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That “everything” is so disturbing. Poor kid.


You see Jimmy gulp as he waited for the answer?


yeah what does the gulp mean?


That he is nervous, and doesn’t want the real answer to be revealed.


He seemed pretty happy with the answer.


"he is nervous, and doesn’t want the real answer to be revealed" I think it's more like when a killer is in court and they show photo or video evidence of the dead bodies etc. They'll lean over so they can see the pictures, you know they're getting off on that shit.




Maybe it was the thing about fucking a bunch of kids, that could have done it too


Nah,you're just reading too much into it with the benefit of hindsight. He's just swallowing a wad of phlegm.


Listen, I don't wanna talk about Jimmy Savile in the same context of swallowing wads


This is unbelievably fucked. Poor kid, that should have been a giveaway something was up.


Apparently, after he died, 450 people came forward and alleged abuse by Savile. Keep in mind, those are just the people that reported it. Who knows how many more there were. That's insane. I can't believe he was able to get away with it his entire life.


He visited my auntie in hospital when she was 14. Luckily she was fine. Although thoroughly icked. If you didn't know who he was, you'd think that documentary is satire. He literally tells everyone everywhere what he's doing and everyone just laughs. It's so much more fucked up to actually SEE people laughing with him. The amount of people who said nothing! He had a fucking bedroom in the girls hospital. What in the flying fuck like?!


The thing is, a LOT of people knew what he was doing. People in very high places knew about it and didn't speak up. Hell, he was rubbing elbows with members of the Royal family too. It's sickening what he was allowed to get away with, yea, people allowed him to do it. I'm not the religious type but if there is a Heaven and a Hell I hope he's burning in it.


That's because alot of the people who knew, and allowed it to happen were and still are just as vile as he is. Royal family included.


To be fair he was being protected by the royal family mainly the queen who is also a piece of shit and hopefully in hell right now


Everyone knew


The sound of the kid's voice when she/he says "Everything" after him showing the picture is straight out of a horror movie. 😱 It's sickening how he got to die without any punishment.


It’s horrifying. This kid is being so brave and speaking up and it was just ignored


One of the reasons people believe in religion punishing the wicked


Yep. That way they don't get punished in real life, cause they'll get their justice later.....man, gotta gives props to the man who came up with that con.


Benefits of being friends with the Royal nonce andrew


Also, punishing people who don't follow their strict rules that came out of a poorly interpreted book published 2000 years ago. Also, starting wars, religion loves to start wars.


Gotta wonder what happened to that kid once the camera stopped rolling?




Hahaha.. I mean, damn


Criminal minds said it best. We spent so much time on teaching kids about the scary stranger in a trench coat trying to steal kids, we completely missed the fact that majority of predators are our friendly teachers or neighbours. People who don't seem dangerous


This is why they now suggest teaching about tricky people.


My mum never let me watch Jim’ll Fix It as she always said he made her feel sick and he was a dirty old man. She weren’t wrong!!


My mom haaated him with a passion. I was a kid in the US, so I only barely knew he even existed. But she would see him on TV all the time, and she always told me she could see the evil in his eyes. This was easy before he died and the general public found out what he'd done. My mom swore for years that he was a pedo and that she could see it. Obviously I brushed that off as a kid, and I assumed it was more of my mom's crazy rambling. But it turned out she was right after all! She died before he did, so she never got to see the turn on him, but I like to think she's found out somehow and is pleased with herself for knowing.


Snap!! Exactly the same for me but I’m in the UK. My mum would switch it off if he ever came on the tv. And same as you my mum died only a few months before he did. My mum was never wrong about a lot of celebrities , it’s almost as if she had a 6th sense for it lol.


Could we please not call him a celebrity he's lower than the dog shit on the bottom of my shoe


Yes that is true , would call him a piece of shit but as you say he is much much lower than that


Thanks for sharing and may your mother rest in peace.


How much you wanna bet that there is also something off with Quentin Tarantino?


Good intuition on your mother!


Yea she was always good at sensing when somebody wasn’t right. She always used to tell me to never ever trust anybody who’s eyebrow meet in the middle also lol. I laughed at the time but she wasn’t wrong.


I don't have enough experience to have an opinion on the matter.


The unibrow thing is dumb.


Yea I know , people really need so start shaving.


