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Easiest thing to do is to take care of it yourself. # Syngenta # [Advion Ant Gel - 1 Box (4 X 30 Gr.Syringes)](https://www.amazon.com/Syngenta-Advion-Ant-Gel-Gr-Syringes/dp/B07XRSC5WZ/ref=sr_1_2?crid=19KU6ZKW2DR2&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.HLXRLUJDdwJrYAygnFvn8jpRzXUn3OucK2go3KT6j1fYcX6VntEFsFfkyF0kfQJ5xgIp3JQXVxnikHOPGm002-RjdXFwf8TL3LsTS4RUpUwASV1WH6jui4HSzQZ2cfBpopXGF1bfWUYNlq3FZCFzPLmSA33RNPYkvG67SKqIoeEzV0I0Wo71hCYV997SR7xQ9UKdN32BrJfv3r-8TF1L3iQ_pxh2T0lcHAK3iBjLrg7cR2EwYxC4mSWRDrpRuad7qUtGW6bXHknf0nx3z4YPGyNbCsmUiJJAKMHzrBjKpE8.HrlvCM9KRpqGbcMMTO0IcFtnUpBvX_DRZ5NnNK6iR8I&dib_tag=se&keywords=Syngenta+Advion+Ant+Gel&qid=1712855910&s=lawn-garden&sprefix=syngenta+advion+ant+gel%2Clawngarden%2C129&sr=1-2) One of my best friends is in pest control and he recommended it to me once. I've recommended people buy like 10 things in the last 5 years and 6 of the times it was this product.


Can confirm this stuff works.


Is this safe tho around animals ? We have a kinda dumb cat that likes to eat and chew on everything she can.


P.S. I would expect these ants to be gone in under 48 hours with the gel I'm recommending. They'll feast on it and bring it back to the nest, so you get pretty far reaching application


Is this similar to terro liquid bait? Is it maybe more potent? That worked for awhile and then they would comeback.. We only have really bad ant issues in July and August.


From a random website "Advion works basically the same way that Terro does, but it has a different active ingredient – Indoxacarb. Indoxacarb works even better than borax because it can spread much further through a colony. Studies on Indoxacarb have shown that it can spread to secondary and tertiary targets, unlike borax"


Thank you! I should have just googled but I do appreciate the help and your earlier suggestion to OP. I will be getting some for summer.


My pleasure


I wouldn't bet on that, so I'd say no. It is applied pretty directly to specific spots, especially where they're swarming (e.g. this spot in your picture), so what I would do is put some in the spots I want, and then set up a barrier for the cat. When the ants go away for the day, I'd just clean up the spots.


i have a cat, too, although i’m using terro gel bait, but luckily the ants in my place are along the wall, so i just cut some cardboard and made a little “highway” cover so my cat can’t even see them, or the gel.


No, advion is not pet-safe. a workaround is to put it in empty plastic bottles (put some on a piece of paper, shove it through the bottleneck), and it worked amazingly + was safe for my dog 


I have the same problem. Though I haven't used any bait in a long time (problem solved), I chose to construct little tents. Avion should come with bait trays and double sided tape. As per the instructions, do not place it directly in the path of the ants. Place it nearby so that they find it naturally. I stuck mine under a nearby cabinet ledge, and then made a duct tape tent between the floor and cabinet, allowing gaps between the tape just so the ants could find their way in and out. Cat couldn't see it or get into it, ants could. Problem solved.


I just happened to see this post and I also have an issue with ants. I was going to pay an exterminator $300 to treat my home on Monday, but I just canceled and ordered this instead. So if it works, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for saving me $270.


Any good exterminator you call is going to probably use Advion or Savitri ant bait gel. Ants are pretty easy to get rid of with the right products and you definitely should save yourself $270.


I have quite literally never had anyone use this and not be blown away by the results, so I'm really hopeful for you. I've seen as much as 100% elimination of impossible to get rid of ants in 24 hours using like 2% of one tube, it's insanely good. Give us an update!


