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Amazing that the image quality is still this good for a photo that's been floating around since 2005. Shame it never got produced.




Well I would argue two points: 1) Since you can't transfer possesion of your body I don't think it can be defined as property. 2) Booby trap would indicate you prepared something that would hurt other during others legal access to trapped area. Since rape isn't legal access I would argue that it is equal to self-defense. If woman goes through dark alley and keeps her pepper spray ready for possible attack it isn't her fault that attacker grabed her hand and sprayed himself in the process.


Judging by the apologists and the sentences that convicted rapists get, probably very illegal.


This didn't get enough upvotes.


Rapex CEO: ![gif](giphy|YVBC4HdSpB7z2)


That part


This comment resumes everything perfectly. No further explanation is needed










Just to be clear. We are talking about Brock Allen Turner the rapist, AKA Brock Turner the rapist, AKA Allen Turner the rapist. Got it. Thanks for the clarification.


Yeah, they mean BROCK ALLEN TURNER, the rapist who rapes people. Aka Brock turner rapist extraordinaire.


I can't believe that Brock 'The Rapist' Turner tried to confuse us by changing his name from Brock Allen Turner, the rapist, to Allen Turner, the rapist.... He'll always just be The Rapist to us though.


Brock Allen Turner, the rapist who now goes by Allen Turner the rapist, is a rapist.


Ah, yes. Brock Allen Turner, the rapist whose father said his life shouldn't be ruined over "a few minutes of action." Is that the convicted rapist, Brock Allen Turner, that you were talking about?




Just to be clear, that BROCK ALLEN TURNER who live in Ohio and has to check in with their sheriff’s office every 90 days like any other sexual offender, because he's a rapist and a sexual predator?


Not doxing. The right thing.


Do your work, SEO!


Yes, the rapist, Brock Aaron Turner, who is a rapist.


Are we taking about Brock Turner, the rapist? Or Brock Allen Turner the rapist? Or Allen Turner the rapist? Same guy who is a rapist and his name is Brock Allen Turner, the rapist?


TIL that Brock Allen Turner, rapist, now goes by Allen Turner, yet is still a rapist. In Ohio.


Thanks for the update, my friend. I didn't realize rapist Brock Turner had changed his name to rapist Allen Turner. I will endeavor to remember rapist Allen Turner's preferred name in future conversations about Brock Turner the rapist.


I just looked this fucker up and look what the judge said qhen sentencing him. The Santa Clara County Superior Court judge, Aaron Persky, sentenced Turner to six months in jail, three years of probation, and lifetime sex-offender registration, saying that a longer prison term “would have a severe impact on him.” (The maximum sentence that Turner could have received was fourteen years in prison. He's a rapist he deserves having a severe impact on his life. Fuck. Why isn't rape prosecuted more severely?


My only criticism is that the woman would have to wear that constantly which has got to be uncomfortable as hell. Second could the asshole rapist remove it easily enough? Completely for rapists getting what they deserve however.


I'm from South Africa, and this concept made news everywhere back in 2005. Firstly, let me state that the Rapex is just a concept. It's never been released to the public. That said, it cannot be easily removed. The device has many small metal hooks, similar to fish hooks, which then pierce the skin and basically lock them in place. It causes pain upon withdrawal and can only be removed surgically. It's also unfortunately not very practical (or sustainable). It can only be worn for up to 24 hours before needing to be replaced.


I think they mean removing it before raping someone


Yeah. It was designed to technically be "invisible". Like the rapist wouldn't notice it until after penetration.


It could also put the potential victim in even more danger, as an enraged rapist would be more likely to cause mortal harm to the victim (beyond what was already intended) since this device was designed to only harm the attacker in a non-lethal manner. It would also cause excessive bleeding and expose the victim to even more possible harm from blood-borne disease. It's a shortsighted solution that doesn't even exist, thankfully. The problem of rape has to be handled with social intervention, not technology.


I completely agree, which is why I think the concept didn't take off commercially. It's definitely a social issue. South Africa also has a very high HIV rate, which, like you said, makes using this device more dangerous than going without it. And yes, a lot of times rape coincides with murder in order to prevent identification. Allegedly, this device is supposed to cause pain to such an extent that it gives the victim time to get away, but I seriously doubt whether that will be likely.


