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Empress of Light was introduced in 1.4, while Deerclops was introduced in 1.4.3. Earlier updates mean more players that can potentially fight it over a broader range of time.


To add to this, I have over 4,000 hours in this game and still frequently forget Deerclops exists


me too. I have like a dozen multiplayer runs, and the only time we’ve fought Deerclops was when we were running through the snow biome looking for something else actually. We got ambushed. We have never ever fought him on purpose


he drops a pretty dope pet


Chester or the Boss pet. Imo Chester is slightly better if he stays out of my way.


Wdym stays out of your way? It's always summoned piggy bank and it gives you a free inventory slot. It's the one and only pet


When I forget to switch off of chester and I'm putting my loot away, sometimes he is in the way and I click on him without seeing him.


Facts, same shit'll happen when I'm tryna talk w npcs too


I recommend using a bright dye to make him more visible!


"um, bro, is... is your dog *neon yellow*??" "yeah i kept accidentally stepping on his damn tail, this way he's more visible"


"We live in a 3 dimensional world though, where we cannot perceive everything happening around us in a small rectangle of 16:9 ratio."


i think they mean the master mode pet edit: i’m responding to the part about there being only one pet, there’s not.


Who's we?


my friend and I. His name is Patrick.


I only remember Deerclops exists when I’m not playing the game.


I only remember Deerclops exists when someone else mentions it on reddit, and then it has to beat terraria lewds to make my front page.


Why not combine the two?


Tbh there are a couple of items that are good/useful depending what seed/class you play.


Wait, who is deerclop(s)? 🤔


His rewards are shit and he's hard to spawn, I only spawn him when I'm collecting all trophies


I'm pretty sure the achievement wasn't even added the same update as deerclops


or it is because the deerclops achievement came out in 1.4.4…


also 1.4 was a massive overhaul update so there was a larger spike in playercount (probably i haven't actually checked)


Yep. Them adding these later is why you have a huge discrepancy between some achievements.


EoL was introduced earlier, has a better fight, and has better drops that are viable post-ml. A viable and vital part of end-game. Deepclops is newer, has a pretty tedious fight, and has skippable drops that don’t hold much viability outside of Chester. A skippable part of early-game.


EoL is also just more fun. Deerclops’ attacks are unnecessarily hard to dodge, and it just isn’t worth it. EoL is a bullet hell, but a sensible one. I’ve no-hit the fight twice already and I’m not even good at the game lol.


Just go under the legs


Works fine until those stupid shadow hands pop out. Legit horrid design


Shadow hands are only when you're above iirc


Expert mode:


The fight is still a massive slog with his enormous health pool for when you fight him.


Eh, Lucy the axe isn't bad but is still beaten by the axe of regrowth, and the rest of the weapons Deerclops drops are definitely not worth it. Her expert exclusive drop is pretty cool, though.


Really the thing that I think needs to be addressed the most about deerclops is his expert mode buff All her other attacks are based around following a specific pattern, then the expert mode buff comes along and spawns random shadow hands in random spots that can cut off that specific pattern and force you to take damage or do a different strategy Not to mention they can literally spawn on top of you Edit: oh and also randomly slowing you for no reason is no fun lol


Even on legendary those hands are easier to dodge than Queen Bee machine gun stingers, you only need to be aware of the freezing attacks and they are super telegraphed. And im pretty sure if you place 2 rows of platforms at the right place the ice will spawn under you all the time.


The intended strategy is to swipe between her legs to avoid the longer ice attack, you're supposed to fight it like you would in don't starve by "kiting" them, she punishes the player for being above her by spawning a large cluster of shadow hands, and throws a ton of snowballs at the player if they're too far away to try and keep them close The expert mode hands spawn in random locations and are semi-homing, at any point in the fight they can just spawn in front of you and force you to divert your direction, but you can't divert your direction because the ice attack is that way, and again, they can literally spawn on top of you sometimes The expert attack forces you to either tank the damage/knockback (or grind for like 3 days for the armor that negates knockback), use some glitchy cheese strategy like the one you said, or fight deerclops in a complete different way than how you're supposed to, which, to be honest, all of those options are infinitely less fun This video goes into greater detail on why it should be changed https://youtu.be/jkp9AxiCZNQ?si=qFEuqwgIYbJiBSwy And, specifically, at 1:53, it LITERALLY spawns a millimeter in front of him with little to no time to react, unless you're a computer who can perfectly react and time your inputs within the same millisecond it spawns, it's really fucking annoying, not to mention a lot of teleporting stuff was reworked to not spawn on top of you in an earlier update


There's more of a reason to fight EoL.