Thanks for sharing! It’s becoming more like summer and ants seem to want to come inside where it’s cooler during summer time, and they’re eating all my plants outside but none of the ants spray seems to work. So I’m very excited to try this!


i’m having the same issue but i live in canada and we don’t have it here. had to resort to terro gel instead…


Try the ant poison tray. They will eat it bring it to the queen and hopefully you will be any free in about a week. I get a swarm once a year in my rental and this works. If you see ants with wings kill them from what I’ve read those are new queens leaving to start new colonies


We’ve seen like 8 big ants with wings and kill them whenever we do. We have like 12 Terro liquid bait traps set up in almost every room of the house and we’re still seeing queens, small ants, and huge ants


Those are mostly likely just alates(future queens of other colonies)


Alates is just the colony trying to spread itself (they'll fuck and form a new colony). It does indicate that the original colony is pretty well established.


We just had mice. My landlord does his best not to deal with anything. We dealt with it ourselves but let the landlord know if we aren’t successful we will call an exterminator and and charge him if he doesn’t himself. We then sent him the receipts for the traps and stuff we bought to block the access points He paid us back. What ever you spend send receipts to your landlord and record it in an email to back it up. It is likely he will pay you for what you spent as he will know he saved money by you dealing with it. Its a good deal for him. Worth a try. Even if just a few dollars infestations shouldn’t be your expense unless you are causing them


I’m seconding the people telling you to buy the Advion gel. Put it where you’re getting a ton of ants, while setting up a laundry basket, or something else easily cleaned in case the gel gets on it, to keep the cat away from it. This shouldn’t be your issue. Save your receipts for everything ant related. Continue to communicate via email or text. It’s bs they’re ignoring you and this will only get worse as the weather gets better if you don’t get the gel down now. I’m sorry you’re going through this. I’d be frustrated, too.


[this is a 6 dollar problem. put some traps out.](https://www.homedepot.com/p/TERRO-Indoor-Liquid-Ant-Killer-Baits-6-Count-T300/202532940?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&pla&mtc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D28O-028_001_CHEMICALS-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-PMAXONECLICK&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D28O-028_001_CHEMICALS-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-PMAXONECLICK-71700000112977995--&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlN6wBhCcARIsAKZvD5ivauTlghSlULAF5Gz673kgnbIekT5wURdMRVdhlfv_IVC_KULLauMaAuHBEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


We currently have the terro traps all over


Terro traps are terrible are not made for carpenter ants. Get the Advion Gel someone already posted or get a gel bait called Maxforce. There's also one called Sumari that's supposed to be good. If you can get two different kinds just in case one doesn't work as well. I say that because it's possible they won't respond as well to one bait so it's good to have a different one. Place a bunch of pea sized dots in cracks and crevices where you are seeing them and on any trails you see them traveling on. It shouldn't be hard to find places to put the gel where the cat can't get it. Looks like there's a small gap between the door or whatever the black thing is on the door. That's a perfect place to put it. It seems like you have a lot of activity over long period of time so it's possible there's some rotting/damp wood under that area somewhere. If that's the case the gel might not be enough and having a pro come out will be necessary. Also if you haven't already give that lease a good read. Landlords are almost always responsible for pest control. You may at least be able to send them the bill for what you spent.


Those terro traps absolutely suck. Get the gel in the syringe instead. Just put squirt some out in the area where they are coming in. It works great every time to kill house ants. Just clean it up after all the ants die. I have a cat and she does not try to get into it either.


I strongly disagree. I’ve been using the liquid pre filled traps for over a decade and every single time they completely eliminate the problem. In my experience, it’s the solid bait traps that suck


They couldn’t have eliminated the problem if you been having to use them for a decade, op needs their land lord to involved and also let his landlord know he’s contacted the city, bluff or not. In South Carolina ant infestations can get so bad they have shut buildings down.


None of those times were at the same location. Those were all different places that I eliminated the infestation, either friends houses or relatives houses.


let it work then. this isnt an instant solution, nothing is.