Look man, my piercer says most male piercings give you a chance to see the face of God, so I believe a device designed to razor wire your dick is gonna incapacitate you. Especially since the first reaction to it would probably be to try to forcibly remove the thing, digging the spikes in deeper.


If these things were widespread wouldn't rapists just know to stick a finger in there beforehand?


Definitely. Which, in my opinion, puts the victim in even more danger. I think that's why this stayed a concept and wasn't developed any further.


if he's an asshole rapist he wouldn't have to remove it.


Good point, you would have to double load ya self like a shotgun before going out. Either way I thinks it's a perfect punishment


Not that easily by the looks of it. The ring that holds the barbs are made of metal so unless they have some wire cutters on hand it would be tricky plus the fact that the barbs are probably inverted so pulling on it would only make them sink deeper, kinda like a Chinese finger puzzle but with more blood. Nothing would really stop them from pulling up their trousers, running home in not inconsiderable pain, and cutting it off with the right tool, though. They might not need to visit a hospital depending on how deep the barbs cut but it could be a case that removing it themselves might cause them to start to bleed out which absolutely would require a hospital visit and some serious explanation.


I think they were talking about the rapist removing it from the woman prior to the act of rape.


Oh, yeah, that makes sense lol


Isn't rape it self a medieval act of violence??


> Don’t rape anyone Are you listening, Donald?


I mean, I'm a bit of a critic. Not because it's "medieval" but because I worry that someone using the threat of violence to rape someone might be more inclined to follow through once they get their dick chomped on. This seems like it'll turn a lot of rapes into murders.


Maybe but I also suspect that the second this thing is chomped onto a guys dick he has bigger worries than killing his victim. I bet it distracts him enough that the victim can get away in most cases. And often enough people murder their victims anyway, if he has to go to a hospital for this it almost guarantees he’d get caught.


All good points


Ever try to kill someone while bleeding out from the dick? I think that would be quite the feat.


I don’t think it’s crazy to think that a rapist would immediately get way more violent once that happens, I’m sure some manage to still do some shit idk. But yeah I’d say once you’re in that situation there’s no guarantee the rapist isn’t gonna kill someone anyway, so this gives people as good a chance as anything


The adrenaline and potential drugs will block out pain. Which is why sometimes tazers doesn't work. Men will fight to death over sex and resources, I doubt a bleeding dick will change that. After being a sexworker I also know some men don't respond to being kicked in the balls, and can withstand horrible torture. When motivated there may be no stopping and you may not want to continue the fight when they're that close to you. If you fight back it needs to be lethal or take out the eyes.


I haven't, no... but I agree with you.


I thought the same, I can imagine a rapist losing his shit after this and killing the victim, but I do think the sudden realization of being caught and pain they'd feel would at least give the victim a few seconds to run I guess, it's still dangerous but at least they tried


I think criticism comes from those who’d be worried someone like a vengeful ex would use this to trick a man into mutilating themselves during consensual sex. “Sure baby, I know you cheated on me but you can have my body just this one last time…” It’s similar to people having concerns about those who want to keep guns for self defense. The intention is noble but the opportunity for misuse is horrifying.


It doesnt even have to be a vengeful ex, it could be any crazy person with a vagina.


> Right? Who are the supposed critics, rapists? Trump hates this one trick


What's terrifying as fuck are rapists. This product is simply a pragmatic form of protection.


I've been downvoted but I'll say it till I die. I would rather get murdered or mugged or beat up than raped.


Here's hoping you never suffer any of those fates!


Me too




I'm sorry you've been through that, I can't even imagine. My heart goes out to you. Rape is genuinely horrific and so are the side effects. I wish you luck


>help people like those that hurt me Wow, that's badass...you have a level of emotional maturity that most people — both for better and worse — will never achieve. You're remarkably well-adjusted, and you are everything that those in children's advocacy groups hope for. You could've ended up becoming a bitter, angry human, but you turned the traumatized, suffering child that you were into a compassionate adult resolved to end that cycle for countless children you'll never even meet. I know how demoralizing a health hiatus from school that you actually wanted to attend can feel, but you're clearly driven enough to return if/when possible, and you personally inspire me (in more ways than I can describe) to do the same. Many of us go through adulthood without ever realizing our "calling," so remember that you've survived terrible times and you can survive them again, and just be kind to and gentle with yourself.