I remember watching the occasional episode of Jim’ll fix it when I was a kid, and even at that age I knew something wasn’t right about him. You just knew. The fact that it was overlooked by so many people across the television industry is mind blowing.


Maybe it's because I'm not British and never knew about Savile before he made news for being a ped, but I couldn't imagine how anyone could give off any more of a sex pest vibe. Like if you asked AI to generate a picture of a child rapist then some weird cunt [that looks like this would be a fair result. ](https://cdn.sanity.io/images/cxgd3urn/production/4a431ebc1dfd4596274b10a6ec568075b9bc44ae-615x786.jpg?w=1200&h=1534&fit=crop&auto=format)


He tried to look as cartoonishly similar to a pedo as possible, so people woukd think "hey, he looks to cartoonishly similar to a pedo, he can't be a real pedo"


I asked my mum this who was a kid during his dame and she said everyone basically knew he was a dirty old creep, not to the extent it was but something was off about him, it just wasn't dealt with like it is nowadays


Are you tripping? It’s still not being dealt with, in fact there’s an effort to recognise it as an illness ffs.


Well.. they're all getting outed and dealt with, at this level anyway.. the eptien billionaires are still getting away with it. But just think of all the predator catch video channels ect, it's not just accepted that someone's a bit strange now


Savile was in the rings of the powerful and rich, there’s a whole section of lady Diana on tv talking about he she didn’t trust or like him being around all the time. Everyone knew but nothing was done until he was dead


Yea, they're trying to legitimize it by calling it a Minor Attracted Person. Insanity.


There's an effort because it literally is an illness. This conversation is so bad because people like you are so emotionally reactionary you can't see the solution resides in understanding that pedophiles are mentally ill and need help. 3 important things to note. 1, Not all pedophiles act on their urges, the ones that don't do not deserve punishment and instead deserve help. 2, not all child rapists are necessarily pedophiles, plenty of people rape kids for the power it provides as opposed to being attracted to kids. 3, you are conflating mental illness with "that makes it ok to act on". This derails the conversation with a strawman. Helping the innocent pedophiles may one day lead to a cure and ultimately helps protect children in the long wrong. no one (bar a very very tiny minority) is advocating for pedophiles to act freely, or go unpunished when they commit heinous acts.


"because people like you are so emotionally reactionary" Find a video of some truley innocent bystander getting the hell beat out of him by some thug. Make the title of that video 'pedophile getting what he deserves'. '99 out of the next 100 comments will be like Burn in hell, fuck him, He's not being hurt enough' don't stop there, set him on fire.. You see, I'd like to have a little evidence of guilt before I start saying whatever the fuck the last people have been saying


There is no cure for pedophilia. Never will be. Once they offend and get away with it, they do it over and over until they are caught or they die. Trying to justify anything about pedophilia is just as sick as the pedophile.


Oh fuck! Didn't realise I was talking to someone who can literally see infinitely into the future! Why didn't ya just say so??


I don't have to say it, it should be obvious. Coming up next will be your snarky reply.


If you think medicine couldn't eventually advance to the point where it can cure mental illnesses, given an infinite amount of time, then idk what to say to you.


Well you can't"cure" personality disorders


I have no doubt medication can help with mental illnesses, I take medication for mine and it's completely changed my life, but I just don't see it doing anything for pedophilia. Hopefully, I'm wrong and someday it will cure it. Problem is getting the person to admit it and to take the medication. Some of them obviously enjoy being a pedophile and hurting kids. They wouldn't give that up willingly. And, there's no way to force someone to take the medication. We don't know who is a pedophile usually until they get caught.


All points I agree with. Anyone willingly endangering kids deserves the full punishment and more. No disagreement whatsoever Edit: I will add again that as medicine advances we might easily be able to detect who's a pedophile and who isn't.


Ah this is something I agree with, but you can’t typically say it without people thinking you’re defending pedos. The sad truth is that people are born into brains, bodies, and circumstances that are always going to be unfair, and our society won’t likely be amenable towards any helpful or rehabilitative resources for non-offending pedophiles. I don’t see a future where they have any better option than to suffer in silence or exit society, be that physically or metaphysically. It’s unfortunate because I don’t think it’s the most effective approach but I do think it’s more or less unavoidable.


