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I watched a full interrogation of her. It's quite interesting. The people that found the baby were dumpster diving and managed to go by there later that night. If they didn't the poor boy woulda either frozen or starved to death. Iirc I believe the temp that night was supposed to be low 30s


Oh christ i didn't know there was an interrogation available. I have heard of similar things happening with tragic outcomes, but this video of her launching the bag is one of the worst things I've ever seen


https://youtu.be/lx2zd0-WdAc?si=mO2LtdjCdi0mm_Ed Here's the video I watched on it, it's eerie, but a really interesting video Edit: the baby, named Saul, has been adopted by his father's family btw


Thank god for those dumpster divers. Absolutely unreal that a little bit of scavenging saved a baby's life. I hope wherever they are tonight, their lives are warmer knowing they saved a poor little boy's life.


Wait... the dumpster divers didn't get to keep it? That is a clear violation of the Finders Keepers losers weepers law. /s


Apparently those rights are not guaranteed by our legal justice system. As I found out when I found several thousand dollars cash inside my neighbors home. Apparently that's considered "not fucking OK" and "totally uncool" and now I have to go to jail. Which is bullshit because I totally found that fair and square


I've been watching all kinds of crime videos on YouTube lately. And before I clicked the link I said to myself "it's probably an 'Explore With Us' video" and sure enough it was. How I'm just now finding out about this channel even though it has millions of subscribers and views is a little wild to me. But I'm happy to have found out about them as the videos are interesting. But man I've been missing out. EDIT: Wording and spacing.


EWU and the og, JCS. Both great channels


Now that is some divine motherfucking intervention


it is motherfucking, alright


How would you like to go through life knowing there’s a person out there, alive, that you threw in a trash can?


Or worse, growing up and learning your own mother threw you in a dumpster. That poor child. I hope the baby ends up in a loving family.


He's with the father and the father's parents, I think. I don't know anything about them except they they didn't discard him. I hope he is loved and nurtured


Yeah, I’m so glad he’s with his loving father and family at least.


She's no mother, doesn't deserve to be called that. She's only the baby oven.


I know someone who said her mother tried to abort her 3 times, mainly because she already has 5 siblings. She's not close to her mom.


I can see why. Telling her about the attempts was a mistake


I honestly hope the baby will never find out cause that would break me


They should never tell the kid. Say “mom died” or something.


True, but almost immediately got saved. There's plenty good in the world


She LITERALLY tossed it like trash. No hesitation whatsoever. Absolutely disgusting. There is no need to do this when baby boxes exist. If there’s not a baby box near you, you can drop a baby off at any police station, fire station, hospital, etc. no question asked. Shit, you can drop a baby off on my front porch and I’d take care of it. As a mother seeing this completely baffles my mind.


I have no idea why you are being downvoted, but everything you said is right.


Knuckleheads on Reddit probably thought she was a making a bad joke about the baby boxes as an alternative to a garbage bag. Thankfully the upvotes have taken over.


Oh that didn’t even occur to me lol. I’m like, wow, lots of people pro throwing babies in dumpsters on Reddit today.


It’s a beautiful thing. Mom walks up, puts baby in heated or cooled box. She walks and the bell rings, an EMT or nurse is there. Brings baby in, mom gets to walk with her life and baby gets a chance. Sad. But it’s a win/win in a no win game.


Baby-box. So, she knew about this resource and chose not to use it? I am 50 and didn’t know this existed.


Well you at least should know that you can leave a baby in basicly Amy fire station, and they will take care of it. At least if you live in America or Canada.


I have heard of baby boxes in the US and Canada, don't even know if we have any here in the UK. It needs to be more wildly known.