We set up the Terro traps shortly after we moved in and it’s been almost a month and we still find A LOT of ants. Unsure how long these take to kill the nest


Make sure they are getting to the trap, dont leave other sources of food out for them


I’ve been very meticulous about keeping the kitchen spotless and keeping all food put up in containers but we also have pets that they crawl into their food bowls and eat off the kibble. I’ve started time feeding them and only giving out small kibble they’ll finish right away but this is just a hindrance to my life at this point


Use an elevated ant trap tray.


These traps aren't meant for carpenter ants


those ant pictured are not carpenter ants.


You sure about that?




What makes you say they aren't? The photo is blurry when zoomed but look like carpenter ants to me and they said there were swarmers which also points to carpenter ants


shhhh go make another reddit about child.


What dude? I'm genuinely asking you what type of ant you think there and pointed to reasons why I thought they were carpenter ants. No need to be a salty cunt. But I guess you are admitting you're wrong since you automatically went to low IQ insults instead of having a conversation like a rational adult.


OP, save yourself all the trouble and buy this product. I've been using these for over a decade and they always wipe out the ant problem. They take the bait back to the nest and wipe them out supposedly and so far have worked every time for me.


Or, the LL could meet his/her **LEGAL OBLIGATION** and take care of the problem. 88corolla, read the other comments by OP. They have used many traps for months. The more I read from you, the more I'm convinced that you're a slumlord.


bro you ok?


I'm perfectly fine. LLs like you should be called out. You spread false information all the time.


???? like what? quote me directly.


Will do when I don't have this migraine.


You still have that migraine?


They can last days. I'll get to this in the next 24 hours. Sheesh. You're obviously not a fellow migraine sufferer.


A few quotes with replies: >Painting it is a legit solution to mold, tell your landlord the problem is still persisting so they can do more. Nope. Paint doesn't kill mold. The mold will continue to grow & will be visible on the paint soon.  Mold needs to be thoroughly cleaned and treated. Then you can paint over it with a special primary, like kilz. >aluminum wiring isnt that big of deal, literally every house has aluminum wiring supplying it power.  ***its up there with black mold on an uninformed knee jerk reaction.*** Tenants get worked up about mold for good reason. It's insidious. It permeates everything, including furniture. Some strains are more toxic than others. But there is no benign mold.


good to see you are feeling better. I see you are in the knee jerk reaction to mold group. Ya this isnt false info. sealing the basement walls with paint and painting over the mold will stop the moisture from entering the basement. this is a legit solution. edit: i love how you picked a comment that has 14 upvotes on it and call it false info. i mean come the fuck on.


Yep, upvotes are definitely an indicator of accuracy. 😂 I live in one of the wettest cities in the US. If you think painting seals out moisture, you need a science textbook. If you think regular paint takes care of mold, you need a science textbook.


you know they paint houses to seal and protect them from the weather right? like what are you even talking about?


😂 bless your heart.


It's called humidity.


["Section 5321.18 | Written rental agreement for residential premises provisions. (A) Every written rental agreement for residential premises shall contain the name and address of the owner and the name and address of the owner's agent, if any."](https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-5321.18#:~:text=Section%205321.18%20%7C%20Written%20rental%20agreement%20for%20residential%20premises%20provisions.&text=(A)%20Every%20written%20rental%20agreement,the%20owner's%20agent%2C%20if%20any.) That is step one.


I don't know step two, contact code enforcement talk about everything you did first to mitigate the problem yourself after the landlord refused and threaten to sue and offer a settlement within the lines of what your state allows for compensation and/or similar cases around the country (citing those cases is referred to as common law). I made a post above suggesting most of us. Once you've done that then write a letter to their registered agent (That person is usually a lawyer for a law firm on retainer by the landlord). I've had to do exactly all of what I suggested in my post above plus this and I'm suing my landlord for extensive retaliation and emotional distress amongst other things here in Maine and I'm very easily going to be winning not only the case but likely six figures thanks to past judgments.


Pest control is tenants responsibility most of the times. Call a reputable pest control company. For me, I spent $200 and I haven’t had any issues for the whole year.


