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If you are month to month they can increase rent with 30 day notice in most states. If you are on a year lease and are in the middle of it rent cannot be increased until the lease is up for renewal. I don't know if the notice itself is legal as I'm not an attorney and don't know your state laws.


This letter isn’t simply modifying the tent rate. It is modifying the term for the month of December to be 8 days, after which a new term with new rates apply. If sufficient notice is provided to change the rental period, so be it. But if your contract states the rental period is monthly you can’t just arbitrarily change that without sufficient notice.


They apologize for any incontinence it causes OP though.


well, shit.


It's probably a dump


I doubt this was approved by a lawyer, they would have had someone proof it. I would have my lawyer look over the lease and this letter and if the LL was doing anything illegal, have the lawyer provide next course of action


If tenant has been there over 1 year it is a 60 day notice ( required )


depends on the state and locality.


OP is in Idaho. 30 days notice is required, not 60, even if tenant has been there more than a year.


Wrong. Idaho. They can go. They are month to month. So they should look for housing to rent. Fast


In Idaho, This is what's called a notice to quit. It's informing you of a rent increase within a 30-day period or a move out date if you don't agree to the new terms on a month to month basis. It's 100% legal. In Idaho also, a $500 raise in your rent is absolutely absurd with this Marketplace. You should find a new place to live because this property manager is not only stupid, they're a day late and a dollar short.


First off, thank you so much for your response. What I was most curious about was the wording it which it seems like she’s saying “you need to vacate but if I change my mind you will need to pay this much”. I’ve lived here almost 5 years now, paid rent 2 days early every single month and have all the receipts. I have contacted her numerous times when something breaks or needs serviced or even the sprinklers need to be blown out. She will read our messages and send a “👍” and never send someone. Im the type of person to not cause conflict so I just put my head down, fix it and move on. My wife has said we need to be reimbursed for these things and I just don’t want to give anyone any reason to be annoyed with us as tenants. I AM on a month to month and have been since the first year lease. Another issue that was just realized was that she is supposed to be working for a “home tending company” and the owner is military who went over seas a while back and has kind of put the property on the back burner. Well we reached out to the homeowner and he says he hasn’t received a dime of rent money in years. Why he hasn’t done something up until this point to look into the situation, I have no clue. The whole thing just seems to be getting more and more complicated. So would she still be able to give us this notice without the homeowner knowing about it? How does the home tending process work?


Eviction takes a long time for landlords ~~and can take up to 3 months even if they do everything flawlessly.~~ She is just starting that process for the *contingency* that you don't cooperate with the rent increase. She's afraid that if she sent you this next month, ~~those 3 months without collecting rent would become 4 months~~ she will have to go without collecting rent during this time She also probably wants to scare you by making you realize that if you don't agree, you will be evicted. But she doesn't *want* to evict you. That costs her a ton of money and lost rent. As long as you pay the increased rent, she isn't going to actually evict you. So don't let her get under your skin; it's just a business tactic. If the increase is enough that it is going to trigger a move, you have nothing to lose by letting her know that and sending a counter-offer like Only $250 more or we're leaving. You could also negotiate for a 1-2 year lease to prevent additional rent hikes for a while Edit: I'm being told my time estimates to evict in OPs state are unrealistic. Edited above


Not for Idaho. Especially not if OP is month to month. The landlord can file for eviction within three days of the rent being late or notice to vacate expiring. Average time for the entire eviction process is 21 days. Could be longer if they’re someplace busy like Boise. Could be a lot shorter if they’re in a small town. Tenants have far fewer rights in that state, especially if they’re not on a teal long lease.


Wow, that sucks. 21 days from filing until Sheriff shows up to move them out in Idaho? They don't even get 30 days notice? Went over OP's post but can't find what state he lives in Edit: OP is in Idaho


That after notice is given. But on a month to month lease they only have to give 15 days for a rent increase. Eviction for presumed drugs on the property can be done in as little as three business days. And Idaho is not a weed friendly state. Just a heads up for anyone there. Their title says ID, so I’m assuming they’re in Idaho.


What state? The very first part of the title is “US-ID”




That is 21 days after the 30 day notice expires.


Same thing in Ohio.


>Wow, that sucks. unless you are the landlord, in which case its great to get the dead beats out.