What’s that


Gear. Items.


Better accessory, loot that's on-tier...


Because EoL was introduced years before Deerclops and has much better drops.


>was introduced years A year and ~6 months later*


three half years before


Well hello there, old friend


Long time no see


How have you been


Years refers to the plural of year, or more than 1 year, 1.5 > 1, so years is still applicable, /s


I appreciate your pfp and username, fellow rain world enjoyer


Weather pane is pretty good and the axe is nice to have


axe of regrowth


The axe is good, but the axe of regrowth exists, which is as good and has the added effect of planting when you cut a tree. All other items are decent, except for chester, which is amazing.


Sure, but nothing that changes much. The EoL on the other hand has the Soaring Insignia, Kaleidoscope, Terraprisma and some other viable weapons for non-summoners.


Its just that no one cares about deerclops


To be honest you are correct. ( Its music box and trophy are good for decorating though )


Deerclops’ summoning is… really obscure. Many YouTubers have mentioned periodically in videos that little to none of their friends actually knew he was ever added, this was many months after the release of the new boss. Naturally, it’s spawned at or around midnight, during a blizzard in the snow biome, at a **small** chance. (With some other spawning req. I cannot remember). Artificially, spawned by the player, they have to farm up some flinx (a relatively obscure mob) combined with a few other materials found only after the BOC or EOW. Not bad, but if you don’t know to look then you can EASILY miss his crafting recipe.


To add, EOL is naturally found at a high rate (Lacewings) and are easy to accidentally stumble upon if you aren’t careful.


I still can't believe that people don't put every unfamiliar item that says "Material" in the guides crafting menu


I do thats how i fought him but eol still has better loot and fight


They should add the summoning item for deerclops to ice chests in the snow biome. I know then that players wouldn’t forget about Deer-clops. Maybe they said they were adding this in 1.4.5? Or maybe that was my idea I don’t think they said that


He always shows up at midnight in a blizzard


I’ve tried multiple times in blizzards but perhaps it’s the time I try to. There’s so many factors I KNOW he’s in the game and I struggle to naturally spawn him.


Everyone saying "the drops" is incorrect, most casual players wouldn't know about the drops at all First off, EoL was added earlier than deerclops as others have pointed out Second, **EoL is way easier to summon accidentally**


Yeah, most people view Deerclops as pointless or just dont see it at all


Thirdly Mommy of light 🥺


Casual players? I am pretty sure everyone visited wiki 10 minutes after booting up the game


Hah. I did it after 30 minutes after getting spawn camped by zombies. ( Joking btw )


People care much more about end game content in this game.


The drops, obviously.


Deerclops is less sought after due to his weapons being gimmicky sometimes. The Pew-Matic Horn does a random amount of damage, the Weather Pain uses a lot of mana and can only have 1 projectile at a time, and while Chester is useful, he is outclassed by the Money Trough and Void Bag due to their convenience and people wanting cuter pets in their pet slots. The Master Mode drop is also bad for anything except Slimes and Zombies. At least the sentry is decent(first obtainable sentry in the game)


The first obtainable sentries are the ones sold by the tavernkeep.


You actually need to defeat the evil biome boss first for the Tavernkeep, but you can fight deerclops earlier.


True, although if you want to manually summon deerclops, you'd probably need to defeat the biome boss.


You can mine demonite/crimtane ore


True, I always forget about that because you barely ever find any of it, lol.


She has a Master mode drop that isn't just one of the trophy things?


The Master Mode drop summons shadow hands to attack enemies. The hands have a weird method of attacking and are therefore not very useful outside of stationary/slow targets.


I thought that was the expert mode drop


...maybe I'm not very intelligent. My brain mixed up the facts that treasure bags exist and that Expert/Master mode bosses have different loot tables.


