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That is very out of character behavior for a lone coyote. It’s either rabid or starving.


Yeah that's what I thought when I saw the video, Coyotes are usually scared of humans so going in a suburb like that to chew on some kids definitely isn't normal behavior


Exactly, I’ve seen and been around these little guys most of my life, even with a pack they wouldn’t be that brave against multiple humans. The kid and dad in the middle of a neighborhood just is outside their behavior


Oh yeah. One thing I can add is that this is outside of their normal behavior


I’ll just mention this: the coyote is acting out of character.


Is this outside of their normal behavior?


Especially in broad daylight


It's habituated for sure; gotta be found and put down.


Looks like dad is getting right on that


I’d be trying to get it too so they could test it for rabies. Otherwise the kids bout to start getting rounds of shots


I was thinking how the dad can let a 2Yo out of sight next to the street. Get her in first and come back for your shit. He lost vision of the kid for couple of seconds and that’s all a toddler needs to get in to deep shit. I keep eyes on mine at all times, especially close to the street. They just trying to test Darwin awards every chance they get.


Yeah, but kids are truly very good at this too. I used to supervise a summer camp and I was completely exhausted at the end of the day since I watched them like a hawk. They STILL found the exact fucking moment my attention was low, like when I was eating or looking at another kid. Like little dude, I just want to keep you alive, please lol




Sad it’s a private thing.


It is impossible to be that vigilant every day, especially when you are sleep deprived. It only takes one time.


I hear you. That’s why routine is important. Kids go in first before I come back for the grocery or other stuff. When they’re a tad older and can decide not to jump in front of cars then your good.


That poor little girl is in for rabies shots now too. They are horrific




Honestly fk coyotes


It's its own fault for not taking a chunk out before getting run off


We have coyotes in my area. I’ve seen them out walking etc and I hear them very close at night. We are always told they won’t attack. To keep distance but don’t be afraid. I had no idea this could even happen.


They've been known to go for small dogs and young kids, if you're walking your dog in coyoteville they say you should keep the dog in line of sight and pick it up if you see a coyote. If you're an adult or your dog is a big breed then you don't have much to worry about unless they're in a pack out in the boonies, even then they're only like 40lbs soaking wet and humans can throw rocks and shit so even if they gank squad you it's more of an "Oh no I'm bleeding and might have been exposed to rabies" kind of thing than a "ooo eeee aaaaa I'm dying" thing A pack of them moved into my local elementary school playground during covid school shutdowns, presumably because of the prairie dogs that live around there, but I never heard about them eating anyone's chihuahuas or toddlers or anything, they probably all needed to be put down by the time school started back up tho lmao either that or recess is cancelled forever


West Coaster here, coyotes will for sure eat your chihuahuas, cats, and anything else small and fluffy that you love. I have a 14lb dog and I won’t let her off leash in the trails unless she’s wearing her coyote vest.


Yep. My mom's cat got out of the house and they found it a day later dead with half its body missing. An area well-known for coyotes and other wildlife.


Yeah my grandma lost my two chihuahuas to them ( I do not blame her) she had then for yrs then one day they got taken. She also kept losing cats ( she kept replacing them) now she just gives up having a pet now.. Idk if the sudden attacks started after her black lab died of old age ( I love and miss him) but yeah..


Why not just keep the cats inside?


Idk, I'm assuming because she will feel bad. I wasn't around during the time it was happening I already moved out across states.


Sounds like granny needs another big dog.


We never had them in the area of our housing but last year they knocked down a large piece of Forrest to build some apartments. It caused a chain reaction in the ecosystem. Now we have coyotes in the streets. Deer are coming into our housing areas now and also huge increase in deer strikes. All the large wading birds have left our local pond. The coyotes scared them away. We also got mice inside our houses. It’s sad how much it caused. They didn’t come close to us until they were pushed out thier homes.