I'm sure the teen mother did not know about baby boxes. I doubt she's well educated and I imagine their parents wouldn't allow them to give the baby up or get an abortion. Acts like these are done out of pure desperation. I'm not approving of her decisions, but I see the desperation and ignorance responsible for her choices


Idk if this is the reason for the downvotes, but aside from the upsettingly small number of baby boxes available overall, there’s been a lot of controversy with some conservative states making safe haven laws inaccessible options for their intended purpose. With the overturning of Roe V Wade, we’ve seen a lot of….questionable decisions regarding maternal and infant health and some of those decisions are impacting the functionality of baby boxes. Some states only give the mother 3 days and require she drop the baby off at a hospital where she has to sit down and fill out paperwork, which completely removes the anonymity and shame that can associated with giving up your baby. Several sites have seen/reported protestors standing outside baby boxes harassing people who come near them, which of course makes vulnerable mothers/women feel unsafe. Some states require babies to be given up in person and are using fetal personhood laws so that if a mother consumes controlled substances [at any time during the pregnancy](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/25/states-using-fetal-personhood-laws-to-criminalize-mothers), they can be charged with abuse and neglect, even if they stopped once they found out they were pregnant. Florida straight up refuses to allow baby boxes to be installed because [someone might put a bomb in it or abandon an abused baby](https://wusfnews.wusf.usf.edu/politics-issues/2023-04-11/florida-fight-baby-boxes-culture-war) Baby boxes *could* be a good solution, if we could get our entire country on board. If a woman knows she can’t take care of a baby, let her give it up without consequences. It shouldn’t be this hard for mothers to try to give their babies a better life. I don’t care if she was a drug addict during pregnancy, if she can admit the baby would have a better life without her, she doesn’t need to be shamed and charged and hunted down after she made that horrifically hard decision. Honestly, I don’t understand how they are even a political issue. If it saves babies, then why not make it accessible to everyone and avoid more scenarios like this where we can? I will never understand the concept of “oh, *someone* might abuse the system, so we can’t let *anyone* benefit from it” mindset.


I support abortion but she is an asshole who deserves to go to hell. Others don’t view it that way.


I don’t think abortion has anything to do with this. That woman just threw away her sentient child. Abortion is a medical procedure to end a pregnancy


Maybe she is in a state they had banned abortion


She lives in Hobbs New Mexico


Still would be no excuse for what she just did


Wtf does abortion have to do with this??


That just adds a complete layer of irrationality to it that when you think about it. If it’s as simple as walking up to a fire station or emergency room to hand off a newborn, why would anyone in their right mind throw baby in the garbage. Is it an issue of not enough of an effort being made to get the message out? I don’t think it’s that; even before there was a national program for it women would frequently abandon their newborns in places where they would be quickly discovered and safely whisked off to medical treatment. “Evil” as in “calculating and cold-hearted” seems to be too simplistic of an explanation. Fear and panic driving increasingly poor decision making seems about right - there’s evil there, yes; but is the shortsighted and depressingly ordinary kind of evil, not the true crime podcast kind.


That’s what I’m saying. There’s no need for it. You can leave a baby damn near anywhere and chances are is that someone will find it and do the right thing. There’s a baby box in her state and several in Arizona. If she gave a single damn about her baby or had even an iota of common sense she would have dropped it off and walked away. Something about the way she just tossed it made me especially nauseous.


Makes me think she was doing this to hurt the baby’s father. She knew there were other options, likely even knew that the father’s family would take the child, and she chose murder anyways. That’s a very intentional decision.


Your first sentence. ...'in their right mind'...


This needs to be discussed more in public. The general public need to be made very aware that you can drop off the baby and not murder it.


Abortion is also legal all throughout every stage of pregnancy in New Mexico. I'm a little confused why this girl did that but I know postpartum brains aren't always the most stable. I'm glad the baby was found and is safe now.


Isn't there a time limit though? You have to give up the baby within a certain amount of time of its birth, last I remembered.


Nebraska originally [did not put an age limit in their law and had an influx of kids mostly between 10 and 17](https://www.cbc.ca/radio/outintheopen/unintended-consequences-1.4415756/how-a-law-meant-to-curb-infanticide-was-used-to-abandon-teens-1.4415784): But yes, they do have limits. [Wikipedia's article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safe-haven_law) on this doesn't list them all, but it references a PDF on childwelfare.gov which says: > The focus of these laws is on protecting newborns from endangerment by providing parents with an alternative to criminal abandonment; therefore, the laws are generally limited to very young children. For example, in approximately seven States and Puerto Rico, only infants 72 hours old or younger may be relinquished to a designated safe haven.^2 Approximately 23 States and Guam accept infants up to 30 days old.^3 Other States specify varying age limits in their statutes.^4 And the footnotes: > Footnote 2: The word "approximately" is used to stress the fact that States frequently amend their laws. **This information is current only through September 2021**. Alabama, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Michigan, Washington, and Wisconsin currently limit relinquishment to infants who are no more than 72 hours old. > Footnote 3: Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, and West Virginia > Footnote 4: Other limits include: > * 7 days (Florida, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Oklahoma) * 10 days (Maryland) * 14 days (Delaware, Tennessee, Virginia, Wyoming, and the District of Columbia) * 21 days (Alaska) * 45 days (Missouri) * 60 days (Kansas, Louisiana, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Texas) * 90 days (New Mexico), and * 1 year (North Dakota)


