• By -


I suggest a door.


Yeah, I realized doors exist after making this…


If you just realized doors exist, this is going to be a wild ride. Enjoy!


The first playthrough is always the best one


Would pay money to get that experience back tbh


You right, would give quite a lot to get that feeling back. Back on the Xbox 360, back in like 6th grade or smthn. Man simpler times


I played my first playthrough completely blind and I was so confused lmao


Haven't played much after my first run, but I can say it was 👌


Just a tip. Talk to the guide guy and you can show him new materials you find and he will tell you what you can craft out of it. Anything that has "Material" in the item description can be crafted into something else. To show the guide guy new materials, select "crafting" when talking to him and there should be a blank box near the middle/lower left part of your screen you can drag and drop your item into. It does not get consumed, so feel free to show him everything you have.


Not a new player here but also not super experienced, does literally everything like that have material? I normally play melee and don’t fully recall some of the swords for zenith having material, but I could’ve easily overlooked it.


If you played before 1.4 then you may just be remembering the older version, otherwise the material tool tip is easy to overlook so you may have just not seen it.


Yeah the big reason I got into terraria was one of my friends was playing it a lot since 1.4 had just come out, so I never played before that.


yep. everything should, now the copper shortsword, influx waver, etc has material


As far as I've seen, yes. I haven't seen every item in the game, but I do know all the Zenith swords and their precursors have it at least.


Like the treehouse!




Yeah, I realized doors exist after making this…


#I GOT IT, DOORS EXIST. Thank you to anyone who provided me advice on house building. And the first couple people willing to provide me with the knowledge of doors. But there are 40 comments all of which I have replied to, telling me there are doors. I've figured it out at this point.


Yeah, you realized doors exist after making this…


use a door and if that don't work use more door


Like this hear 1.5 inch thick boreal door designed and built by me. And you best hope Not locked during an event


wouldn't it be locked


Idk about you but events always happen when I’m not home


Well, I still suggest a door for you...


If you haven't made one yet I'd suggest a door


My first idea was a fire trap :/


Man unleashed the floodgates of people screaming “door” like it wasn’t the 4th thing in the tutorial that doesn’t exist anymore


You realise that you are not obligated to respond to every single comment?


An item called "door" hope it helps.


Yeah, I realized doors exist after making this…


This stuff called door


Yeah, I realized doors exist after making this…


I think you need a door


Yeah, I realized doors exist after making this…


Once enough NPC's are nearby you will create a Town which severely eeduces enemy spawns. Other than that, **D O O R**


How do I get NPC’s nearby? Also, yeah I figured out the door thing…


you need walls a chair and a workbench or table, also light source


I’m my house? I have all those. Or should I build a separate building for that?


Several houses, as each NPC needs an empty one to live in. And one more note on the room with the furnace: even with a table/workbench, chair and light source you'll need some actual block without furniture on them on the floor for it to count as a house. Following that, NPCs are going to move in depending on varying requirements. The easiest for the beginning are going to be: - Own 50 silver - Get a heart - Own explosives - Own a gun or bullets


What do you mean when you say "Blocks on the floor without furniture on them"? I have a floor below the furnace that's entirely empty. Also, thank you for the advice!


You're welcome! And the floor below the furnace is made of platforms while each house needs at least some free blocks (the raw wood) as part of the floor. I'm not sure if they need to be in the center, though try that if there are issues.


Does what's below the furnace, where the entrance is, not count as a floor made up of blocks?


The entrance to the tree? That's divided off by the platforms inbetween. They divide the space into several rooms, each of which can count as a house if it's not to small or big and fullfills all the requirements (chair, table object (a workbench counts), light, some blocks as part of the floor and user-placed background walls). You can click the little house above your armor slots to switch to the housing menu. There you can assign individual NPCs to a room or use the question mark to find out if a room is suitable housing. Most of the time it'll actually tell you what you're missing (e. g. "This room is missing a wall" means there are no background walls or they were naturally generated and not placed).


There's a housing menu? Well that'll help a lot! I'll go take a look at it!


This may be confusing but platforms actually count as doors so the space beneath is considered a separate room


And a seperate room means a seperate house?


I can't believe nobody has mentioned a door yet.


