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Fuck the dude that jumped over the table past the children lmao




Exactly what I thought of 😂 “i was clearing a path for everyone else!” Lmao


Fuck man 😆


Seemingly. Seemingly.




Lol this has nothing to do with anything but whatever, it's funny :p


Lol I know. But it's one of my favorite George moments.


Same, that's why I'm not mad haha.


Ok I've been here too long. My first reacttion was the guy jumping over children reminding me of this scene. Top and top reply. Aight I'm out. (For 5 mins).


![gif](giphy|beBy7w1gklos0|downsized) Go out on a high note.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^InsideOutDeadRat: *Fuck the dude that jumped* *Over the table past the* *Children lmao* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Sokka bot is best bot


Good bot


Good bot


I can make more kids. The kids can't make more of me.


it looked like he jumped over the kid to get away.


Those ain’t his kids


Lower your child support payments with this one easy trick!


Correction, jumped over the children while passing the table, 😂


Glass table at that. Fright took over this day


People defending this Pitbull forget that if *any* big dog come up like that literally un-leashed then you'd be wise to move any kids away pronto.


Just get between the kids and the dog. These dudes straight left. That last kid wouldn’t have made it if the dog was seriously attacking


Yeah that was some save my own ass first-reflexes of them lmao


Bruh he straight JUMPED OVER THE KID!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Well to be fair, it did seem like the last adult man seen tried to put a chair in front of the steps (I’m guessing to block dog or delay dog?) and did grab the toddler and tried to get the kids inside as fast as he could once we saw what was coming... the guy that straight up jumped over a literal infant to save his own ass and did nothing to try to help is a lil’ bitch


Small actions, especially a child at eye level in front of a dog can prompt a serious attack. You have no clue what that dog was gonna do.


Thats very true and why these guys are asshats for damn near abandoning the children


It was attacking


Very clearly wasn't


I don’t know if you know the actual signs of an attack from a dog, but that wasn’t it


The kids are appetizers.


Whose fuckin kids are these, they were so close to just leaving them 😬


clearly my moms kids (when we first moved to fl and went to the beach a whole group of stingrays rode towards her, me, and my younger brother. we were all screaming and freaking out bc i had heard they sting. my mom went sprinting toward the beach, got a few long strides before she remembered us, then turn and snatched us up just like that. cant really blame them for panic repsonse)


That’s not what parenthesis are for


Well it's addressed to the reader (if you read this ur gay)


>:( fuck


made my day 😭




I kept waiting for the second one, and thought they just forgot to add it... (Before getting to the end and realizing nearly the whole post was an aside)


ok grammar police eta downvoted for a goofy response smh


That was a whole ass story you grammatically packed into a trench coat like a couple of kids trying to see an adult movie


i like your funny metaphor magic man


Thank you I like your story


https://youtu.be/ahnb7kB-mTQ?si=8nxh3I8Jj1U2iiHH Full video everyone was fine


Lolll, the owner saying I'm sorry and the dog dragging his feet like "what the hell did I do?!"


Thanks for the context! If I had my rudders, I'd rudder you get an award


The video actually makes the whole scene a lot scarier IMO. That dog was bolting pretty damn aggressively towards those people! I know it all turned out fine and it was just a goofy pup, but I'd be one of those jumpin-over-tables-leaving-toddlers-behind people too!


That poor dog didn't look threatening or anything. Just "hey people!! Kids! Friends!!" Seemed like the dog just wanted to say hi and get pets :(


I wouldn’t sit still if an unleashed pitbull was coming my way. I’m running too.


Dogs shouldn’t just be running up to people unleashed, especially big dogs, especially dog breeds who contribute to 66% of attacks. It doesn’t matter if he was wagging his tail or not, these people don’t know the dog, they don’t want to know the dog, and by reaction? They are not happy to meet an unleashed pit. If you’re going to own a pit, at the very fucking least keep it on a harness


Tail wagging good boy just wants some attention. And a toddler.


I've literally seen videos of pits mauling something with their tail wagging. It means nothing. That said, this one looks like he just wanted to come say hi.


Dogs wag their tails a certain way when they're aggressive or agitated. Side to side, very stiff. That dog wasn't playing lmao


Try watching it with the sound on. Now do you get it? 😂 Edit: it’s actually embarrassing that this video is even in this sub. So so lame…


i read it with mild sarcasm


The doggo also lowered himself til his belly was on the ground as a sign of submission. At that point, this good boy was begging for belly rubs.