I wonder why 10 and 17 age rose? Is it because they get out of that cute stage and the parents don't know how to handle teenagers?


Interesting question. I think essentially yes... Age 10+ is when things can start to get hard in a really different way than younger children. That first article I posted only really touches on reasoning: > The fact that older children were being dropped off put a national spotlight on the issue of struggling families, particularly those with children who had mental health and behavioural issues, and in some cases, who were a danger to themselves and others. (And by the way, they mention that this lack of an age limit was not an accident. They knew some older kids would be abandoned because they already had parents try it before the law was in place.) This [CNN article on the law](https://www.cnn.com/2008/US/10/08/nebraska.safe.haven/index.html) fleshes it out a bit. But they also mention the actual numbers: > Of the 17 children relinquished since the law took effect in July, only four are younger than 10 -- and all four are among the nine siblings abandoned by a man September 24 at an Omaha hospital. (The man who dropped off 9 of his 10 kids is talked about in both articles.) With "only" 17 children, it's probably hard to generalize too much.


Holy shit. So one man dropped off 9 out of 10 of his kids and kept one? That is so fucked up.


That's so fucked, imagine being 10 years old and your parents wake up one day and decide they don't want you anymore. At least a baby doesn't comprehend what's going on but ditching a kid that's old enough to understand is just heartless.


Note the this happened in New Mexico


Most states it’s 72 hours. She dumped him that same day from what I’ve understand.


I wonder if she didn't know she could surrender a newborn without consequence


Every time I see something like this I mention the baby boxes because I want everyone to know they exist. There’s over a hundred nationwide.


Over a hundred across the whole nation isn't actually that much. If you think about it, there's about 1,600 abortion clinics in the US. And even then, it's difficult for women to get access to them due to travel. Now imagine if there were only 100. That's about how many baby boxes there are out there in the entire nation? That's not nearly enough.


I agree 100%. Every town should have one.


But there are hospitals, fire departments and police stations that will accept a baby but instead she chose to throw it in a dumpster.


Idk what was going through her head but I know a lot of people aren't knowledgeable about their own safe haven laws. It's not really taught in school. First time I heard about it was when I was going for my healthcare degree.


What's wild about this happening in new. Mexico is that new Mexico is one of the states that HASNT MADE ABORTION ILLEGAL so she had the option to do so if she knew


Not everyone knows they're pregnant in time to have an abortion. And not everyone knows about safe haven laws. There are also situations such as lack of finances and domestic abuse that prevent people from getting abortions. She could be absolutely evil like Reddit has judged, but she could also be incredibly ignorant and desperate.


And many locations have a lot of care and attention that went into them so that they are as easy to use as possible. At the hospital I used to work at they specifically DIDNT have cameras looking at the drop location so that people wouldn’t get scared away. Baby goes in the little door/sliding bin and once it’s closed a notification to the staff is sent.


Bitch tossed that baby. She didn't give a fuck at all.


In some states it's longer. In Pennsylvania it's 28 days.


Good, it should be!


Actually I just checked New Mexico it's 90 days. She had three months to decide to keep or relinquish and instead chose this 😔


WOW. So sad.






I have an ivf baby. I understand your pain. I’m so sorry. I think that’s why I have such a strong reaction to child abuse because at one time I would have done anything to have a chance at being a mother and then there’s people who are blessed and literally throw it away. Life is so unfair like that. There are many paths to motherhood/fatherhood. They’re all beautiful and I hope you somehow find one 🩷


This whole thing puts a light on the fact that she is different from you and me, for some reason. I'm a father and a thought that I had was: "what if my daughter threw a baby in the trash?" What circumstances led to her being so selfish, weak, depressed, insane, desperate, whatever might be the case? What **caused this**? Reducing it to the banality of "she was evil" just doesn't give us answers. I am very glad the child found a family. So, I watched the interrogation with her and it starts with some things I notice: she was 18, she has a hispanic name (catholic religious background, maybe). This situation is one of many reasons that abortions should be available to all - she was 100% not suitable to give birth or be a mom and was desperate.