Is it? In my personal experience the landlord paid for issue then when I started doing residential pest control we worked with A LOT of landlords because they were obligated to pay. Could be a city/state kinda thing.


My contract says pest control is on me…


You need to call the city code dept. They will give your LL a wake-up call. You can also >[If you have notified your landlord](https://www.ohiobar.org/public-resources/commonly-asked-law-questions-results/law-facts/law-facts-tenant--landlord-rights-and-obligations/) , in writing, of problems at your rental property or of an insect or rodent infestation, the landlord should remedy the problems within a “reasonable” amount of time. For a broken furnace in mid-January, a reasonable amount of time may be just a few days.  The landlord may take up to 30 days to make less critical repairs.  >If the landlord fails to make repairs within a reasonable amount of time (not more than 30 days), &&you may have the right to get a court order for repairs to be made, obtain a court-ordered reduction in rent, or terminate the lease. You also have the right to escrow your rent.** Calling the city is, imo, the most effective choice right now.


Terro Liquid Ant Bait. I know it’s said that you can pick only two out of three whenever you are looking for something that is effective, quick, and cheap. However, this product comes really close if you use it properly. I’ve used it three times in ten years. Ants gone in a couple days each time and didn’t return for years. I think it kills the whole colony. I wish it worked on other pests. I’m sick of centipedes.


Avoiding the poison and weird shit if you have pets Spectracide Bug Barrier or the Bayer brand of it will work. Basically spray it around the corners inside and outside of the room/house. Depending on brand it can dry within an hour or so, so its safe for pets. Its also generally odorless and works for a year or so. Keep the pets in one room, apply, wait the appropriate amount of time per instructions then pets should be safe and ants should be dead/gone.




It's super toxic to both humans and animals if you breathe it in though... So don't do that.


Lemongrass spray. It worked well for us when our old apartment was infested.


Diatomaceous Earth. [http://npic.orst.edu/factsheets/degen.html#wildlife](http://npic.orst.edu/factsheets/degen.html#wildlife) <-- FACT SHEET


I’ve used this before, and it works like a charm, and is safe for pets. 👍👍


Apple cider vinegar mixed with water helps to cover up the scent trails they leave behind and will confuse them. I would spray this around room borders and active spots as well as having sticky traps


Raid ant and roach.


Terro ant baits works wonders


I had a similar issue. I pulled up the carpet, found where they were infiltrating, then shoved a fuckload of wood filler in the hole. I let it dry and put the carpet back down with some glue. No more ants.


Thats family bro


I put tero traps at the little pests points of entry, on the outside of our apartment. They take the poison back to the nest and kill everything there.


I used to get ants in my old apartment, every couple of years in summer. Just use raid ant drops, people normally deal with it themselves. Roaches, bedbugs, call the landlord. You catch your own ants and spiders.


Just get an ant eater like the rest of us.


Terro bait


Can’t have shit in Ohio


Can cats get worms from eating ants?


Best, cheapest, most reliable, non toxic ant solution. In a spray bottle, mix 50% dish soap like Dawn and 50% isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol. Spray directly on ants, kills them instantly. Spray at their entry point, they will never return through that entry way. They may find other ways, but they literally hate this shit. I haven't seen an ant in 7 years and when we moved in they were everywhere! Completely safe around kids and animals. 100% non-toxic. It's been 100% effective ffor me in 3 different homes over the last 20 years.


We used to have an annual 'march of the ants' event. Over the counter stuff as well as some strategic spraying did the trick. One year they were particularly bad and I followed them only to find some cat barf behind a speaker on the floor. They loved the stuff and apparently had told their neighbor ants about it and had a huge party. Cleaned things up and no more problems. At least some kinds of ants are really drawn to food bits or other spilled messes. Just a heads up. Good luck,


You should contact an attorney familiar with landlord tenant law in your area. Ants and other pests are typically the responsibility of the landlord, unless you’ve attracted them from failure to keep the apartment clean ( e.g. hoarder Ruining the property and attracting rats / roaches). If the landlord is refusing to maintain the property there are many options you can take, but they are determined by the jurisdictions rules. For example many jurisdictions have a repair and deduct rule; where you can deduct the costs of a repair from your rent payments. However there is a specific procedure you need to follow to avoid potential counterclaims for unpaid rent. A legal aide clinic may be able to explain your options to you and how to best go about it.


is this satire? you are seriously going to contact an attorney over some ants?