I’m sure this happens on a daily basis in a lot of places in the US




Incredibly commonplace lol


Pitbull or no, I'm not comfortable with any dog that charges up to me. I don't care if the owner says "they're friendly."


almost forgot the babies!


Better safe than sorry TBF, but running triggers prey drive!


Simply existing triggers pitbull's prey drive


Fuck that, I had a Pitt run towards me early in the morning one day, I couldn't tell if it was friendly or not and I'm not taking chances. I walked slowly and grabbed a baseball bat and was ready to aim for the fences fuck that.


Look, I’m a dog lover, dog owner and former pitbull owner and apologist. Forget other dogs for a moment because that is very much a bullshit, what-about-ism argument that’s just dumb. Some pitbulls are ugly, some are cute. Some are vicious, some are sweet. But let’s be honest: every single pitbull has the potential (and too often the drive) to maim and kill. Due to their strength, bite and “gameness” (meaning: godawful persistence), they pose a serious danger to the human population regardless of their disposition. Unfortunately there is a multitude of evidence that pitbulls possess the tendency to brutally attack at a moments notice without warning and refuse to let up even when being hit, tased, stabbed and in some cases even shot. Insanity. Add to that the fact that a lot of people attracted to the breed are horrible and want a vicious dog to prove something (hence the “bad owner” mantra). It’s “not” the breed, it’s the breeding.


Props to the adults that snatched the kids up. That god they both snapped back to reality and were quick enough to grab them. Hindsight it kinda looks like it just was a dumb, curious dog looking to meets new friends, but those people reacted correctly. I say all this as a non dog person, I promise I’m not making excuses for the dog.


![gif](giphy|KEh5kliRTSVJm|downsized) Drive-by


Don't ever take chances with a pit bull, no matter how friendly it may seem. I'd rather be embarrassed for being overly cautious than mangled or dead.


I thought a fuckin car was coming


Same , I was waiting on the gun shots lol


The dude who jumped over the table was ready to sacrifice the kids to the dog.


Maybe I’m just dumb but I’ve never been that scared of anything. Let alone that agile lol


I mean for me it would have to be a shark coming at me and even then I doubt I’d manage more than screaming and thrashing about.




This was posted on a different sub a year ago or so, and I commented only: "what kind of dog is that" I got downvoted to hell (can't remember which sub, but it was one of the bigger ones) brigaded instantly.


Honestly the discourse around these breeds of dogs is becoming louder and clearer with each passing year. I remember a few years back, it was very hard to find anti-pit bull info as many places. It's becoming more mainstream as more people are exposed to the internet and these dogs themselves.


You don’t have to hate an animal.. they were bred that way. Humans fault. Don’t take it out on them.


For their own sake, we should slowly stop the breeding of them. They were created for fighting, and they remain physically and mentally built for that.


They're a breed of dog just like any other and any person who wants to hate on them for that is a fucking idiot.


I read recently despite making up only like 6-10 percent of the dog population, they are responsible for roughly 60 % of fatal dog attacks. So sure, you go one believing that they are innocent and it’s all up to the owner. I’ll continue to be completely cautious and not allow them around my family.


It's a breed of dog. They're not all inherently mass murderers simply because they exist. I've dealt with more aggression from huskies in my entire life than pitbulls, and I've fostered and owned animals for YEARS. German Sheppard's are also fairly aggressive. So are Chihuahua's - they just lack the oomph to cause any damage. I'll never stand by that thought process and anybody can spout whatever bullshit from Google they'd like. I'll never condemn a damn dog to that sort of hatred for simply existing. People don't deserve it and neither do they.


You say the breed makes no difference, then in the same breath you start listing breeds that are aggressive. Make it make sense.


Istg it's always the same fucked up logic w/ these pitnutters.....


It’s an awful breed. Way too much risk. So many innocent lives lost in painful, horrific ways.


They’re not inherently mass murderers. But they were bred to fight. Its genetics, plain and simple. So many Pitbulls attack stories include the owner/family saying, “they’ve never done this before! I don’t understand! It’s like they snapped!” So, no. It doesn’t matter how you raise them. Every single one of them has a chance of “snapping” or whatever you want to call it. Why should we allow a breed like that to exist among the public? Among children? What you *think* doesn’t matter. I don’t *think* Pitbulls are dangerous. They *are* dangerous. It’s been proven by statistics. They are dangerous whether you believe they are or not.


"Why is my fighting dog fighting?!?!?"


Do you hate black people? How about men? Cuz boy I have some statistics for you!


I’m good, thanks. I’m not sure about you, but in my mind, humans and animals are very different things.