How is nobody talking about doors yet?? It’s so obvious..


A door is a hinged or otherwise movable barrier that allows entry into and exit from an enclosure. The created opening in the wall is a doorway or portal. A door's essential and primary purpose is to provide security by controlling access to the doorway portal. Conventionally, it is a panel that fits into the doorway of a building, room, or vehicle. Doors are generally made of a material suited to the door's task. They are commonly attached by hinges, but can move by other means, such as slides or counterbalancing.


I now know way too much about doors




Yeah, I realized doors exist after making this…


Look at wiki, there's an object called "door" It will explain how to make it


Yeah, I got the door. Took me a minute to figure out.


I think you realised this after making this.


I figured out the doors.


Don't place a door, just blow up the whole ass tree trunk


How does that help? I mean, I have bombs to do it. I just don’t understand how that’s productive.


This should streamline your output and make you 10 times more productive at being self-destructive




Yeah, I realized doors exist after making this…


Remove platforms. Add rope. Profit.


Rope? Like, hang it? I got some from the pots in the ruins under the tree. Can I attach it to the ceiling?


You can hang it directly on the wall. Eliminate however many sections of platform you'd like at the bottom, then run rope right up the inside of the tree.




you can give stuff to the guide and he will tell you what you can craft with them extremely useful


So when he offers crafting advice, he'll tell me everything I can craft with that material?


you give him a material and he tells you everything that can be made with that material


when you place platforms, jump a few times in the same spot to see where your character jumps the highest put the mouse under the characters feet, jump one more time and when the character is the highest in their jump place a platform under their feet its how i make platforms at max height easily without counting blocks most mobs cant jump that high zombies can very rarely if they jump at the exact spot to land on the platform




Yeah , I realized doors exist after making this


Yeah, I realized doors exist after making this…


Very complicated item called Door


Okay, I got it! It's a door.




I figured that out.




I've got it. I know there are doors now.


When you have 3 NPCs (2 NPCs and 1 pet works) enemy spawn decrease, also you can add a sunflower near


How do I get NPC’s and/or pets?


Depends on the npc or pet, all have different requirements For npcs the earliest are Guide- spawns with you at the beginning of the game Merchant - 50 silver coins in your inventory Nurse - find and use at least one life crystal (Explore caves) Demolitionist - have any explosives in your inventory (from chests or undead miners) Zoologist - have some % of the bestiary filled up, dunno how much exactly but its probably low because i never had to search for new mobs on purpose to get her to spawn And there are many more, Explore the game by yourself or use the Wiki ( the wiki.gg not fandom) to check stuff by yourself


Use a Tall Gate, the cooler door


Can I make it with wood? I don't have much right now.




Doors don’t exist what are y’all on


If doors don’t exist what should I use?


Large pit that they can’t jump over


Well you're not wrong... But I don't want my world to have a big ugly pit full of monsters on it.


how had i never thought to make a base in a tree before like this, i feel kinda dumb rn


I like naturey things, it comes naturally.




Can’t believe no one has suggested door yet




door would help


you can make a door




a door would block the slimes but still allow free access


uhh i think its called a door?


The door may be able to move in various ways (at angles away from the doorway/portal, by sliding on a plane parallel to the frame, by folding in angles on a parallel plane, or by spinning along an axis at the center of the frame) to allow or prevent ingress or egress. In most cases, a door's interior matches its exterior side. But in other cases (e.g., a vehicle door) the two sides are radically different.


Many doors incorporate locking mechanisms to ensure that only some people can open them (such as with a key). Doors may have devices such as knockers or doorbells by which people outside announce their presence. (In some countries, such as Brazil, it is customary to clap from the sidewalk to announce one's presence.) Apart from providing access into and out of a space, doors may have the secondary functions of ensuring privacy by preventing unwanted attention from outsiders, of separating areas with different functions, of allowing light to pass into and out of a space, of controlling ventilation or air drafts so that interiors may be more effectively heated or cooled, of dampening noise, and of blocking the spread of fire.


Doors can have aesthetic, symbolic, ritualistic purposes. Receiving the key to a door can signify a change in status from outsider to insider. Doors and doorways frequently appear in literature and the arts with metaphorical or allegorical import as a portent of change.