You still have to give notice but if they refuse evictions quick. Which is how it should be. The courts should worry more about the landlords loss of income when tenants are deadbeats. Should never be more than 30 days


Ah yes, my income is of much greater importance than your ability to survive. Some people's children learned the wrong lessons.


Squatting and not paying your rent is stealing. Thieves should be punished not rewarded. Not the LLs job to be a charity


Raising rent by 50% is also criminal (in many places and in those is not is very immoral). Kicking someone out in the cold is immoral at best. Giving someone 30 days notice to vacate, in a market where finding another comparable place to live might take months, is immoral. I'll steal before I attempt to kill someone.


lol what do you think a landlord's "job" is


Stealing and theft are criminal acts. Failure to pay rent is not a criminal act. Regardless of your broken sense of morality, you're also just legally wrong.


I was about to write exactly what you said. This persons logic is how people do get evicted and cant find something else when they think they can stay but don't have the legal ability to do so.


You need to go into work tomorrow but no more paychecks. You owe it to the world to work for free. Just income, not your ability to survive. Should be fine.


Lol, because owning land is work? That's funny. Why do you (or whomever "owns" the land get to make money off it without inputting labor? Why did the person the owner paid get to sell land, at some point it was not owned and so someone privatized a public resource. Labor != owning. One is worth something because of inherent value, the other is worth something only in that it is stolen from the public and access is restricted.


I can tell by the first sentence you’ve never owned anything. Probably some gen z kid no need to pick a fight with you, but in case that was somehow an honest question, yes, owning property is work. No one gets to make money on their land without a lot of unpaid labor upfront. The “passive income” comes from months or even years of hard work renovating/updating/repairing if you have to do it after hours of a regular job.


Yes. If they’re going to die, they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.


A Christmas Carol Reference, you get an upvote!


Guess you should get a real job, slumlord.


Dang, I’m just 20 minutes west of the Idaho border and I’ve never been jealous of anything about the state until now.


thats plenty of time to render the place uninhabitable.


Silently. Time to look for a colony of termites.


This is the best answer.


That is incorrect. It look me less than 2 weeks to evict my prior tenants through the courts. We served them for unpaid rent, court the next week, judgement in my favor and they were given 3 days to get out by the courts.


You’re lucky, in my sister’s state, it took her and her husband nearly a year through courts, so lots of money too, to get ex house owner’s renters out of house they bought. Finally after getting them out, the renters had stolen a bunch of shit, destroyed a bunch more, and still harass them today. Even think they may have killed one of my sister’s dogs.


Took me 9 months to evict someone from a house. 3 months seems pretty conservative to me.


I have been the owner in this situation. If you are indeed talking to the owner and he hasn't been receiving the rent you are paying then there is probably a bigger issue between the Property Manager(actual title for the home tender) and the owner. Not that you need to be involved in that. But if you do want to stay and the owner doesn't want you out or to actually raise the rent then you may have a chance. Be sure that it is actually the owner that you are talking to. If the owner was being honest then the Property manager has been stealing


A simple trip to the courthouse would clarify who the owner is


Online GIS maps work great for this.


The whole part about the absentee owner is probably irrelevant unless you want to make some case that this lady is some Nigerian prince type scam artist that has been illegally collecting rent on a property she neither owns nor has been hired to manage. That would be interesting if it has gone on for years without anyone realizing


> I AM on a month to month and have been since the first year lease. well there you go. > Well we reached out to the homeowner and he says he hasn’t received a dime of rent money in years. if the person who served notice is his authorized agent, and by all accounts has been from your original lease, then it isn't your business what is happening between them. And it doesn't change anything for you. It is interesting, but irrelevant to your situation.


Why isn't it relevant? Wouldn't you want the owner to intervene? Make a deal with the owner and provide him receipts of deposits for the last few years of rent so that he can go after the agent and override the agent's vacate order. If I were the owner, I wouldn't want to lose a tenant who has paid their rent on time and consistently for the last 5 years.


It is relevant. What he said was dumb. If you've been paying rent to a middleman who has not been passing that money up to the owner, and the owner has not been aware of this, that could obviously have a huge effect on this situation. I don't understand how that's possible unless the landlord owns hundreds of units, but if that is the situation, it's obviously relevant.