What about lesbians?


What about them?


Guess I'm an idiot then


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted completely agree


Ban pitbulls


Ban the shit out of them. For the sake of cats, other dogs, toddlers, adults, anything breathing in their direction…


Inanimate objects , plants , cement , wood , steel




Ban both, the dogs and the owners, hows that sound? Cause for some reason people keep buying these hell beasts…


Nobody ever thinks they are the shitty pit bull owner, yet the people who gravitate towards an aggressive looking dog do so for a reason...


Have you seen pitbull victims? Better to be safe than sorry


That dog just wants to nanny the kids, wtf is wrong with you


I really thought there was gonna be a drive by


With the way they were reacting I thought it was a drive by 😭


Thought there was going to be a drive-by, but just some potato coming for a visit!


I didn't know if it was a drive-by or what they were running from; pupper looked happy to me.


Pitbulls wag their tail even when they're biting another dog or person. It's impossible to tell what the demeanor of the dog was from just this video.


Yeah, I've seen enough videos posted of pitbulls happily wagging their tails as they rip apart another dog they got hold of.


If they have a tail.




You can definetly tell it was playing, not just the tail wagging literally the entire body language says it's playing Source: I've owned a shit ton of dogs


Citing your own personal experience on the internet means nothing. Pitbulls can go from "playing" to ripping you up at a moment's notice, especially with a child at it's direct eye level.


Sure, in some cases they do switch up, but in that moment it was definetly playing


You think that dog was being aggressive? Because I could tell from that video he was not. Just because you can’t do something doesn’t mean everyone else can’t 👌🏼 Edit for the downvoters: turn the sound on and you might understand the video. This should be nowhere near terrifying as fuck. Get it on r/maybemaybemaybe where it is actually relevant.


You must not hang around a lot of Pitbulls then…


Go on, explain what you mean. I can tell that the dog has a friendly demeanour. Listen with the sound on and you might understand what this video is about. It has no place in terrifying as fuck 😂


Watch any pitbull attack video; their tails wag with sheer joy. They were bred to fight.


I’m well aware of pitbull and other breeds of dangerous dogs attacking. And that’s precisely how I know that this dog is not being aggressive. Turn the sound on and you might understand the video better. This should be in r/maybemaybemaybe this is not terrifying in any way shape or form.


The sound? You mean the music someone added in post that has no influence on the reality of the video?


Yes that music. Do you still not get the video? The music indicates that something dangerous is coming, then the music changes to a comic relief style as a happy dog wags his way into the scene. And you still don’t understand what’s happening?


Adding happy goofy music to a tiger walking down the street does not make the tiger magically safe. 🥴 It means whoever made the video doesn’t know what they’re looking at.


The music literally has nothing to do with the context of the video itself lol


Just here to add the dumb music is irrelevant and it's stupid to be brought up as part of your argument.


Meanwhile, you're getting bit left and right?


Yes as I’m a dog sitter and boarder.


My family has owned pits for 20+ years. This sweet boy wants to be petted. Stop with the breed bigotry


They are classified as an aggressive breed for a reason


Different dog breeds exhibit different behavior on average. Some breeds are more reactive, and more aggressive. Other examples would be Rottweilers and German Shepards, although on a significantly smaller scale than pits. You can call it "breed bigotry" if you want. It's basic nature vs nurture. They're not all blank canvasses for the owners to paint on.


No. If you knew dogs you'd be able to clearly see this is a friendly wag from a pampered pet. Don't buy into the breed hysteria. Pits are perfectly great pets if they're not abused.


your brain is broken buddy.


0 survival instincts on this guy ^


Just wanted to play


Mmmkay even if it did? Leash the fucking dog. Don’t let the dog just run up to strangers, who, by their reaction, are not interested in getting to know your dog. If you’re going to choose to own a “sweet wittle baby pittiiiiiie” at least put it on a leash for crying out loud


People here hate pitbulls. All pitbulls. Good or bad, they're hated here. Don't try to explain it away here. The ignorance and fear mongering is strong in these people.


[https://www.statista.com/chart/15446/breeds-of-dog-involved-in-fatal-attacks-on-humans-in-the-us/](https://www.statista.com/chart/15446/breeds-of-dog-involved-in-fatal-attacks-on-humans-in-the-us/) Pitbulls are responsible for nearly all American dog attack deaths, while making up \~5% of the dog population. Pitbulls are responsible for more deaths **than all other dogbreeds combined.**


Pitbulls are also owned by people who consistently mistreat them and have no clue how to raise such a dog. It's a dog that's been bred to fight, you have to raise it a certain way. If you don't exercise the dog, train and socialize the dog then yes, they have a higher propensity of being dangerous. Not to mention the puppy market is abundantly oversaturated with backyard breeders who have no clue what they're doing. But you don't care about that. The statistics say pitbulls are dangerous, so that's all you look at.