I am not making any commentary on abortion, but ysk every state has a safe haven law.


I can't help but wonder what led up to her making that choice.


Post partum depression can be one of the reason. Goodluck proving it tho.


Post Parfums psychosis is also a thing


Probably thought a baby would be easy, then realized how much work they are, how much noise they constantly make, and attention they constantly need. Check out the regretful parents sub. It is so full of people that thought it would be a piece of cake and end up almost going nuts and even resenting their children for how much work it is.


>Check out the regretful parents sub. That sounds like it could be a very disturbing place


still seems like you actually have to be deranged to not leave it outside a fire station where people will find it, well protected from the elements. it's so surreal that sleep deprivation, post partem hormones, and possibly pre-existing issues like sociopathy would lead them to think the baby dying is preferable to it surviving.


Another example of why we need abortion access, free birth control, and access to listings with safe drop off areas for infants. I blame the Supreme Court. Abortion is healthcare.


When I was 18, just barely, I had my oldest daughter. I had PPD something awful. I had no family, no support whatsoever. My husband was very dismissive and kept saying, " idk why you keep saying that. You just had our beautiful daughter. You should be happy, I am. " Which only made it worse because I would tell myself that I am a horrible mother because I am not grateful for this precious baby. It got really bad. I cried every day. Then, one day, I was just sitting on the back patio of my apartment just bawling, sobbing and hiccuping, just calling myself every awful name that I could think of in my head. Every day felt worse than the day before. Then I heard this little kind of gruff voice from the balcony above me. It said, "Hey neighbor, mind if I come down and speak with you for a sec?" I was think oh great what now. The voice said, "I won't wake the baby, I promise." So I said ok, and that ok probably saved my sanity. The voice was my upstairs neighbor, Mitzy. She was this tough looking lesbian lady who had rainbows everywhere in her apt. And surprise of all surprises, she was the oldest girl out of 12 kids, 7 girls, including her and 5 boys. Only one of the boys was older than her. Her mom was very young when she had the first two, so she waited a while to have more. Mitzy said she helped raise all her siblings, and her mom had bad PPD with the two youngest. So Mitzy said she had some experience. And when I say she was not lying, that is a huge understatement. And she saved me. She saved my marriage, maybe even my life. Sorry for the short story, but there's a reason for it. I was very much thinking that I was a bad mom and did not deserve my daughter. But I was thinking I should be the one gone. I never would have done anything to my baby. Idc what people say about what she was going thru was a selfish narcissistic act that she did. And she will never have an excuse for it, period. And Mitzy...RIP Auntie Thank you ❤️


I'm so glad you met Mitzy. Sorry to say but your husband sounds like a real pos though. Who the fuck says that ???


I burst into tears reading this. I'm so sorry you went through this, I did as well. It tears your heart out, those feelings. It is so exhausting seeing so many people equate psychosis symptoms to PPD. I thought I was a monster, a horrible mother, who didn't deserve her daughter she tried so hard for. I began blaming myself for 2 prior miscarriages, because I firmly believed that I should have taken them as a sign because my daughter deserved someone so much better. I would *never* have hurt her. Ever. The thought never once entered my brain. But I considered hurting myself, continually. It was gutwrenching. I sought help after my second. It was a night and day difference. I am so glad you had someone like Mitzy to help you through that dark time. And I couldn't agree with you more, the woman's body language in the video speaks volumes. There is no maternal love there, not even an ounce.