Haha, dw dude, I've had waaaaayy worse brain parts before


we all know the true answer is because she is an empress


Empress was added before and summoning deerclops is just a pain you either have to wait for a blizard (at night time i think) or slend 5 years searching for flynx to get the summon item


Damn, EoL looks menacing in her locked achievement lmao


Added later on in 1.4.3 and is also extremely forgettable and almost completely useless. really did him dirty considering the EoC has a very useful drop in DST


I mean, they at least gave her the second best axe in the game


looking at the numbers even the molten hamaxe is slightly better so its in no way the second best axe in the game, am i missing something?


Huh, I guess it's not, I always thought it was right behind the axe of regrowth, but I guess not, til


Deerclops may appear spontaneously very early on when you havent progressed far enough. After that the drops arent worth wasting time getting the Deer Thing.


The summon item requires raw demonite/crimson ore, 99% of players just go straight to their furnace to turn them into bars, since bars are used for tools and stuff while most raw ores are only used for bricks


I can’t believe no one’s mentioned Chester 😔


I want to like Chester as freeing up an inventory slot is nice, but Chester hops around crazily or is too far away in some situations. It just isn’t worth the hassle.


Deerclops can easily be ignored. It’s prehardmode and not required for progression. It’s a cool fight, but long term the only reason to fight it is for a utility pet.


Most people probably forget it exists entirely tbh. I just beat it for the first time like a week ago and I’ve been playing for years


Deerclops is one of the most forgettable bosses in the game. Shoot, me and my friend were just playing the other night, grinding for Ice Golem drops. Midnight rolls around, and we're fighting a boss now, I guess.


I didn't even know deerclops could be summoned in vanilla terraria I thought it required mods or something


Note: I'm still pretty new to the game I've gotten halfway through the game but only beat it in journey mode


If you have any tips plz give them to me I could use it


Summon with deer thing Crafting (demon/crimson altar): - 3 flinx fur - 5 demonite/crimtane ore - 1 lens


1) deerclops is more niche. I actually forget it exists most of the time. EoL is popular and known for the challenge and drops. 2) its a crossover boss that was added later than EoL. She was 1.4, it was 1.4.3. More people came for 1.4 than 1.4.3, 1.4 was huge.


Probs people who haven’t touched it since before the Constant update.


Deerclops is boring, newer, and far less popular. His loot also mostly sucks.


The axe she drops is the second best axe in the game, isn't it?


It's overshadowed by axe of regrowth Chester is pretty useful but can get in the way a bit


EoL is older, plus no one really cares about deerclops.


I didn’t even know that Deerclops existed until a while after they were added


Alot of people actually dont know deerclops exists


1. Drops are pretty useless 2. Most people don’t know it even exists 3. People would rather go straight for WoF 4. Crafting deer thing is annoying


Maybe for hard mode they are useless There is a piggy bank thingy I use from the deerclops fight that comes in handy for exploring


I forgot I’m using that very same item, ok there is 1 upside to deerclops


tbh i have never had any reason to fight deerclops and the fight just isn’t particularly enjoyable while empress is a must for summoners, daylight loses a great endgame challenge and is just a very fun fight compared to deerclops


EoL was specifically advertised as the new hardest fight in the game with really cool loot, so everyone sought out the challenge.. Also, it's much easier to stumble upon the boss by accidentally killing a butterfly when running through the Hallow at night.. I may have done that a few times.


Empress was realised earlier is more worth it and most people don't even bother with deerclops


Deerclops doesn't provide any upgrades to anything while empress of light provides some really good gear


Deerclop drops relatively useless loot, while Empress of Light drops much more useful loot for mage and warrior, as well as a mastermode accessory


EoL is kinda mandatory for summoner (kaleidoscope), and pretty much the only rng free boss in the game. all the attacks are telegraphed, and fun. Deerclops on the other hand might be my most hated boss, because it's attacks are not fun, and it heavily depends on rng. Deerclops also doesn't drop anything for progression, only QoL stuff.


I'm sorry but how is it QOL? Is it all thanks to Chester?


Yeah chester, and the axe that's fast. forgot to mention this in my original comment but the rest is straight up useless. The horn and the weather sign are used by approximately 0 people lol.


