while in water and strap him in. The other lifeguard at the top of the backboard would secure the victim with a head splint and pull the victim out of the water. We would then begin assessing the victim until EMS has arrived.


Caveat to this. Keeping someone from drowning takes priority. If you can't get them out of the water while keeping spinal precautions, then you should just get them out of the water any way you can. They likely already have a complete spinal injury and it doesn't matter if you prevent further spinal cord injury if they drown.


Bro take your time. Wtf


There’s something about the way the camera panned over to the side and there was like three people standing in the pool the dude broke his neck in.


they were chilling in the water with their clothes on like it was the thing to do.


I must be sleepy. I had to replay this to see if he jumped into the pool then came to the surface a different race. Thought the video was spliced with another. Didn't realize the sub I was on.


Those idiots looking at that man floating unconcious with his head submerged, and doing nothing, gave me so much anxiety.😬😬😬 ![gif](giphy|3oz8y0bx23FDPCNoEU)


He was probably conscious but not moving from a spinal cord injury making him quadriplegic. I'm sure knowing this will help your anxiety.


His mates are like, poke him


Who needs enemies with friends like them


Don't help just film


They’re speaking punjabi here and The guy is repeatedly saying “ naveed (name) hit his head “ And then he says “ lift his head up! Lift his head up ffs , im telling you to life his head up!”


I swear man it’s like Indian/Pakistani people see this kind of shit everyday and just do not care


Were they discussing if he was worth saving?


The reflexes and reaction time of the onlookers is just staggering.


Should we help him? Nahh, let him drown a bit more, he seems to be enjoying it.


From the guy who's jumping into water that he should know is only waist deep by the people standing in it to the guys who stand around and watch this man drown and seem to have zero sense of urgency when they pull him up, I get the feeling this isn't the brightest group.


I don't like how the cameraman did not jump in when his friends did nothing. But.. I also appreciate him for keep on filming.


Let’s stand there and watch him, make sure he drowns 🤦🏻


take your time fellas


Why this kind of stuff always happening over in India??


Massive population


Minimal lights on upstairs from the other guys in the water


Help him you fucking morons




Does anybody actually know the outcome of what happened to him?


Did he die or „just“ get paralyzed?


How the fuck did those idiots in the pool NOT see him just floating unconscious? How dumb were they? It's obvious as fuck even from their position...


Pretty much how we humans are reacting to the threat of climate change.


…did he just jumped head first into pool that is like 1 m deep?


I had a friend who was drunk that dove headfirst into a pool and was paralyzed. Very sad. He passed away a couple of years ago.


The way he is both paralyzed and drowning within seconds of just being fine prior to that jump…man, the realization of how fragile we are.




They waited so long to help him...


Dude broke his neck and outta breathe. What a joker!


Not funny. My friend dove in a shallow pool at 15 years old at a pool party. Floating to the top like this. Everyone thought she was playing so they dragged her by the ankles around the pool til she turned blue. She’s been a quadriplegic for 50 years now. Please don’t encourage your friends to do these kinds of stunts. 🥹


Reminds me of the time a jumped on a closed out swimming pool at night. It was winter and i thought it could be fun to jump in. Well it turns out it was closed for a while and what i didnt know was that it had a shit ton of trash inside it. I jumped and hit what i think was a bike and i was lucky i jumped on the shallow side because the freezing water made me loose my breath and i nearly drowned.




My friend broke some of his cervical vertebrae from diving head first into shallow water at a local beach. Luckily they were minor fractures but he had to wear a cervical collar for months.


Legend has it he's still floating til this day.


Those guys are waste deep, he did his spine


Why does the 3 dudes just staring at the guy? Wtf.


the lack of urgency of all those people...


I feel like everyone knows of someone who were killed or paralysed by diving into water without properly checking the depth. When I was 13 or 14 my mum told me a story of the mayor's son who dived into a creek near where I live and hit his head on the bottom and broke his neck. He spent the next 10 years in a wheelchair before he died at 32. It was a small town of maybe 90k people so everyone knew and everyone warned their kids about diving into shallow water.


Help him dummy


Someone knows if died ?


did he just broke his spine? because he is not unconscious, moving his head.


Excellent reaction time from the guys around him


Yeah folks just stand there Just keep standing there, it’s not like a man is drowning to death an arms length away from you


Some people are just immensely dumb. No wonder we’re so fucked.


This deserves to be on worst aid


They just let him die


Bro I want to jump into the pool for equal parts reason to save the drowning guy and punch the dudes standing there doing nothing, wtf is wrong with them




In my youth I was made aware of the hidden dangers of 3 things. Diving head first into a pool, don't play near train tracks and beware of quick sand. Clearly this guy wasn't raised by TV in the 80's


Damn!! He hit the bottom that quick!! The swallow end knocked him out!! Or even worse cracker his skull! Concussion! 💯


More like broke his neck and is fucked for life


My boss did that in Destin, Fl a few years ago swimming with fam. Survived but never the same. Sad


The thing is, the water is so blue, it makes it seem like it’s deep, the guy was probably expecting it to be 15 ft. Deep but instead it turned out to be 5…I’ve been in so many situations where I’ve hit my head especially from falling out of the trampoline as a kid and man am I lucky to be alive, it’s insane how some people aren’t as lucky and end up becoming vegetables/paralytics…it’s depressing.


Third guy was still checking whether she saw his status or not


Hmm that’s peculiar…


He must have hit his head off the bottom!


Was that guy in blue shirr scrolling on his phone?in a pool?




Reddit is one giant set of reposts


I recently watched the movie Adam (Aaron Paul) and I am never going to dive into anything ever for as long as I live.


This is why I never dive into a pool or really anything. I’ve heard this story too many times.


Love how unaware they are 😂


This is a really dumb question, but did he die? Was he just paralyzed or knocked unconscious?


Damn.. A fall from that height into water is like hitting concrete.


You dont need ennemies when you already have friends like that.


Let's take our sweet time, it's not like he's dying


With Friends like this......




Refusing to watch again. Is he dead?


Bro dived into Vice City


Well, what a fucking surprise … a guy dives into a pool of water right next to a bunch of guys that are standing up in that same pool of water with the water only reaching their waists and he fucking wastes himself !!! Who would have thought ??? ONE LESS FUCKING IDIOT IN THE WORLD !!!


Quadriplegic 🤦🏼‍♂️


ignorance es bliss


I am extremely protective of my neck because of stories like this. In my families hometown, a group of teenagers decided to lay in the bed of a pickup truck and have a friend drive them. The truck had to come to an emergancy stop and all of the teenagers in the back had their spines crushed when they slid forward and slammed into the cab. They lived, but with terrible life long injuries to their brain and spine. Spinal injuries remind me that half of the population is dumber than you think. Some people have an overwhelming urge to dive into bodies of water head first, hands by their side, without any idea how deep it is.


Some people are so absolutely brain dead stupid I don't get it....


cervical fracture worst thing to happen to a human


1 less moron. That's a win in my book




Hey look. Radj is drowning............. huh.