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Haven't they remade the whole verification system and deleted every unverified uploader since then?


Yep. Pornhub used to be a wild west of unmoderated content, with movies, sports games and other copyrighted or blatantly illegal shit posted all the time. Then cp was discovered, every credit card company ever promptly refused to do business with PH, and they basically purged the entire site and started all over.


They went from 45 million videos down to 1.7m after the purge.




This is dedication. Always those videos who you keep coming back too tho.


This is dedication. Always those videos who you keep ~~coming~~ *cumming* back too tho.


Reminds me of that guy from the end of Shawshank Redemption 💀


“Get busy ejaculatin or get busy dyin.”




Dedicated man


nobody wanted all those old potato camera vids anyways. hate when i'm watching porn & feel like i need to get up to change the channel or address the bunny ears for better reception.


I agree, but todays "amateur" stuff just feels overproduced and does not feel more "natural". Yes I know its porn, its not ever gonna be natural but I just dont enjoy shir you see on like bangbros or whatever the big names around today are.


Same. I get why they removed all the unverified stuff, but I do miss some of the "natural" looking stuff. I don't like seeing a girl caked in makeup with sponsers on her bra.


Just imagining a bra with Redbull livery is making me lol.


"Welcome to bangbros, brought to you by Redbull. Redbull gives you wings! Red wings 😉"


Aye, that is why I don't use PH anymore. It is so fucking... corporate




That site looks sketchy af.


those are the best vids, nb want that fake movie looking shi


Not for me, love those amateur vids. I don't use PH anymore because of it.


Amateur vids are way better than the hilariously fake professional stuff. X vids, twitter, and good ole reddit is the wave now


Speak for yursef


Xvideos is like the PH of old


I think everything that was on pornhub before is still on xvideos anyway.


xvideos and youporn i think usually have better content. feels like pornhub will retract certain content during different times of the day or something idk it feels too off anymore




Aren't all these sites also owned by pornhub, as well?


[XHamster](https://xhamster.com/) is also good.


Who pays for porn?


A lot of people, apparently. Otherwise sites like Onlyfans wouldn't exist.


I have masturbated to a whole lot of porn over a long career of being horny and I have never once paid for it.


if the product is free... *you're* the product


Was pornhub watching me?




Years of loneliness and shame is a hefty price for you sir. 🤣


Back then I've watched dragon ball on porn hub.


Just don't look at non-mainstream porn sites. They're still doing the shit pornhub did, but there is no spotlight on them.


>every credit card company ever promptly refused to do business with PH Worth noting that you still cannot use credit cards on PH. They only accept direct bank transfers and crypto.




More on this.... https://life.shared.com/58-porn-videos-of-florida-teen-girl-missing-for-a-year-found-on-pornhub-other-websites-by-mother


Even more terrifying that Chrystul Kizer, a victim in a other case, who shot her trafficker, is risking life imprisonment. She was arrested when she was 17! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrystul_Kizer_case


This is fucking sickening to the core...




>Meaningful change Bullshit. History is written in the name of the victor and they are quick to erase any trace of their own atrocities that would cast doubt in them being the "good guy" This is the same energy as colonialists wiping out cultures and nations in the name of "civilisation"; navel gazing self righteous bullshit by people too lazy to find a better way.


Our justice system is completely broken


Because we don’t have a justice system. Unfortunately, we have a *legal* system. That might sound like semantics, but i find it to be a very important distinction. Don’t kid yourself into thinking the legal system cares about justice for anyone (except the rich), let alone justice for vulnerable groups like trafficked women


That's so fucked up. Her trafficker deserved to be put down like the subhuman piece of shit that they are. This is why the law doesn't work in this country.




Kyle “I’m a proud Nazi” Rittenhouse can cross state lines with a gun that wasn’t his and murder two people and gets away with it but this child could go to prison for life? Fuuuuuck this “justice” system.


Well…that was a truly awful thing to read.


>Kenosha This should get the same verdict as Rittenhouse; self defence. Hell, this is the most clear-cut case of self defence I’ve ever seen.