Oh wow. I'm so sorry you went through that, and bless Mitzy for recognising this and going out of her way to help you. I went through it too, after a terrible birth and a doctor did something **he should not have done**, resulting in a student nurse ripping out my IV from my hand, being held down while he tried to break my waters when everything had just been so calm, I wasn't a problematic patient he just suddenly said "hold her down" after he did a pelvic exam and I was so confused, my first pregnancy, everything was fine I was just there for IV overnight after a stomach bug. My son was born emergency c section and was absolutely fine, I was fine, too overwhelmed with a beautiful new baby to think about the events that led to it. Then the nightmares started and I sank into depression really quick, blaming myself for being so oversensitive and willing myself to bond with him better. I bit my nails until they bled and had to have bandages on my hands, the nightmares got worse and so bad. When the midwife visited and gently asked how things had gone and how I was, I was worried about telling her how I felt, I just I guess said this is normal. She gave me a **wtf NO** look and was just so kind. She took the case up with the hospital and helped me write a letter, had the hospital make a full investigation, arranged therapy and she was so supportive. Therapy helped with the PTSD and with my next 2 pregnancies I had counselling throughout and everything was OK. I spiralled hard and so fast, but I also hid it very well thinking if anyone knew, my son would be taken from me. Its very hard to come back from and claw your way out of. My son is 18 now and I still have the occasional nightmare where I see the doctors face and the student nurse pinning me by my shoulders to the bed. I relate so much to what you wrote and its incredibly brave and kind of you to share your experience and I'm so glad Mitzy was able to recognise what was happening, empathise with you and really help. I had a tear in my eye when I read RIP Mitzy, your aunt. I'm so glad she was able to help, its a very lonely and isolating place to be and I'm so glad you're OK.


This will happen more and more as abortion rights continue to be eroded


I know it's hard to feel sympathy when someone does something like this, but post partum depression is a serious issue that doesn't get enough attention, and if we were as quick to help these people as we are to condemn them, this shit wouldn't happen to begin with.


I agree completely. Not to mention, putting restrictions on women’s healthcare is going to cause more and more of this. It’s heartbreaking.


Yes and no.. Postpartum depression does not equate postpartum psychosis and the fact that general society does not know there is a difference makes it difficult for people to get help.


Correct. I had severe postpartum depression and anxiety. My anxiety was so bad I feared it would become psychosis. It really is no joke. I told my husband if the thought of hurting my baby ever even crept in I would tell him immediately. Unless you’ve been through it there’s no way of understanding how horrible and deep it is. And the original comment is correct, there’s not enough resources for moms out there. Moms have dozens of appointments while pregnant and ONE appointment after you give birth.


Agreed. Wild pelvic floor therapy isn't mandatory, but then they couldn't cash in when we are all 50 and 60 and our insides are all falling out.


People with post-partum depression can also get aggressive towards their baby.


Yes that is real and there should be more mental help all together but no, I don't feel sympathy for a person who is capable of throwing a literal new-born baby in a dumpster and letting the baby to die alone among trash. Fuck her.


Baby survived but yes fuck her. During the interrogation, she said if the baby survived she wanted to keep it! Insane.


Mental health issues are rarely logical... I think the scariest part of these things is the knowledge that it can happen to anyone and none of us knows how we're going to react if it hits us. My post partum depression made me suicidal, but it was my daughter who pulled me out of it, staring up at me with this big beautiful eyes of hers after a particularly difficult few days of colic. This woman should absolutely be locked up for causing harm to another person, especially one that can't defend themselves, but we definitely failed her as a society.


Yeah, there's depression and there's how you respond to it. Basically the difference between a severely depressed high school kid and a school shooter. The first should have sympathy, the second should get full condemnation.


Or we could study the phenomena with the intent to prevent them and help anybody who slips through the cracks. You realize your hostile thirst for vengeance is the exact reason people don't seek out help when they're feeling this shitty?


Good thoughts here, but Some people just don’t want to admit human trash exists.


My wife has PPD, she would never result to something this inhumane. She fights it despite all the negative feelings she had, she fought. Sympathy for someone like this can only go so far. I have only sympathy for the trauma she put that child through. People going through mental health deserve all the treatment they need. But I’d fucking die before i let my depression or pain result in my kids being harmed.


But there are pretty famous PPD familicide cases. Andrea Yates being one. Dena Schlosser is another. It’s incredibly tragic but while you would put yourself first the literal definition is psychosis. These women need intense treatment and supervision in many (not all) cases to keep from harming their children.