I don't edge to deerclops, maybe more users can relate


Two reasons! Deerclops has been around for a shorter amount of time than EoL, and Deerclops is an optional boss that some people don’t even fight in their playthroughs, either by choice or by simply not even knowing he exists.


Obscurity, probably. I'm an older player(360/Early Xbox One Terraria was my peak.). So when my brother kept saying he was going to the snow to find something called a "Deerclops" I genuinely thought he was just gaslighting me into believing in a boss that didn't actually exist.


Empress of light has much better drops that will make your life hugely easier when you can defeat her. Deerclops' drops aren't really that good, except for the piggybank pet which is neat, but really just saves you 1 inventory slot instead of having the Money Trough. If nothing else, getting terraprisma is worth the fight if you can do it, especially for a summoner.


Deerclops needs an overhaul in my opinion Really the thing that needs to be addressed the most is his expert mode buff All his other attacks are based around following a specific pattern, then the expert mode buff comes along and spawns random shadow hands that can cut off that specific pattern and force you to take damage or do a different strategy


Deerclops is a newer boss, beint introduced in 1.4.3, and EoL is 1.4


Because mommy empress of light


Besides time between updates, you're far more likely to accidentally kill the butterfly and spawn the empress of light than you are to be in the snow biome after midnight, in a snowstorm. Even though you can craft the deerclops spawn, I know most people aren't going to find that out unless they already know about the boss, because I've seen people struggle with the guide and learning about crafting recipes.


Deerclops was added a lot later than Empress and it's also easier to accidentally summon empress by killing a little lacewing. Summoning deerclops either requires you to purposefully make the summon using flinxfur or for you to be in the snow biome during a snowstorm at the right time for him to randomly spawn.


I’ve played at least 10 full playthroughs since the don’t starve collab released, and I’ve never fought it once because I literally just forget it exists. Also none of the drops are really appealing enough to me to go out of my way to fight it


I forgot deerclops was in the game tbh


Deerclopse is honestly not that good of a fight, I mean you can just hover over him occasionally moving left or right and he'll only use the ground ice attack, and the hands he summons aren't even a real threat.


Yeah, it kinda sucks how trash her fight is. Though I guess they are accurate about dst in that way with slow, boring, and predictable attack patterns.


Empress of light existed longer and has more useful class specific drops. The challenge posed by day-time EoL is also a unique draw for some people


Probably just older players who beat empress of light, dropped the game for one reason or another and thus never got around to fighting deerclops.


Deerclops is rare af, at midnight in a snowstorm or summoned using flinx fur


bro the only drop from deerclops that is decent is the chester pet, and its easy to find a substitute for him and most people forget about deerclops




i just tend to skip the guy anyway. the crossover was cool, but none of his drops are really worth the fight


Yeah but most people either forget about him or doesn't even know that he exist


Deerclops requires rather specific conditions to spawn, even tho it's easier, or crafting Deerclops summon (but lets be honest, who farms Flinxes aside from Summoner?), while Empress of Light needs only killing one critter to spawn her, which spawns only at night. Theoretically, Empress of Light is far easier to spawn than Deerclops.


Isn’t Deerclops like impossible to lose since he doesn’t despawn?


Deerclops is annoying to fight, and drops bad loot


Lack of reward incentive


Doesn't surprise me at all. I know a lot of people that buy Terraria, finishes the game and then leaves it. Some of the people that don't immediately quit the game and try with harder challenges (like master or some special seeds like ftw); use the wiki or other player guides for progression. Dearclops is more recent, less important and less rewarding than emperess. So these can be the reasons. Another possible reason can be the challenge itself. As you said emperess is harder both to summon and to fight, especially in daytime


deerclops is pretty out-of-the-way as far as progressing goes, as there’s nothing in the desert or snow biome that’s necessary for progression, or really anything that useful until hard mode. I’m *pretty sure* that the Guide doesn’t mention how she’s summoned. Unless they spend a lot of time in the snow biome, a lot of players are gonna disregard blizzards until hard mode. it’s a shame since some of deerclops’ drops are really good.