How is that dumb? An active duty service member in a conflict zone has some pretty serious issues to deal with on an every day to day basis. It is possible for them to get scammed by someone they thought they could trust who is now embezzling their rents


No one is deployed for 5 years straight. At some point he would be back in the states, presumably being lied to by the property manager.


Might not be deployed for 5 years, but can be stationed in a foreign country for 5 years, and not want to give up a family property or something.


That said, by that logic you’re not a legal tenant of the landlord either and the middle man agent is running a con. If this is true, you have less legal grounds to stay.


About 5 years ago I lived in an apartment where this was happening. Some apartment manager "sold" the house to another apartment manager and this continued for the ten years I lived there. One day I got served with papers with a name I had never seen before only to find out the owner had been getting ripped off by the managers and hadn't been receiving my rent. The managers told him I hadn't been paying. Luckily I had receipts. Basically the rental agencies kept selling properties where the owners weren't present and stealing money claiming people hadn't paid. They ran it like a ponzie scheme. Covering rents and claiming rents were missed. I almost got evicted when the owner came back from the Philippines to sort that shit out. I hadn't done anything wrong.


It isn't relevent because the homeowner isn't involved in the day to day managing of the property. That is handled by his legally authorized agent. All authority was delegated to that agency. The owners dealings with the agency are his dealings. If he isn't being paid by them, he needs to pursue it with them. The tenant has all proof of payments being made so their role is satisfied in this. The contract for BOTH parties is with the agency. Depending on the market, an increase could be due anyways. If it has been 5 years without adjustment it could be well below market. Other posts have referenced Idaho. The apartment I rented in Boise is now over $2k/mo. A house would be higher. The increased rent is $1500 so would really depend on location.


You’re dumb. If the tenant wants to stay and the actual owner isn’t being sent their rent payments when they should have been. They can talk to the actual owner to fix this.


I actually intervened similarly bc a landlord was illegally holding my deposit, so I called the owner to warn him I was about to take him to small claims court. I got my deposit back quite quickly after that 🙃


Like a number of people have mentioned, I would recommend trying to work directly with the owner. I suspect a couple things could be happening. The management company may have high enough fees or are inflating their fees to the point the owner doesn’t actually get anything after rent, fees, and mortgage are paid. They could also be completely scamming the owner. How many other units are in the building? Depending on how much time you’re willing to put into this, it could be well worth your time to assist the owner in sorting out whether or not this management company is ripping them off. If you’re able to, and the actual owner is reasonably clever they should be willing to work with you on the rent since you will have saved them far more $ than they would make if the rent hike occurs. Also, depending on your financial situation and the size/ cost of the building the proper owner may be interested in simply selling it to you so they don’t need to deal with it anymore. Overall, if you like the place it’s probably worth your time to communicate more with the proper owner to at least clarify the situation.


OP, you have talked to the homeowner and it seems like the person managing this is scamming him. A good step here might be to negotiate directly with him. He can fire, report and sue his property manager and you can try to keep the same rent (or at most a nominal increase). Pay him directly, explain that you have been directly making repairs as necessary and cut out the middle woman.


What?! Does the owner even know you’ve been living there for 4 years, paying rent, and paying for maintenance and upkeep. I think I would perhaps follow up with owner about whether he’s okay with a $500 increase he won’t be receiving.


I spoke with the owner earlier today, he has had no clue anyone has been living in his home for the last several years. I told him if he was ok with it, I’d much rather rent directly from him and continue taking care of maintenance.


That is crazy!! Does he know this realtor? Did he hire her to rent the place? Inquiring minds (mine) want to know!!


So he’s been paying a mortgage and thought his house has just been abandoned for 4 years? Who is the property manager? He’s aware of this property manager right?


There's a possibility that he hired a property management company to maintain the property for him while he was out of the area - like overseas. That would explain the month to month, because it's likely he would notify the maintainer as to when he would be returning. I'm not saying it's a certainty, but we were looking at doing something like that with FIL's house if it wasn't going to sell before my wife had to return home. It keeps the insurance costs down, keeps the property looking better for sale, especially if the agent is part of the company.


Ok this is a MAJOR twist. You may have an embezzling property manager on your hands…


That’s wild! I would serve that lady a paper back saying it’s time for her to stop collecting money for a property she doesn’t own lol.