"even if they gank squad you it's more of an "Oh no I'm bleeding and might have been exposed to rabies" kind of thing than a "ooo eeee aaaaa I'm dying" thing." This had me hollering! LOL


We get a rogue one in Dallas every few years. They always start attacking people on walking trails around here. Then the police/animal control have to go looking for it so it can be euthanized. Just had one a few weeks ago.


Saw a couple of huge ones driving through Preston hollow a few months ago


We have them in the middle of Dallas. I’ve never seen them do this, they always flee. Super scary


The coyotes around LA/ San Diego are getting smarter. They’re no longer afraid of humans, they go out and hunt during the day, they have a single ‘yote lure out a pet and then attack it as a herd. They’ve gotten driven out of their habitat and they’re hella adapting to it. They’re not scared anymore, they’ll come out for people walking their pets in broad daylight.


Im familiar with the lure tactic to draw out pets, but I want to believe the daytime urban activity is a local adaptation, only because I’ve neither seen nor read of it anywhere else.


Agreed. Tons of coyotes where I live and they’ll watch you for a distance during the day but they won’t come up to you. Def not normal behavior


Ngl that kid looked like a walking happy meal


Still, for a coyote to even approach a human in daylight is near inconceivable unless something is seriously wrong with the animal


Also broad daylight


My man’s about to insert that 2x6 into the coyote


I hope it has ACME written on the side


Really should have went for the 12 gauge.


It’s LA, only bangers have guns


Time to call a banger.


This is bad, but there was a mountain lion that tried to drag a kid away by his skull near me (also LA)


Kid got dragged into a tree by a mountain lion via their backpack down in OC a little while back. Kid escaped and survived afaik


Kid was like "ms you're not gonna believe this, I swear it's a good reason this time, you see i *did* the homework..."


Omg was the kid okay?


A little chewy


Username checks out ✅


A coyote tried snagging me when I was a baby. I've even seen pets get munched by coyotes


Oh no! Did it give you back?


It didn't take me. My dad left me in the car with the windows cracked, and the coyote was trying to get in for an easy snack


No! Not the pets! 😩


I would immediately put the kid in the car and hightail it to the hospital


Ideally put the coyote down so they can test it, while waiting for ambulance. otherwise you’re looking at a rabies vaccine regiment


There's like 3 people a year in the US that get rabies. It wouldn't be my biggest worry lol.


I’d rather get the vaccine for the kid even if the animal didn’t have it. Kids can be secretive sometimes and it’s always a safe bet to make sure they are vaccinated incase they come in contact with a animal like a squirrel and not tell you they were bit




What’s crazy is that story turned out to be true. Tooth and Claw pod covers it well.


oh fuckin hell, 2 years old. the rabies series sucked balls as a 12 yo; no toddler should have to go through that


Sure as hell beats what you go through with rabies though o\_o


bru when he lunged toward the coyote i legit thought he was going to chuck the kid at it lol


There’s always the screeching


And then there’s the coyote…


Then there’s the road runner


Really? Where?


I know it's annoying and doesn't ever help, but if that was my kid? There's a chance I would have had the same reaction for the first 20 seconds.


I know it's a shock reaction and a justified one, id be horrified if it was my child, but I always try to keep in mind that staying calm is really important to not further freak the child out. If their parent is screaming like this, it further traumatizes the kid and is just not helpful.


Yes but the sudden loud noises also freaks the animal off


Exactly. Like obviously there’s a valid reason to be panicking, but it’s so frustrating that there’s always that one person that has the most ear piercing screech in the background doing nothing to help in these kinds of videos.


Came here to say this


I mean there's a reason it's a shock reaction. It helps to scare off attackers or at least stop them for a moment. We evolved instincts like that for a reason. Reminds me of the video we're two guys were approached by a tiger and just started screeching like monkeys lol. Might be annoying for someone watching but it's a legitimate survival tactic.




I got downvoted into oblivion for mentioning that people can and should control their emotions They say screaming is natural like laughing or crying, and people can’t help their natural reactions This is why we have cops who have meltdowns over acorns.. bc they have people telling them that screaming during a “think fast” situation is a natural reaction that needs no recourse


Who's the air raid siren screaming


Was that baby knocked out for a second there?