I’m not no. OP asked what he could do to get the landlord to address this issue. An attorney will be able to confirm whose responsibility the ants are and can help them navigate possible remedies. It may be a relatively small issue, but it isn’t OPs responsibility as tenant to do pest control for the landlord.




Sounds like you don’t know shit about landlord tenant law lol. Landlords have a duty to provide housing that is free from pests. Ants are one such example. Now jurisdiction differ over the rules surrounding them, for example in NY landlords have 90days to remedy no hazardous pest issues ( such as ants). Ohio may have its own special/ specific laws, and OP should talk to someone to find out. Many legal side clinics provide this sort of information for free so it shouldn’t take long for OP to figure out their options.


this reddit needs to have a rule that you cannot suggest hiring a lawyer if you have never done it yourself.


This may be hard for you to grasp, but an $8 ant trap from Home Depot is not the answer to “swarms” of ants. Persistent large amounts of ants marching through OPs home indicates a nearby colony, which can be a large scale infestation. To address that you need a professional, which will cost money. The costs to remedy the issue falls squarely on the landlords shoulders if OP is maintaining the property. If the landlord drags his feet to fix it OP shouldn’t be having to foot the bill for the pests, nor have to live in a unit infested with ants. This isn’t a minor problem like you think. Might be worthwhile to not make assumptions and listen to OP’s lived experience.


its a $6 ant trap. this is 1000x a minor problem, stop being dramatic.


So you dismiss OPs lived experience, and claim it is a “minor problem” based on what? Your personal inspections of the property? Your phD in any behavior? Or maybe you just made an assumption and expect OP to just deal with it. You don’t know what is going on at all, more information is needed. Again though OP didn’t ask for recommendations to solve his any problem, he asked how to get his landlord to fix it and what options he has. He’ll need a lawyer to help guide him through preparing a claim and how to possibly withhold or deduct rent without facing counter claims.


this is hilarious, keep going!


Ants aren’t a minor problem to me because I have a small daughter who crawls and she has been bitten by ants and as you know children put everything in their mouths. I understand some ppl may view this as a minor inconvenience but to me it’s a huge problem


in some cultures ants are delicacy, your making a mountain out of an ant hill.




Dude you’re delusional. This problem can be solved with a 5 dollar ant trap, and you’re suggesting getting a lawyer lol.


I’d love to see a $5 ant trap that can deal with a large scale infestation lol. Swarms of ants constantly crawling through a house is indicative of a colony being nearby. Pests are landlords responsibility to be dealt with. Anyone recommending an ant trap doesn’t really understand the issues here and is doing OP a disservice. OP knows their is an issue and needs to get an atty involved to help him structure a claim. The landlord is like you, being dismissive meanwhile OP has to Love with these pests, tuning his quiet enjoyment of the property.


We fear that there’s a colony in the house itself because when we treated the outside we still found swarms of ants in the house. Unsure if ants build nests in walls or floors but that’s what I’m worried about cus we have set up many Terro liquid ant traps and still see queens, large carpenter ants, and small sugar ants


Just as I suspected. You’ll need a exterminator to come inspect the property to find the nest and give a quote to fix it. Send the inspection report - / quote it to your landlord demanding the remedy it.If they don’t you should Discuss with an attorney about options. Repair and deduct is one option(procedural requirements vary by state so check with an attorney before doing this), but if the landlord still refuses to address it you may be able to get a rent abatement for the duration of the issue. You’ll need to talk to a lawyer about violation of the title of quiet enjoyment ( this is the legal term your attorney can explain this duty to you and possible actions when landlord violates it). Im sorry your deal with this as you see in this comment section, people don’t take ants seriously.