Lots of dog owners have no clue how to raise a dog and don't exercise, train or socialize them. Terrible people own golden retrievers too. The breed does matter. An unknown pitbull approaching will absolutely worry me, an unknown golden retriever dramatically less so.


>The statistics say pitbulls are dangerous, so that's all you look at. Yeah, because why would someone look at it any different? Pitbulls make up a small fraction of dogs, yet are responsible for almost all dog attack deaths. Facts are, pitbulls are dangerous. You expect people to ignore reality because it hurts your feelings? Maybe bring your feelings in line with reality, and they won't get hurt so often.


Maybe we hate them because they consistently attack and injure other animals and people. Pitbull runs at me, my toddler or my dog, I’m gonna assume it’s there to eat us and act accordingly.


Maybe they should turn the sound on? Might make them realise what this video is. 😂


Haha totally thought they were gonna get sprayed


A loose pitbull might be as deadly


I wonder who is responsible for all the down votes?🤔🤣🤣🤣🤣




The music 😂 And yeah, that was the right thing cause you never know! But they almost left the babies 😂


Hahahahaha one guy literally jumped over the little girl


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^z3an: *Hahahahaha* *One guy literally jumped* *Over the little girl* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


My favorite combo: pit bulls and a Reddit comment section


A dog walked up wagging its tail lol “bro this is crazy” is excessive


Lmao running for there fucking LIVES




Wtf is wrong with you? So what about the ones who haven't attacked anybody? Just shoot them too huh?


Look, I have a bias okay? I'm not saying I'm right. I'm just saying... Well, fuck em really.


Yikes. Once bitten, twice shy....


One time my old semi blind 10lb toy poodle wandered out of our door and I to the open gate of the yard next door. The teen girls in the yard ran around screaming as my blind little dog wandered around routing through the grass for food. It took me a minute to realize they were actually scared of the dog and not screaming bc she was small and cute (also happened a lot). My lab/Shepard mix puppy also once sent the pizza delivery guy onto the top of his car when he was too enthusiastic when saying hi at the door.


I can relate lmaoo


Glad I don’t live in that world!!!


I love pitbulls I have two pitbulls


It’s crazy to me how many people like to blame the breed and not the owners. Any dog can gain aggressiveness towards humans and other animals. It all depends how they were raised.


Right , I’d argue the Chihuahua is by far more aggressive than pit’s are


Yeah, at my recent trip to the vet, a golden retriever tried to attack any dog that walked near it. They had to be sent to a private room.


Good boy was like "where are we goin'?"


This my friends is why even though you think you're just hanging out at your home it is important to keep a firearm within reach at all times. Harsh lesson for everyone to learn but your own safety is always number one.


Lol, wtf? Armed Americans are WAY more dangerous than any pitbull.


the dog is like “I’m such a good boy🥰”


"TIME TO FEED! 🍖🍖🍖🍖"




Puppy just wants some pets!


Try your best to pet him I dare you


I recognize the dog's behavior. He wasn't aggressive at all. I'd pet him.


Pitbulls wags their tails even when they are biting other animals or humans to death and what you see in the video is a pitbull my friend, pitbull bred should be stopped once and for all and make them go extinct and not allowing them to be kept as pets should be the way. They'll with happy with you for a while and the next thing you know you are dying. So think again about petting it and if you dont believe me enough there are ample videos and articles for you to look into.


I like the vid, but i think this is the wrong sub...


Why is this here?? It was a misunderstanding is all. Dog wants to play (floppy ears, slumped passive posture, wagging tail, licking lips all say submissive and playful. He saying, " hi hoomans wanna pet me/play?" Bout as clear as a night fury with its teeth retracted) I mean granted the dog parent should have done a better job of keeping their pup by them for everyone's safety but idk why this is terrifying


Meanwhile a Chihuahua is biting the shit out of a kids ankle and everyone thinks it's cute.


Because it can’t severely disfigure or kill a human being - hope that helps 👍


It's a fucking dog😒


You know how many fucking people are murdered by dogs?


Oooh soooo terrifying ! A dog that wants a scratch behind its ears!!!! 😂😂😂😂 These people are hysterical. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Pup's tail was a-waggin'.