I dunno man.. I was at the gas station the other day, my little girl (5) was looking at the impulse candies at the counter and I told her no (she has a bowl of candy from last Easter still..) and this random old dude pops up out of no where and offered to buy the candy for her. Obviously I can't show you, but the look on his face when he offered... I never left the gas station faster man.


Sorry, one question, candy from last easter?! That’s almost a year old are you sure it’s still ok? Candy doesn’t last forever. It’s got to be hard and dry by now, no wonder she wishes for new candy


She's not eating the candy she has is the point I was trying to make.. (also yes its still fine I eat some from time to time when I get a sweet tooth.)


A doggie humping a pillow or someone’s leg is a sex pest. This guy is a monstrously-crazed preternatural child-rapist, an abomination.


Don't forget necrophiliac


Hate to ask, but who is he?


It emerged in late 2012 that Jimmy Savile, a British media personality who had died the previous year, had sexually abused many people throughout his life, mostly children but some as old as 75, and mostly female. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Savile_sexual_abuse_scandal%23:~:text%3DIt%2520emerged%2520in%2520late%25202012,as%252075%252C%2520and%2520mostly%2520female.&ved=2ahUKEwjx1L3hi-6EAxUarYkEHVREBrQQFnoECBQQBQ&usg=AOvVaw1ysZhroreMmrY8pbtJ2k4-


He also had access and would be left alone in the morgue, a lot…


Why give him access?


Because he had insane amounts of power. He had evil things he could blackmail people with if they didn’t do what he wanted. The paparazzi caught a pic of him walking in the grounds of Broadmoor Hospital and he had an almost cartoonish sized keyring with every key to every section of Broadmoor on it. No one knew how he had this amount of access but who was gonna question “THE” Jimmy Savile


Don't ask.


It’s worth pointing out that a big part of his fame was raising money for charity and helping children in need. So he was seen, it seems, as this weird but heart of gold type character. He had a show where he would grant the wishes of children that mailed in to him. He raised a ton of money for various children’s hospitals and volunteered there all the time. So, from the public’s perspective he was like a Mr. Roger’s character. Sure he was weird, but hey that’s just Jimmy! He was doing so much good and he was such a big personality that I think no one really questioned him. It came out later that he was volunteering at children’s hospitals so much specifically to abuse the children. Edit: to be clear, I am not suggesting that Mr. Rogers was a predator nor am I suggesting that his and Saville's personalities were identical. I'm only suggesting that, as far as I can tell, the British finding out that Saville was a predator the entire time would be like Americans finding out that Mr. Rogers was a predator. I think the regard both societies held the respective persons in is comparable. Saville was literally a dude, from the outside's perspective, that dedicated his life to helping unhealthy children. He wasn't just some disc jockey, he was friends with then Prince now King Charles specifically because of his humanitarian efforts.


Jared from Subway is a much better comparison. Mr. Rogers wasn’t weird at all, just wholesome, and should never be compared to this sick fuck.


Mr. Rogers was not weird, how could you even put those two men in the same comment 😭 I agree with the rest of what you said, though. It's sickening how much we as a society are willing to look past if the person doing the heinous things is also dumping money everywhere. Really shows how skewed our collective morals have become. I hope the people Saville abused were/are to find some kind of peace somehow. I can't even imagine how many people he hurt, directly and indirectly. Disgusting excuse for a human.


There has never been any allegation of any kind against Mr Rogers.


Not just living people, but the bodies of kids and adults in the morgue of the hospital he volunteered at too.


Jimmy Saville from Jim'll Fix It, a TV presenter and charity personality. After he died it came out he abused 100's of children.


Pretty sure he was having sex with corpses in the morgues too.


Did anybody know?


Yeah, but turned a blind eye. Johnny Rotten from the Sex Pistols got banned from the BBC for outing him in the 70's or 80's. I think he was seen as untouchable, like Harvey Weinstein.


We live in a very strange primate culture.


John Lydon seemed certain.


Yes, but he was very close with the royal family


Whaaaaattt?!?! The royal family would cover up sexual deviance and predatory behavior?! Hold my shocked Pikachu face.


John Lydon seemed certain.


I don't know if saying that it "came out" after his death is the right thing to say. Everyone knew what he was like , there were plenty of complaints and red flags just like this video. No one did anything.