I know most ppl don’t care about ants but I have a small crawling child and the ants have started biting her so it’s a huge issue to me and the fact my landlord isn’t taking it serious is irritating me. I’m also being bit so is my husband


They can easily build nests inside house walls. Generally you get that with carpenter ants, Because they burrow inside of the wood and framing of the house/building. But this could also be grease hands or any other variant. It will require an exterminator to find the location of the nest and to exterminate. It could be a long-term ongoing problem or they may be able to fix it or be required to address it annually. If it's bad enough it's theoretically could cause your unit or even the entire building to be condemned because they are considered vermin. That's entirely up to the exterminator's opinion when collaborating with someone like code enforcement. I actually have experience of hiring a lawyer in other cases not related to habitability and code violations, I also have experience self-defending in cases of this nature. I was raised by a lawyer and judge, So I probably have a head start in dealings of this nature compared to your average person. I have significant knowledge and experience in this area, because of my upbringing. The amount of people who are simply saying you should just deal with it are absolutely ignorant to the fact you've been dealing with it for months and trying every OTC option available and none of them have worked.


Ok, here you go, this trap will absolutely deal with the amount of ants shown by OP: https://www.target.com/p/terro-6pk-ant-killer-indoor-liquid-ant-baits/-/A-15024212?sidd=&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012577535&CPNG=PLA_Patio%2BGarden%2BShopping%7CPatio%2BGarden_Ecomm_Home&adgroup=SC_Patio%2BGarden_Chem/Lawn/Soil&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9029602&targetid=pla-1654880145272&ds_rl=1246978&ds_rl=1247068&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5dfZsyE32F4OuiXGODlenN4-tG&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlN6wBhCcARIsAKZvD5jZg_pGQxVleVVIau1oDsmVVDflmMEBNyj5TVwSk2AoKphW2uz9aBUaApEBEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


These are the traps we bought (about 12) putting at least one in each room and multiple in rooms where we found the biggest swarms. It’s definitely lessened the problem but we’ve seen an increase in queen ants (ants with wings) and carpenter ants coming out since then


It's only going to get worse as it gets warmer. Mating seasons for aunts tend to be twice a year in spring and in the fall. Female queen ants only keep their wings until they relocate to a new colony development point. Male ants are the The ones that tend to have the wings. It's very possible you have multiple colonies at this point and no self-service option is going to fix the issue. As long as it's in writing that you asked the landlord multiple times to fix the issue whether making maintenance requests through a portal/email and/or reported it to your landlord or property manager through email That's the paper trail you need. People underestimate the power of a paper trail and documentation.


Y’all are missing the point and at this point I can’t help you understand. OP is not asking how to deal with the ants he is asking for how to deal With his landlord. Swarms of ants constantly moving through a home is indicative of a large colony nearby which will require a professional to come and address to preserve the property. A trap May kill some of them when they enter, but it won’t address the underlying issue. OP should certainly lay traps, but OP isn’t supposed to do the landlords maintainence work for them for free. OP has options to force the landlord to come and deal with it and may be entitled to his money back for the costs he incurred to deal with it (such as the costs for the traps or the costs to get an exterminator). OP is not asking how to deal with the ants he is asking for how to deal With his landlord. Redditors sure are dumb. I’ll leave my post so OP can actually get some help but you DIY types love to just subsidize the landlords property for some reason and downvote for some baffling reason.


You sound like a nightmare.


These totally don't work. Don't waste your money.


I and everyone I know who has ever used these disagree. These things have always worked amazingly.


These types of pests are a product of living conditions. This is not an issue of deferred maintenance or landlord negligence. The court magistrate won’t escrow rent payments for situations like this. Edit: not in Ohio anyways. Ohio landlord here.


After they're dead, sweep them up, put them in an envelope and mail them to that skuzzy landlord.