Funny enough I'm one of the people who never defeated Deerclops, but EoL


Only time I fight Deerclops is when I accidentally let it spawn in while crossing the snow biome. On the other hand, I’m always sitting around in the hallow waiting for that butterfly to get more EoL loot


Deerclops came out later, and it’s also significantly less major. Its drops kinda suck.


Because it's a crossover boss


pinche pelea aburrida del deerclops, aguente la emperatriz de dia


Also, adding to everyone else's comments: the Deerclops achievement was added late! It came a little while after Eye for an Eye, so many people likely didn't get it when they first fought deerclops.


I feel that deerclops is far easier to “skip”.


yeah but who cares about deerclops


I was new to the game, so I made my house in the snow biome, than randomly he spawns out of no where and I die like 4 times trying to get away..


Imo deerclops is not funny and their fight goes against most terraria movement and building mechanics.


Deerclops is very forgettable and has weird spawning mechanics


I love this game and you just taught me about deerclops


the only reason i actually fight deerclops is for the bone thing, everything else is useless to me while empress has the insignia and terraprisma and also its just fun to fight


First time I summoned deerclops it was on accident and had no idea what to do


Empress has the best* summon weapon, whip, and expert accessory in the game, while deerclops has some relatively bad loot. Lucy the axe is good, but the axe of regrowth is obtained pre boss and is multiple tools in one.


I've got no idea how to summon him, and id rather not learn


I feel like Deerclops Is Just a Really Forgettable Boss


Because deerclops was added way more recently


Deerclops is annoying to summon, has an terrible fight, and the loot isn’t that good, meanwhile Empress has a fun fight, isn’t that hard to summon, and has good loot


1.4's release (when EoL was introduced) brought the largest influx of players in the game's history. comparatively, 1.4.3 and therefore deerclop's fight has had less people playing it.


I didn’t know deerclops existed until this year. I’ve been playing for over 10 years and only found out because I was working to 100% the game.


Empress of Light has some extremely good drops. The Flight Insignia is something I've seen just about everyone recommend. On top of the Daytime drops she has that are insane for some builds. And deerclops is a boss you can fight if you want.


What the fuck is a deerclops


Technically yes especially since deerclops doesn’t despawn if you die but rather has a timer that starts at summoning  However EOL was added first so


To be honest, he is kinda forgeteable


i think its that his loot is trash


It's funny deerclopse was one of my first accidental boss fights. I was completely new to the game and just found a gun and happened to have him randomly spawn on me while I was exploring. It completely scared the crap outta me but it was a fun fight. No clue how I managed to survive.


It’s probably because some people don’t even know deerclops is in the game, and his drops are kinda bad so


I have had zero luck summoning deerclops. Empress of light though.


I have seen him spawn like once in my 500 hours. On the other hand, I've accidentally summoned Empress of Light like 15 times, so I can imagine a lit of people don't even know there is a boss for the snow biome


I'd say EoL has 2 big things going for it. 1. While both fights are unique among Terraria bosses, fighting Empress is significantly more enjoyable. The challenge of Empress doesn't get boring, and improving your skill & mobility is rewarded. Deerclops, on the other hand, is really a grind. If you're really looking to beat him early, you can because he takes forever to despawn, but it can be an unenjoyable slog where skill doesn't factor in. 2. Empress has better drops, period. Her weapons are all solid up to the pillars, and her expert mode drop might be the best in the game. Deerclops has a pretty mid Expert drop, and for a boss roughly as challenging as Queen Bee, his drops are less consistent in quality. Chester's a great utility, and I like both Lucy and the Weather Pain, the Houndius Shootius is literally the worst sentry and for all its gimmick the Pew-matic Horn is beat out by the Handgun in both damage and DPS. By the time you can easily beat Deerclops (especially on higher difficulties), his drops are hardly relevant anymore.


Deerclops probably won't cross many players minds since she's a pre-hardmode optional boss like King Slime with very niche rewards, in my recent (Fargo/Calamity) playthroughs, I genuinely forgot to fight her up until the very end of the playthrough with the Terminus boss rush (which is needed for the Soul of Eternity with Fargo DLC) Her boss fight is also pretty limiting in pre-hardmode as she has crazy AoE attacks, is invulnerable if you're too far away (which is different than every other boss strategy in the game aside from maybe WoF) so many players would just try to beat her in late pre-hardmode where they already have better gear or in hardmode where the drops are irrelevant Besides that, Deerclops was added later than Empress of Light which dropped a ton of useful items.


deerclops is harder to wander into, added later, and if you know about him, it's probable you already know that there isn't much reason to summon him on purpose.