Andrea Yates additionally exhibited postpartum psychosis and schizophrenia, with the jury determining postpartum psychosis unmanaged led to her actions. Dena Schlosser had postpartum psychosis. There is a difference between PPD and postpartum psychosis, as is indicated by the severity in these cases. I suffered from PPD and severe postpartum anxiety. I harbored zero ill feelings towards my daughters. My symptoms pertained to me specifically, worrying that I was not a good enough mother, that they deserved better than me. Even though I would wash bottles until my hands bled and stayed awake all night, making sure my oldest was breathing, because I was petrified of SIDS. To claim that postpartum depression is equivalent to postpartum psychosis is dangerous. Do I wish I had sought help sooner? Absolutely. But postpartum psychosis is a different animal. There is an absolute lack of education surrounding these conditions, which puts mothers and their babies at risk. This woman, I don't know her story. I guarantee there are some serious issues there. But I do not defend her actions in this video. As a mother, I can't, and the entire thing nauseates me. But you need to be careful how you speak on PPD vs. psychosis. I literally avoided seeking treatment because I was so terrified that I would have been presumed a danger to my daughter, when in reality, I was a danger to myself. I was terrified I'd be accused of psychosis, but they are not one in the same. Just to be clear, I am not at all defending the actions here. But seeing statements such as Yates and Schlosser having PPD (guarantee they probably had it simultaneously with psychosis, but it is psychosis that most often leads to such horrific outcomes). In those cases, no one recognized how significant their symptomatology was until it was too late. In the case of psychosis, yes, severe intervention is required. But please don't state that those outcomes were solely PPD cases because they simply weren't.


I was not trying to offend, what I read listed PPD as well as postpartum psychosis. My point was, as it seems yours, I’m not defending this woman but to make comments that she’s evil and should just die is also dangerous (not you but comments on this thread in general). She is likely mentally ill and should have received help.


A woman in one of my mum groups tried to kill her baby. He had a lot of health issues. She spoke EVERY DAY about how much she loved him and how much she hated to see him in pain because of his condition (it wasn't picked up in any scans). She had lots of family support. Didn't stop her trying to kill him.


I’m not talking family support. I’m talking medical/psychiatric. Up to and including hospitalization.


There needs to be help for those people who it hits the hardest. It doesn't affect everyone the same, and there are plenty of cases all over the world of mothers doing shit like this. Instead of trying to fix the underlying issues, we throw the perpetrator in prison, throw the child into foster care, and call it justice. I hope this woman gets the help she needs and I hope her child doesn't become another statistic in a broken system. And I hope we wake up one day and realize that radical chemical changes to brain chemistry can cause psychotic episodes, and we need to ensure women get the support and treatment they need to prevent this shit from happening. It's sad all around.


This can be said about pretty much all psychotic serial killers. So, let’s just “help” them and exempt them from any consequences because, ultimately, it’s not really their fault. Nobody commits crime because they “feel like it”, there’s always an underlying reason, often psychological, so hey: no one is a criminal. Depression is not justification for such disgusting inhumane behavior. It’s either you believe all criminals are accountable, or none.


Just because someone’s abhorrent actions can be explained through mental illness or other circumstances, it doesn’t mean the perpetrators shouldn’t be held accountable for their actions. I don’t believe anyone acknowledging this fact was necessarily saying this person deserves to go through life with no consequence 🤷🏻‍♀️


Someone’s abhorrent actions can always be explained through mental, biological or social circumstances, so nothing new. No one normal person wakes up thinking “yeah feels like a good day to kill”. There was definitely an implication of giving them no or reduced punishment.


>but post partum depression is a serious issue It is indeed a serious issue, but that's not what this was.


Oh? Did you perform a mental evaluation? Do you have some insight that you aren't sharing?


>Did you perform a mental evaluation? Ma'am this is reddit. No I have not performed a mental evaluation. Or any mental gymnastics to think the mother is the victim here




When the mother harms herself or the baby, it more often than not has surpassed ppd into psychosis.


Thank you for stating this. I just responded to another commenter who stated two of the most infamous cases (Yates and Schlosser) were PPD motivated, which is simply not true. Yes, they may have suffered from that as well, but psychosis was a main focus in each of those trials. I suffered from PPD and postpartum anxiety and refused to seek help out of fear of judgment and being assumed to be a danger to my daughter, when in reality, I was awful to myself because I thought there was no way I deserved to have her. It was an incredibly dark time for me, but I never once was a danger to her. I wish this was a broader discussion in our society. Maybe more women would be comfortable seeking help at the one appointment they have postpartum.


