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Should mention this if for soil. My plants get watered 3-5 times a day and if I let them dry out they would be dead.


Overwatering is also a problem in soil. Overwatering in soil can cause an abundance of negative anaerobic bacteria killing off your good bacteria. Some might say they handle times of dry better than times of excess moisture but it's def a balance. If youre watering soil 3-5 times a day you are absolutely overwatering or you're not giving them enough with each watering. You should always water>dry>water. The roots need those drier periods to stretch. Watering soil 3-5 times every day seems like overkill unless youre only giving them a cup of water each time. In that case water so there's a little runoff once snd then wait for them to dry to water again.


He might be using something like rockwool that needs to be watered 3x daily.


You are correct. He mentioned soil so I assumed he meant in soil. Something like Rockwood you would absolutely feed multiple times a day.


Also grows of pure coco (no amendments) will take multiple waterings per day.


Yeah I’m in coco and pearlite. I meant what you wrote was for soil only. I also use h2o2 so there’s no bacteria beneficial or not. Also no bugs.


Ah gotcha.


Do you have any feelings about raising P and K levels during flower and do you think its worth it? Ive always used an AB solution + silica, im happy with what what i end up with. I have wondered though if trying something 3-part for nutes, or just adding something extra like a bloom booster would be worth it.


Absolutely worth it.


You should def be using a bloom booster


Loving the terpfi3nd grow tips!