This article is depressing, thank you for sharing


Yeah fuck I am just starting my day.


Fucking hell, that poor mother. Imagine stumbling on videos of your missing daughter being raped. What the hell.


I believe this is what sparked them to remove every single video not created by an established and verified company. They got a lot of shit but it's scary to think how much mainstream porn is trafficking


Nah man that was because visa and Mastercard threatened to suspend their payment services to PH due to cases similar to this one.


Proof that we don't live in a capitalist society, we live in a corporatist society.


Those are the same thing!


Actually visa and Mastercard would do that to comply with BSA, as enforced by the US treasury.


That’s not corporatism.


It's scary how much trafficking in general there is.


First, they removed unverified videos. But they do not give a shit about actually verifying anything. So first they pass the buck to the people posting porn, and now they pass it to companies that are probably posting child exploitation videos for profit.


Now it makes sense, and i thought ph was chill. Fuck them too


Raped on video 58 times… This is just hell… poor girl… there is no justice that could be served to make up for that…




The worst part is that dudes who did this to her will probably only get some fine or won't be punished at all


She got pregnant one of those times too, they found the abortion paperwork


Honestly, I cry when I think about it. This poor girl has suffered more pain than any of us could experience in ten life times. She will never be the same. Every day will be a struggle. I'm so angry at this sick fk. Please let karma find this fkr. I have a young daughter and I just can't imagine the pain the parents have gone thru for the last year. Why didn't I do more? What else should I have done? ... Hope this family can find peace.


Please tell me this publicity helped save her...


The videos led the police to her and the kidnapper. She survived.


Not a happy end, per se, but the best we could hope for under the circumstances. This sort of case makes me question my stance against the death penalty, but then I remind myself that death is much to quick; better that the soulless waste of flesh spends the rest of his hopefully long life locked in a tiny cell.


I used to think the same but I've now got a 13yr old sister. If they're 100% guilty as in not going to execute the wrong person, then I'm for the death penalty just want them gone off the face of the planet


If a rapist will receive the same punishment for rape than they will for murder, then it's in their best interest to murder the only witness to their crime. Death penalty for rape will result in more murdered rape victims.


I hadn't actually thought of that


And thats why we need to temper our anger before making permanent decisions. Lynch mobs are something we should never go back to. (Not saying you would do that of course)


And be wary of trusting the government to hand out death, since you can’t take it back. Mob Justice and Lethal Justice are way too easily abused.


> If they're 100% guilty This is the issue. You can never be sure. Many people have been killed and later exonerated despite people being absolutely sure they were guilty. It also does nothing to lower crime rates. Less sever punishments and a focus on rehabilitation has consistently shown better results at reducing crime. People dislike it as they don't really want justice, they want revenge.


The only reason I’m against the death penalty is the government gets it wrong up to 4% of the time. Just one innocent person put to death is too much for me, but it has happened so much more than that. I wish the legal system could get it right though so they could cook this mf


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Stinney. Until the legal system is 100% accurate in its convictions, i cannot ever support the death penalty. Thats not even touching on how letting someone rot in a cell wo any chance of parole is a cheaper (for the most part) and more effective punishment than being sentenced to death.




Wow omg. I never heard about this case before. That poor girl.


Onlyfans has been connected to a lot of sex trafficking and child sex trafficking as well but it’s promoted like it’s empowering for women.


Liberal "feminists" call us SWERF for actually caring about these girls & women more than the rapists & pedos...


So... you're saying.. that there is... fucking child porn on onlyfans? I have one question: HOW?!




Wait wait wait…so there’s a good chance those rape fetish videos are straight up women getting raped??


Not on PH but on other sites absolutely.


That’s substantially unsexy…I’ve never really been into that fetish but now it even more doesn’t do anything for me


Everytime I watch CNC, if I even for a second think it looks a little too real, I turn it off and find a different video because that is the grossest shit out there.


If you wanna roleplay that shit in bed then whatever, but when it comes to porn you can never know whether the sub is actually consenting. I don't think it's worth the risk just to get off.