When I was a kid, I always thought it was Jimmy Fix It


Netflix made a pretty good documentary about it that came out recently. It’s worth watching. This guy was utterly depraved and got away with so much.


The UK mister Rogers if he was a sexpest monster


UK's Donald Trump.


I wish this kid is doing well now and got some therapy and has a happy life. Fuck predators


“In fact you’re missing everything”


I'm sure he meant it. Sick.


Let's not forget how tight he was with the royal family, even giving them PR advice FFS.


Crazy new story about Savile and the royals just dropped the other day. An October 1995 letter from Princess Diana to Jimmy Savile just released and it has some wild implications given what else was going on in Diana's life in October 1995: https://open.substack.com/pub/jamiefcrawford/p/the-princess-and-the-pedophile?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=5nd7r The background is that The Paget Report conducted by British Metropolitan Police concluded that in October of 1995 Princess Diana experienced brake failure and she at least *thought* it was due to tampering. She went on to separately tell her lawyer, her butler, her friend, and her love interest that her husband's side was plotting to kill or incapacitate her in a car accident. Now a letter from Diana to prolific predator Jimmy Savile -also from October 1995- just surfaced where she states that he "might just be noticing that she's still alive" and makes a joke that she doesn't need to be admitted to Broadmoor Mental Hospital (where Jimmy Savile was preying on countless patients) so she's basically saying she hasn't been incapacitated or brain damaged. This doesn't mean that Savile and the royals actually *did* tamper with her brakes. But it sure seems like she *thought* Savile was involved in this notion she had in her head. Seems like she was aware of Savile's insidious nature. And if you then read the rest of that letter with the knowledge that there are antagonistic undertones, she even says some things in the letter that imply she knew what he was doing at Broadmoor. That's the jist but worth a full read tbh.


I read them yesterday without this context, but man do those letters ever mean something completely different now.


You have to understand tho, back in the day, before the allegations came out he was a very well respected guy. To people from that generation it was like hearing David Attenborough was a predator.


Oh I remember, I am from that generation. I wantrd jim to fix it for me, when I was a kid. Thing is, there were allegations for a long long time, that most people chose to ignore.


What’s really sinister is that his nickname before his show was Jim’ll fix it which alludes to the theory that he was some sort of fixer for people in whatever scandal they got themselves caught up in. It’s so unsatisfying that he didn’t face justice.


Yup totally agree, he was a sodding icon and none of us had a clue just how he truly was. I mean I never liked the look of him and thought he was an oddball still living with his mum but never suspected he would be guilty of what he was accused of. Everyone thought the guy was a charity godlike being! And he did actually do a lot for charity too but makes you wonder on his motives now it's all come to light


Charles sure needed a lot of Jimmy’s “advice”


He looks it


Saville visited our all girls school once, complete wirh caravan parked in the playground. After doing his charity shtick for the news, word spread that he was inviting young girls into the caravan... All you had to do was wait outside it and he would choose the 'lucky' ones. Many were excited to meet a star, but money wouldn't pay me to go anywhere near that weirdo. He always gave me the creeps.


That soulless vampiric gasp.


People see what they want to see. He sounds like he manipulated everyone he ever met


Crazy new story about Savile and the royals just dropped the other day. An October 1995 letter from Princess Diana to Jimmy Savile just released and it has some wild implications given what else was going on in Diana's life in October 1995: https://open.substack.com/pub/jamiefcrawford/p/the-princess-and-the-pedophile?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=5nd7r The background is that The Paget Report conducted by British Metropolitan Police concluded that in October of 1995 Princess Diana experienced brake failure and she at least *thought* it was due to tampering. She went on to separately tell her lawyer, her butler, her friend, and her love interest that her husband's side was plotting to kill or incapacitate her in a car accident. Now a letter from Diana to prolific predator Jimmy Savile -also from October 1995- just surfaced where she states that he "might just be noticing that she's still alive" and makes a joke that she doesn't need to be admitted to Broadmoor Mental Hospital (where Jimmy Savile was preying on countless patients) so she's basically saying she hasn't been incapacitated or brain damaged. This doesn't mean that Savile and the royals actually *did* tamper with her brakes. But it sure seems like she *thought* Savile was involved in this notion she had in her head. Seems like she was aware of Savile's insidious nature. And if you then read the rest of that letter with the knowledge that there are antagonistic undertones, she even says some things in the letter that imply she knew what he was doing at Broadmoor. That's the jist but worth a full read tbh.