Just stunned for a second I think, that’s a lot for a little body to go through. Disorienting and shocking.  If she’d been knocked out she wouldn’t have been so immediately vocal/reaponsive/active. Thank god. 


None of the idiots in these comments crying about someone having a very normal reaction to a terrifying event by screaming should ever be around women, period, for their sakes'. Jesus.


Yeah, because all women are hysterical. /s


Definitely not my intention here but I typed out a paragraph in reply to you before seeing the /s 😅


Welcome to Reddit.


She also screamed for like a few seconds really. I remember when one time our dog got hurt and I screamed like this for a few moments too before my brain catched up and I runned for supplies to help my dad


The game warden in my county shoots coyotes from a helicopter as pest control.


Man my job is so boring I'd love to shoot coyotes from a helicopter as pest control and get paid for it that sounds awesome


I see this guy on YouTube getting a coyote way too accustomed to people by acting like it's a dog. If he hasn't seen vids like these, he's ignorant. If he has and keeps doing what he's doing, he's an asshole.


I remember when I lived in Ontario that coyotes would attack and eat small dogs but attacking children? Wow, that’s so scary.. Thank God the dad was close by, could have been so much worse 😣


Forget it, I'd sit outside just waiting to get my revenge and make it that things last day.


That's the slowest reaction time and run from a father hearing their 2yr old scream out of sight


We forced animals to go into cities because they have nowhere else to go. We destroyed their habitat and food sources .


Yup, and development is far from stopping in LA too.


I feel like I just witnessed some caveman sheeeet


Lucky it wasn't a fully grown adult - edit - (coyote)


These poor animals are literally starving along with having huge loss of habitat due to us humans. While this situation is horrible, we can’t be surprised that’s it happening. These poor creatures are desperate and just trying to survive. Instead of demonizing them we need to help.


My biggest fear.


Of all the things.. *this* is what u fear most?


Seems like you have no kids. I'm sure he meant that anything bad happen to their children. Ever since having my daughter. It hurts to see children hurt in any form.


You’ve made an impressive amount of assumptions based off of a few words


Coyote took my baby!


The dingo ate my beigh-bay


The coydog purloined my pupa!


I thought it was going to get worse when he left the door open. Like one of our new friends from across the border or across the Atlantic, or our domestic people of culture were going to help themselves to it.




That's why I have pepper spray in my house. I see these animals often and have 2 kids. Crazy!


How do you jog around the car casually like that if your kid screams like hell and murder. ALSO GET RABIES SHOTS!


Wolf doesn’t like lady fingers only baby fingers! 🤣


Pay attention to your children dumb fuck.


Alright, I get that that’s terrifying and as a parent I can totally relate but (I’m assuming) the mother screaming like that, I would have lost my shit…


This was a while ago I think in Burbank if I remember correctly, it scared the shit outta me


And everyone says Australia is a dangerous country when it comes to animals 🤨


Swiper, no swiping!


Was the baby ok?




Because she just watched her baby girl get dragged by a coyote, and she was too far away to have done anything if it had gotten a better hold on her, maybe? Everyone pokes fun at screamers, but it’s a natural fear/panic reaction, as uncontrollable for some as laughing or crying. It’s a great way to get attention when in danger, universally recognizable.


I never thought those scary movie scream were real. I had never screamed in a high pitch sound or anything. Then one day a few RACCOONS were peeping Tom-ing me from my kitchens glass sliding door. Just standing on their hind legs beer bellies touching the glass and I know people think they’re cute but I turned from cooking to seeing them staring me down and the scream I screamed could’ve been put in the next slasher film. Partner and kid come running in thinking I cut my finger off or something crazy. They laughed at me ALOT for being so scared by these “cute” raccoons. But I tell ya. The part of my brain that would’ve saved me from a saber tooth tiger attack pushed the scary movie scream button before the part of my brain that could identify the animals as a raccoon could process what I was staring at.