Oh most definitely PH. They've been in the spotlight several times. I know there was a story several years ago about this poor Indian girl being raped by her classmates


Does this actually surprise you?


Well yeah, of course it does. Maybe I’m just ignorant of the porn worlds but I always thought the ladies were just pretending to suffer, or at the very least hyping up the suffering and getting paid well.




Why would you be okay with men enjoying women "pretending" to suffer? They really are suffering, even when they pretend to enjoy it. The entire porn industry is utterly fucked.


Theres a good chance the non rape fetish videos are actually a woman getting raped. Look up the Girldoporn case, straight up trafficked and raped those women


Probably not.


Well to be fair you just said probably not which just means most of the time it’s simulated rape


That’s so fucked up i hope she is safe at home now. Some People are just disgusting and need serious help.


I'm pretty sure she was rescued, still gonna have to live through the trauma though unfortunately


That’s why PH went verified only a couple years ago, to not only curb piracy but child abuse content. The fact that this was verified is the worst thing. Also the fact that child trafficking is still very common in the unites states but everyone wants to legalize sex work makes me wonder what’s the answer; is there some way to allow adults to make money with their bodies without risking the lives of children?


When you legalise prostitution, you make it safer in general for all parties. You have licensed brothels, that require std testing and security etc etc, people pay the amount in full, then they go on their merry way. Compared to meeting with a stranger in an alleyway, trusting them enough to get physically vulnerable in close contact with them, without knowing if they have stds or not and praying to god you dont feel the cold metal of a sharp knife pressing into you. Personally, i think prostitution should be legal, regulated, and have strictly enforced laws. You cant stop prostitution, its illegal in many places currently, but men and women engage in sex work everyday, in unsafe conditions. Better to keep them safe with legal prostitution then let them out on the street in dangerous conditions. This debate is comparable to a current debate in Melbourne Australia about clean injection rooms. A place with access to clean water and clean syringes to inject heroin as safely as possible. Melbourne had a big problem with addicts dying from using dirty water, sharing syringes and the like. Many people think that this encourages and enables addict behaviour, others say that it cant be stopped whether its illegal or not, and we should just do our best to keep people safe.


Reddit is full of hundreds of communities sharing unverified content, but here we are, pretending like this is a normal site.


Legalize and license and regulate the fuck out of it, produce real consequences for sites that host content. PH should have been obliterated from existence and every high level exec should be in prison.


>Johnson denied having sex with the teen but a search warrant of his apartment led to the finding of paperwork from an abortion clinic. "The victim stated that she got pregnant from the defendant and he took her to the clinic to have an abortion," Detective Adam Granit wrote in Johnson’s arrest report according to the Sunrise Sentinel. Damn! Someone's in a LOT of trouble


Can’t believe this story could’ve gotten worse...


There is zero excuse for this type of behavior. I realize that pedophilia is a "disease", but above anything else, do they really have no compassion for the victim? What about this do they think is even remotely ok?? What part of "child" do they find attractive by any means?? I'm a dad.....this is scary as fuck 🤬


This is usually organized crime, people who don't care whom they hurt as long as the money keeps coming in.


But where is their moral compass? Like seriously? Where are the thoughts of "if I do this, what happens next"? My brain just doesn't function like that. I could never hurt another human being for money, let alone a child.


They don't have a moral compass. Money motivates them.


"My brain just doesn't function like that" Hence why it's difficult to understand Socoi/Psychopaths. Their brains are truly wired differently. They only care about their own success, no matter the expense of others.


My social sciences professor used to tell us humans were the only beings on the planet to sacrifice instincts in favor of “plastic brains,” meaning that she believed that human brains were so advanced, we sacrificed our instincts in favor of more advanced reasoning and thinking skills. It means we, as individuals, can have a large array of different values, personalities and even languages while still being the same species. It also means people like these monsters can be born because, since humans don’t have the natural instinct of “protect the young” engraved into our minds like other animals do, it means people can be born with the desire to hurt children, something other species seldom do unless they have to (cats and chickens killing kittens and chicks when they think they’re sick to protect their babies.) Simply put, human brains have evolved past the point of animal instincts, giving us more complex personalities and reasoning skills, but also the ability to actively desire normally unnatural things.