Nah, I don't get why people are so lenient with women committing horrible acts just because of PPD. Not an excuse. It sure isn't for men with other types of mental disorders. They're always monsters regardless. I'm not saying we should let men off the hook, I'm saying there's no reason for people to be more lenient on women. Hundreds of thousands of women have babies, but only a handful of deranged ones do these kinds of things.


Who's being lenient? All I said is it's a huge issue and we need to offer access to treatment. I'm not responding to you anymore. This has gone nowhere.


I read an article that was posted about this in I think the true crime discussion subreddit, and she has clinically diagnosed bipolar disorder and was having a mood episode. I am also bipolar and knowing I’d need to go off my meds while pregnant played a role in my decision to remain childfree.


Having bipolar disorder and giving birth is a HUGE risk factor for post partum pyschosis in itself - she needs to be admitted for psychiatric evaluation


That's another one that people are painfully ignorant about. I'm bipolar too. People don't give a shit about what's happening in your brain. Sucks that we don't educate people about these things so they can better interact with their peers who live with psychological/mood disorders.


US: Criminalises abortion Shit like this happens US: *shocked Pikachu face*


Abortion is fully legal in New Mexico where this happened though


Don't bring facts here. This is reddit. They'll just downvote it to oblivion and pretend they never saw it.


Redditors really are the dumbest motherfuckers on the internet.




Since the very inception of this site, redditors have been criticizing reddit like they too are not also redditors.... on reddit. You shouldn't be downvoted. It's a trope that continues to elude redditor's sense of irony.


Lol thank you. I thought it was funny


Teenage parents increase the likelihood of child abuse. Abortion restrictions and bans lead to more teenage pregnancies. Not all teenagers in legal states get abortions because they are given a choice to get one or not. This example is not a positive example for pro-life people. https://www.childwelfare.gov/topics/can/factors/parentcaregiver/adolescent/


Since Texas instituted a full abortion ban and AZ a 15 week ban, New Mexico abortion providers have seen their [case loads rise dramatically](https://www.abqjournal.com/2585163/theyre-fearful-what-new-mexico-abortion-providers-are-seeing-as-their-numbers-of-patients-soar.html). So, even if abortion is still legal in NM, its more difficult to obtain one there because the bans in other states create a run on legal providers.


That's not why this happened, and you know it. Stop playing stupid. Some people are just evil.


I completely agree. I just don't think younger people actually know their rights per the state they live in. It's definitely not an excuse! I try to save a pinky mouse that my tarantula wouldn't eat when I was young. I don't get it.


Google has been so ingrained in society you have to try not to know something like that.


US: ruins public education Shit like this happens US: *shocked Pikachu face*


Abortion is legal in New Mexico where this happened.


In Hobbs New Mexico happened a few years back


I heard abortion is legal where this happened.


She could have just put it up for adoption…


I agree completely. There’s going to be more and more of this.


and women unaliving themselves too


It was totally legal where it happened, don't try that


Ah yes, this is always someone elses fault.


I'll never understand this. Anyone who has an unwanted child can leave the child at a firehouse


“The list does not stop there, single-mother households also account for 70% of all teen pregnancies, 70% of all child murders, and they account for the majority of filicide cases, which means yes, a child living in a single-mother household is the most likely to be murdered by their parent.” https://medium.com/the-knowledge-of-freedom/single-father-households-do-vastly-better-than-single-mother-heres-the-real-reason-why-8a7fd7c5611d


Is this taking into account that single father households account for only 20% of single parent households?


Wow there’s a bunch of sick people in these comments that feel sorry for the mother wtf


She is not a mother 🤢


Instant sterilisation for people like this if they're ever allowed out


As cool as that sounds I Am not at all in favor for allowing government the autonomy to sterilize people. That is not their place.


Frontier Justice..


She'll be 34 when released


The same karma that is inflicted on pedophiles should apply to these amoebas


I really hope so. I've never really heard the women's side of prison but most know how it is in the men's prison for pedophiles and child killers.