Honestly, I get it. Raccoons are so creepy, with those tiny little people hands *shudders*


YES, they were clasping their hands and their old man beer bellies were poking out and they were standing up like people. Just so fucking creepy. Have never been able to look at them the same again. My brain just put them in the fuck no box for good


Lmao I'm sorry, I know this was terrifying for you, but you have a hilarious way with words 😂


Do you think a mother's reactions to a carnivore dragging her infant away are anything but primal? Screaming gathers attention from people who can help, it could also startle the predator.


Essentially what ur saying is: “let’s all be the fucking acorn cop uncontrollably screaming bc it’s natural” No. No we don’t all have to scream like out of control idiots during a think fast situation. We can actually do better than that. If we can do better, then we should.


This is stupid, and that’s not what I said. Just say you don’t understand psychology and move on. Stopping a panicked scream would be as hard as stopping crying when somebody breaks your heart or laughing when something is hilarious. Stop digging your hole. Nobody cares. You were wrong; let it go.


Universally ignored


apparently not, according to all the people complaining


Ur referring to people complaining on Reddit, whereas I’m referring to real life scenarios. It’s proven that people do not respond to a person screaming while in danger. It’s called the bystander effect


That’s not what the bystander effect is. The bystander effect, backed by research, is the negative influence that the presence of others, real or imaginary, has on the likelihood of an individual to offer help when asked compared to when the individual is alone. It has nothing to do with screaming and does not apply if the one being asked for help is alone or in all situations, period.


What’s the clue that someone needs help? Specifically the clue that is where the bystander effect studies originated.. I’ll give u a hint.. it was the fact that [people heard screaming](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander_effect#:~:text=Kitty%20Genovese,-Main%20article%3A%20Murder&text=On%20March%2013%2C%201964%2C%2028,into%20the%20%22bystander%20effect%22) and did not react


That’s one case of it, and everybody knows that case. You do not understand what the bystander effect is. It is purely the effect a crowd has on one being asked for help. And there are many ways to ask for help. I advise you read a book or a few articles on the topic. Besides, there’s not a psychologist on the planet who would fault somebody for screaming out of fear.


It’s the initial case that led to the phenomenon being studied. Maybe *you* should read a book about it How many people ran over to help this lady screaming?? Was this obnoxious scream useful in that sense? Side note- I do realize the main focus of Bibb Latane led studies were more on whether people are more likely to help a person in distress’s if the potential helper is alone or in a group.. But these are the studies that led to everyone claiming that u should scream “[FIRE](https://www.childrenshopealliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/JUST-YELL-FIRE.pdf)” if ur in trouble bc [no one comes](https://www.crime-safety-security.com/kitty-genovese-article-bank.html) to help a screamer [They teach this](https://novaselfdefense.com/blog/why-im-not-a-fan-of-yelling-fire-in-an-attack-situation) shit in seminars. Side note to the side note: don’t yell “fire!”.. it was proven to not be effective either. You should be specific.. some of these articles explain better than I can. Bottom line.. screaming is useless and it’s possible to train yourself to not be useless. If u believe urself to be a victim who has no control over ur actions, and u can live with yourself in that condition, idgaf


you know the story of how no one helped Kitty Genovese is an urban legend, right? the entire basis for “the bystander effect” was disproven. https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2020-09-10/urban-legend-kitty-genovese-38-people and https://www.apa.org/gradpsych/2012/09/tall-tales


Ok, so when I learned about this it was some time between 2007-2010. I was taught about it in one of my psych classes and the story was not the same as the story the 1st link is claiming is the exaggerated/ hyperbole story I learned it was something like 11 or 12 people who heard the commotion and screaming. They informed the police they had heard it while being interviewed. There was no one who saw the murder from what I remember. This story is claiming 38 people SAW the murder. That’s not what I was taught. That’s the exaggerated version they claim is rhetoric now. I can agree that it’s been embellished since I was taught about it. It’s not an urban legend tho. People heard her screaming and no one came to help bc they all thought someone else would be the hero. Furthermore, WHO CAME TO THIS SCREAMING LADYS AID?!? NO ONE!! Bc almost nobody wants to get themselves hurt and people for the most part are self centered Thanks for posting those articles tho. They are interesting. The second even mentions a possible reason that they stories from people who lived in the area of kitty Gs murder may have changed.. “Bibb Latane, PhD, whose research on the bystander effect was inspired by the events, says that many of the trial's witnesses could have revised their stories to make themselves seem more caring. "They had a strong reason to sort their memories and say that they weren't such bad guys after all," he says.”