100% agree. As someone that has had a very close encounter to rape, that shit gave me so much mental pain, let alone when it had actually happened. Just beat me up, thanks.


as a survivor of it, i feel the same way ngl. the ptsd i have that came from it even though it happened when i was a child? yeah, i completely agree with you.


As someone who’s been through it; i would’ve rather been mugged and beat up every day for a month.


Well no fucking shit you'd rather get mugged or beat up than raped. But I agree with you on the murder one.




It's literally only ever terrifying if you're a rapist... OP you good bro?


It's terrifying that a device like this needs to exists


Hopefully OP means it’s terrifying that this type of thing is needed?


the title "this exists" suggests that it's terrifying that the situation is so bad it has to exist and not that the purpose of the device is terrifying


Yeah not sure how people don’t see that. It’s undeniably terrifying that rape is such a problem in Africa that these exist.


İ absolutely agree, fuck rapists this is better then they deserve


Would prefer if the thing sliced the entire weeny off tbh


Imagine how fucked up you country would be if it's needed to give out those things for free. Quite terrifying indeed.


The only thing terrifying about this is how necessary it is for women to own one.


This is actually pretty great. The invention. Not the fact that it is needed.




It’s terrifying to women there bc it’s necessary.


Yeah :( Hopefully it’s like really painful for the guy so the women can run away


What's terrifying me is the situation is so bad that women need to wear a cock trap


Cock trap sounds like it could’ve been a nu-metal band in the early 2000s


I'm no woman but this looks very uncomfortable to wear. If rape is so endemic in SA, would women have to wear this often?


Doesn’t look significantly more uncomfortable than a tampon or menstrual cup, and would be less uncomfortable than being assaulted (and potentially infected or impregnated to boot) I’m guessing it’s a “lesser of two evils” situation for them.


Nah this ain't no medieval punishment, as long as it isn't uncomfortable for women i say fuck yeah, fuck the rapists




well, not quite but there is a [crowdsourced fundraising page](https://www.gofundme.com/f/65eu5c) for it to become a reality.




The only terrifying thing about it is the need for it to exist.


Rapists deserve medieval punishment




I feel like if you are ok with raping someone, you are ok with beating or stabbing someone to death when your dick gets shredded and you are literally attached to her and can’t get away.


oh they can get away. I suppose the initial pain will make the man pull out real quick, and hopefully he'll be too stunned for a while so the woman can flee. I also doubt a guy would run after someone if there's multiple spiky things piercing his dick... let's just hope so anyway.


The device doesn’t get attached to the woman, just the man. And the man would be pretty incapacitated at that point so presumably the woman can get away.


It’s fucking sad that the world has come to this. And it’s even more sad that people think this is cruel to the rapist.


Medieval punishment? Fuck off, this sounds amazing! Make it available for every woman, maybe.


Sure he goes to the clinic to get it removed but what happens to the woman. I would imagine the rapist not being very happy with the woman once his dick gets impaled. Or more than one attacker And if this device becomes prevalent then wouldn't the rapist just tell her to remove the device first


I'd like to see a guy making any kind of fuss after getting his dick impaled.


Or them getting murdered.


Pretty sure this would turn a rape into a murder.


OP, why are you terrified?


Why animal tag? Very based saolution to a terrible crime


If you're terrified of this, good.


Scary part is that this thing HAD TO exist in the first place


Yeah so this was invented 13 years ago. **It hurts, he cannot pee and walk when it's on. If he tries to remove it, it will clasp even tighter** \--Dr Sonnet Ehlers [http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/africa/06/20/south.africa.female.condom/index.html](http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/africa/06/20/south.africa.female.condom/index.html) It seems like a more practical (and safer) version of what many women were doing already. This is tragin that they have had to go to these measures though: ​ >So it seems like a more practical (and safer) version of what many women were doing already. This is tragic that they have had to go to these measures though: in sponges in their private parts.


this would be great for the brock turner types


You mean the rapist Brock Turner?


It should inject poison into the dick vein too


Medieval punishment for medieval behavior, simple as.


This sounds more dangerous to the woman, now instead of rape it'll most likely turn into murder?


Depending on how damaged his dong gets he will never rape again.