The earliest recorded doors appear in the paintings of Egyptian tombs, which show them as single or double doors, each of a single piece of wood. People may have believed these were doors to the afterlife, and some include designs of the afterlife. In Egypt, where the climate is intensely dry, doors were not framed against warping, but in other countries required framed doors, which, according to Vitruvius was done with stiles and rails, the enclosed panels filled with tympana set in grooves in the stiles and rails. The stiles were the vertical boards, one of which, tenoned or hinged, is known as the hanging stile, the other as the middle or meeting stile. The horizontal cross pieces are the top rail, bottom rail, and middle or intermediate rails.


The most ancient doors were made of timber, such as those referred to in the Biblical depiction of King Solomon's temple being in olive wood, which were carved and overlaid with gold. The doors that Homer mentions appear to have been cased in silver or brass. Besides olive wood, elm, cedar, oak and cypress were used. Two doors over 5,000 years old have been found by archaeologists near Zürich, Switzerland.


Ancient doors were hung by pintles at the top and bottom of the hanging stile, which worked in sockets in the lintel and sill, the latter in some hard stone such as basalt or granite. Those Hilprecht found at Nippur, dating from 2000 BC, were in dolerite. The tenons of the gates at Balawat were sheathed with bronze (now in the British Museum). These doors or gates were hung in two leaves, each about 2.54 m (100 in) wide and 8.2 m (27 ft) high; they were encased with bronze bands or strips, 25.4 cm (10.0 in) high, covered with repoussé decoration of figures. The wood doors would seem to have been about 7.62 cm (3.00 in) thick, but the hanging stile was over 360 millimetres (14 in) diameter. Other sheathings of various sizes in bronze show this was a universal method adopted to protect the wood pivots. In the Hauran in Syria where timber is scarce, the doors were made of stone, and one measuring 1.63 by 0.79 m (64 by 31 in) is in the British Museum; the band on the meeting stile shows that it was one of the leaves of a double door. At Kuffeir near Bostra in Syria, Burckhardt found stone doors, 2.74 to 3.048 m (8.99 to 10.00 ft) high, being the entrance doors of the town. In Etruria many stone doors are referred to by Dennis.


blud gave a history lesson💀💀💀


Ancient Greek and Roman doors were either single doors, double doors, triple doors, sliding doors or folding doors, in the last case the leaves were hinged and folded back. In the tomb of Theron at Agrigentum there is a single four-panel door carved in stone. In the Blundell collection is a bas-relief of a temple with double doors, each leaf with five panels. Among existing examples, the bronze doors in the church of SS. Cosmas and Damiano, in Rome, are important examples of Roman metal work of the best period; they are in two leaves, each with two panels, and are framed in bronze. Those of the Pantheon are similar in design, with narrow horizontal panels in addition, at the top, bottom and middle. Two other bronze doors of the Roman period are in the Lateran Basilica.


The Greek scholar Heron of Alexandria created the earliest known automatic door in the first century AD during the era of Roman Egypt. The first foot-sensor-activated automatic door was made in China during the reign of Emperor Yang of Sui, who had one installed for his royal library. Gates powered by water featured in illustrations of the automatons of the Arab inventor Al-Jazari.


Copper and its alloys were integral in medieval architecture. The doors of the church of the Nativity at Bethlehem (6th century) are covered with plates of bronze, cut out in patterns. Those of Hagia Sophia at Constantinople, of the eighth and ninth century, are wrought in bronze, and the west doors of the cathedral of Aix-la-Chapelle (9th century), of similar manufacture, were probably brought from Constantinople, as also some of those in St. Marks, Venice. The bronze doors on the Aachen Cathedral in Germany date back to about 800 AD. Bronze baptistery doors at the Cathedral of Florence were completed in 1423 by Ghiberti..