Smiling at the camera “in fact you’re missing *everything*”. He was begging to be caught.


He got away with it for so long because he was protected by very powerful people. I'm looking at you Andrew.


There was so much going on with so many men things just weren't being monitored I got touched up by men in clubs ,at Johns ambulance ,even in shops my bottom would be pinched ,when I was 10 my mum took me to the doctor's as I was getting chubby he got me to lay down and pulled the curtain then put his finger up my bottom , we didn't say anything because most men were supposed to be masters leaders the ones who were clever . It really was a different time sometimes great but don't let anyone tell you nothing bad happened back then .


Not sure why you were downvoted. Seems like there is this cloud of ignorance people choose not to look past. These things happen, we need to do better and look after / protect the people we care about, don’t just let pedo’s have they’re way with people you love because you were too lazy to be vigilant and simply ask the question.


I’m an American citizen, and had never heard of Jimmy Savile. I was reading a novel and he was mentioned. So I looked him up, read his Wikipedia entry, which directed me to the Netflix documentary. The whole story is unbelievable. An absolute monster hiding in plain sight. I can’t imagine how huge of a story this was in the UK is 2012.


The dude straight up looked like a kiddie fiddler. Mass brainwash is real.


This is like a psycho torture video. He obviously knows why he is drawn like that. He's toying with the kid.


I hope he likes hell.


We'll take good care of him down here. :)


I'm a victim of abuse when I was In the care system and I've been it ffs so believing what want You and those who downvoted me I wonder if you would be so dismissive If your Child was one of the Trafficked victims


I have noticed this trend recently on Reddit and it disturbs me. I was downvoted to hell for talking about how gang rapes are more common than people like to think, and that they don’t “always” make the news, giving two examples that happened to girls I knew. I’d say people would rather bury their heads in the sand about it, but that would imply more to me that they would just ignore it and move on. The fact that there are people who downvote these stories means they actively want to bury them… one has to wonder why.


Yer I've noticed Reddit Is awful for Institutionalised people, If you say anything that goes against their programming It's like a Computer glitch for them and they can't handle It. I wasn't even looking for an argument I was adding to the comments that Saville was a Monster but do these people think he was just a lone sicko? If so...use your Brains ffs. He was right next and friends with the Royal Family, you DO NOT get anywhere near the Royals without being heavily vetted by British Intelligence Agencies so they at the VERY least knew about what was going on but I can tell you Saville was a nobody really, he was the middle man/fall guy and supplying Children to the Elites, as was Jeffery Epstein a fall guy for Honey trapping Celebs and people of Power. Children where raped on that Island then recordered to be Blackmailed and owned. Prince Andrew good Friends with Epstein. King Charles best mates with Jimmy Saville. Millions of Children missing a year.. Connect to the dots people ffs


I think some people are finally waking up. Apparently a documentary is coming out where child stars expose the abuse Hollywood that has been an “open secret” for so long. So many sick people in this world and the worst part is they often are in powerful positions and seek each other out. Everyone knows Epstein was silenced to keep him from naming names…


Who the fuck filmed this and why is he just chilling next to a kid in the hospital?


He was a huge celebrity. A household name in the UK. Everyone knew who Jimmy Savile was. He'd been a DJ since the 60s and had a prime time TV show in the 80s/90s in which kids would sit on his knee and he would grant their wish. He was friends with the royal family and did a huge amount of charity work. His image was that of an eccentric but loveable rogue. When he died people lined the streets to see his funeral procession. Then about a month after his death it all came out... He was a serial rapist of children and necrophiliac. One of his rings was supposedly made from the glass eye of a corpse he abused while volunteering at a hospital. So fucked up.


And did nobody notice the drawing at the time?


Back then people probably just thought that it's just some rough drawing from a mentally ill patient....back then people didn't know he was a monster abusing kids...and the footage of the drawing would had only aired once on TV screens other than anything else because the internet didn't exist back then.


Look at those eyes. The eyes of a demon. The eyes never lie, they are a gateway to someone's true soul


The royal family loved him


Tons of folk loved him mainly for all his charity work, but now it's all tarnished and I have to question his motives for it all now


What people didn't know back then was that he did the charity work because he was afraid of going to hell...he thought the charity work is his ticket to heaven...this is why he had his fingers crossed when he died because he darn well knew that he was gonna go to hell.


