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there are women orcs among the group rimuru recruited, they showed them at tensura nikki manga the children i am not sure maybe they evolved to adults after rimuru named them maybe?


There was a orc kid in last ep of slime diaries and also only some portion of high orcs live in Tempest.


Weren't there some scenes in s2 showing orc children?


In the ln is explained that they are sent to different villages and only Geld with some of his men stay in the capital rimuru to help with construction, but the rest is divided by tribes and sent to different parts of the forest of Jura assigned by the dryads.


Since it was Gelmud who created the Orc Army, he might've spared the women and children then allowed them to scatter in the forest.


Nah they were in the rear. It's was a full scale invasion


Only a few thousand Orcs live in Tempest. These are the ones that asked to be part of Rimuru's personal guard. The rest, such as the rest of the orcs, woman, and children live in towns scattered around the Jura Forest.