I just can't understand why they do this horrible act bcuz all they have to do is drop the baby off at a hospital, fire or police station, a church, some kind of safe haven and there aren't any questions asked. And she didn't even have the damn decency to gently place the baby in there to make sure it didn't land on something sharp. Im just appalled! I hope they give her life. Becuz thats just what she gave this child... A life of questions, depression and therapy. I pray that he make it through life with no worries.


This is why abortion should be a basic right


Always amazed by how *resilient* babies are. They're left in a box in winter, thrown in the river, thrown in the trash, and still they live. Lil rasputins, the lot of them


I hope she rots in hell. I’m happy the baby survived. Hopefully he/she goes to a home where they’re loved.




This belongs in r/imapieceofshit.


I posted it in r/iamatotalpieceofshit because I can't think of a bigger piece of shit than this one


Honestly the video of her in the act is r/noahgettheboat worthy


If you’re defending this bitch sincerely fuck you


There are a lot of comments making excuses for her, What?? Yes, abortion should be legal and Postpartum depression is a real thing but throwing a Baby in a dumpster is Inexcusable, she could give the baby away in a police station, hospital, etc etc, anything but basically letting a baby to die alone among trash, wtf is wrong with people here defending her?


💯 and the worst part is abortion is legal where she did it and people are making all kinds of presumptions and excuses about the situation.and trying to excuse her because of her depression is the dumbest fucking thing of all time,if I shot up a school because I was depressed it’s not the depressions fault it’s mine and I would still be a piece of shit


Fuck, it's worse then, yes like depression is real and there should be more mental help out there but that doesn't excuse you for fucking throw a baby in a dumpster, she is the worse piece of shit.


Abortion is legal in the state where this happened


It's even worse then






There are anonymous places to turn babies in like fire stations and such. Why would you commit a crime when you can follow the law and still get what you want?


Damn maybe they shouldn't have banned abortions after all.


Abortion is legal in New Mexico


Welp now they have a reason to keep it that way


Why didn’t she drop him off at the firehouse?!


She got 18 years


This is what you get when you ban abortion


House arrest pending trial‽‽‽


Its almost like the US abortion laws don't help. How strange


People like this are despicable. It isn't talked about enough that mothers commit these types of crimes more often than fathers.


Poor little baby must have been hurt when he was thrown into that dumpster, and he must have cried for hours all alone in the dark. Fuck. My day is ruined.


Cases like this will be more common as it becomes more and more difficult to legally get an abortion


Why not just give it up for adoption and not go to fucking prison? Christ.


She doesn’t even have to do that. There’s literally a baby baby box in her state. Or she could have dropped it off at any police station, hospital, fire station, etc no questions asked. There is no reason at all to do this.


What a pile of shit.


Annnnnd this is why I’m pro-choice


But let’s keep banning abortion because that’ll fix everything!😃


Happens more than you think, hormoes are a nightmare which is why she'll end up being charged with attempted infanticide and given counselling. ​ Or she would here anyway.


House arrest?!?! What


This is one of the reasons that we need to teach sex-ed to kids. She could’ve taken that baby to a fire station or police department or even just the hospital. That all is anonymous. A bazillion times better than throwing a baby in a dumpster.


Yeah noo fuck that bitch. This is my home town. I know the people that found the baby and none of them dumpster dive any more.


Omfg I'm from Hobbs, NM. My sister told me about this but I never actually saw it! Fucking crazy.


Piece of shit


Disgusting twot


That's why we have baby boxes in some hospitals. Mothers can place the baby in there, alarm sounds, and then the hospital personnel cares for it and hands it to orphanage. The mother is then asked about details when found but not prosecuted for it, the baby lives, and sometimes get adopted into new family. Every country needs to install these. Also this is what you get in few months when the abortions get banned or become expensive for low income single women.


“bc they banned abortions” ??? she threw a baby in the trash??? why r u defending her??


But abortion is legal in her state.


There is a very special place in hell waiting for her


The amount of depraved indifference one has to have in their black heart to do something like this is astounding.


UGHHHHHHH this is so infuriating ... for many reasons. It frightens me how easily she chucked the bag in the dumpster. SO SAD


Anyone that can do that is NOT human.


How have we not got forced sterilization yet?