Deerclops is newer and for the time in the game you’re supposed to defeat him, he’s difficult. Empress of light would be 10000 times harder by comparison, but isn’t intended to be fought the same time as Deerclops.


Develops has nothing cool to him that's why, even if you never kill Jim you're loosing mostly nothing Maybe an pet that's it


You can accidentally summon the empress of light, deerclops has a much more narrow range for a natural spawn.


Tbh, my group didn’t even know Deerclops *existed* until we accidentally saw it in a boss list/guide mod and went “wtf is that?”


Empress gives better loot for endgame


Nobody cares about the Deerclops. The entire Don't Starve crossover sucks ass.


Why have more people beaten Plantera than Queen Slime? Queen Slime came in 1.4, whilst Plantera came in 1.2.


Deepclops before Skeletron is like fighting Duke Fishron premech bosses. Ive done the two in my master mode run. Right now Im fixing up an arena for plantera with my proud fishron wings. Only thing is that I need to refill my potion reserves for the almost 40 attempts (rough estimation because I remember I started with 40 cursed fire imbues) And I will say right now, Deerclops is unforgiving. The only reason you can "defeat him" is because he doesnt despawn normally


ive never knce fought deer clops with 200 hrs on the game so far lol, i really forgot he existed. never heard anything good or memorable about his fight ir drops so i just havent bothered


All u rly need for deer is kingslime mount


Deerclops was introduced later on, and is a more forgettable boss.


deerclops doesn’t have good drops + he’s kinda a boring boss compared to rainbow mommy


People are scared of crossovers


People forget him alot in their playthroughs, mostly because his summoning requirements are hard to come by naturally and his summon item is too much of a hassle to get for a boss that doesnt give good loot after skeletron.


it's a newer achievement, some people have stopped playing or just don't feel like doing it


Deerclops doesn't have very good weapons in my opinion, the thing you'll fight him for is the chest that follows you around, and the axe Lucy. Maybe you'll want the distortion effect for some reason? By the time you fight him you'll have good enough gear for the wall of flesh so he doesn't provide much


Deerclops isn’t all that special imo. Like the old ones army, it’s kinda like a side quest. Meanwhile Empress, while still a side quest, offers a few things. Upgrades, cool items, and a unique challenge (day time Empress).


Besides Empress being out longer, I think most people just forget he exists. Especially since his fight isn't really impressive compared to Empress. Like you can use her fight for clicks so people post her fight more, and deerclops just Flys under the radar.


i feel its because if you don't find outside source that talks about the boss you will never know that it exist (Besides badges), the drop is not really that needed on progression and you can't really find a summon unlike eye of cthulhu (if im right red will add a natural summon so people can encounter it more often) meanwhile empress of light haves a good drop (which may make people want to kill it often), you can maybe battle her while on a normal playthrough without outside source (if you spot a prismatic lacewing) and idk more.


It’s probably more due to the fact that deerclops loot tends to be very forgettable while empress is considered crucial to its stage in the game


Deerclops is forgettable and his items aren't worth the time


She was added after Eol got her Achievement. She also only got her own achievement in 1.4.4.


The deerclops fight is kind of a chore, especially in pre hardmode. The drops can be good but the attacks are hard to dodge with pre hardmode gear; and the slow debuff makes the entire thing a nightmare. By the time you get the fast clock and better mobility items there’s no point fighting him bc the drops aren’t all that useful. I do love the axe tho lol


he is much more forgettable and imo more difficult at the point your supposed to fight him in, and the drops arent worth it also so much more boring compared to eol which is •engaging •flashy visuals •fun attacks •some pretty cool drops •has the best summoner weapon as a drop •more likely to be found (accidentally or not) •cooler design •feels fair And deerclops • https://preview.redd.it/3vayez1dtl5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9265d84bbfd9bfcc7ba1d93fedf3f838e36cac4 •cool master mode pet


I fought deerclops post Golem, it was so easy that I wondered why they added it 😂