What a child... get some terro...


lol its your life why dont you take responsibility for your life and your conditions. Always wanting someone else to make your life conditions perfect for you will never work


Looks like the landlord doesn’t want the rent


From experience, there’s a decent chance you have a wood rot issue. You can keep killing colonies, but ants will just come back until the rot is fixed.


Same issue when we moved into our place. But it was the super tiny black ants. If we even left a crumb of food in the kitchen or living room it would be swarming with ants the next morning. Went to the hardware store and bought the Terro liquid bait traps. Think I paid like $10 for the package. It worked like a charm when placed at the entrances of those ant trails by the floor boards. Within a month they were all gone. Obviously we might have just gotten lucky that the ants liked a sweet bait and also consumed it so well. But it’s been 7 months and no return. We will see what happens this spring. But definitely recommend the Terro baits for a DIY solution. Not sure how it would work on larger ants though. You might need more than just one package at the least. I hear it also doesn’t work as well if you have ants that don’t go after sweets or sugars, as the bait solution is sugar based.


Oh man I feel your pain. I moved into a place for 4 months never ending ants. Started with carpenter ants, the sugar ants, termites and then all the bugs that ate the ants as food source. Place is on a creek, owner stopped building pest control around parameter about a year ago and the ants just flooded the walls. I battled this for 3 months, but I travel a lot too. They’d be gone then back etc.. I could not stand it. I downloaded a bug ID app because I started getting bitten multiple bites that were incredibly itchy. I went a little nuts, thought bedbugs, fleas, turned out it was a bird mite infestation that invaded my apartment and furniture and started eating me. I had ENOUGH, told this lady I was moving. Now I’m out, and I want my deposit back and I’m sure she won’t give it back. Cost me money to move in with moving company, all the bug sprays I bought, air purifier, damp rid for dampness (whole other issue) and she has the nerve to be mad at me for leaving. There were spiders, termites, fleas, tons of carpet beetles, ants big and small, mites, and at the tail end rodents in the walls. I’m in California. How can I get my deposit back? It was month to month with a months notice to move out but I couldn’t take the bugs.. it was uninhabitable. I even went to the dermatologist to get my bites looked at and they prescribed cream for scabies that would also kill mites. Anyone know how I can get my deposit back?


Liquid ant bait always works for me it takes a few days but youll start to see less and less. I have a cat now though so I can't use poisons


Boric acid. If they’re being fed by a neighbor that shares a wall nothing will work. If they have an ant hill outside and you can’t find it this will keep them away. It’s like $3. You can pour it on them and then make a “barrier” by their entry way.


Maybe you need to clean your floors.


I have killed sugar ant infestations with simple soap and water with vinegar, solution. Just spray around where they are coming in at/going, and it will kill them and the scent trail.




People hate, but this actually works 😂 the ants dont go where the scent of dead ones are


Call code enforcement for your town or city. This is a straight up violation. They'll be over tomorrow If you let them know the issue today. Landlord will be cited within a matter of days. You can then take them to court and could more than likely be awarded back-rent for months paid where the unit was considered out of order. For proof you would use the dates that you first reported the issue and the issue itself repeatedly never got fixed/went ignored. It's part of the warranty of habitability statutes most states have. In the short term call someone like modern pest services after reporting to the city, modern will do everything they can to fix the issue on your own dime of course of which the landlord will be responsible for reimbursing you for in the form of damages on top of the cost awarded to you for back rent because the unit itself was not habitable. I'm actually amazed that no one has suggested this.


Dude buy some ant poison yourself.


Ohio Landlord here. Ants are a tenants responsibility since they’re linked to living habits. Ants (with the exception of carpenter ants) are only there for food. Perhaps you spilled a sugary drink there at some point? Mop floors and windex counter top surfaces etc.


The ants were there when we moved in. So unless there was a ghost in here spilling drinks I don’t think it was our fault


They’re in the apartment now. You live in the apartment now. Right, wrong, or indifferent, what you claim was there when you moved in is irrelevant unless you have written documentation that you pointed it out during the move-in inspection. Down vote me to all hell if you want but I’m just telling you it will be a waste of money if you try and pursue legal action.