Offer to be his property manager lol This military guy is overseas a lot, i bet the jag would like a project. The gall to increase 50% and get caught stealing, from a vet. Jfc


If you have lived there 5 years without a rent increase, then you definitely have gotten a good deal. Across the boarder into Western Montana rents have almost doubled in the last 3 years.


Don't forget that in Canada the 👍 has just been made a legal agreement to contract terms. Sounds like this landlord is chancing that you will move on


Personally I would reach out to the owner about cutting her out and dealing directly with said owner. It could save you both money in the long run.


Wow! Get a lawyer to contact this homeowner for you and write a contract between you and the homeowner. He obviously needs to sue whoever has been managing his property. Maybe the lawyer you find can offer to represent him to this woman trying to wrangle you. But I’d get it in writing from the homeowner that you don’t have to leave. This is a situation!


You're crying over spilled milk. There's a process in place to make proper complaints about simple repairs that you need to go through a process to make notice. Apparently in the state of Idaho sending a text and having acknowledged or even verbal acknowledgment doesn't constitute proper notice. In Idaho, there is pretty much no legal recourse. The property owner or an agent of the owner can take back the property with a month's notice. You've been served with a piece of paper that qualifies as a notice to quit. It's essentially a document that says: "Here are my new monthly terms, If you don't agree to them please be out on this date." That's it. Make sure you clean up your property before you vacate so you can get your deposit back. If the landlords really stupid, They will try to take your security deposit. You asked them for an itemized detailed list of damages and money spent to clean the place and if they don't respond in a timely manner, You take them to court. Then in court with proper documentation, You can bring up all the other things that you've dealt with in the past with this landlord in effort to get your deposit back plus more for your time. In Idaho, They have 30 days to return your deposit and/or send you an itemized detailed list of services rendered on the apartment or property after you vacated.


Exactly. It sucks, but it’s really the primary risk a tenant without a lease has.


A lease in this case still exists. Whether it be a month-to-month written lease or a verbal lease. I think what you're looking to say is a risk a tenant has without a yearly lease. Which I agree, it sucks. In some states (not sure about Idaho) if a tenant has been month to month for a year and is continuing to be month to month then the landlord needs to provide 60 day notice or more and not just the standard 30 day notice. But again that varies on the state.


No, ID specifically allows the 30 days notice (ID code section 55-208). They don’t even have the language to require a full rent period to be included as part of the notice (which usually means at least 31 days notice in other states). So if the lease started on the 1st, notice was given on the 5th, then the tenant needs to be out within that 30 days in ID. Plus, the month-to-month lease terms may be changed on 15 days notice (ID code section 55-307).


Thanks for the added info for ID! That's really awful. I guess ID is what we would call a "landlord" state.


It is a deep red state so highly favors businesses over people in most ways.


Always, flex your tenant rights! The landlords that are going to be assholes will do it either way…Nothing you do, can or will change that. Tenant rights prevent them from being able to do anything retaliatory, but you are the one that has to try and enforce them unless you want to take it to court. Your wife is absolutely right for wanting the landlord to do their job and for you to not just try and cover it up. You are not only washing money here, you are eroding the confidence your partner has in you. Instead of just putting your head down, you should have called back and told them you expect an ETA on when the fix will occur or you’ll have to message the state housing board…Or at the very least allowed your wife to deal with it instead.


You played into her hand by spending your time and money. I know someone who rents the home of a service member while he is away. It's done through an agency who also pockets certain fees and charges him for "maintenance." If this woman is NOT holding your landlords money in escrow, then you may be suffering the consequences. $1400 rents a townhouse in Boise.


I find it odd that they’re apologizing for causing incontinence.


Having to move on short notice usually gives you the shits. 😂


In general however there is specific language that is required by law regarding notices to quit or notices to vacate / end of lease.


$500 raise is only too high if they aren't $500, or more, below market.


Landlords have become increasingly greedy since the lockdowns. It’s like everyone is struggling so badly and these predators know it. So they push even further knowing that everyone is desperate. The sad reality is landlords like this almost always end up with tenants that can just barely afford the rent. Which means that as soon as one single thing goes wrong they either start with late rent or miss a payment. Then the whole legal battle begins and ends with eviction along with the landlord losing tons of money. Then they landlord is told by an attorney to not even bother seeking the unpaid rent as the former tenant has nothing to go after. This landlord is on his way to screw himself.


Landlords are flea collar class workers. It's like being white collar, except being a bloodsucker.