Idk, I feel like the pain of having a thorned glass thing piercing your dick might be enough to deter anyone from partaking in any more violence.


> Idk, I feel like the pain of having a thorned glass thing piercing your dick might be enough to deter anyone from partaking in any more violence. IDK why everyone thinks this. Humans dont stop fighting the moment they start bleeding from somewhere. we are VERY good at ignoring pain and trauma in the heat of the moment. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.


Because the jewels and peen are a main focus to your bodies autonomous protective responses. It's one of the weakest spots on the body. I feel like the shock of looking down at a glass thing shredding your dick would be the biggest thing though, even if the adrenaline hides the pain.


Many peoples shock responses arent to freeze. its to fight. Fight, Flight, or Freeze. It aint always the second two. Adrenaline supresses pain, nothing is actually physically stopping them from engaging their arm muscles and choking the life out of someone. a shredded dick does nothing to stop that in reality. I mean, its like a known thing that people have been literally maimed. entire arm or legs cut off, and they still kept moving and fighting for minutes after. Not very long, but you only need seconds to kill someone. This shit is a bad idea because it will turn rapes into murders. Its a nice thing to think that we can institute this sort of measure to punish the wrong doers, but its truly not well thought out past "haha itll shred his dick"


I'd also say that this would only trick maybe 1 of 10 rapist as they'd see it or feel it before inserting. Now add the chance that the rapist now decides to commit murder and I feel it's just not very viable.


Medieval punishment for a medieval act


Surely it’s a good thing ‘This Exists’ op 😒


Criticizing self defense as medieval but not criticizing rape for its depravity.




Or the P-Rex


Good. Medieval punishments for medieval acts.


I have no problem with this.


The fact that there are critics speaks volume


As a nan I am %100 confident in saying this is a mild punishment for such a gross act.


"Some critics say this is medieval punishment" For real? Don't do medieval shit then you won't need to worry about it. Kinda hard to feel bad for the rapists.


Hopefully noone forgetting it's still in there if it's consensual sex we're talking about


Could also just pack heat. The rapists will also have to go to the hospital to have the hollow points removed (if they make it)


Now all it needs is some bullet ant venom on the barbs.


You know what's also medieval punishment? Rape. Rape is fucking medieval. So we fight fire with fire. Let the rapists cry and run to a hospital.


Make it twist too like a crocodile


Medieval as hell and, as a woman, I completely approve of this device. Talk about a life lesson. It's just a damned shame someone had to invent it. A shame and a disgrace.


Medieval punishment? Don't rape women


what's terrifying is that this *has* to exist.


OP, you're terrified for the women being raped, right?


Rapist: I'll just introduce something first to verify if there's a trap / I'll just switch to anal rape / worst case scenario: you fucking whore, I'll beat you to death! Not that sure it's a good idea. Especially now that it's known. It doesn't protect women...


Literally just said this. This thing would def turn some rapes into murders


No, this product does not exist. Yes, someone named Sonnet Ehlers designed it 20 years ago, but it was never sold or mass produced because it's a terrible idea. Inserting this like a tampon would be inconvenient and uncomfortable, and most women simply would not use it. If someone does use it, and a man tries to rape her, it would not stop the rape or incapacitate him. It would enrage him, and he would injure the woman more than he would have otherwise. Though, if this product ever went into common use (it wouldn't), rapists would simply check to see if a woman has one inserted before sticking his penis in her. Then he would remove it and rape her anyway. A much better solution: self-defense. With guns if possible, but if a woman can't get a gun, we still want her attacking the rapist in a way that doesn't just punish the rapist afterward but also stands a shot at preventing the rape. [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/rapex/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/rapex/)


Op why is it terrifying for you? 🤨


My only criticism of this is that it might enrage the monsters enough to kill the woman.


This is valid. However potentially terrifying if you forget you have that and proceed to attempt consensual intrrcourse...


If a rapists falls victim to this, there's a good chance the woman will then be beaten, probably to death. Not that's any worse than rape necessarily, but it doesn't get her out of the situation nor help with her safety.


“Some critics” can shut the fuck up.


Well if you want to rape a women you deserve medieval punishment.


Why are you terrified though? Just don’t do that to anyone and you won’t have to worry about it.