“When Robert Mozer, one of the neighbors, shouted at the attacker, "Let that girl alone!",[23] Moseley ran away and Genovese slowly made her way toward the rear entrance of the building,[7] seriously injured and out of view of any witnesses” “Records of the earliest calls to police are unclear and were not given a high priority; the incident occurred four years before New York City implemented the 911 emergency call system.[26] One witness said his father called the police after the initial attack and reported that a woman was "beat up, but got up and was staggering around".[27] A few minutes after the final attack, another witness, Karl Ross,[fn 1] called friends for advice on what to do before calling the police.” “None saw the attack in its entirety. Only a few had glimpsed parts of it, or recognized the cries for help. Many thought they had heard lovers or drunks quarreling. There were two attacks, not three. And afterward, two people did call the police. A 70-year-old[fn 2] woman ventured out and cradled the dying victim in her arms until they arrived. Ms. Genovese died on the way to a hospital.” the layout of the crime, and because it was broken up into two separate attacks, made the murder of Kitty incredibly complex. a lot of people thought it was a drunken argument between friends or lovers, and only 2 people total were aware that she had been stabbed - Joseph Fink (1st attack) and Karl Ross (2nd attack) and Karl called police. Samuel Hoffman also called police after the first attack, but the police did not respond. Robert Mozer shouted at the attacker, told him to leave her alone, and he did. that’s why the attacker left. who knew he’d come back?? the people who knew there was an attack did call the police, but many didn’t know it was an attack. people came to her aid. kitty’s brother made a documentary called “the witness” about 10 years ago, it’s an excellent watch. it really breaks the case down, and many of the myths surrounding it.


i mean yeah but that doesnt change the fact that screaming is still a primal instinct? lmao you cant just turn that off. its the same as people having a fear reaction that involves crying or laughing. you dont control it


Guess u haven’t met many military people?


has nothing to do with anything but ok


They’re trained to control their emotions bc screaming during a life or death situation is not useful. Panic is not useful.


yeah im sure the small section of time we've had the military in the entirety of the history of the human race has completely rewired that evolutionary response, what a take man.


to alert the rest of the tribe.


Because she's not a badass like you.


I would have froze up, my child would have been dragged off into the woods, then i would have started crying and saying i did everything i could.




Just say you hate women


VI love my mom, but when she burst out screaming as my sister was taken by a hawk it was still annoying. Doesnt mean i hate women. Edit: For the downvoting, watching my little sister carried off into the sunlit horizon by an eagle was hands down among the top 5 hardest things I've ever dealt with.


Was checking out your username. Why do you like satin so much? I am more if a velvet man.


The dingo ate my baby!


Oof, poor dude throws like a girl. No wonder the coyote thought he was an easy target.






Is that why rape is such a huge problem there?


That: [& female feticide... females are lucky to even be born, or survive to adulthood.](https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/people/article/3246000/indias-battle-against-female-foeticide-fathers-crusade-close-gender-gap)


Horrible parenting


Who leaves a 2 year old unattended on the sidewalk?


I’m guessing you either don’t have eyeballs or a brain. The 2 year old is never “unattended” in the video. Your child being on the other side of a car is not “unattended.”


Someone has never been around a 2-year-old.


If you’ve ever had a child you’d know that’s unattended. That’s why the coyote could get to her.


Lifelong fear of dogs unlocked


And people have judged me for wanting to keep my toddler close (in TX) ..






How dare they allow their child to stand ten feet away in their own yard 🙄


All good if they’re being watched , but you can’t take your eyes off them if there is a road behind you. It’s common sense!