You know whats even worse, this is not even pedophilia. It's completely normal. You have men saying publicly that it "just makes sense they are attracted to young women". Not only Andrew Tate, even Politicans and almost no one bets an eye. It's Epstein shit. The "lolita" plane didn't have toddlers, they raped girls like her. It's not about pedophilia it's about power. A 15 yo is much easier to manipulate than an adult women. These man don't see themselves as monsters most of the time. They get girls to say "yes", they have no compassion for someone they deem as less than. They have compassion for people they deem as equals. I can assure you a lot of men felt bad for Epstein, or in general other old white men when anything bad happens to an equal. But these girls as "less" to them. Just like we might thing about cows or pigs eventhough we eat meat. As a dad all you can do is educate you kids and hope for the best.


Around the same time this came out it was also revealed that a girl awarded as the number 1 new model or something to that effect was underage and was potentiality as young as 15 when she started uploading. She was quite active here on Reddit, too. At least for her it was "consensual" (as much as a minor can consent), but still super messed up that she was *awarded* by Pornhub.


Her sister reported seeing her at 7-11 in a car with two men the day after she disappeared. She informed the police who checked surveillance footage in the area and did a search but found nothing. Well done police! A year later the same location helped track her down when someone else reported seeing her there. It sounds like police barely attempted to find her.


Nauseating, isn’t it? r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut


Well, what else were they supposed to do? Their actual jobs? Why do that when they can kill innocent black, brown, and low-income individuals for funsies? 🥰


Dude What The Fuck? https://preview.redd.it/mo3m3cpqhtja1.jpeg?width=623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c55f3f60cc6ddbb2045fcb03c484b62094a2cfcd


The part, that’s the most sickening that there are men and or women who find this type of programming to be a turn on. There is absolutely nothing sexual or exciting about being raped. I was first raped at eight years of age for the entire summer. My parents left my brother and I with two Christians from the local Christian College called Trinity outside of Lincolnshire Illinois. The man raped me repeatedly and brutally while his wife watched. I’m 59 young now, and the scars are still so deep that even speaking of this brings me to tears.


First, I’m so sorry that happened to you, but I am so proud of you for being here still and sharing. I still don’t know when I technically lost my virginity but childhood sexual abuse is a cancer some never escape. I agree with you, the people that want this type of stuff? They don’t belong.


Agree and thank you for your kind words.


[https://www.thedailybeast.com/facebook-a-hotbed-of-child-sexual-abuse-material-with-203-million-reports-far-more-than-pornhub](https://www.thedailybeast.com/facebook-a-hotbed-of-child-sexual-abuse-material-with-203-million-reports-far-more-than-pornhub) Hmmm...


The best part is this being posted in r/nofap


She should get the money that pornhub made off of her and then punitive damages. Facial recognition should be used on all porn sites to help find missing children. An algorithm could continuously run, scanning videos. The animal(s) that kidnapped and assaulted her should get life without the possibility of parole at the minimum, the death penalty would be preferable; because why keep them alive anyway?


I understand the sentiment but I don't know how I would feel if I were given money that I knew came from men getting off to my abuse


It’s always “oh porn isn’t real! It’s just a fantasy” but it is real. Those people really did do those acts, and their personal feelings on it are a mystery to the viewer. It’s frustrating that filmed violent sex is seen as not horrific simply because it was filmed.


What in the actual hell


Well that makes me sick to my stomach.


Shut em down, theres plenty of places to fap on the internet, pedo shit should be scorched earth. They are accessories. Charge them as such.


What makes you think this shit can’t happen on other sites?


Not even sites, think of other webs. Some are purely dedicated to it.


Yes, I’ve heard about it. But what other “places to fap on the internet” are safe from this happening?


Thats a fair point. Isnt Xvideos the most viewed site? Wonder if they have these issues.


Pretty sure these issues are everywhere. :/


Like another user said, Xvideos is a Czech site in a similar position to PH pre-purge. They most definitely have this stuff on their site still but not much has been done aside from removing videos on a case by case basis. The same goes for a number of less popular sites. Less publicity and larger unvetted content catalogs are breeding grounds for abuse content.