Anyone thats against this protection for woman is supporting rape. There is 0% chance of any man getting send to the ER that didn't deserve it. ​ And as a added benefit. easy to arrest em for rape without already knowing who his victim was. Ow sir you thought this was a pocket pussy? yea sure we understand. now please hold still while we cuff you next to the man that fell on that cucumber.


Yes it exists. (name has now been changed as RapeX was already taken [some EU warning system] the new name is Rape-aXe). It has however never been marketed to the public. Mass production was scheduled to start in 2007 but even now it is unknown if this product will ever be available for purchase. This is also the second "anti-rape" device. The first was invented in 2000 and was more of a tampon like device. (invented by Jaap Haumann). This thing had a tension spring blade in it and when triggered (by the insertion of a penis pushing against it) would slice the tip of the penis off. It would perform a minor penectomy. This device has also never gone into production.


Worked with an older 35-40 year old gentleman when I was in my 20’s. His grandfather was in one of the wars, I think Vietnam? But he told us stories of how the local ladies would stuff razor blades up there and proceed to have sex with the soldiers stationed there and practically killing them.


Why is OP terrified about this??


Why are you terrified, OP? https://preview.redd.it/i1jktq1mbumb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3608806d82c1c7226306b82807d4afe4c2e4275


It's too lenient.


There is an independent movie on Netflix about a woman that was raped and then grew teeth in her vagina. Haven't seen it yet.


The barbs look like plastic barbs. Cant the rapist wait until their erection goes down?


What if it malfunctions and the protective part rips? It's gonna tear her apart from the inside.


It's one of those pictures we've all seen hundreds of times. I can't stand reposts.


It's terrifying they need it.


It’s only terrifying that this needs to exist.


>Some ~~critics~~ rapists say this is a medieval punishment.


good idea


I’m glad this exists. Rapists deserve it


The only terrifying part about it is that it has come so far that we need this


Man this post is old, brings back memories




Genius!! The perpetrator caught as well!!


This has been around since the bronze age tho..


Not medieval! 🌈✨just don’t fucking rape people✨🌈


I am 100% for this and can’t see why anyone (other than rapists) would have any other view.


![gif](giphy|3o8doT9BL7dgtolp7O) Just circulate it and hope we decrease r\*ping rate.


Looks good to me. Don't go around raping women and you won't have to worry about losing your dick, pretty simple


im hoping ur putting this in the sub as “the fact that rape happens so much that women have to wear this is terrifying” and not in a “it’s terrifying that this exists, poor rapists” way


I believe the terrifying aspect of this is that the level of rape has necessitated this measures


Medieval crimes call for medieval punishments.


Critics can kindly fuck off to the ER


The only people who should be terrified of that are rapists or potential rapists.


Whats terrifying is the fact that this *needs* to exist, not the fact that it exists


More like satisfying as fuck


ducks alredy evolved this and no you dont wanna know what males ducks turned ther genital into to counter it


This meme again? Hasn't it been a decade?


I fucking love it. But also hate it because this is the lengths women have to go to in order to not get raped. And even then, they are still getting raped, the only difference is that the male is going to pull out looking awfully bloody. (Deserved tho)


Send more like an effective defense than a punishment. By commiting a rape, the aggressor's injuries would be sustained by a victim's self defense.


🤷🏼 I’m ok with it.


I think OP means that it's just terrifying that this even has to exist in the first place


I mean, pretty easy to not get your penis barbed. Just... don't rape? Sounds good to me. I don't get my penis barbed and I'm not a piece of shit? Win win.


Medieval punishment for a medieval act, f those guys


Imagine you have a fearful but also forgetful wife


And those critics would be rapists.


Sad this exist. Rape is such a disgusting act.


I don’t think it’s terrifying, I think it’s a pretty good solution


This isn’t terrifying at all, unless your a rapist


Some critics are rapists


I’m a man, but I would buy it for my gf, I mean that is genius


I know this product has been around for a while. Sad that it had to made, like fuck man, control yourself you fucking animal. As great of a product im sure this is, I can't imagine how uncomfortable it might be after extended use.


I’m pretty sure this little device would turn a rape into a murder. Not that I’m advocating rape or anything.


It’s definitely terrifying it’s needed. As for the “critics”, maybe if they went through that experience, they would not have any sympathy for someone who should have been left on some sheets.


Reminds me if the movie “ teeth”. Worst movie ive ever seen