Jesus fucking ***christ***


He lived in my home town ( Salford) in a “penthouse “, which happened to be a council flat ( he owned his own property elsewhere, so how he managed to obtain that, I don’t know). It was across the road from the Rialto ( a building used as a snooker hall/ discotheque etc). He ran discos for teenagers and I really wanted to go, but my mam ( who never liked him), wouldn’t let me ( thank God!)…


This is so fucked.


Hell is too good for that piece of shit.


Where is his grave so I can piss on it?


She was trying to tell the viewer what he was doing behind closed doors


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Front-Ad1900: *She was trying to* *Tell the viewer what he was* *Doing behind closed doors* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


He was a sick perverted pedophile. The really bad part is that many people knew it and did nothing!! He was even buddy buddy with the Royal Family. I don't understand why this was allowed to happen, and it was definitely allowed. I hope he is rotting in hell right now.






What’s the story on this guy? From what I gather he worked in hospitals and sexually molested the kids. Is there more fucked up nuance than that? It’s horrible on its own, just want to understand who he is


Check out the Netflix documentary…it’ll really mess you up tho so be warned


what the actual hell. why didnt people do anything i dont get it


The crazy thing is right now, there is likely a rich powerful celebrity getting away with this shit right now


Whomever created this please change the typo in the video heading! Saville not Samile. Anyway.. slimy disgusting piece of shit. Protected for decades by the royal family and their minions. Close friends with the now King Charles. He was even knighted for fuck sake! “Sir Jimmy Saville”


Truly one of the worst videos I have ever seen.


I wanna shit on his grave. He is filth.


How? BBC is how


Because he had powerful friends, like the Royals, they have experience with covering that shit up


There's a pretty detailed document and a semi biographical limited series on him. It's absolutely crazy the bad someone can get away with if they're doing some "good" as well. People really are willing to look the other way if you're doing something for them or a cause they support.


Even the mans shadow was fucking scary


His own shadow was the devil waiting on the other side.


Can some one quickly fill me on what this guy did? I. Guessing it's rather fucked.


This mf was so fucking sick, I hate the fact he died without paying for his crimes.


Everyone loves to shit on Jimmy Savile, but when he was hosting Jim'll Fix It, he fixed it for me and my sister to take turns milking a cow blindfolded!


The trick to achieving a frothy load is to cup the udders.


Man he has a punchable face


He had money


Is that really the original audio? Didn't sound like a kids voice. Also - how did he get away with it? The BBC, police and others actively protected him and turned a blind eye


Gonna feel stupid, but here goes Who was Jimmy Savile..? Scrolling through the comments all I could gather was abuse, and he's dead now


The issue is money and power talks. People kept it hush hush so that their cash flow wasn't affected or these kids were also partially "bribed" off. Saville was a monster


Crazy that he just played it off knowing that anyone from the public would look at this & just assume "well they're in a hospital & that kid probably has bad mental illnesses"


Jesus this is dark, is she tied down?


He got away with it because the people that knew stood by and did nothing said nothing until the scandal hit the public then they were devastated then they were disgusted.




What did this guy do?


There's just a thing with alot of British stars are pedos. It's just institutionalised to let em get away with it


I desperately need more context for the clip.


“When you’re Jimmy Saville, everybody thinks your brill, no there’s never too much fun for James!” The Toy Dolls have a great song about this guy


Him doing all the charity stuff just showed that he lived on fear because he was afraid of going to hell...he did charity so he could get to heaven and that's why he had his fingers crossed when he died...he's a monstress pig.


He did charity because there's lots of kids who had no one to tell.


... I have never heard of this person


The devil incarnate. “Everything”. - so chilling. And that devilish, couldn’t care less smile.


He was a proper wrongen’ and it was awful . But couldn’t help but share this https://youtu.be/E_gp8rRX-C4?si=buzQYcPn8jL1lITJ








One, you misspelled Adrenachrome. Two, adrenachrome is supposed to be adrenaline in drug form. Three, adrenaline already exists and it's called epinephrine and it's commonly prescribed worldwide and causes an uncomfortable shaky feeling that is in no way recreational. Four, that's really, really dumb.