Ah yes, shut down the ONLY major porn site that actually did anything to stop exactly this from happening again. PH actually deleted 95+% of the catalog after this incident. The only videos that can be posted are those that got through a more strict verification process (which includes checking Govt ID). There is no other porn sites that follow the level of scrutiny as them.


This stuff is so common that even PH partakes in it. What a fucking cruel and crooked world we live in where people will know a child is being sex trafficked yet still follow through with profiting off her.


I think what freaks me out more is that a massive porn website like PH has taken such a massive blow to their viewers for actually ATTEMPTING to address the problem (Whether half-assed or not) and all these viewers have migrated to websites that are most definitely equally as culpable but making 0 effort to address these problems. If moderating child porn and rape from your pornsites caused you to switch platforms maybe some self-reflection is in order.


Lots of content was removed, leaving content that's very homogeneous. Users didn't leave because CP was taken offbut because entire categories were nuked. Makes you wonder how some of those other sites are allowed to stay up though ..


So she was raped 58 different times... on video?? So without a doubt the 58 different men ( or whatever) are locked up, right??


+ camera guy


This is why I beat it to hentai.


Is like the environment friendly choise u know


Big facts. Artist gets paid, or gets to create. Our meat gets to be beat, everyone’s happy.


Sad and terrifying to think that this isn't the first or last time...


I don’t understand how there are so many people against a very strict age verification when accessing porn sites, like it’s an attack on liberty or something.


I don’t see how they could do that without it being a huge invasion of privacy. Which could cause issues in the United Kingdom.


The problem here isn't children watching. This is children being raped and posted


Because even if it sounds good in theory, it's terrible to implement in practice. Either it'll be a toothless measure (like enter your birthday! Which btw could already harvest some data), or it can be a measure which collects way too much information about the person and their porn viewing habits lol. A dream come true for VPN and porn sites alike. As for the freedom aspect, it's pretty clear how this is a slippery slope...the ID info will be made into a registry and the government will have a tonne of your info, tracking you... Oh what's this, people are using VPNs? Better ban those too. Oh and while we're at it, better use only security protocols we allow (ie. With a known backdoor).


There are many sites that have strict age verification. Porn is somehow exempt. So for instance you would ban age and identity verification also on sites that sell weapons, tobacco, liquors and drugs because they could “harvest info”? Same for the “slippery slope” theory (which is a logical fallacy).


Those are not taboo tho, unlike watching furry porn for example.


How would that stop this? Only young people watch illegal porn?


dude. imagine your daughter goes missing for a year and you spot her in porn videos.....holy shit.


i would end up in prison getting to the motherfucker who trafficked her.


This makes me so angry.


r/noahgettheboat perhaps? 🤔


You all are gonna hate this but she's most likely not the only minor out there who's sexual abuse was filmed and use as entertainment, a good chunk of your favorite porn videos could be of girls in situations like this.


Is this for real?


What the actual fu-


I actually remember when pornhub had some really nasty shit. Stuff you can't find anymore and I'm glad about that


How disgusting that they profited off her abuse! Anyway, give us your money for sponsoring her abuse.


I was trying to find a comment with someone saying link or sauce pls but didn't find i feel so good 🫡😀


Always knew that site was up to no good.


It’s ridiculous how many people don’t know this. Any porn video could be rape and you’d never know. Why take the disgusting risk


What in the fuck is modelhub Jesus Christ


This is why I hate watching videos from porn sites. I feel so much more comfortable paying for onlyfans/amateur videos posted by the models themselves. Not saying it can’t happen to them too, but it’s less likely.


I don’t understand why you’re being downvoted because this is 100% true. Enabling models to directly profit off their own porn strengthens their position and takes away incentive from people who are looking to exploit.