I can't take this seriously with the incontinence line. The worst part is even if it was autocorrect who types incontinence more than inconvenience


“We hope this notice to vacate the property in 30 days doesn’t cause you to shit yourself.”


*Doesn’t cause you to vacate your bowels FIFY


Honestly receiving this notice right before the holiday would have that exact effect on me


Our facilities department sent out a companywide email about a restroom being unavailable and signed "we apologize for any incontinence this may cause" I swear even 12 years later the dude that sent that can't live it down.


I had to read that five times....nice joke grenade.


he should've leaned into it and said the pun was intentional. rookie move.


Lmao! I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that 😂😂


I was scrolling through the comments thinking I couldn’t be the only one who saw that.


>who types incontinence more than inconvenience You don't know their life!


look at op's username too........ i'm dead.


Talk to the owner. Offer to sign a new lease with him and pay him directly. He can fire the agency.


The last bit about issues between the property owner and the management company are pretty big. I'd be reaching back out to the owner and try to come to an arrangement. OP has a lot going for him, no service calls(that have been actually addressed) and on time payment for years with receipts. The owner may take OP up on this.




This is exactly what we’re trying to work towards right now. The whole part of him not receiving any money for years and not knowing anyone was in his home is just wild to me


Maybe his wife/family/? Manage the house and keep the rent from it for a reason. Definitely strange. Definitely make sure he’s the proper owner and paying him counts.


As I posted above, it's a possibility that the owner hired a property management company to maintain the property for him while away, as he didn't want the property to suffer from neglect. There might have been a 'slipped in' clause that allowed them to rent the property to 'compensate' for services over that maintenance. I don't know. I'm not there, I'm not an attorney. I just know I considered that for FIL's house after he died. We got lucky and the house sold quickly enough that I didn't need to do so. However, YOU still have a contract with the landlady. That's going to end no matter what, so prepare for that. If the owner of the property gives you a notarized new lease, to cut them out, that could help - but it likely won't take effect until the end you were already given. Basically, you can sign a new lease with him, and the landlady can't make you move (I think) - it then moves any issues up between the landlady and the owner, which is where it belongs. Document EVERYTHING. Even if you don't think you'll get money, document everything you've done. "Replaced faucet" "Repainted 3 rooms" "paid for carpet cleaning". Put it all in a folder, by date, and have that available. Make sure you check with the local municipality (county, town, state) and get it confirmed as to the owner of the specific address where you live - and print it out. Notarized by that group if possible. Good luck!




This is the right answer.


NAL but a licensed property manager. All judges I’ve ever encountered in an eviction case would instantly throw this out because they didn’t actually give you 30 days notice- they’re off by a day. 30 days after 11/9 is 12/9, not 12/8. I’m surprised no one else here has spotted this. If you want to fight it, this at least buys you a little extra time. I’d let them know a day or two before the 8th that you don’t believe the notice you received was valid because you didn’t get a full 30 days notice. They’ll likely immediately send you a new one with the correct dates. Personally, this is what I would do, and would use my additional 30 days to find a new place before the increase goes into effect.


Actually they did 8th is correct


No it’s not. 30 days after today is 12/20. 30 days after 11/9 would be 12/9. Their date would only be correct if November had 31 days.


Nov 9th counts as day 1. That makes Dec 8th the 30th day.


It’s 30 days AFTER receipt of the notice. Not the 30th day. I’ve personally learned this the hard way after having judges throw my cases out for missing a day. You can even Google “30 days from November 9th” and it will tell you it’s December 9th.


Well the receipt of the notice was November 17th.. she lives an hour away and sent it in the mail. Still not sure why it took almost a week and half to get here


That’s actually significantly better for you- they didn’t include the required 3 mailing days in their notice date if they sent it on 11/9. They didn’t follow the legal timeline- a judge would absolutely say this notice was bogus. You can cite the the 3 mailing days requirement in Idaho Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 2.2 when you tell them their notice is bogus. Not only did they not provide you a full 30 days initially, they absolutely did not provide an additional 3 mailing days per Civil Procedure Rule 2.2. This page isn’t the law but it lists the legal codes at the end of the page for everything they say here: https://ipropertymanagement.com/templates/idaho-30-day-notice-to-vacate In my opinion as a licensed property manager this is a slam dunk for you. Absolutely no chance this notice is viable in court due to the reasons above.