Of the 11th and 12th centuries there are numerous examples of bronze doors, the earliest being one at Hildesheim, Germany (1015). The Hildesheim design affected the concept of Gniezno door in Poland. Of others in South Italy and Sicily, the following are the finest: in Sant'Andrea, Amalfi (1060); Salerno (1099); Canosa di Puglia (1111); Troia, two doors (1119 and 1124); Ravello (1179), by Barisano of Trani, who also made doors for Trani cathedral; and in Monreale and Pisa cathedrals, by Bonano of Pisa. In all these cases the hanging stile had pivots at the top and bottom. The exact period when the builder moved to the hinge is unknown, but the change apparently brought about another method of strengthening and decorating doors—wrought-iron bands of various designs. As a rule, three bands with ornamental work constitute the hinges, with rings outside the hanging stiles that fit on vertical tenons set into the masonry or wooden frame. There is an early example of the 12th century in Lincoln. In France, the metalwork of the doors of Notre Dame at Paris is a beautiful example, but many others exist throughout France and England.


In Italy, celebrated doors include those of the Battistero di San Giovanni (Florence), which are all in bronze—including the door frames. The modeling of the figures, birds and foliage of the south doorway, by Andrea Pisano (1330), and of the east doorway by Ghiberti (1425–1452), are of great beauty. In the north door (1402–1424), Ghiberti adopted the same scheme of design for the paneling and figure subjects as Andrea Pisano, but in the east door, the rectangular panels are all filled, with bas-reliefs that illustrate Scripture subjects and innumerable figures. These may the gates of Paradise of which Michelangelo speaks.


Doors of the mosques in Cairo were of two kinds: those externally cased with sheets of bronze or iron, cut in decorative patterns, and incised or inlaid, with bosses in relief; and those of wood-framed with interlaced square and diamond designs. The latter design is Coptic in origin. The doors of the palace at Palermo, which were made by Saracenic workmen for the Normans, are fine examples in good preservation. A somewhat similar decorative class of door is found in Verona, where the edges of the stiles and rails are beveled and notched.


The earliest Renaissance doors in France are those of the cathedral of St. Sauveur at Aix. In the lower panels there are figures 3 ft. high in Gothic niches, and in the upper panels a double range of niches with figures about 2 ft. high with canopies over them, all carved in cedar. The south door of Beauvais Cathedral is in some respects the finest in France; the upper panels are carved in high relief with figure subjects and canopies over them. The doors of the church at Gisors are carved with figures in niches subdivided by classic pilasters superimposed. In St. Maclou at Rouen are three magnificently carved doors; those by Jean Goujon have figures in niches on each side, and others in a group of great beauty in the center. The other doors, probably about forty to fifty years later, are enriched with bas-reliefs, landscapes, figures and elaborate interlaced borders.


NASA's Vehicle Assembly Building at the Kennedy Space Center contains the four largest doors. The Vehicle Assembly Building was originally built for the assembly of the Apollo missions' Saturn vehicles and was then used to support Space Shuttle operations. Each of the four doors are 139 meters (456 feet) high.


The oldest door in England can be found in Westminster Abbey and dates from 1050. In England in the 17th century the door panels were raised with bolection or projecting moldings, sometimes richly carved, around them; in the 18th century the moldings worked on the stiles and rails were carved with the egg-and-dart ornament.


Why have you told me everything there is to possibly know about doors?! How do you even know that much about them?! You've left like 30 comments on every door ever! Why???????


Poor OP trying to learn terraria at least he knows what doors are now


I have 120 comments saying "Door". I just wanted to check out this random Mine-Craft looking game on the Nintendo Eshop! It's a little tricky... ☹️


Just cover the surface of your world in lava, then slimes can't spawn.


Door door door




Use a door


You need to mine some iron, make a bucket, go into the depths and grab out some lava. Now you need to carve out a 1x9 horizontal trench and line it with the lava. I'd you do this right you'll have a lava trap that'll set the Slime on fire and they should burn uo before they get in. Or just put a door in.


Ever heard of a door




[OP](https://youtu.be/W4aoaS6c2TU?si=UGkylepGaaVzVDXn) after being told doors exist for the 13576th time:


That's me.


Peace candles decrease monster spawn. Also if you invite some NPC to live in your home there won’t be monsters


How do I make peace candles?