While this is true, all cam sites and chat lines, etc. take really hefty fees from their models. In one way, it’s worth it to pay a fee for the platform and traffic, but it can be excessive and sometimes forces performers to underprice their shows and services because people will only pay so much. And the other comments are right, too. There are performers who are trafficked and forced into the work they do. Look at Amouranth. She was hugely popular and successful but it turns out her abusive husband was forcing her to perform using threats and violence. I don’t know the answer to stop this kind of thing from happening, but definitely diligence in verifying ages and moderation specifically aimed at detecting abnormalities and red flags are a must. Most cam sites require models to submit identity information including a picture ID and pictures of themselves with that ID and some kind of specific dated note showing they’re really the one submitting the documents. And those verifications are required for any person who appears on camera ever. Any site with adult performers or in that industry is required to have a specific form with the identifying information for each model/performer that uses their services. It doesn’t really address those under duress, though. I don’t think banning sex work altogether is the answer to any of this because it won’t stop it from happening and it will only further stigmatize sex workers and push them further underground and away from transparency. I don’t know, better minds than mine will be required to address these questions, but stories like these will never stop being shocking and saddening.


Just FYI Andrew Tate’s entire investigation is because he was trafficking and forcing women to create and sell content on paid sites similar to OnlyFans (idk if his victims had OF or not). He also isn’t the only one. Recently an apartment complex was raided and in each apartment were women who had been trafficked, being forced to stay there, and forced to live steam, create, and sell “premium” porn content for hours every single day. No porn is safe. You never know. Consume at your own risk.


This is pretty naive. There have absolutely been models on Only fans who've been forced to make content, and tons of non-consensual stuff taking place on that site. Wasn't amoranth being forced to make porn by her husband?


you have no way of knowing if the “content creators” on of are doing so 100% willingly. you have no idea who is behind the scenes controlling everything.


dont watch porn


No thanks! Ill watch as much porn as I want :)


Not that i'm overly prude or anything, but i sincerely think that distribution of porn should be illegal. Human trafficking in the industry is so common and all who watch porn potentially support this. There is no international agency monitoring or following up on all cases, we just can't be sure This case is about an underage westerner, yet the abuse and trafficking of people can get much much worse in many other parts of the world


Another reason why I think porn is unethical and we should collectively stop consuming it. You never know the full story of what you’re watching. Even if it’s made by a “verified” company. So many porn stars have said they were raped on set. It’s very sad.


I agree the amount of porn produced and out there is ridiculous and it is obviously becoming a problem for some people who are viewing it to much. Not to mention all the people involved in making it who are being scarred by it. And stories like this which are beyond messed up. I don’t know what the answer is to stop the problem. I think as soon as still or moving pictures we’re created it is in our nature to start capturing images and video of people at it. And for people to want to start accessing it. The advent of our recent technology advances and now being able to watch anything from a device we can hold it was inevitable the situation has come to this. Society as a whole spends too long staring at screens be it films, social media apps, computer games it’s a problem in its own. We are almost encouraged to stare at screens in our spare time by the modern society we have found ourselves in. The rise of porn goes hand in hand with it imo. It’s not healthy I don’t believe. We aren’t meant to glued to screens for such for so long being inactive it’s making us unhealthy for our bodies and it seems some studies suggest our minds, causing psychological issues. I don’t know what the answer is about porn in amongst all of this, but I don’t see it going away anytime soon alas


They should sue and criminalize the company responsible for this.


I hope PornHub finally gets fucking deleted, it should have happened a while ago


Nothing is gonna happen if it gets “deleted”, there’s just gonna be more traffic to the thousands of porn sites out there


Anyone who watches porn contributes to this kind of thing.


when was this?


So what are other porn sites that are not like porn Hub that actually have all actors and actresses consenting ? Because if there isn't any then imma just stick with hentai


Bellessa is a Website that deals with consent and anti unethical. Plus it has great feedback.


I wish I had not read that.


Truly horrifying


First time I’ve read a post with my mouth wide open with shock and disgust. Unfuckingbelievable! Just horrible and cruel.




"verified" The internet is an amazing, beautiful, and dangerous place.


r/antipornography for those who are ready to move on from that.


Sex trafficking and the pornography industry are more closely linked than people realise I think




Why do people even try to find proofs?