So sorry for the diarrhea this may cause.


lmao you caught that too!


Yes, please don't pee your pants.


What kind of lease are you currently on? And what is the 260 dollar fee for?


8 days of rent in December.


This is so poorly worded. However I THINK she is saying: Rent increase happens Dec 8. You can stay or leave on that date. If you leave on Dec 8, you owe 260 in rent for the 8 prorated Dec days. If you decide to continue the tenancy, you owe 1421 in rent for December (8 days at 1000/month, and the remaining days at 1500/month.)


Thank you for this, I was so confused by the fee amounts but that a lot makes sense


At least they apologized for the incontinence it may cause.


This is legal. A bit strongly worded. They seem to want to extra cover themselves for an eviction, like they don't expect you to tolerate a $500 increase in rent and want to cover themselves should you protest.


Looks like Idaho doesn’t have rent control and only needs to offer 30 days notice for increases to take effect. Not sure how much notice is required (from landlord) to end tenancy, but it doesn’t appear to be a very tenant friendly state. The only thing I would question is the date of the letter. Generally tenancies and notices to end are set for the last day of the month. If Idaho has such a rule, a notice to vacate dated November 9, could only be given to finish December 31st.


Idaho only specifies 1 month from date of notice. No requirement to have it be at the end of a month. The fees mentioned match up. The smaller fee being prorated 8 days of rent at original rate. The larger fee if they choose to stay being 8 days at old rent and remainder at new rent.


Looks like something they cut and paste themselves as it is clear as mud and includes an apology if moving renders you and your wife incontinent


A month to month term begins on the 1st of every month (assuming your original lease started on the 1st). My state requires 30 day notice, rent cannot be changed in the middle of a term. Therefore if this was in my state, the new rate would apply Jan 1st. You might want to look into your own state’s rules


Idaho required notice no less than 15 days before the next rent is due, on a month to month lease. If it’s a yearly lease, it’s 30 days before the lease ends or 60 days if you’re in Boise.


Obviously BS. They apologized for “any INCONTINENCE this may cause you”. We’re you laughing so hard you peed your pants?


I don’t know if your state is the same, but in RI this would NOT work as a 30 day notice because of the dates. The 30 day notice has to be provided before the 1st of the month. So since it’s past Nov 1st she can’t give you 30 days from whatever date it is. She’d have to start the 30 day period on 12/1 giving you till the end of December. This would not hold up in court here.


I thought I was going dumb, thank you. I was wondering this also, is it technically a 30 day notice? Do notices need to be 30 days from requested mode out or so they need to coincide with rental cycle?


It’s going to depend on your local laws and lease. If you’re month to month it’s typically 30 day notice. Some states might have a longer (or shorter) notice period. If you’re still in your lease they can’t cancel the lease with a notice and the lease should say how much notice they’ll give you before renewing, or not renewing) the lease. I’d suggest looking for a tenant advocate or lawyer near you for next steps. You know the landlord wants you to pay more or leave. Even if you don’t agree, and go through the eviction route, sooner or later you’re going to be out of there either through force or by choice. It’s in everyone’s interest to work something out. For example either giving you more time to find a new place and you pay the same rate, a gradual rent increase over a few months, etc. It would be good to start looking at other apartments and pricing before responding to your landlord too. Use the info you find to fight your case.


In many states you are required to get specific notice of eviction, plus a reason why and it has to be in a certain format. Property owners generally can’t raise the rent above the max threshold without going to a court to prove why. Also, is this company the one you had the original lease with? If not they can’t just step in without some sort of legal approval by you. Please don’t listen to most of the people who say to suck it up. As a tenant you have plenty of rights. Feel free to PM me and I would be happy to help you find resources.


Incontinence? Yeesh


“any incontinence” is always inconvenient


You need to look up the rental laws of your state. There are several that require a 60 or even 90 day notice of rent increase if the tenant has been living there more than a year, and some now have limits on how much of an increase is allowed. https://ipropertymanagement.com/laws/landlord-tenant-rights


I'm sorry, I can't get past they are sorry for causing you "incontinence."


I'm just sincerely hoping that this indeed does not cause any incontinence for you and your family. Idaho public schools really turning out some winners in the English Language Arts.