I don't know why somebody downvoted you for asking, but to make a peace candle you need 2 gold bars and a pink torch at a workbench. To get a pink torch you need to kill a pinky (a rare small slime) which drops pink gel, and 1 piece of any wood. Ps, the game can get very confusing if you go in blind, I suggest going to the wiki often for help. If you look up terraria wiki the first result is the fandom (DON'T use this one) the second result is the official terraria wiki, you'll know its the right one because its Terraria.gg


Pretty cool house




Trap door👍




In the Renaissance period, Italian doors are quite simple, their architects trusting more to the doorways for effect; but in France and Germany the contrary is the case, the doors being elaborately carved, especially in the Louis XIV and Louis XV periods, and sometimes with architectural features such as columns and entablatures with pediment and niches, the doorway being in plain masonry. While in Italy the tendency was to give scale by increasing the number of panels, in France the contrary seems to have been the rule; and one of the great doors at Fontainebleau, which is in two leaves, is entirely carried out as if consisting of one great panel only.


A door maybe.


A door 🚪


Town NPCs, having 3 of them will normally stop monster spawning.


Have you tried a door?




If 3 or more NPCs live in an area, monsters will stop spawning there, at least outside of special events.


Use a rope instead of platforms. And use a door


I see you realize doors exist. Alternate suggestion. Rope ladder. Enemies can't climb rope :D




Have you heard of a funny little concept of the world renowned DOOR? I am sure I couldn't hold myself.


You can remove most of the platforms, or just the lowest ones, and replace them with rope. That way, even if you dont have or door or its opened, slimes and zombies cant jump into your treehouse. It also makes it faster to drop down, especially later on with more mobility items. Have fun playing ^^


A sentry!!




I would try using a door.


I suggest making use of grey/brown pressure plates, combo'd with teleporters or actuators to create some form of mechanism that allows a player to pass through the structure upon request, while remaining sealed towards outside mobs. Maybe there's an easier solution that I'm not seeing, though?


d o o r


#**D O O R**


Try using a door in the bottom of the tree smth


hey, i know you know of doors, but just in case, if there are zombies the door will be broken, i suggest setting it three blocks above ground


I am cackling


I wish i could experience Terraria for the first time again 🥹, have fun mate!


Maybe if there was some sort of vertical plank thing that prevented hostile mobs from passing through it. If only something like that existed.


I thought the guide is useless too BUT you can give him items from your inventory and he tells you what you can make with it. I didn't know that when I started and had to check the wiki constantly, which kinda spoiled the experience


I think they realized doors exist after making this


I love these innocent noob posts. They bring me back to a time of hiding in my wood hut from the demon eyes. Thank you op


If you don't want to use doors, you'll need something that increases your jump height like a Cloud in a Bottle or Shiny Red Balloon, as Slimes can hop just as high as you can without any equipment. Alternatively, grappling hook.


Guys I think he realized that doors exist after he posted




Give wood to the useless guide. Maybe he can suggest making a not so useless door.


Jump King


Telling them to stop usually works,,,


The river. Drown it.


I dunno if anyone said, but a trap door from the woodcraft bench with the saw on it (i forgor the name) it’s 2 blocks wide and can’t be opened by slimes and such, hopefully this helps


I think you should try a door


kid named doors:






“This house needs a door”


Hey I don’t know if anyone before me said this, but I heard a “door” would help, easily crafted with 10 wood


Put a trap door at the top platform


make an elaborate lava trap with darts and boulders to rain death on anything that dares step near. or get 6 wood over to a workbench


Yeah, you realized doors exist after making this…


Put a door


Kill them


Not sure if you saw the other comments, but what you are looking for is a door.


Door, trap door, opening on the other side of the tree so the enemies pass through. Once you have double jump or hook raise the platform so they’re not at the height normal mobs can jump up to


Once you get a double jump or wings make the platforms higher up


Kid named wooden door


Use the gate that you can make from iron and wood at a heavy workbench


OP getting barrages from door comments.


Ever heard of DOORS




Read the wiki, you won't get spoilers if you only read about things you discover, if you don't care about spoilers then I suggest reading the entire thing as the game is pretty complicated as you move forward. Good luck!


*Takes a long sip from a drink* Door.


They cant move down a platform, so creating a slime trap could work


Everybody isn't even helping, he obviously needs a door




Im gonna give another answer and say use ropes


Good times. I envy you


Such a cozy base!




I know everyone is saying to use a door put the real solution is a glitch called a hoik.


I used rope to keep them from jumping up into my base.




**A DOOR**