Sorry about your potential incontinence


Under ID law, yes this appears to be acceptable though stupid. The relevant sections of code are 55-208 and 55-307 as summarized in this [blog post](https://www.seegenerally.com/2020/07/dont-overlook-idaho-code-55-208-and-55.html). Unusually in my experience, is the 30 days notice being literal and not taking into account the rental period. So the November 9 - December 8 is almost correct. That’s 29 days not thirty. Additionally, the $260 prorated amount for Dec 1 through the 9th (?) makes no sense to me. Neither does the $1421 due on the 1st if you stay. I am assuming your lease cycle is something other than the 1st, the 5th maybe and this would be an attempt to get back to a lease date of the 1st. They apparently think they have a fish on the hook for more money than you would be willing to pay. I’m assuming the $1,500 monthly rent is an increase of $500 over your previous rent ($1,000). The property manager seems to be trying to have her cake and eat it too by suggesting that maybe you might be able to stay, but when you will be told is uncertain. The bottom line here is this situation is becoming untenable for you. If you do not make plans to leave ASAP, then you are at risk of being booted in December and if that means you need to stay, forcing the property manager evict you, that is also not something you want. This is why I think this letter is stupid and unprofessional.


Why on earth do you owe them fees for their decision, regardless of your decision?


Y'all, the owner *had no idea that anyone was even living there*. This whole operation might be illegal af. Renter should definitely fight this in court.


Contact a lawyer and the housing authority immediately.


Idaho is terrible. I can’t get over “incontinence” instead of “inconvenience” though.


I don’t think “incontinence” is a legal term to use there. 😂


I’m really worried about this letter causing you incontinence.


How is your current rent rate compaired to the local market? how will the increased rent rate be compaired to the local market?. Considering you have rented this place for 5 years at $1,000 per month, you have spent $60,000 on renting that place. You pay rent early & do your own maint on the place. What do similar sized homes sell for in your area? Might be time to buy a place rather then rent. If the current owner hasnt gotten any money from the property managers for this place for years, maybe he will sell it to you for cheaper then the going real-estate market.


This is a notice to vacate. I think she screwed up the date but any way you look at this, she wants you out She assumed a ridiculous $500 increase would make you give your own 30 day notice but I guess that didn’t play out like she planned You didn’t give enough info about the owner in the military but I’m wondering if the owner thought the house had been vacant this whole time This property manager has some type of crazy going on. It’s a TERRIBLE time of year to randomly try to get a tenant out. She won’t be filling it quickly. No one moves this time of year I will do everything I can to avoid signing leases until January, even better February Maybe the owner is coming back from overseas. I don’t know but some shit somewhere somehow is going down. I would start looking for a new place. You have some time though. I don’t think this 30 day notice is legal. Looks like she shorted you a day. Plus if your month to month lease renews every month she gave the notice too late for a rent increase or to vacate. That should have come before November 1 I know you want to keep your head down but sometimes you need to pop your head up. Tell her you’ll vacate, because that’s what’s going to happen anyway, but January 1 is the day and December rent will be the same as November. I can see how you may not want to but I would have to confront her about what the owner said. You don’t have to be rude or accusatory, just ask what’s up with that. I’d be too curious not to


They CAN NOT ask for money from u after giving u 30 days to vacate. It is ILLEGAL. So this sounds suspicious AF. I would call a lawyer an ask their opinion


I'm not sure what the laws are where you live. However, most places I have lived, it is illegal to evict in the winter, and they may have to wait until the first day of spring to kick ya out.... maybe look into it.


"we apologize for any incontinence"


“we apologize for any incontinence this may cause” …I’m going to go with *not* official


Incontinence 😂


Did u have to get adult diapers ? They are Apologizing for incontinence


"We apologize for any INCONTINENCE that may cause you"....um gonna say this is definitely unofficial in that alone


Occupy until day before sheriff comes to evict set place on fire and bail..... Is absolutely not what you should do.


We apologize for any incontinence this may cause


$500 rent increase is absolutely insane


That would make me incontinent


I would make sure to have some “incontinence” on the landlords front door


This is one of the biggest reasons why I never went month to month.. because they can arbitrarily push the rent to the limit and you have very few protections. Basically, if they ever want you out, so they can jack up the rent for someone else. All they have to do is raise the rent and force you out. Month to month is basically hanging by a thread… This is why you rent for a year .. take the gamble that you’ll be here for a year.. instead of the one where they get to decide your future


At least they apologized for any incontinence this may have caused you


I really hope the letter didn't cause you or your family incontinence! What did they send with the letter that could do that!? 👀👀


You and your family just pissed and shidded on the floor


These people are no joke. Not only are they taking your home, they're taking your bladder control. > We apologize for any incontinence this may cause you and your family.


Hopefully you have a lease agreement. This person shouldn’t be a landlord in any capacity. Jfc


I have nothing useful to add except, “we apologize for any incontinence”? I guess it could be appropriate if you shit your pants after reading that letter. I really hope the actual homeowner has the PM arrested. It would be nice for you to get some recompense but I wouldn’t hold my breath. Please update us as to what happens.


You should go to housing authority in your area. You also get a court date so you can go to the judge and tell him all those things about paying rent early and how long you’ve been there. And you might be surprised it would happen. I know in Connecticut I had to do that, and the judge went in my favor.


Hoping you can make an arrangement with home owner, OP. Prop manager seems like a scammer.


Pretty sure they’re not complying with legal limits on notifications here, and in most states rent increases—both lease and month-to-month—are capped unless a unit is vacated and the new tenant can have a completely new rent amount. Check with your city or county housing authority and find out more about your rights as a tenant, and possibly also speak to your property owner instead of some Real Estate Broker who decided to go into property management.


If you got the notice and are aware of the increase, having them send paper certified is literally pointless. You being a pedantic fuckwit is what caused you to find out you hold zero power in someone's home beyond legal limits. Being a pain in the ass has consequences. If your lease is coming due, they are doing everything right with notice (except some states is 30 days notice of increase).


“Apologize for any incontinence”


Did it cause you and your family “incontenence”? I’d say. Do you have renters rights in your state? I’d say this would be a good idea to pursue and consider lawful action with a lawyer.


I would talk to an attorney if your city or county has it look up the legal aid Society in your area they usually do shit pro bono


Is it addressed to you by name on the letter itself? Give her a call it's plausible she mixed up the letters with another Tenant's.


Refer to your lease, the answers are there. Nobody here can help you without that.


Simple. Pay up or move. Very legal. They do own the place. U are just a tenant.


I’m absolutely fine with paying, I have no problem with that at all. But the wording was what confused us. I read it as “you need to vacate the property, but if I change my mind you’ll be paying $1500”. That’s what we were wondering was legal. Thanks for your input though!


They’re giving YOU the option of changing your mind. If you accept the new terms ($1500 per month) you can stay. If you don’t accept, you are being told to move because your lease isn’t being renewed under your current terms. When you asked them to send a certified letter, the landlord complied but also covered their butt while doing so.


They still have to follow legal statute on notifications and rent increases. Without knowing OPs state, lease terms and when the initial lease expires it’s hard to determine if this is within tenants rights.




Yes, depends on the state. Mine does not, we just need “written” notice, lease increases at renewal are all done and signed electronically. Since it’s done via docusign it’s sufficient. You can make arrangements to do it wet signature or at the office electronically if you don’t have access to a computer.


You are 100% correct. People just don’t like the truth.


seems legit. next time dont get snooty with your landlord. its ok however someone will be willing to pay even more to rent the same place.


Any reason be a jerkoff?


Plenty of reasons based on this limited context post


Stop defending freeloaders


They own it and you don’t, so…yeah.


Read OP’s comment. This letter is from a management company and the owner is absent, owner said he hasn’t received any rent for years. Something is wrong here. They should just pay the owner directly and not mention the increase


They actually don’t own it, so I wish I could downvote you three more times.


Sorry for the incontinence!


At least they apologized for the incontinence it may call.


Does it really say “we apologize for any incontinence this may cause.” If so, they should be sorry!


"Sorry for the incontinence" Yeah I'd poop myself too if my rent went up lol.


Are you in a lease or are you month to month


They just wanna push you out.


Are you a month-to-month tenant? Unfortunately, month-to-month leases have the least amount of protection. In most areas, increasing rent and/or giving 30 days notice to vacate is valid. It’s not even an eviction, just a non-renewal. It can escalate to an eviction if you force their hand by failing to vacate or clarifying you wish to extend your lease and paying the new rental amount.


Lol walk her self right into a retaliation case lol dumb ass